991 resultados para 23-10
Precision medicine is an emerging approach to disease treatment and prevention that considers variability in patient genes, environment, and lifestyle. However, little has been written about how such research impacts emergency care. Recent advances in analytical techniques have made it possible to characterize patients in a more comprehensive and sophisticated fashion at the molecular level, promising highly individualized diagnosis and treatment. Among these techniques are various systematic molecular phenotyping analyses (e.g., genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics). Although a number of emergency physicians use such techniques in their research, widespread discussion of these approaches has been lacking in the emergency care literature and many emergency physicians may be unfamiliar with them. In this article, we briefly review the underpinnings of such studies, note how they already impact acute care, discuss areas in which they might soon be applied, and identify challenges in translation to the emergency department (ED). While such techniques hold much promise, it is unclear whether the obstacles to translating their findings to the ED will be overcome in the near future. Such obstacles include validation, cost, turnaround time, user interface, decision support, standardization, and adoption by end-users.
The polar compound (NSO) fractions of seabed petroleums and sediment extracts from the Guaymas Basin hydrothermal system have been analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The oils were collected from the interiors and exteriors of high temperature hydrothermal vents and represent hydrothermal pyrolysates that have migrated to the seafloor by hydrothermal fluid circulation. The downcore samples are representative of both thermally unaltered and thermally altered sediments. The survey has revealed the presence of oxygenated compounds correlated with samples exhibiting a high degree of thermal maturity. Several homologous series of related ketone isomers are enriched in the interiors of the hydrothermal vent samples or in hydrothermally-altered sequences of the downcore sediments (DSDP Holes 477 and 481A). The n-alkanones range in carbon number from C11 to C33 with a Cmax from 14 to 23, distributions that are similar to those of the n-alkanes. The alkan-2-ones are usually in highest concentrations, with lower amounts of 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 7- (and higher) alkanones, and they exhibit no carbon number preference (there is an odd carbon number preference of alkanones observed for downcore samples). The alkanones are enriched in the interiors of the hydrothermal vent spires or in downcore hydrothermally-altered sediments, indicating an origin at depth or in the hydrothermal fluids and not from an external biogenic deposition. Minor amounts of C13 and C18 isoprenoid ketones are also present. Simulation of the natural hydrothermal alternation process by laboratory hydrous pyrolysis techniques provided information regarding the mode of alkanone formation. Hydrous pyrolysis of n-C32H66 at 350°C for 72 h with water only or water with inorganic additives has been studied using a stainless steel reaction vessel. In each experiment oxygenated hydrocarbons, including alkanones, were formed from the n-alkane. The product distributions indicate a reaction pathway consisting of n-alkanes and a-olefins as primary cracking products with internal olefins and alkanones as secondary reaction products. Hydrous pyrolyses of Messel shale spiked with molecular probes have been performed under similar time and temperature constraints to produce alkanone distributions like those found in the hydrothermal vent petroleums.
British Imperial policy in Southern Africa in the last three decades of the nineteenth century oscillated between two extremes. It began in the early 1870's with Lord Kimberley's attempt to effect confederation as a means of devolving Imperial responsibility and expenditure. It ended in 1899 with Britain's active intervention against the Boers. For most of the remaining years of those decades a middle course was adopted while the British Government struggled to reconcile its diverse political interests. Strategy, supremacy, economy, humanitarianism, and recognition of colonial aspirations were all at one time or another, in varying degrees, motivating forces behind Imperial policy. Many historians have pointed out how incompatible many of these ends were and how the attempt to pursue them all at once almost inevitably ended in at least one of them being sacrificed on the way. This study focusses on a relatively minor problem over a period of about seven years. It attempts to show how the British Government tried to reconcile, in this case, the predominant motives of economy and supremacy. The problem of the Disputed Territory now seems like a small fish in a big ocean because non the great hopes and fears that it raised were ever realized. But the anticlimactic nature of the outcome of events should not be allowed to conceal two important points: first, that the problem loomed large at the time in the eyes of the Imperial Government; and second, that in the case of its policy towards the Disputed Territory, the Government gained a greater degree of success in trying to reconcile seemingly incompatible ends than it did in many other instances.
DNA sequences that are rich in the guanine nucleic base possess the ability to fold into higher order structures called G-quadruplexes. These higher level structures are formed as a result of two sets of four guanine bases hydrogen-bonding together in a planar arrangement called a guanine quartet. Guanine quartets subsequently stack upon each other to form quadruplexes. G-quadruplexes are mainly localized in telomeres as well as in oncogene promoters. One unique and promising therapeutic approach against cancer involves targeting and stabilizing G-quadruplexes with small molecules, generally in order to suppress oncogene expression and telomerase enzyme activity; the latter has been found to contribute to “out-of control” cell growth in ca. 80-85% of all cancer cells and primary tumours while being absent in normal somatic cells. In this work, we present efforts towards designing and synthesizing acridine-based macrocycles (Mh) and (Mb) with the purpose of providing potential G4 ligands that are suited for selective binding to G4 vs. duplex DNA, and stabilize G-quadruplex structures. Two ligands described in this study include an acridine core which provides an aromatic surface capable of π-π interactions with the surface of G-quadruplexes. The successful synthesis of 4,5-diaminoacridine is described in chapter 2, as an essential fragment of the macrocycles (Mh) and (Mb). In order to investigate the synthetic method for macrocyclization, model compounds composing almost half of the designed macrocycles were explored. As discussed in chapter 3, the synthesis of the model compound for (Mb) turned out to be challenging. However, as a step towards the synthesis of (Mh), the synthesis of the hydrogen-containing model compound, which is almost half of the desired macrocycle (Mh) was achieved in our group and proved to be promising.
In England, inclusion has once again become a much discussed topic following the publication of the 2015 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice. There have been successes and improvements in inclusion since the Warnock Committee first published its findings on special educational needs in 1978, but many argue that these improvements are not enough. When the state of inclusion today is compared to the ideals advocated by both the Warnock Report and the Salamanca Statement it is clear that the education system has fallen short of the expectations outlined in these documents. There have been efforts to reduce the level of segregation between special schools and mainstream schools such as the establishment of resourced provisions, but these settings often have their own difficulties when considering inclusion.
Introdução: Os efeitos a longo prazo de exercícios de Pilates têm sido bem documentados, não entanto os seus efeitos imediatos no controlo postural estático e dinâmico de jovens adultos com dor lombar não específica permanecem por desvendar. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos imediatos de uma sessão composta por 4 exercícios de Pilates Clínico no controlo postural estático e dinâmico de jovens adultos com dor lombar não específica. Métodos: 46 estudantes universitários com dor lombar não específica participaram no estudo randomizado e controlado. Os participantes foram randomizados para um grupo de Pilates (n = 23, 10 do sexo masculino, idade: 21,8 ± 3,2 anos; peso: 64,5 ± 11,5 kg; altura: 1,70 ± 0,1 m) e um grupo controlo (n = 23, 9 do sexo masculino; idade: 22,8 ± 3,6 anos; peso: 62,5 ± 9,9 kg; altura: 1,68 ± 0,1 m). O controlo postural estático foi avaliado com uma plataforma de forças e o controlo postural dinâmico com o Star Excursion Balance Test, antes e depois da intervenção ou período de repouso. Para avaliar o controlo postural estático, os participantes estavam em posição ortostática, o mais quietos possível durante 90s, com os olhos fechados em superfície instável. A intervenção durou 20 minutos e consistiu em 4 exercícios de Pilates Clínico: single leg stretch (nível 1), pelvic press (nível 1), swimming (nível 1) e kneeling opposite arm and leg reach. Resultados: No momento de avaliação inicial, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos em nenhuma das variáveis. Após a intervenção, o grupo Pilates melhorou em todos as variáveis do controlo postural estático (COPx: 5,7 ± 1,0 para 5,1 ± 0,7 cm, p = 0,005; COPy: 4,4 ± 1,0 para 3,8 ± 0,7 cm, p < 0,001; comprimento total: 255,2 ± 55,9 para 210,5 ± 42,7 cm, p < 0,001 ; área: 11,5 ± 3,4 para 9,7 ± 2,7 cm2, p = 0,002 e velocidade : 2,8 ± 0,6 para 2,3 ± 0,5 cm/s, p < 0,001) e no Star Excursion Balance Test (anterior: 65,3 ± 8,3 para 68,6 ± 6,4%, p = 0,001; póstero-medial: 82,6 ± 11,7 para 89,5 ± 9,7%, p < 0,001; póstero-lateral: 83,9 ± 11,0 para 87,6 ± 10,2%, p < 0,001 e composite: 86,2 ± 12,4 para 91,1 ± 11,0%, p < 0,001). O grupo de controlo só melhorou na velocidade (2,8 ± 0,5 para 2,6 ± 0,5 cm/s, p = 0,009) e comprimento total (248,5 ± 45,3 para 237,3 ± 47,2 cm, p = 0,009) no controlo postural estático. No entanto, as melhorias no grupo Pilates foram significativamente maiores do que as do grupo de controlo. Conclusão: Os exercícios de Pilates Clínico melhoraram, no imediato, o controlo postural estático e dinâmico em jovens adultos com dor lombar não específica.
Este permite tomar el volumen de aire de invernadero necesario para retener una cantidad suficiente de pesticidas y componentes orgánicos que facilite su posterior identificación y cuantificación mediante las técnicas analíticas habituales, aunque la concentración de éstos en la atmósfera del invernadero sea del orden de ng/L.El dispositivo de muestreo dinámico de aire integra al menos los siguientes elementos, i) una bomba, ii) un recipiente que contiene el material adsorbente de los contaminantes presentes en el volumen de aire succionado, iii) un medidor del caudal del aire succionado y iv) un sistema de control programable que permite el funcionamiento autónomo del sistema, regulando el tiempo de succión y el instante en que ésta comienza, así como la detección de fallos durante el tiempo de muestreo. El dispositivo permite modificar, según el caudal de aire y el tiempo de succión, el volumen de aire que se toma como muestra, y así, retener en el adsorbente una cantidad de contaminantes suficiente para su detección y cuantificación mediante métodos analíticos.
Libro de Resúmenes del Congreso Euro-Latinoamericano de Intervención en Justicia Juvenil celebrado en la Universidad de Almería del 21/10/15 al 23/10/15.
One Kunitz-type trypsin inhibitors (PmTI) was purified from Piptadenia moniliformis seeds, a tree of the sub-family Mimosoideae, by TCA precipitation, affinity chromatography on immobilized trypsin-Sepharose, DEAE cellulose (ion exchange) and Superose 12 (molecular exclusion) column FPLC/AKTA. The inhibitor has Mr of 25 kDa by SDS-PAGE and chromatography molecular exclusion. The N-terminal sequence of this inhibitor showed high homology with other family Kunitz inhibitors. This also stable variations in temperature and pH and showed a small decrease in its activity when incubated with DDT in the concentration of 100mM for 120 minutes. The inhibition of trypsin by PmTI was competitive, with Ki of 1.57 x10-11 M. The activity of trypsin was effectively inhibited by percentage of inhibition of 100%, among enzymes tested, was not detected inhibition for the bromelain, was weak inhibitor of pancreatic elastase (3.17% of inhibition) and inhibited by 76.42% elastase of neutrophils, and inhibited in a moderate, chymotrypsin and papain with percentage of inhibition of 42.96% and 23.10% respectively. In vitro assays against digestive proteinases from Lepidoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera pests were carried out. Several degrees of inhibition were found. For Anthonomus grandis and Ceratitis capitata the inhibition was 89.93% and 70.52%, respectively, and the enzymes of Zabrotes subfasciatus and Callosobruchus maculatus were inhibited by 5.96% and 9.41%, respectively, and the enzymes of Plodia. interpunctella and Castnia licus were inhibited by 59.94% and 23.67, respectively. In vivo assays, was observed reduction in the development of larvae in 4rd instar of C. capitata, when PmTI was added to the artificial diet, getting WD50 and LD50 of 0.30% and 0.33%, respectively. These results suggest that this inhibitor could be a strong candidate to plant management programs cross transgenic
Objetivou-se avaliar as características físicas, químicas e sensoriais da carne de búfalos abatidos em diferentes períodos de confinamento. Foram utilizados 20 bubalinos da raça Murrah, castrados, descornados, com idade média inicial de 15 meses, abatidos aos 75, 100, 125 ou 150 dias de confinamento. Após o abate, as carcaças foram identificadas e resfriadas por 24 horas. Durante a desossa, foram colhidas amostras do contrafilé entre a 10ª e 11ª costelas para análise das características sensoriais e das perdas por cocção; entre a 11ª e 12ª costelas para avaliação da composição centesimal, do valor calórico, do pH e do índice de fragmentação miofibrilar (IFM); e entre a 12ª e 13ª costelas para a avaliação do escore de marmorização e da força de cisalhamento. A composição centesimal, o pH, a força de cisalhamento, o valor calórico, as perdas por cocção e o IFM não diferiram estatisticamente entre os períodos de confinamento. O grau de marmorização diferiu entre as idades de abate, uma vez os animais abatidos aos 75 dias de confinamento apresentaram escore de 1,25; os abatidos aos 100 e 125 dias, escore 2; e aqueles abatidos aos 150 dias de confinamento, escore 2,2. em todos os períodos de confinamento, a carne bubalina foi classificada como macia (média 3,94 kgf) e apresentou com características que não diferiram pelo painel sensorial entre os 75 e 150 dias de confinamento. O abate de bubalinos aos 75 e 150 dias de confinamento não influencia as características sensoriais sabor, aroma e cor da carne bubalina.
Dyslipidemia, i.e. high levels of blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides), is strongly related to cardiovascular disease (CVD). In order to reduce the risk of CVD at any moment in a person ́s life, it is crucial to know his/her –and the population’s– lipid profile. The aim of this study was to assess the (statistical) indicators of blood lipids and the prevalence of dyslipidemia in patients treated in the Integral Health Attention Program from Universidad de Costa Rica. A descriptive study was conducted including 10,044 patients aged 20 to 65 years, who were tested for a blood lipid profile in 2006. A total of 2,969 (29.6%) male and 7,075 (70.4%) female patients took part in the study, with an average age of 43.5 years. General averages for blood lipids were: 203.3 mg/dl for total cholesterol, 50.1 mg/dl for HDL, 120.1 mg/dl for LDL, and 165.6 mg/dl for triglycerides. Prevalence of 17.2% was determined for hypercholesterolemia (≥240 mg/dl), as well as 21.3% for low HDL levels (<40 mg/dl), 11.9% for high LDL levels (≥160 mg/dl), and 26.3% for high triglyceride levels (≥200 mg/dl). Women showed higher overall levels of dyslipidemia than men. Based on health areas, no significant differences were found in general lipid levels by age or sex. Results indicate that the general prevalence of dyslipidemia is close to half the rate reported in worldwide literature and lower than results reported in Costa Rican studies. However, general averages exceeded optimal levels for each blood lipid; consequently, it is important to develop health interventions oriented to reduce the impact of dyslipidemia in the studied population.
Purpose: To investigate the anti-hyperprolactinemic activity of Prunella vulgaris L. extract (PVE) in vivo and in vitro. Methods: Rats were given intraperitoneal (i. p.) metoclopramide (MCP, 150 mg/kg daily) for 10 days to prepare hyperprolactinemia (hyperPRL) model. Bromocriptine was used as positive control drug. High (5.6 g/kg), medium (2.8 g/kg) and low (1.4 g/kg) doses of PVE were administered to hyperPRL rats. The effect of PVE on serum prolactin (PRL), estradiol (E2), progesterone (PGN), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were investigated in the rats. MMQ cells derived from rat pituitary adenoma cells and GH3 cells from rat pituitary lactotropictumoral cells were used for in vitro experiments. The effect of PVE on PRL secretion were studied in MMQ cells and GH3 cells respectively. Results: Compared with the control group (446.21 ± 32.43 pg/mL), high (219.23 ± 10.62 pg/mL) and medium (245.47 ± 13.52 pg/mL) reduced PRL level of hyperPRL rats significantly (p 0.05). In MMQ cells, treatment with 5 mg/mL PVE or 10 mg/mL PVE) significantly suppressed PRL secretion and synthesis at 24h compared with controls (p < 0.01). Consistent with D2- action, PVE did not affect PRL in rat pituitary lactotropic tumor-derived GH3 cells that lack the D2 receptor expression, compared with controls. Conclusion: PVE showed anti-hyperPRL activity and can potentially be used for the treatment of hyperprolactinemi, but further studies are required to ascertain this
A partir de la dinámica evolutiva de la economía de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones y el establecimiento de estándares mínimos de velocidad en distintos contextos regulatorios a nivel mundial, en particular en Colombia, en el presente artículo se presentan diversas aproximaciones empíricas para evaluar los efectos reales que conlleva el establecimiento de definiciones de servicios de banda ancha en el mercado de Internet fijo. Con base en los datos disponibles para Colombia sobre los planes de servicios de Internet fijo ofrecidos durante el periodo 2006-2012, se estima para los segmentos residencial y corporativo el proceso de difusión logístico modificado y el modelo de interacción estratégica para identificar los impactos generados sobre la masificación del servicio a nivel municipal y sobre las decisiones estratégicas que adoptan los operadores, respectivamente. Respecto a los resultados, se encuentra, por una parte, que las dos medidas regulatorias establecidas en Colombia en 2008 y 2010 presentan efectos significativos y positivos sobre el desplazamiento y el crecimiento de los procesos de difusión a nivel municipal. Por otra parte, se observa sustituibilidad estratégica en las decisiones de oferta de velocidad de descarga por parte de los operadores corporativos mientras que, a partir del análisis de distanciamiento de la velocidad ofrecida respecto al estándar mínimo de banda ancha, se demuestra que los proveedores de servicios residenciales tienden a agrupar sus decisiones de velocidad alrededor de los niveles establecidos por regulación.
Introducción: la colecistectomía laparoscópica es la técnica de elección en pacientes con indicación de extracción quirúrgica de la vesícula; sin embargo, en promedio 20% de éstos requieren conversión a técnica abierta. En este estudio se evaluaron los factores de riesgo preoperatorios para conversión en colecistectomía laparoscópica de urgencia. Metodología: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles no pareado. Se obtuvo información sociodemográfica y de variables de interés de los registros de historias clínicas de pacientes operados entre el 2013 y 2016. Se identificaron los motivos de conversión de técnica quirúrgica. Se caracterizó la población de estudio y se estimaron asociaciones según la naturaleza de las variables. Mediante un análisis de regresión logística se ajustaron posibles variables de confusión. Resultados: se analizaron los datos de 444 pacientes (111 casos y 333 controles). La causa de conversión más frecuente fue la dificultad técnica (50,5%). Se encontró que la mayor edad, el sexo masculino, el antecedente de cirugía abierta en hemiabdomen superior, el signo de Murphy clínico positivo, la dilatación de la vía biliar, la leucocitosis y la mayor experiencia del cirujano, fueron factores de riesgo para conversión. Se encontró un área bajo la curva ROC= 0,743 (IC95% 0,692–0,794, p= <0,001). Discusión: existen unos factores que se asocian a mayor riesgo de conversión en colecistectomía laparoscópica. La mayoría se relacionan con un proceso inflamatorio más severo, por lo que se debe evitar la prolongación del tiempo de espera entre el inicio de los síntomas y la extirpación quirúrgica de la vesícula.