997 resultados para A. bifilosa c6 f


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This report of the GH76-1 cruise mainly includes the results of the on-board observations in the survey area of the medial-eastern part of Central Pacific Basin (5 degree -10 degree N, 170 degree -175 degree W) and partly of analytical work at the on-shore laboratory. In addition, the results of some on-board optical and geophysical works along the tracks of Japan-Ogasawara-survey area-Hawaii, are described in appendices. The GH76-1 cruise of the R/V Hakurei-maru was carried out from the 10th January to the 9th March, 1976 as the second phase field work of the Geological Survey of Japan five-year research program of study on the manganese nodule deposits of the Central Pacific Basin and also as a part of the National Research Institute for Pollution and Resources research program of technological study on the exploitation of deep sea mineral resources. The GSJ research program (F.Y. 1974-F.Y. 1978) aims at providing basic information on the manganese nodule distribution and their origin on the deep sea floor of the Central Pacific Basin bounded by the Marshall Ridge to the west, the Christmas Ridge to the east, and the Mid-Pacific Mountains to the north. The first phase of investigation was carried out during the GH74-5 cruise in the eastern part of the area (6 degree -10 degree 30'W, 164 degree 30'-171 degree 30'N)(Mizuno and Chujo, eds., 1975), and the present second phase covered an areas of 5 degree square, just west of the GH74-5 area.


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C2-C8 hydrocarbons (36 compounds identified) from 56 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic, were analyzed by a combined hydrogen stripping-thermovaporization method. Concentrations, which represent hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed to the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 24 ng/g of dry weight sediment in Lithologic Unit 4 to 17,400 ng/g in Lithologic Unit 6 ("black shale" unit). Likewise, the organic carbon normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations range from 104 to 3.5 x 105 ng/g Corg. The latter value is more than one order of magnitude lower than expected for petroleum source beds in the main phase of oil generation. The low maturity at 600 meters depth is further supported by light hydrocarbon concentration ratios. The change of the kerogen type from Lithologic Unit 5 (Type III) to 6 (Type II) is evidenced by changes in the C6 and C7 hydrocarbon composition. Redistribution phenomena are observed close to the Tertiary-Cretaceous unconformity and at the contact between the "black shale" unit and the overlying Cretaceous chalks and claystones. Otherwise, the low molecular weight hydrocarbons in Hole 511 are formed in situ and remain at their place of formation. The core samples turned out to be contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures onboard Glomar Challenger.


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While microbial communities of aerosols have been examined, little is known about their sources. Nutrient composition and microbial communities of potential dust sources, saline lake sediments (SLS) and adjacent biological soil crusts (BSC), from Southern Australia were determined and compared with a previously analyzed dust sample. Multivariate analyses of fingerprinting profiles indicated that the bacterial communities of SLS and BSC were different, and these differences were mainly explained by salinity. Nutrient concentrations varied among the sites but could not explain the differences in microbial diversity patterns. Comparison of microbial communities with dust samples showed that deflation selects against filamentous cyanobacteria, such as the Nostocales group. This could be attributed to the firm attachment of cyanobacterial filaments to soil particles and/or because deflation occurs mainly in disturbed BSC, where cyanobacterial diversity is often low. Other bacterial groups, such as Actinobacteria and the spore-forming Firmicutes, were found in both dust and its sources. While Firmicutes-related sequences were mostly detected in the SLS bacterial communities (10% of total sequences), the actinobacterial sequences were retrieved from both (11-13%). In conclusion, the potential dust sources examined here show highly diverse bacterial communities and contain nutrients that can be transported with aerosols. The obtained fingerprinting and sequencing data may enable back tracking of dust plumes and their microorganisms.


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Light hydrocarbon (C1-C8) profiles are compared for three wells of varying maturities: two immature DSDP wells (Site 397 near the Canary Islands and Site 530A near the Walvis Ridge in the south-east Atlantic) and a mature well, the East Cameron well in the Texas Gulf Coast. Primary migration of C1 and C2 appears to be occurring in all of the sedimentary rocks examined. Primary migration of C3+ components becomes important only as fine-grained sedimentary rocks enter the catagenetic hydrocarbon generation zone or over short distances in more permeable sections. Lateral migration along bedding planes was more important than vertical migration in sedimentary rocks of all maturities. The lightest (methane, ethane and propane gases) hydrocarbon show greater fractionation than do the C4-C8 alkanes which generally show minimal fractionation during the migrational process. Subsurface diffusion coefficients for these p.p.b. quantities of C2-C5 alkanes from immature sediments from DSDP Site 530 are estimated to be several orders of magnitude less than values reported in the literature for diffusion of much larger amounts of these compounds from mature water wet sediments into air or sandstones. Since our calculations suggest light hydrocarbons are present in amounts less than their reported solubilities in pure water at 25°C, we postulate that the sediment organic matter has a substantial effect on retarding the movement of these light hydrocarbons.


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Batch cultures of Isochrysis galbana (strain CCMP 1323) and Chrysotila lamellosa (strain CCMP 1307) were grown at salinity ca. 10 to ca. 35 and the alkenone distributions determined for different growth phases. UK'37 values decreased slightly with salinity for C. lamellosa but were largely unaffected for I. galbana except during the decline phase. The values decreased with incubation time in both species. The proportion of C37:4, used as proxy for salinity, increased in both species at 0.16-0.20% per salinity unit, except during the stationary phase for I. galbana. C37:4 was much more abundant in C. lamellosa (30-44%) than in I. galbana (4-12%). Although our results suggest that salinity has a direct effect on alkenone distributions, growth phase and species composition will also have a marked impact, complicating the use of alkenone distributions as a proxy for salinity in the marine environment.


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Este estudo incide sobre as características que a presença do ião flúor em moléculas concede. Mais concretamente em fluoroquinolonas, antibióticos que cada vez são mais utilizados. Fez-se uma analise de vários parâmetros para obtermos informaão sobre a interaão fármaco-receptor nas fluoroquinolonas. Sendo para isso utilizadas técnicas de caracterizaão química computacional para conseguirmos caracterizar eletronicamente e estruturalmente (3D) as fluoroquinolonas em complemento aos métodos semi-empíricos utilizados inicialmente. Como é sabido, a especificidade e a afinidade para o sitio alvo, é essencial para eficácia de um fármaco. As fluoroquinolonas sofreram um grande desenvolvimento desde a primeira quinolona sintetizada em 1958, sendo que desde ai foram sintetizadas inúmeros derivados da mesma. Este facto deve-se a serem facilmente manipuladas, derivando fármacos altamente potentes, espectro alargado, factores farmacocinéticos optimizados e efeitos adversos reduzidos. A grande alteraão farmacológica para o aumento do interesse neste grupo, foi a substituição em C6 de um átomo de flúor em vez de um de hidrogénio. Para obtermos as informaões sobre a influência do ião flúor sobre as propriedades estruturais e electrónicas das fluoroquinolonas, foi feita uma comparaão entre a fluoroquinolona com flúor em C6 e com hidrogénio em C6. As quatro fluoroquinolonas presentes neste estudo foram: ciprofloxacina, moxiflocacina, sparfloxacina e pefloxacina. As informaões foram obtidas por programas informáticos de mecânica quântica e molecular. Concluiu-se que a presença de substituinte flúor não modificava de forma significativa a geometria das moléculas mas sim a distribuição da carga no carbono vicinal e nos átomos em posição alfa, beta e gama relativamente a este. Esta modificaão da distribuição electrónica pode condicionar a ligaão do fármaco ao receptor, modificando a sua actividade farmacológica.


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Neste trabalho foi realizada a síntese de novas 3,4-diidropirimidinonas funcionalizadas com diferentes cadeias graxas. Para a síntese destes compostos os β-cetoésteres graxos foram obtidos a partir da transesterificaão do acetoacetato de metila na presença dos álcoois palmítico (2a), esteárico (2b) e oleico (2c), utilizando como catalisador I2 e ácido sulfâmico (NH3SO3). Os compostos foram obtidos com rendimentos de 97%, 90% e 60%, respectivamente. Após, a reaão multicomponente de Biginelli foi realizada na presença de InCl3 utilizando os β- cetoésteres graxos 3a-c, os aldeídos aromáticos, benzaldeído, 3-hidroxi benzaldeído e 4-dimetilaminobenzaldeído, na presença de uréia ou tiouréia, levando às 3,4- diidropirimidinonas graxas 5-substituídas 6-11a-c em rendimentos que variaram entre 60–94%. Todos os compostos, ainda inéditos na literatura, foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho (IV) e ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio (RMN ¹H) e carbono (RMN ¹³C). A análise do efeito das novas 3,4-diidropirimidin-2(1H)-onas graxas pelo método do MTT na linhagem de glioma C6 rato e UG-138 humana demonstrou uma maior diminuição da viabilidade celular para os compostos graxos contendo as cadeias palmítica e oleica derivados da tiouréia e do 3-hidroxi benzaldeído, respectivamente. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para os compostos contendo as cadeias palmítica e oleica, porém derivados da uréia. Uma diminuição significativa da viabilidade celular, porém em menor grau, foi observada para os compostos graxos contendo as cadeias palmítica e oleica derivados da uréia e do benzaldeído. Os resultados mostraram até o momento que os derivados graxos contendo a cadeia oleica na posição 5 do anel diidropirimídinico derivado do 3- hidroxi benzaldeído e da tiouréia apresentaram maior atividade na diminuição da viabilidade celular de linhagem de glioma.


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The Theoretical and Experimental Tomography in the Sea Experiment (THETIS 1) took place in the Gulf of Lion to observe the evolution of the temperature field and the process of deep convection during the 1991-1992 winter. The temperature measurements consist, of moored sensors, conductivity-temperature-depth and expendable bathythermograph surveys, ana acoustic tomography. Because of this diverse data set and since the field evolves rather fast, the analysis uses a unified framework, based on estimation theory and implementing a Kalman filter. The resolution and the errors associated with the model are systematically estimated. Temperature is a good tracer of water masses. The time-evolving three-dimensional view of the field resulting from the analysis shows the details of the three classical convection phases: preconditioning, vigourous convection, and relaxation. In all phases, there is strong spatial nonuniformity, with mesoscale activity, short timescales, and sporadic evidence of advective events (surface capping, intrusions of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW)). Deep convection, reaching 1500 m, was observed in late February; by late April the field had not yet returned to its initial conditions (strong deficit of LIW). Comparison with available atmospheric flux data shows that advection acts to delay the occurence of convection and confirms the essential role of buoyancy fluxes. For this winter, the deep. mixing results in an injection of anomalously warm water (Delta T similar or equal to 0.03 degrees) to a depth of 1500 m, compatible with the deep warming previously reported.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition, which results from trauma to the cord, resulting in a primary injury response which leads to a secondary injury cascade, causing damage to both glial and neuronal cells. Following trauma, the central nervous system (CNS) fails to regenerate due to a plethora of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Unfortunately, these events lead to loss of both motor and sensory function and lifelong disability and care for sufferers of SCI. There have been tremendous advancements made in our understanding of the mechanisms behind axonal regeneration and remyelination of the damaged cord. These have provided many promising therapeutic targets. However, very few have made it to clinical application, which could potentially be due to inadequate understanding of compound mechanism of action and reliance on poor SCI models. This thesis describes the use of an established neural cell co-culture model of SCI as a medium throughput screen for compounds with potential therapeutic properties. A number of compounds were screened which resulted in a family of compounds, modified heparins, being taken forward for more intense investigation. Modified heparins (mHeps) are made up of the core heparin disaccharide unit with variable sulphation groups on the iduronic acid and glucosamine residues; 2-O-sulphate (C2), 6-O-sulphate (C6) and N-sulphate (N). 2-O-sulphated (mHep6) and N-sulphated (mHep7) heparin isomers were shown to promote both neurite outgrowth and myelination in the SCI model. It was found that both mHeps decreased oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) proliferation and increased oligodendrocyte (OL) number adjacent to the lesion. However, there is a difference in the direct effects on the OL from each of the mHeps; mHep6 increased myelin internode length and mHep7 increased the overall cell size. It was further elucidated that these isoforms interact with and mediate both Wnt and FGF signalling. In OPC monoculture experiments FGF2 treated OPCs displayed increased proliferation but this effect was removed when co-treated with the mHeps. Therefore, suggesting that the mHeps interact with the ligand and inhibit FGF2 signalling. Additionally, it was shown that both mHeps could be partially mediating their effects through the Wnt pathway. mHep effects on both myelination and neurite outgrowth were removed when co-treated with a Wnt signalling inhibitor, suggesting cell signalling mediation by ligand immobilisation and signalling activation as a mechanistic action for the mHeps. However, the initial methods employed in this thesis were not sufficient to provide a more detailed study into the effects the mHeps have on neurite outgrowth. This led to the design and development of a novel microfluidic device (MFD), which provides a platform to study of axonal injury. This novel device is a three chamber device with two chambers converging onto a central open access chamber. This design allows axons from two points of origin to enter a chamber which can be subjected to injury, thus providing a platform in which targeted axonal injury and the regenerative capacity of a compound study can be performed. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to and advances the study of SCI in two ways; 1) identification and investigation of a novel set of compounds with potential therapeutic potential i.e. desulphated modified heparins. These compounds have multiple therapeutic properties and could revolutionise both the understanding of the basic pathological mechanisms underlying SCI but also be a powered therapeutic option. 2) Development of a novel microfluidic device to study in greater detail axonal biology, specifically, targeted axonal injury and treatment, providing a more representative model of SCI than standard in vitro models. Therefore, the MFD could lead to advancements and the identification of factors and compounds relating to axonal regeneration.


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Os Líquidos Iónicos (LIs) são compostos iónicos com pontos de fusão abaixo de 100°C, muitos deles são líquidos à temperatura ambiente. As numerosas combinaões entre o catião e anião permitem modular as suas propriedades físico-químicas. A associaão entre LIs e Ingredientes Farmacêuticos Ativos (IFAs) tem sido estudada e revelou que esta combinaão reduz os efeitos secundários dos fármacos e aumenta a sua biodisponibilidade. A resistência bacteriana é um problema na sociedade moderna. Por esse motivo, é crucial pesquisar novos alvos terapêuticos para superar esta situaão. O Ácido Valpróico (VPA) é um fármaco anti-epiléptico muito utilizado no tratamento de doenças neurológicas, mas que possui vários efeitos secundários associados, afetando principalmente a remodelaão óssea. A combinaão de LIs e IFAs – LIs-IFAs – tem demostrado que estes compostos podem ser úteis para ultrapassar a resistência bacteriana, bem como os problemas que os pacientes sujeitos ao tratamento com VPA experienciam. O objetivo deste estudo é determinar a bioatividade de LIs-IFAs, tanto em estirpes de bactérias, como em células do osso – osteoclastos (humanos). No estudo bacteriano, a Ampicilina de Sódio e vários catiões halogenados foram aplicados em estirpes bacterianas, nas quais estavam incluídas algumas estirpes resistentes, e foram determinadas as suas taxas de crescimento. No estudo osteoclastogénico, foram usados vários catiões associados com valproato que, posteriormente, foram aplicados em culturas de células osteoclásticas humanas para determinar o seu efeito nestas células. Os LIs-IFAs mostraram efeitos inibitórios em ambos os estudos. No estudo antimicrobiano o [C16Pyr] [Cl] associado à Ampicilina de Sódio revelou inibição das estirpes sensíveis e de bactérias resistentes. Na avaliaão do processo osteoclastogénico, o [C2OHDMIM] [Valproato] e [C6,6,6,14P] [Valproato] demonstraram capacidade de modular negativamente este processo. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho destacam o potencial destes compostos como novos fármacos, e a importância de outros estudos para compreender os mecanismos pelos quais eles atuam, tanto em células como em bactérias.


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Introducción: El dengue es la principal enfermedad viral transmitida a humanos por artrópodos. Una de las características del cuadro clínico de la infección por el virus del dengue (DENV) es su alta variabilidad en la severidad, pronóstico y resolución de la enfermedad. Estudios recientes sugieren que diferentes cepas virales parecen inducir respuestas de interferón variables y que de ello pudiese depender la presentación clínica. No existen estudios previos que evalúen este fenómeno en cepas virales circulantes en México. Sumado a esto, se ha reportado que 80% de las infecciónes por DENV son asintomáticas: por lo tanto, los donadores de sangre virémicos son un riesgo para la seguridad en transfusiones. También nos propusimos estudiar si la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos anti-DENV permanecía constante en donadores de sangre con respecto al tiempo. Objetivo: Conocer la contribución epidemiológica e impacto del dengue en Nuevo León, así como establecer si existe una asociación entre la patogénesis y la variabilidad genética de los serotipos 1 y 2 del DENV, mediante la evaluación de los perfiles de expresión y respuesta a interferón, en cultivos celulares infectados con cepas virales aisladas a partir de sujetos mexicanos virémicos. Materiales y métodos: Se hizo un estudio retrospectivo de los registros semanales de CENAVECE para conocer el panorama actual oficial del dengue en Nuevo León. En colaboración con el banco de sangre HU y el Centro Estatal de la Transfusión se recolectaron 285000 donaciones de sangre en el periodo de enero 2010 a diciembre 2012, con carta de consentimiento informado. A 2061 donadores sanos se les realizó ELISA para buscar anticuerpos contra Brucella, VHC, VDRL, HBsAg, HIV1 y 2, WNV, DENV IgM-IgG. Los sueros positivos a DENV se confirmaron por detección de NS1-DENV y RT-qPCR. A la par en colaboración con LESP-NL se recolectaron 1079 sueros NS1-DENV positivos de Nuevo León los cuales se analizaron por PCR en tiempo real para identificar serotipos, y fueron sembrados en células C6/36 para aislar partículas virales. Los virus aislados se titularon en células BHK-21. Posteriormente, se infectaron células Huh-7 a una m.o.i. de 0.1 durante 36h. Se usaron como control virus prototipo inactivados con luz UV. Transcurrido el tiempo de infección, las células se trataron 1h con IFNα (1000UI/mL). Los RNAs totales se montaron sobre arreglos de PCR tiempo real (PAHS-016Z, QIAGEN) para evaluar la respuesta de interferón de las cepas aisladas de pacientes. Resultados: Se encontró que en el transcurso de 5 aos, el estado de Nuevo León pasó del lugar 12 al 5º con mayor incidencia de dengue a nivel nacional, y que la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos anti-DENV en donadores asintomáticos fue del 2.6%. Se aislaron 13 virus a partir de cutivos celulares infectados con sueros NS1 positivos y los virus tuvieron la capacidad de infectar otras líneas celulares, generar partículas infecciosas funcionales y de generar enfermedad en un sistema In vivo. Al infectar células Huh-7 se observó que las cepar virales tenían una capacidad diferente para modular la respuesta de interferón, regulando con diferente intensidad diferentes genes involucrados en el establecimiento del estado antiviral intracelular. Los virus serotipo 2 indujeron niveles de expresión más altos que los virus serotipo 1.


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Introducción: El sistema nervioso tiene como función el controlar y regular el funcionamiento de los diversos órganos y sistemas de los vertebrados, coordinando su interrelación, así como la relación del organismo con el medio externo, permitiendo su interacción. Este sistema se comienza a desarrollar durante la etapa embrionaria mediante la neurogénesis, en la cual múltiples procesos biológicos trabajan en conjunto para asegurar que los diversos tipos de células nerviosas proliferen, se diferencien, migren y formen sinapsis en el momento y lugar apropiado, siendo un mecanismo finamente regulado, dependiente de la apropiada expresión temporal y espacial, así como del correcto funcionamiento de diferentes productos génicos. Debido a esto, mutaciones que alteren la correcta expresión o función de un gen involucrado en la neurogénesis y/o en el mantenimiento del SNC pueden contribuir a la iniciación y/o progresión de diversos desórdenes neurológicos. En este respecto, nuestro grupo de investigación identificó por primera vez la ruptura del gen PRR12, en una paciente con discapacidad intelectual, alteraciones neuropsiquiátricas y múltiples malformaciones menores. Debido a esto, y a las características de la proteína PRR12, con una función hasta la fecha totalmente desconocida, este es un blanco deseable para el análisis de lasas de señalización en las que participa. Objetivo: Describir los genes que son potencialmente regulados por PRR12 y, a partir de ello, analizar las posibles vías y procesos de comunicación neuronal afectados tras su inhibición. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una cuantificación relativa de la expresión de PRR12 en cerebro de rata en diferentes estadios del desarrollo (embrión, neonatal y adulto), mediante Western blot y qPCR. Posteriormente se realizó la inhibición de PRR12 en células C6 de glioblastoma de rata, mediante ARNi, con el fin de determinar los cambios en el perfil de expresión celular, mediante microarreglos de expresión. Resultados: PRR12 se encontró mayormente expresado en cerebro durante la etapa de embrión; además de esto, se encontraron afectados múltiples genes tras su inhibición, entre los que destacan aquellos involucrados en procesos biológicos relacionados a comunicación celular y de lasas de señalización de receptores de membrana acoplados a proteína G. Conclusiones: PRR12 es probablemente un factor de transcripción de remodelación de la cromatina, con posible implicación en el proceso de neurogénesis, especialmente en procesos de comunicación y diferenciación celular.


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A variable width pulse generator featuring more than 4-V peak amplitude and less than 10-ns FWHM is described. In this design the width of the pulses is controlled by means of the control signal slope. Thus, a variable transition time control circuit (TTCC) is also developed, based on the charge and discharge of a capacitor by means of two tunable current sources. Additionally, it is possible to activate/deactivate the pulses when required, therefore allowing the creation of any desired pulse pattern. Furthermore, the implementation presented here can be electronically controlled. In conclusion, due to its versatility, compactness and low cost it can be used in a wide variety of applications.


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This study aimed to verify the diversity of Culicidae species and their frequency of infection with flaviviruses and alphaviruses in Cuiabá, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Mosquitoes were captured with Nasci aspirators and hand net in 200 census tracts, identified alive at species level and pooled in one-20 (11,090 mosquitoes, 14 species). Female pools (n = 610) were subjected to multiplex seminested-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for 11 flavivirus and five alphavirus. Positive pools were tested by single RT-PCR followed by nucleotide sequencing, by RT-PCR for E1 gene [Mayaro virus (MAYV)] and by inoculation in Vero cells (MAYV) or C6/36 cells (flaviviruses). One/171 Aedes aegypti was positive for dengue virus (DENV)-1, 12/403 Culex quinquefasciatus , and four/171 Ae. aegypti for MAYV, which was isolated from two pools containing two nonengorged females of Ae. aegypti and two of Cx. quinquefasciatus. DENV-4 was detected in 58/171 pools of Ae. aegytpi, 105/403 Cx. quinquefasciatus, two/five Psorophora sp., two/11 Psorophora varipes / Psorophora albigenu , one/one Sabethes chloropterus , two/five Culex bidens / Culex interfor , and one/one Aedes sp. DENV-4 was isolated from two pools containing three and 16 nonengorged Cx. quinquefasciatus females. Phylogenetic analysis revealed MAYV belongs to genotype L, clustering with human samples of the virus previously identified in the city. Cuiabá has biodiversity and ecosystem favourable for vector proliferation, representing a risk for arbovirus outbreaks.


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Paper presented by Charlotte Sieber-Gasser at the 5th Annual TRAPCA Conference, Arusha (Tanzania), 25-26 November 2010. Despite the increasing volume of trade between China and African countries, not one single conventional free trade agreement (FTA) or economic partnership agreement (EPA) has yet been signed between an African country and China. Initially, Sino-African trade relations were to a very large extent centred on investments secured through bilateral investment agreements (BITs). The more recent Chinese investments on the African continent, however, are more informally based on FDI contracts with the state at the receiving end and a government-owned private company as the investor, or loosely attached to loans commonly known under term ‘the Angola-Model’. This rather unusual basis for economic integration and development assistance, outside the trodden path of free trade agreements and ODA, requires further analysis in order to understand how the current legal framework between China and the African continent impacts economic development and national sovereignty, and what kind of distributive consequences it may have.