994 resultados para Artesian wells.


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Single and multiple quantum wells of lattice-matched superlattices material GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs have been studied as photoelectrodes in photoelectrochemical cells containing nonaqueous electrolyte. Structural photocurrent spectra in the potential range of -1.8 to 1.0 V (vs standard calomel electrode) were obtained. The quantum yields for both superlattice electrodes were estimated and compared.


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We have measured the power dependence of the photoluminesence spectra from a set of strained InxGa1-xAs/GaAs single quantum wells. The result shows that the excitation power has important effect on the carrier recombination processes. When the power increases from 0.5 to 14 mW, the photoluminescence from the barrier becomes more intense than that from the well and the trapping efficiency decreases. At high excitation level, the ratio of the radiative recombination rate to the nonradiative recombination rate of the barrier increases ten times than that at lower excitation level, while it only doubles for the well.


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With conventional photolithography and wet chemical etching, we have realized GaAs/AlGaAs buried ridge-quantum-well-wires (RQWWs) with vertically stacked wires in lateral arrays promising for device application, which were grown in situ by a single-step molecular beam epitaxy growth and formed at the ridge tops of mesas on nonplanar substrates. Confocal photoluminescence (CPL) and polarization-dependent photoreflectance (PR) are applied to study optical characteristics of RQWWs. Lateral bandgap modulation due to lateral variation of QW layer thickness is demonstrated not only by CPL but also by PR. As one evidence for RQWWs, a large blue shift is observed at the energy level positions for electronic transitions corresponding to quantum wells (QWs) at the ridge tops of mesas compared with those corresponding to QWs on nonpatterned areas of the same sample. The blue shift is in contradiction with the fact that the GaAs QW layers at the tops of the mesas are thicker than those on nonpatterned areas. The other evidence for RQWWs, optical anisotropy is provided by the polarization-dependent PR, which results from lateral quantum size effect existing at the tops of the mesas.


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We have analyzed electronic transport through a single, 200-angstrom-thick, Ga0.74Al0.36As barrier embedded in GaAs. At low temperatures and high electric field, the Fowler-Nordheim regime is observed, indicating that the barrier acts as insulating layers. At higher temperatures the thermionic regime provides an apparent barrier height, decreasing with the field, which is equal to the expected band offset when extrapolated to zero field. However, for some samples, the current is dominated by the presence of electron traps located in the barrier. A careful analysis of the temperature and field behavior of this current allows to deduce that the mechanism involved is field-enhanced emission from electron traps. The defects responsible are tentatively identified as DX centers, resulting from the contamination of the barrier by donor impurities.


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The tunneling from an AlGaAs confined thin layer to a GaAs layer in the GaAs/Al0.33Ga0.67As/GaAs structure during the trapped electron emission from deep level in the AlGaAs to its conduction band has been observed by deep level transient spectroscopy. With the aid of the tunneling effect, the conduction-band offset DELTAE(c) was determined to be 0.260 eV, corresponding to 63% of DELTAE(g). A calculation was also carried out based on this tunneling model by using the experimental value of DELTAE(c) = E2 - E1 = 0. 260 eV, and good agreement between the experimental and calculated curves is obtained.


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Nonresonant electron tunneling between asymmetric double quantum wells in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs systems has been investigated by using steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectra. Experimental evidence of LO-phonon-assisted tunneling through thick barriers has been obtained by enhancing excitation power densities or applying electric fields perpendicular to the well plane. LO-phonon-assisted tunneling times have also been estimated from the variation of the decay time of the narrow-well photoluminescence with applied electric fields. Our findings suggest that LO phonons in the barriers play an important role in the tunneling transfer.


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By extending our microscopic model on optical-phonon modes in quantum wells to one-dimensional (1D) quantum-well wires (QWW), the optical displacements and associated electrostatic potentials of optical-phonon modes in 1D QWW are calculated. The modes can be clearly divided into confined LO bulklike, TO bulklike modes, and extended interfacelike modes provided the bulk phonon dispersion is ignored. The character of each type of mode is illustrated with special attention to the interfacelike modes, which are hybrids of longitudinal- and transverse-optical waves from the corresponding bulk materials. Based on the numerical results, approximate analytical formulas for bulklike modes are presented. As in 2D wells, both the optical displacements and Frohlich potentials for the bulklike modes vanish at the interfaces. The finite dispersion of bulk phonons has a more pronounced effect on the 1D phonon modes because interfacelike modes show mixed characteristics of 2D interface and bulklike modes.


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Wavefunctions of electronic Wannier-Stark states in a superlattice are calculated with a finite Kronig-Penney model. Overlap integrals between electron and heavy-hole wavefunctions centred in the same well layer, and in first- and second-neighbour wells are calculated as functions of the applied field. The results show good agreement with experimental results on photoluminescence. The problem is also treated by a one-band approximation method, which gives a closed expression for the wavefunction of the Wannier-Stark states; this is compared with the results of accurate calculations with the Kronig-Penney model.


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The dielectric response of an electron system composed of an array of parallel quantum wires with weak coupling and strong coupling are studied, and the dispersions of the collective excitations and the single particle excitations (SPE) as functions of wave-vectors are given. It is found that for the nearly isolated quantum wires with several subbands occupation, there are a series of intra-subband collective excitations between corresponding intra-subband SPE spectra. There also exist inter-subband collective excitations when q(x) not equal 0 (q(x) is the wave-vector component in the modulation direction), whose energies are close by the corresponding inter-subband SPE spectra. The energy of the intra-subband mode decreases and that of inter-subband mode increases with q(x) increasing. The collective excitation dispersions show obvious anisotropy in the 1D quantum limit. The calculated results agree with the experiment well. The coupling between quantum wires affects markedly both the collective and single-particle excitations spectra. The system changes to a near-two-dimensional electron system gradually with increasing coupling.


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The electronic states and magnetotransport properties of quantum waveguides (QW's) in the presence of nonuniform magnetic fields perpendicular to the QW plane are investigated theoretically. It is found that the magnetoconductance of those structures as a function of Fermi energy exhibits stepwise variation or square-wave-like oscillations, depending on the specific distributions (both in magnitude and direction) of nonuniform magnetic fields in QW's. We have investigated the dual magnetic strip structures and three magnetic strip structures. The character of the magnetotransport is closely related to the effective magnetic potential and the energy-dispersion spectrum of electron in the structures. It is found that dispersion relations seem to be combined by different sets of dispersion curves that belong to different individual magnetic subwaveguides. The magnetic effective potential leads to the coupling of states and the substantial distortion of the original dispersion curves at the interfaces in which the abrupt change of magnetic fields appears. Magnetic scattering states are created. Only in some three magnetic strip structures, these scattering states produce the dispersion relations with oscillation structures superimposed on the bulk Landau levels. It is the oscillatory behavior in dispersions that leads to the occurrence of square-wave-like modulations in conductance.


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By using the recently developed exact effective-mass envelope-function theory, the electronic structures of InAs/GaAs strained superlattices grown on GaAs (100) oriented substrates are studied. The electron and hole subband structures, distribution of electrons and holes along the growth direction, optical transition matrix elements, exciton states, and absorption spectra are calculated. In our calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in different materials and the strain are included. Our theoretical results are in agreement with the available experimental data.


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InxGa1-xAs/InP (0.39 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.68) strained-layer quantum wells having 20 wells with thickness of 50 Angstrom in a P-i-N configuration were grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE). High-resolution X-ray diffraction rocking curves show the presence of up to seven orders of sharp and intense satellite reflection, indicative of the structural perfection of the samples. Low-temperature photoluminescence and low-temperature absorption spectra were used to determine the exciton transition energies as a function of strain. Good agreement is achieved between exciton transition energies obtained experimentally at low temperature with those calculated using the deformation potential theory.