990 resultados para Acquisition Number
[author abstract] The field of hydrographic surveying is inherently important to achieving a true understanding of the world that underlies the vast bodies of water that cover the earth. In this study I will determine the uncertainties of depth estimates of the seafloor that relate to the survey design and sound velocity. The survey design and collection of sound velocity were all conducted of the coast of Vancouver Island, B.C. near the entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The assessment will show how the change in sound velocity over time will influence the bathymetric reading, if not corrected for. The differences in bathymetric depth readings will show a correlation to the changes in sound velocity.
The University of Worcester states in its most recent strategic plan (2013 – 2018) a set of enduring values that guide and direct the activities of the institution. The first listed, and perhaps the most important value is the striving to be “an outstanding university at which to be a student”. This is further supplemented by values such as “to inspire our students to reach their full potential through excellent, innovative teaching, scholarship and research” (University of Worcester 2013: p.4). One of the many ways in which the institution strives to provide this outstanding educational experience is through regular engagement, both formal and informal, with students at a number of points in each semester. Regular experiences of collating formal and informal feedback has led to the identification of a common theme amongst Higher National Diploma (HND) students in the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences (ISES), where they consistently request ‘more practicals’. The ISES modules however are designed to incorporate a high degree of interaction, practical activities and tasks. This is especially important for those studying at HND level as research suggests differences in learning preferences exist when compared to undergraduate students, the former preferring a more tactile style of learning (Peters et al. 2008). Using an introductory Sport Psychology HND module as an example, practical activities and tasks are fully embedded in the taught sessions to enable contextual links to be made between the learning outcomes and their subsequent use. Examples of these include: a. interviewing athletes to produce a performance profile (Butler & Hardy 1992); b. completing psychometric instruments such as the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) to measure competitive anxiety in sport (Martens et al. 1990) and demonstrate data collection and construct measurement; c. performing relaxation interventions on the students to demonstrate how specific techniques (in this instance, decreasing somatic anxiety) might work in practice; d. demonstrating how observational learning facilitates skill acquisition by creating experimental conditions that the students participate in, in teaching a new skill. Nevertheless owing to the students' previously stated on-going requests for more practical activities, it became evident that assumptions about what students consider an effective means of experiential or active learning in the context of sport-related disciplines of study needed to be investigated. This is where the opportunity to undertake an action research project arose, this being a practical method commonly employed in pedagogical enquiry to aid reflection on teaching and assessment practice for the purposes of working towards continuous improvement.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014
Smart grids are envisaged as infrastructures able to accommodate all centralized and distributed energy resources (DER), including intensive use of renewable and distributed generation (DG), storage, demand response (DR), and also electric vehicles (EV), from which plug-in vehicles, i.e. gridable vehicles, are especially relevant. Moreover, smart grids must accommodate a large number of diverse types or players in the context of a competitive business environment. Smart grids should also provide the required means to efficiently manage all these resources what is especially important in order to make the better possible use of renewable based power generation, namely to minimize wind curtailment. An integrated approach, considering all the available energy resources, including demand response and storage, is crucial to attain these goals. This paper proposes a methodology for energy resource management that considers several Virtual Power Players (VPPs) managing a network with high penetration of distributed generation, demand response, storage units and network reconfiguration. The resources are controlled through a flexible SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system that can be accessed by the evolved entities (VPPs) under contracted use conditions. A case study evidences the advantages of the proposed methodology to support a Virtual Power Player (VPP) managing the energy resources that it can access in an incident situation.
D. João de Magalhães e Avelar (1754-1833) formou aquela que, ao tempo, era a maior biblioteca privada portuguesa. Com cerca de 36000 volumes, foi elogiada por personalidades nacionais e estrangeiras, por aliar à quantidade de volumes inúmeros e valiosíssimos manuscritos. Formada ao longo dos séculos XVIII e XIX, durante mais de 30 anos, originou, em 1833, o primeiro núcleo da actual Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto. Numa época em que possuir livros era sinónimo de prestígio social mas num período em que quase não havia tradição de bibliotecas públicas no nosso país, contrariamente ao que acontecia noutras realidades, a livraria privada de Avelar formou, com outras, a Real Biblioteca Pública da Cidade do Porto. Em 1833, aquando do primeiro aniversário da entrada do exército liberal no Porto, por decreto, criou-se a biblioteca portuense. Estabelecida na casa que servia de Hospício dos Religiosos de Santo António do Val da Piedade, à praça da Cordoaria, tinha como objectivo satisfazer a utilidade pública, estando aberta todos os dias, excepto domingos e feriados. Propriedade da cidade do Porto, ficava sujeita à administração da Câmara que se obrigava à sua guarda, manutenção, conservação, bem como à constante aquisição de espólio. Como veremos, tratou-se de um processo conflituoso mas o Porto obtinha, definitivamente, a sua biblioteca pública.
Relatório apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
I - As minhas expectativas eram elevadas pois este regresso à Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa permitia-me voltar a trabalhar com os professores que me formaram como músico e professor e com eles poder actualizar-me sobre vários temas ligados à pedagogia. Este aspecto é muito importante pois chego à conclusão que o tempo por vezes provoca-nos excesso de confiança que parece “cegar-nos” não nos deixando ver erros pedagógicos muitas vezes evitáveis. Quando ingressei neste estágio sentia-me confiante e seguro quanto às minhas capacidades como professor. O momento de viragem na minha perspectiva do estágio dá-se quando surgem as observações/gravações e respectivas análises e reflexões das aulas. Procurei trabalhar nessas aulas da forma mais natural possível pois o meu objectivo era observar o meu trabalho diário. A primeira observação das aulas permitiu-me anotar algumas coisas menos boas. Contudo, quando essa observação foi feita com o professor de didática os aspectos menos positivos ganharam uma enorme proporção: (1) falhas ao nível da instrução: demasiado longo, (2) feedback de pouca qualidade ou eficácia , (3) pouca percentagem de alunos que atingiam os objectivos., (4) ritmo de aula por vezes baixo devido a períodos longos de instrução ou devido a uma má gestão do espaço. Todos estes problemas eram mais visíveis quando as turmas eram maiores. Ao longo do estágio, e após a detecção destas falhas, fui procurando evitar estas práticas em todas as turmas onde leccionava. Senti que o ritmo de aula aumentou substancialmente não apenas à custa da energia do professor e de boas estratégias mas porque sobretudo se “falava menos e trabalhava-se mais”. Os erros dos alunos passaram a ser corrigos enquanto trabalhavam (feedback corretivo próximo do momento positivo ou negativo), o feedback positivo passou a ser mais destacado, a disposição da sala alterou-se de forma aos alunos estarem mais perto do professor, e este procurou ser menos “criativo” no momento de alterar o plano de aula devido a ideias momentâneas o que provocou mais tempo para cada estratégia e para que mais alunos fossem atingindo os objectivos. Apesar da evolução no sentido de proporcionar aos alunos aulas mais rentáveis e de ainda melhor qualidade, existe a consciência que alguns dos erros cometidos eram hábitos e como tal poderão levar algum tempo a ser corrigidos. Contudo, existe a consciência e a vontade em debelá-los da minha prática docente.
Beyond the classical statistical approaches (determination of basic statistics, regression analysis, ANOVA, etc.) a new set of applications of different statistical techniques has increasingly gained relevance in the analysis, processing and interpretation of data concerning the characteristics of forest soils. This is possible to be seen in some of the recent publications in the context of Multivariate Statistics. These new methods require additional care that is not always included or refered in some approaches. In the particular case of geostatistical data applications it is necessary, besides to geo-reference all the data acquisition, to collect the samples in regular grids and in sufficient quantity so that the variograms can reflect the spatial distribution of soil properties in a representative manner. In the case of the great majority of Multivariate Statistics techniques (Principal Component Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, Cluster Analysis, etc.) despite the fact they do not require in most cases the assumption of normal distribution, they however need a proper and rigorous strategy for its utilization. In this work, some reflections about these methodologies and, in particular, about the main constraints that often occur during the information collecting process and about the various linking possibilities of these different techniques will be presented. At the end, illustrations of some particular cases of the applications of these statistical methods will also be presented.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Eletrónica e Computadores
Controlled fires in forest areas are frequently used in most Mediterranean countries as a preventive technique to avoid severe wildfires in summer season. In Portugal, this forest management method of fuel mass availability is also used and has shown to be beneficial as annual statistical reports confirm that the decrease of wildfires occurrence have a direct relationship with the controlled fire practice. However prescribed fire can have serious side effects in some forest soil properties. This work shows the changes that occurred in some forest soils properties after a prescribed fire action. The experiments were carried out in soil cover over a natural site of Andaluzitic schist, in Gramelas, Caminha, Portugal, that had not been burn for four years. The composed soil samples were collected from five plots at three different layers (0-3cm, 3-6cm and 6-18cm) during a three-year monitoring period after the prescribed burning. Principal Component Analysis was used to reach the presented conclusions.
Adhesive bonding is nowadays a serious candidate to replace methods such as fastening or riveting, because of attractive mechanical properties. As a result, adhesives are being increasingly used in industries such as the automotive, aerospace and construction. Thus, it is highly important to predict the strength of bonded joints to assess the feasibility of joining during the fabrication process of components (e.g. due to complex geometries) or for repairing purposes. This work studies the tensile behaviour of adhesive joints between aluminium adherends considering different values of adherend thickness (h) and the double-cantilever beam (DCB) test. The experimental work consists of the definition of the tensile fracture toughness (GIC) for the different joint configurations. A conventional fracture characterization method was used, together with a J-integral approach, that take into account the plasticity effects occurring in the adhesive layer. An optical measurement method is used for the evaluation of crack tip opening and adherends rotation at the crack tip during the test, supported by a Matlab® sub-routine for the automated extraction of these quantities. As output of this work, a comparative evaluation between bonded systems with different values of adherend thickness is carried out and complete fracture data is provided in tension for the subsequent strength prediction of joints with identical conditions.
Para além das variáveis clínicas e sociodemográficas existem concerteza importantes componentes individuais que desempenham um contributo importante no nível de insight apresentado por cada pessoa doente, por exemplo, o nível de inteligência, personalidade, cultura, experiências passadas, memória, etc. A natureza clínica, emocional e/ou intelectual do termo ajuda-nos a compreender a complexidade da dificuldade que existe na sua tradução e, inclusive, na sua compreensão. Daí que as definições atribuídas ao conceito sejam muito distintas e variem consoante a formação teórica do autor/investigador. Pretende-se, a partir dessa identificação/compreensão, promover a qualidade de vida destas pessoas através do desenvolvimento de novas aprendizagens que possibilitem uma cooperação activa. É igualmente fundamental ir ao encontro das capacidade intactas de maneira a possibilitar a aquisição de novos(s) comportamento(s) que tenham um impacte positivo nas queixas, sinais, sintomas, incapacidade e disfuncionalidade apresentados pelo/a utente. Uma vez que a própria conceptualização do termo traduzirá aquilo que se pretende avaliar,será efectuada uma reflexão detalhada acerca dos instrumentos e definições que têm sido mais utilizadas para explorar o insight nas psicoses.Procurei, no meu trabalho de investigação, realçar e promover a importância que cada sujeito, alvo de intervenção, desempenha ao longo do seu processo de recuperação e na prevenção de recaídas. No seguimento dos objectivos acima descritos, para além da revisão teórica efectuada ao fenómeno em termos de conceptualização e estudos desenvolvidos na área de investigação, foi,neste estudo, realizada a contribuição para a validação do instrumento “Assessment of Insight in Psychosis: a re-standartization of a New Scale” de Marková & Berrios (2003).O fenómeno de insight escolhido pela Insight Scale, relata menos as mudanças vividas em relação à doença mental, e mais a actual consciência e articulação de tais mudanças. Tendo como base uma abordagem psicopedagógica, o fenómeno do insight aqui explorado assentou numa perspectiva reabilitativa, actual e multidimensional, que fosse para além das dimensões clínicas tradicionais. Neste sentido é apresentada uma escala original, intitulada “Escala de Avaliação do Insight e Identificação das Necessidades em Pessoas com Psicose”, bem como um modelo de intervenção psicopedagógico breve, assente nos pressupostos descritos ao longo do trabalho.-----------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The importance of insight in people with mental illnesses was first studied in psychiatry, in the first decades of the 20th century, by people as important as Lewis (1934) and Jaspers (1959). However, this field of investigation was left unexplored for many years. Only in the last decade has this phenomenon become the object of numerous scientific investigations, having been given special attention by its investigators. For this reason a significant number of instruments for evalauting insight in psychotic disorders were developed. Since then many papers have been published, which has allowed for a more in depth knowledge on the subject. Therefore, in recent years, the concept of insight has been developed in an attempt to clarify its compexity. A once dichotomic phenomenon, described in terms of presence or absence, became considered multidimensional, which made the identification of different levels of insight and different dimensions possible. Current concepts categorize insight into five dimensions: the awareness of the patient in relation to his/her mental illness, the awareness of the patient in relation to the social consequences of his/her illness, the awareness of the need for treatment, the awareness of the symptoms and the explanation of those symptoms in relation to the illness. The lack of insight in psychiatry, in general terms, and as this phenomenon has been described, the lack of awareness of having a mental illness, represents one of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia and affects a big part of the population that suffer from this illness. It is estimated that bewteen 50 and 80 per cent of patients with schizophrenia do not believe that they are ill, which, consequently has a big impact in the process of adherence to treatment. It is still not possible, however, to identify all the factors that determine the lack of insight in schizophrenics. There are psychological, social and cultural influences that almost certainly play their role in the lack of insight registered in this pathology.Since the impact of scizophrenia is felt in many aspects of the individual’s life, its effective treatment should be directed at various levels, including the improvement of insight. One of the objectives of this study is to explore the relationship between the level of insight in psychosis and the clinical and sociodemographic variables, the psychopathology and its global functioning. As well as the clinical and sociodemographic variables, there are of course important individual components that contribute to the level of insight seen in each patient, for example, their level of inteligence, personality, culture, past experiences, memory, etc. The clinical, emotional and/or intelectual nature of the term helps us understand the difficulty that lies in its interpretation as well as in its comprehension. Therefore, the definitions attributed to the term are very different and vary according to the theoretical training of the investigator. It is intended, from this identification/understanding, to promote the quality of life of these people through the development of new findings that might enable an active cooperation. It is equally fundamental to observe their unimpaired capacities in order to enable the acquisition of new behaviour(s) that have a positive impact on the complaints, signs, symptoms, incapacity and disfunctioning seen in the patient.As the actual comprehension of the term explains what we intend to evaluate, a detailed reflection is made on the instruments and definitions that have been used the most to explore insight in psychosis.In this investigation I tried to underline and promote the importance that each subject, undergoing medical intervention, plays during his/her process of recovery and prevention of relapses. Considering the above mentioned objectives, as well as a theoretical review of the phenomenon in terms of conceptualization and investigative studies developed, this study contributed to the validation of the instrument.The insight phenomenon chosen by the “Insight Scale”, records less changes experienced in relation to the mental illness and more actual awareness and articulation of these changes. Based on a psychopedagogical approach, the insight phenomenon explored here settled on a rehabilitation, current and multidimensional perspective that would go beyond the traditional clinical dimensions. For this reason an original scale entitled “Insight Evaluation Scale and Need Identification in Psychosis Patients” is presented, as well as a psychopedagogical intervention model soon to be used with admitted patients based on the presuppositions described in this study.
RESUMO: O Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio (EAM) representa um dos principais problemas de saúde pública em Portugal. A rápida intervenção nos factores de risco determinantes da saúde cardíaca pode ter um impacto positivo em vários indicadores de saúde. O objectivo final dessa intervenção passa por capacitar a pessoa, para que, autonomamente, adopte um conjunto de comportamentos de saúde, baseados em estilos de vida protectores da saúde cardíaca, que favorecem positivamente o processo de reabilitação. Esta procura e aquisição do comportamento de saúde, adesão ao regime terapêutico, deve ser desenvolvido em parceria com os profissionais de saúde. O hospital representa a porta de entrada da pessoa com EAM no sistema de saúde. É neste contacto que se inicia uma intervenção de sensibilização e promoção da adesão ao regime terapêutico. Sendo os enfermeiros um grupo profissional que estabelece uma relação continua com a pessoa, importa conhecer um conjunto de dimensões do desempenho dos enfermeiros na promoção da adesão ao regime terapêutico. Breve referência ao desenho de estudo. Foram incluídas no estudo 143 enfermeiros de 9 serviços hospitalares da Região de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário auto-preenchido. Os dados mostraram que a população de enfermeiros é jovem (M= 30,5: dp= 8,0), 49% têm uma idade £ 26 anos e apresenta pouca experiência profissional (M=7,7; dp= 7,6), 48,2% exerce a profissão há menos de 3 anos. A antiguidade no serviço actual é reduzida (M= 4,7; dp= 4,6), 48,9% estão no serviço há menos de 2 anos. Os enfermeiros acreditam que deviam intervir com mais frequência nos factores de risco fisiológicos e comportamentais que nos factores psicossociais e ambientais; a confiança que têm nas capacidades para intervir nos factores de risco fisiológicos e comportamentais é maior que nos factores psicossociais e ambientais e no último ano, intervieram mais frequentemente nos factores de risco fisiológicos e comportamentais que nos psicossociais e ambientais. O “ensaio” da validação da escala de Will scale de Anderson et al (2004), sobre a capacidade de intervenção na saúde cardíaca, mostrou que o teste de Esfericidade de Bartlett e Medida de adequação da amostragem de Kaiser-Meyer- Olkin (KMO) permitiram a realização da análise factorial em componentes principais (AFCP). Da AFCP emergiram 16 factores, os mesmos que no estudo original de Anderson et al (2004), que revelaram boa consistência interna, com valores de alpha de Cronbach que variaram entre 0,71 a 0,98. Os resultados revelam a necessidade de sensibilizar os enfermeiros para valorizar a intervenção no âmbito dos factores de risco psicossociais e ambientais para promover a adesão ao regime terapêutico. Sugerem ainda que a intervenção baseada na evidência pode ser potenciada de forma a melhorar as práticas de cuidados dos enfermeiros. ABSTRACT: Myocardial infarction (MI) is one of the most important problems in public health in Portugal. A prompt intervention in cardiac health determinants means a positive impact in health outcomes, individually and collectively. The main purpose of this intervention lays on patient’s empowerment so he or she becomes able to choose healthy behaviours, based on heart health protective life styles, and therefore to manage his/hers therapeutic regime. This search and acquisition of health behaviours leading to therapeutic regime adherence may positively have an influence on the whole rehabilitation process and it must be developed in partnership with health workers. MI patients’ first contact with the Health System usually happens at the Hospital. Here the first steps are taken to start an intervention in order to promote therapeutic regime adherence. Nurses are a group of health workers who establish a unique and continuous relation with patients, so it matters to have knowledge of their performance skills that can actually promote a healthy behaviours and increase therapeutic regime adherence. Short Study design The study sample includes 143 nurses working on 9 different hospital wards, belonging to the Lisboa and Tejo’s Valley Health Region, in the district of Lisbon. Data were collected trough a self-administered questionnaire. It revealed that the nurses sample is a young population (M=30,5; dp=8,0), 49% of whom are aged less than 26 years old and has little professional experience (M=7,7; dp= 7,6); 48,2% work has nurses for less than 3 years. There’s a low percentage of seniority (M=4,7; dp=4,6), 48,9% of nurses work in these wards for less than 2 years. Nurses believe they should have intervene more frequently in physiological and behaviour risk factors than in psychological, social and environmental factors; they have greater confidence in their ability to intervene in physiological and behaviour risk factors than to intervene in psychological, social and environmental factors. In last year they took interventions more frequently in physiological and behaviour risk factors than in the other health determinants. The Scale Validation “essay” on Will Scale (Anderson et al, 2004), about heart health intervention capacity, revealed that the Bartlett’s test sphericity and the Kaiser-Meyer- Olkin’s (KMO) appropriate sample measure allowed the factorial analysis on main components (FAMC). From FAMC emerged 16 factors, the same number found on Anderson’s et al (2004) study, revealing good internal consistence, with Cronbach’s alpha values that varied between 0,71 and 0,98. The results point a need for nurses to attribute bigger value to other health determinants intervention - such as psychological, social and environmental determinants - so they’ll take part in promoting therapeutic regime adherence. The results also suggest t
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Eletrónica Industrial
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial