998 resultados para ALKALI PROMOTION


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The dissertation documented the degree of Turkey's involvement in the promotion of democracy in the Arab Middle East (ME). Initially, I investigated why and under what conditions Turkey promotes democracy in the ME, and then I explained strategies through which Turkey promotes democracy in the region. I applied the neo-classical realist theoretical framework and a mixed methodology in the research, and I provided evidence from two sources: face-to-face interviews with the Turkish and foreign officials and common citizens, and the statistical data from institutions, such as the OECD, Turkish Statistical Institute, and World Bank.^ My research indicates that Turkey promotes democracy through seven channels. These channels are official development assistance (ODA), mentoring, demonstrative effect, normative pressure, conditionality, military power, enlargement, and civil society organizations. Turkey promotes democracy in the ME for three substantial reasons: first, to advance its security and economic interests; second, to improve the political, social, and economic conditions of people living in the region; and third, to create long-term regional stability, crucial for cooperation in economic and security realms.^ I attempted to engage in debates with two distinct, but interrelated fields of comparative politics and international relations. My most important contribution to the field is that I documented Turkey's case of democracy promotion regarding the degree of Turkey's involvement in this endeavor, its strategies, specificities, and effectiveness in the region. I also contribute to the field as I explained the difference between democracy promotion policies of a regional power, such as Turkey, and global powers, such as the US. I further engaged in discussions that illuminate some aspects of the interplay between the identity and strategic interests in states' foreign policy decisions.^


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Peer reviewed


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Peer reviewed


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Introduction : Plusieurs études ont démontré que la pratique d’activité physique (AP) peut avoir un impact sur la vitalité cognitive des ainés. Le programme Musclez vos Méninges encourage les participants à être davantage actif et a été conçu pour promouvoir la vitalité cognitive. Ce mémoire vise à explorer : 1) les effets du programme sur l’AP; 2) l’effet modérateur et médiateur de l’AP sur les impacts du programme sur la cognition; 3) la corrélation entre l’AP et certaines dimensions cognitives des participants à l’entrée dans l’étude. Méthodologie: Au total, 294 personnes âgées de 60 ans et plus, intéressées à participer à un programme de vitalité cognitive ont été recrutées. Elles ont été évaluées avec des tests cognitifs (MoCA, MIA, CVLT, RBMT, MMQ, Attention, Stroop) et des instruments sur l’AP (une version adaptée du CHAMPS et le test de marche de 2 minutes du SFT). Des corrélations ont été faites à l’entrée dans l’étude et des régressions multivariées ont été réalisées pour mesurer l’impact du programme et celui de l’AP. Résultats : La participation au programme est associée à une hausse de l’AP (p< 0,05). Les analyses n’indiquent cependant pas d’effet significatif (p< 0,05) modérateur ou médiateur. À l'entrée dans l'étude, les sujets les plus actifs présentent de meilleurs résultats pour le recours aux stratégies mnésiques (p< 0,05). Conclusion: Un programme multifactoriel, incluant la promotion de l’AP, peut modifier significativement l’engagement à être physiquement actif. Des études futures devront toutefois démontrer si la pratique d’AP peut avoir un effet modérateur ou médiateur sur la vitalité cognitive.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Developing innovative interventions that are in sync with a health promotion paradigm often represents a challenge for professionals working in local public health organizations. Thus, it is critical to have both professional development programs that favor new practices and tools to examine these practices. In this case study, we analyze the health promotion approach used in a pilot intervention addressing children’s vulnerability that was developed and carried out by participants enrolled in a public health professional development program. More specifically, we use a modified version of Guichard and Ridde’s (Une grille d’analyse des actions pour lutter contre les inégalités sociales de santé. In Potvin, L., Moquet, M.-J. and Jones, C. M. (eds), Réduire les Inégalités Sociales en Santé. INPES, Saint-Denis Cedex, pp. 297– 312, 2010) analytical grid to assess deductively the program participants’ use of health promotion practices in the analysis and planning, implementation, evaluation, sustainability and empowerment phases of the pilot intervention. We also seek evidence of practices involving (empowerment, participation, equity, holism, an ecological approach, intersectorality and sustainability) in the intervention. The results are mixed: our findings reveal evidence of the application of several dimensions of health promotion (equity, holism, an ecological approach, intersectorality and sustainability), but also a lack of integration of two key dimensions; that is, empowerment and participation, during various phases of the pilot intervention. These results show that the professional development program is associated with the adoption of a pilot intervention integrating multiple but not all dimensions of health promotion. We make recommendations to facilitate a more complete integration. This research also shows that the Guichard and Ridde grid proves to be a thorough instrument to document the practices of participants.


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This article deals with several international instruments which provide legal guarantees for media diversity, which is essential for the promotion of cultural diversity. Based on several articles of the Convention of cultural diversity, the General Comment of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights No. 21 on the right to take part in cultural life, as well as the work of the UN Independent Expert on Cultural Rights, this article aims to identify legal tools for the establishing of measures promoting cultural diversity in the media. This article looks at the case study of Honduran Garifuna community radios. It emphasizes the importance of taking into account the economic aspects of cultural and communicational rights.


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This study reports an experimental investigation designed to assess the influence of near-surface moisture contents on permeation properties of alkali-activated slag concrete (AASC). Five different drying periods (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days) and three AASC and normal concretes with compressive strength grades ranging from C30 to C60 were considered. Assessment of moisture distribution was
achieved using 100 mm diameter cores with drilled cavities. Results indicate that air permeability of AASC is very sensitive to the moisture content and its spatial distribution, especially at relative humidity above 65%. To control the influence of moisture on permeation testing, the recommendation of this paper is that AASC specimens should be dried in controlled conditions at 40 C for 10 days prior to testing. It was also concluded from this study that AASC tends to perform less well, in terms of air permeability and sorptivity, than normal concrete for a given strength grade. This conclusion reinforces the need to further examine AASC properties prior to its widespread practical use.


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Comparing the chloride ingress between tradition concretes and AASCs is worthwhile to prove the possibility of increasing concrete lifetime in proximity to sea and deciding while such concretes are practical for use. Findings show that compared to the PC concretes, the AAS concretes have lower rate of chloride ingress.


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One of the binder systems with low environmental footprint is alkali activated slag concretes (AASC), made by adding alkalis such as sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate to industrial by-products such as ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Whilst they have the similar behaviour as that of traditional cement systems in terms of strength and structural behaviour, AASC do exhibit superior performance in terms of abrasion and acid resistance and fire protection.
In this article, the authors focus their attention on chloride ingress into different grades of AASC. The mix variables in AASC included water-to-binder, binder to aggregate ratio, percentage of alkali and the SiO2/Na2O ratio (silica modulus, Ms). The first challenge is to get mixes for different range of workability (with slump values from 40mm to 240mm) and reasonable early age and long term compressive strength according to each one. Then the chloride diffusion and migration in those mixes were measured and compared with same normal concretes in the existed literature based on chloride penetration depth. Comparing the chloride ingress between tradition concretes and AASCs is worthwhile to prove the possibility of increasing concrete lifetime in proximity to sea and deciding while such concretes are practical for use. Findings show that compared to the PC concretes, the AAS concretes have lower rate of chloride ingress.


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ABSTRACT: Researchers are focusing their attention on alternative binder systems using 100% supplementary cementitious materials as it allows better control over the microstructure formation and low to moderate environmental footprint. One such system being considered is alkali activated slag concretes (AASC), made by adding alkalis such as sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate to ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Whilst they have a similar behaviour as that of traditional cement systems in terms of strength and structural behaviour, AASC are reported to exhibit superior performance in terms of abrasion,acid resistance and fire protection.
In this article, the authors investigate chloride ingress into different grades of AASC. The mix variables in AASC included water to binder, and binder to aggregate ratio, percentage of alkali and the SiO2/Na2O ratio (silica modulus, Ms). The first challenge was to develop mixes for different range of workability (with slump values from 40mm to 240mm) and reasonable early age and long term compressive strength. Further chloride ingress into those mixes were assessed and compared with the data from normal concretes based on literature. Findings show that compared to the PC concretes, the AAS concretes have lower rate of chloride ingress.


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The consequence of sulfate attack on geopolymer concrete, made from an alkali activated natural pozzolan (AANP) has been studied in this paper. Changes in the compressive strength, expansion and capillary water absorption of specimens have been investigated combined with phases determination by means of X-ray diffraction. At the end of present investigation which was to evaluate the performance of natural alumina silica based geopolymer concrete in sodium and magnesium sulfate solution, the loss of compressive strength and percentage of expansion of AANP concrete was recorded up to 19.4% and 0.074, respectively.


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The comments of Charles Kegan Paul, the Victorian publisher who was involved in publishing the novels of the nineteenth-century British-Indian author Philip Meadows Taylor as single volume reprints in the 1880s, are illuminating. They are indicative of the publisher's position with regard to publishing - that there was often no correlation between commercial success and the artistic merit of a work. According to Kegan Paul, a substandard or mediocre text would be commercially successful as long it met a perceived want on the part of the public. In effect, the ruminations of the publisher suggests that a firm desirous of acquiring commercial success for a work should be an astute judge of the pre-existing wants of consumers within the market. Yet Theodor Adorno, writing in the mid-twentieth century, offers an entirely distinctive perspective to Kegan Paul's observations, arguing that there is nothing foreordained about consumer demand for certain cultural tropes or productions. They in fact are driven by an industry that preempts and conditions the possible reactions of the consumer. Both Kegan Paul's and Adorno's insights are illuminating when it comes to addressing the key issues explored in this essay. Kegan Paul's comments allude to the ways in which the publisher's promotion of Philip Meadows Taylor's fictional depictions of India and its peoples were to a large extent driven in the mid- to late-nineteenth century by their expectations of what metropolitan readers desired at any given time, whereas Adorno's insights reveal the ways in which British-Indian narratives and the public identity of their authors were not assured in advance, but were, to a large extent, engineered by the publishing industry and the literary marketplace.


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It is possible to synthesize environmentally friendly cementitious construction materials from alkali-activated natural pozzolans. The effect of the alkaline medium on the strength of alkali-activated natural pozzolans has been investigated and characterised. This paper highlights the effect of the type and form of the alkaline activator, the dosage of alkali and the SiO2/Na2O ratio (silica modulus, Ms) when using water–glass solutions and different curing conditions on the geopolymerisation of natural pozzolans. Activation of natural and calcined pozzolan for production of geopolymeric binder was verified by using Taftan andesite and Shahindej dacite from Iran as a solid precursor. The optimum range for each factor is suggested based on the different effects they have on compressive strength. The concentration of dissolving silicon, aluminium and calcium in alkaline solution, the formation of gel phase and the factors affecting this have been studied by using leaching tests, ICP–AES, and FTIR.