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Membrane currents were recorded under voltage clamp from root hairs of Arabidopsis thaliana L. using the two-electrode method. Concurrent measurements of membrane voltage distal to the point of current injection were also carried out to assess the extent of current dissipation along the root hair axis. Estimates of the characteristic cable length, λ, showed this parameter to be a function both of membrane voltage and of substrate concentration for transport. The mean value for λ at 0 mV was 103 ± 20 μm (n=17), but ranged by as much as 6-fold in any one cell for membrane voltages from -300 to +40 mV and was affected by 0.25 to 3-fold at any one voltage on raising [K<sup>+sup>]0 from 0.1 to 10 mol m<sup>-3sup>. Current dissipation along the length of the cells lead to serious distortions of the current-voltage [I-V) characteristic, including consistent underestimates of membrane current as well as a general linearization of the I-V curve and a masking of conductance changes in the presence of transported substrates. In some experiments, microelectrodes were also placed in neighbouring epidermal cells to record the extent of intercellular coupling. Even with current-passing microelectrodes placed at the base of root hairs, coupling was ≤5% (voltage deflection of the epidermal cell ≤5% that recorded at the site of current injection), indicating an appreciable resistance to current passage between cells. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using root hairs as a 'single-cell model' in electrophysiological analyses of transport across the higher-plant plasma membrane; they also confirmed the need to correct for the cable properties of these cells on a cell-by-cell basis. © 1994 Oxford University Press.


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A microcosm is described in which root exudation may be estimated in the presence of microorganisms. Ryegrass seedlings are grown in microcosms in which roots were spatially separated from a microbial inoculant by a Millipore membrane. Seedlings grown in the microcosms were labelled with [<sup>14sup>C]-CO2, and the fate of the label within the plant and rhizosphere was determined. Inoculation of the microcosms with Cladosporium resinae increased net fixation of the [<sup>14sup>C] label compared to plants grown under sterile conditions. Inoculation also increased root exudation. The use of the microcosm was illustrated and its applications discussed. © 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Perennial rye-grass plants were grown at 15°C in microcosms containing soil sampled from field plots that had been maintained at constant pH for the last 30 years. Six soil pH values were tested in the experiment, with pH ranging from 4.3-6.5. After 3 weeks growth in the microcosms, plant shoots were exposed to a pulse of <sup>14sup>C-CO2. The fate of this label was determined by monitoring <sup>14sup>C-CO2 respired by the plant roots/soil and by the shoots. The <sup>14sup>C remaining in plant roots and shoots was determined when the plants were harvested 7 days after receiving the pulse label. The amount of <sup>14sup>C (expressed as a percentage of the total <sup>14sup>C fixed by the plant) lost from the plant roots increased from 12.3 to 30.6% with increasing soil pH from 4.3 to 6. Although a greater percentage of the fixed <sup>14sup>C was respired by the root/soil as soil pH increased, plant biomass was greater with increasing soil pH. Possible reasons for observed changes in the pattern of <sup>14sup>C distribution are discussed and, it is suggested that changes in the soil microbial biomass and in plant nitrogen nutrition may, in particular be key factors which led to increased loss of carbon from plant roots with increasing soil pH. © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Carbon distribution within perennial ryegrass was determined at different stages of plant development, by pulse-labelling laboratory and field-grown plants with <sup>14sup>C-CO2. During the early stages of growth (23-51 days), C distribution of laboratory grown plants was not markedly affected by plant age, with 12.4-24% of net assimilated label lost into the soil as root-soil respiration. The percentage of net assimilate translocated below ground was 20-28% during this stage of growth. At 65 days, the percentage of the label translocated below ground decreased to 8.1% of the net assimilate, with a subsequent decrease in root-soil respiration to 3.9%. The ability of the plant to fix the label (expressed in MBq g<sup>-1sup> oven dry total plant weight) decreased steadily as the plants aged. When the 30 day old plants were subjected to water stress (soil water potential -1.5 MPa) for 2 days before pulse-labelling, root-soil respiration of the pulse-label decreased compared with plants grown at field capacity. The distribution of a <sup>14sup>C pulse-label within perennial ryegrass grown under field conditions was found to be dependent on the age of the plants. For 4 week old plants, 67% of net assimilated label was translocated below ground, with 64.8% of this respired by the roots and soil. Less label was translocated below ground at subsequent pulse-labels from weeks 8 to 24. The proportion of label translocated below ground respired by the roots and soil also decreased. The investment of label in the plant shoots was found to be greater in field grown plants as compared to plants of the same age grown in a controlled, laboratory environment. © 1990.


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Perennial ryegrass was subjected to a range of anaerobic treatments. The distribution of C within the plant was determined by pulse labelling the shoots with <sup>14sup>C-CO2. A 5 h anaerobic period before pulse labelling reduced by 2.5-10 times the <sup>14sup>C remaining in the plants and released into the soil. The distribution of the <sup>14sup>C within the plant was also affected by anaerobiosis. Short periods of anaerobiosis (5 or 10 h) led to increased root-soil <sup>14sup>C respiration (monitored for 7 days). A longer period of anaerobiosis (48 h) initially inhibited root-soil <sup>14sup>C respiration, but when aerobiosis was restored. 57% of the total <sup>14sup>C fixed by the plant was respired by the roots-soil during the following 7 days compared to 19% for the aerobic control. There was a two-thirds reduction in the percentage C retained by the plants stressed for the 48 h compared to the aerobic control. At harvest, all anaerobic treatments were associated with more <sup>14sup>C remaining in the soil as a proportion of the total <sup>14sup>C fixed by the plant compared to the aerobic control. © 1990.


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Perennial rye-grass plants were pulse labelled with [<sup>14sup>C]-CO2 over a range of temperatures (5-25°C). The fate of the label was determined within the plant and soil. The temperature at which plants were pulse labelled had a marked effect on the distribution of the label within the plant and soil system. Root-soil respiration increased from 5.7 to 24.15% when expressed as a percentage of net assimilated label. The percentage of label remaining in the plant root and in the soil was greater at 5 and 25°C, with a minimum for both these components at 15°C. At 15°C the percentage of net assimilated label that remained in the shoots was greater than at other temperatures, with this percentage decreasing at the lower and higher temperatures. © 1989.


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Perennial rye-grass was subjected to two different<sup>14sup>C labelling regimes to enable a partitioning of the carbon sources contributing to rhizosphere carbon-flow. Plant/soil microcosms were designed which enabled rye-grass plants to either receive a single pulse of<sup>14sup>C-CO2 or to be pre-labelled using a series of<sup>14sup>C-CO2 pulses, allowing the fate of newly photoassimilated carbon and carbon lost by root decomposition to be followed into the soil. For young rye-grass plants grown over a short period, rhizosphere carbon flow was found to be dominated by newly photoassimilated carbon. Evidence for this came from the observed percentage of the total<sup>14sup>C budget (i.e. total<sup>14sup>C-CO2 fixed by the plants) lost from the root/soil system, which was 30 times greater for the pulse labelled compared to pre-labelled plants. Root decomposition was found to be less at 10°C compared to 20-25°C, though input of<sup>14sup>C into the soil was the same at both temperatures. © 1988 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Bovine TB (bTB) is endemic in Irish cattle and has eluded eradication despite considerable expenditure, amid debate over the relative roles of badgers and cattle in disease transmission. Using a comprehensive dataset from Northern Ireland (>10,000 km<sup>2sup>; 29,513 cattle herds), we investigated interactions between host populations in one of the first large-scale risk factor analyses for new herd breakdowns to combine data on both species. Cattle risk factors (movements, international imports, bTB history, neighbours with bTB) were more strongly associated with herd risk than area-level measures of badger social group density, habitat suitability or persecution (sett disturbance). Highest risks were in areas of high badger social group density and high rates of persecution, potentially representing both responsive persecution of badgers in high cattle risk areas and effects of persecution on cattle bTB risk through badger social group disruption. Average badger persecution was associated with reduced cattle bTB risk (compared with high persecution areas), so persecution may contribute towards sustaining bTB hotspots; findings with important implications for existing and planned disease control programmes.


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We present a new regime to generate high-energy quasimonoenergetic proton beams in a "slow-pulse" regime, where the laser group velocity vg<c is reduced by an extended near-critical density plasma. In this regime, for properly matched laser intensity and group velocity, ions initially accelerated by the light sail (LS) mode can be further trapped and reflected by the snowplough potential generated by the laser in the near-critical density plasma. These two acceleration stages are connected by the onset of Rayleigh-Taylor-like (RT) instability. The usual ion energy spectrum broadening by RT instability is controlled and high quality proton beams can be generated. It is shown by multidimensional particle-in-cell simulation that quasimonoenergetic proton beams with energy up to hundreds of MeV can be generated at laser intensities of 1021W/cm<sup>2sup>.


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A three-stage heavy ion acceleration scheme for generation of high-energy quasimonoenergetic heavy ion beams is investigated using two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation and analytical modeling. The scheme is based on the interaction of an intense linearly polarized laser pulse with a compound two-layer target (a front heavy ion layer + a second light ion layer). We identify that, under appropriate conditions, the heavy ions preaccelerated by a two-stage acceleration process in the front layer can be injected into the light ion shock wave in the second layer for a further third-stage acceleration. These injected heavy ions are not influenced by the screening effect from the light ions, and an isolated high-energy heavy ion beam with relatively low-energy spread is thus formed. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations show that ∼100MeV/u quasimonoenergetic Fe24+ beams can be obtained by linearly polarized laser pulses at intensities of 1.1×1021W/cm<sup>2sup>. 


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BaCe1-xYxO3-δ (BCY) and BaCe0.8-yZryY0.2O3-δ (BCZY) compounds were synthesised via an aqueous sol-gel method and two different calcination processes were tested for BCZY synthesis. The highest hydration capacity was recorded for the compound that contained the highest Y-doping level (x=0.2). Further substitution of Ce<sup>4+sup> by Zr<sup>4+sup> enhanced the chemical stability especially for y≥0.2, although decreased proton conductivity. However, BaCe0.6-0.2Zr0.2Y0.2O2.9 (BCZ20Y20) which presented adequate water uptake and high chemical stability in presence of CO2, was found to be the best candidate compound to be used in applications such as electrocatalytic CO2 hydrogenation.


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Catalytic oxidation reaction monitoring has been performed for the first time with a trace gas carbon dioxide analyser based on a continuous wave (cw), thermoelectrically cooled (TEC), distributed feedback (DFB) quantum cascade laser (QCL) operating at around 2307 cm<sup>-1sup>. The reaction kinetics for carbon monoxide oxidation over a platinum catalyst supported on yttria-stabilised zirconia were followed by the QCL CO2 analyser and showed that it is a powerful new tool for measuring low reaction rates associated with low surface area model catalysts operating at atmospheric pressures. A detection limit was determined of 40 ppb (1 standard deviation) for a 0.1 s average and a residual absorption standard deviation of 1.9×10<sup>-4sup>. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Dense ceramics with mixed protonic-electronic conductivity are of considerable interest for the separation and purification of hydrogen and as electrochemical reactors. In this work, the hydrogen permeability of a Sr0.97Ce0.9Yb0.1O3 - δ (SCYb) membrane with a porous Pt catalytic layer on the hydrogen feed-exposed side has been studied over the temperature range 500-804 °C employing Ar as the permeate sweep gas. A SiO2-B2O3-BaO-MgO-ZnO-based glass-ceramic sealant was successfully employed to seal the membrane to the dual-chamber reactor. After 14 h of exposure to 10% H2:90% N2 at 804 °C, the H2 flux reached a maximum of 33 nmol cm<sup>- 2sup> s<sup>- 1sup>, over an order of magnitude higher than that obtained on membranes of similar thickness without surface modification. The permeation rate then decreased slowly and moderately on annealing at 804 °C over a further 130 h. Thereafter, the flux was both reproducible and stable on thermal cycling in the range 600-804 °C. The results indicate an important role of superficial activation processes in the flux rate and suggest that hydrogen fluxes can be further optimised in cerate-based perovskites. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes large scale tests conducted on a novel unglazed solar air collector system. The proposed system, referred to as a back-pass solar collector (BPSC), has on-site installation and aesthetic advantages over conventional unglazed transpired solar collectors (UTSC) as it is fully integrated within a standard insulated wall panel. This paper presents the results obtained from monitoring a BPSC wall panel over one year. Measurements of temperature, wind velocity and solar irradiance were taken at multiple air mass flow rates. It is shown that the length of the collector cavities has a direct impact on the efficiency of the system. It is also shown that beyond a height-to-flow ratio of 0.023m/m<sup>3</sup>/hr/m<sup>2</sup>, no additional heat output is obtained by increasing the collector height for the experimental setup in this study, but these numbers would obviously be different if the experimental setup or test environment (e.g. location and climate) change. An equation for predicting the temperature rise of the BPSC is proposed.


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Methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) mound features at the Codling Fault Zone (CFZ), located in shallow waters (50-120m) of the western Irish Sea were investigated and provide a comparison to deep sea MDAC settings. Carbonates consisted of aragonite as the major mineral phase, with δ<sup>13sup>C depletion to -50‰ and δ<sup>18sup>O enrichment to~2‰. These isotope signatures, together with the co-precipitation of framboidal pyrite confirm that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is an important process mediating methane release to the water column and the atmosphere in this region. <sup>18sup>O-enrichment could be a result of MDAC precipitation with seawater in colder than present day conditions, or precipitation with <sup>18sup>O-enriched water transported from deep petroleum sources. The <sup>13sup>C depletion of bulk carbonate and sampled gas (-70‰) suggests a biogenic source, but significant mixing of thermogenic gas and depletion of the original isotope signature cannot be ruled out. Active seepage was recorded from one mound and together with extensive areas of reduced sediment, confirms that seepage is ongoing. The mounds appear to be composed of stacked pavements that are largely covered by sand and extensively eroded. The CFZ mounds are colonized by abundant Sabellaria polychaetes and possible Nemertesia hydroids, which benefit indirectly from available hard substrate. In contrast to deep sea MDAC settings where seep-related macrofauna are commonly reported, seep-specialist fauna appear to be lacking at the CFZ. In addition, unlike MDAC in deep waters where organic carbon input from photosynthesis is limited, lipid biomarkers and isotope signatures related to marine planktonic production (e.g. sterols, alkanols) were most abundant. Evidence for microbes involved in AOM was limited from samples taken; possibly due to this dilution effect from organic matter derived from the photic zone, and will require further investigation.