991 resultados para 1755 Lisbon Tsunami
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Edificações
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial, domínio Cognição e Multideficiência
I - Este relatório pretende descrever o estágio especializado em ensino de música realizado no âmbito do mestrado em Ensino de Música na Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. Este estágio decorreu no Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa e no Conservatório de Música, de Dança e de Arte Dramática de Lisboa, duas escolas de ensino oficial especializado. Sendo a primeira pública e a segunda privada, estas escolas apresentam realidades muito diferentes do ponto de vista organizacional e de gestão, que resultam em situações heterogéneas e dependentes de vários factores que serão mencionados ao longo deste relatório. A análise SWOT efectuada para cada uma destas organizações descreve mais objectivamente os factores e variáveis que permitiram construir este relatório. Foram caracterizados três alunos, um de cada curso: preparatório, básico e secundário. A Maria M. é a aluna do 2º ano do curso preparatório, o Pedro R. é aluno de 3º grau do curso básico de instrumento e o Diego M. é aluno de 7º grau. Foram aprofundadas as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas com cada um dos alunos e os avanços e metas atingidas por cada um destes alunos. Este estágio resulta numa reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica aplicada e as suas motivações.
This paper presents part of a study that aimed to understand how the emergence of algebraic thinking takes place in a group of four-year-old children, as well as its relationship to the exploration of children‘s literature. To further deepen and guide this study the following research questions were formulated: (1) How can children's literature help preschoolers identify patterns?; (2) What strategies and thinking processes do children use to create, analyze and generalize repeating and growing patterns?; (3) What strategies do children use to identify the unit of repeat of a pattern? and (4) What factors influence the identification of patterns? The paper focuses only on the strategies and thinking processes that children use to create, analyze and generalize repeating patterns. The present study was developed with a group of 14 preschoolers in a private school in Lisbon, and it was carried out with all children. In order to develop the research, a qualitative research methodology under the interpretive paradigm was chosen, emphasizing meanings and processes. The researcher took the dual role of teacher-researcher, conducting the study with her own group and in her own natural environment. Participant observation and document analysis (audio and video recordings, photos and children productions) were used as data collection methods. Data collection took place from October 2013 to April 2014. The results of the study indicate that children master the concept of repeating patterns, and they are able to identify the unit of repeat, create and analyze various repeating patterns, evolving from simpler to more complex forms.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Ramo de Estruturas
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Cartografia Geológica Aplicada a Áreas Urbanas
This study deals with mastodont teeth found near Lisbon in Lower Langhian (lower Middle Miocene) fluviatile, feldspathic sands (Vb division). Conclusions are as follows: 1. Tetralophodont molars (even if at a still primitive stade of the tetralophodont condition) do exist at least since lower Langhian times, and not only since late Middle Miocene as was previously known. 2. Tri- and tetralophodont structures may (and indeed do) coexist in the same individual: such examples do not correspond to transitional forms, but instead to a mosaic of juxtaposed characters (however this does not mean there are no transitional forms in other instances). 3. So these structures coexisted in a population not yet genetically separated beyond fertile cross-breeding, i.e. beyond species' level. 4. Origin of the tetralophodont molar was due to some mutation (s). but without crossing species, limits and even more genus'ones. 5. At this times probably soon after the first appearance of tetralophodont mutants, animals with such characters were a small but significant minority among the population (17% if account is taken on D4's: only 2% after M2's). 6. There was not then any direct and clear correlation between number of lophs (transversal crests) and tooth size, even if the increase of such number goes along with length's increase. 7. Dimensions (length in special) in tetralophodont teeth tend to exceed those in «normal» trilophodont teeth, this being particularly clear in D4, even if there is no clear distinction: the situation is quite the same, maybe less marked, with the M2. 8. According to the preceding conclusions there are no reasons to segregate different taxa among such mastodont population on the grounds of the presence in D4, M1 and M2 of 3 or 4 crests (this character being regarded as diagnostic of the genus Tetralophodon). 9. On the contrary, if any natural (in biological sense) classification is disregarded and a morphological parataxonomy is adopted there should be considered both Gomphotherium angustidens and Tetralophodon sp.: however this is absolutely not our opinion.
This is the first report on Dinoflagellata from lowermost Miocene beds in Portugal (Tagus basin, Lisbon region, exposure at Benfica). Some general data about Dinoflagellata are presented. Descriptions are provided for some forms: Gonyaulacysta tenuitabulata, Spiniferites ramosus, Achomosphaera sp., Hystrichokolpoma rigaudae, Homotriblium cf. pallidum, Cordosphaeridium sp, and Lingulodinium machaerophorum. Lithostratigraphical study of an important section along Circular highway at Benfica has shown that there is a hitherto unknown sedimentary cycle in Lisbon's lowermost Miocene (upper Oligocene?). Pollen and Ostracoda point out to an Lower Aquitanian or even Upper Chattian age for the first Neogene marine transgression in Portugal, previously considered as Upper Aquitanian or Lower Burdigalian.
A new species, Pokornyella lusitanica (Ostracoda), from the Lower Miocene (Aquitanian) of the Lisbon area, is described. Some palaeoecological data are presented.
This paper reports some research work that has been done to support Geological Survey's field work for the 1:50.000 Carta Geológica de Portugal, (sheets 19-C Figueira da Foz and 19-D Coimbra-Lousã). Its main purpose was to establish the age of some continental formations. At Cerâmica do Mondego, Ld.ª near Taveiro, two series were observed. The lower one is mainly pelitic, montmorillonite being predominant. It also includes some sandy beds and channel deposits with high energy sediments (conglomerate with limestone pebbles). The upper series lies unconformably upon the former, and there is a neat discontinuity surface between the two. It mainly consists of sands, kaolinite being the most abundant of the clay minerals. This seems to indicate an intensive weathering, an acid, well drained environment and transportation by quite high energy running waters. No fossils were recorded. Preliminary paleontological results are presented, along with some data concerning other localities (Aveiro, etc.). Fossils found in the lower series are: gastropoda (Bulimus gaudryi, TV. 15 bed), several vertebrates (TV. 18), fishes (TV. 19?) and plants (TV. 19-TV. 24). Vertebrata belong to the same fauna as that from Vizo, Aveiro, etc. The presence of mammals is most important as only a single tooth was previously Know in Europe (Southern France) in Late Cretaceous formations. Elsewhere there are some mammalian remains in Peru besides the rich assemblages found in the USA and Mongolia. Plants are representative of the «Debeya flora» well known at several localities in Beira Litoral province, in «Buçaco sandstones», and in Lisbon's «Basaltic Complex». The most important stratigraphical conclusion is that the lower series is Upper Campanian and/or Maastrichtian in age, and not Tertiary as sometimes it has been considered. As at Aveiro, «Bebeya flora» occurs in-beds somewhat higher than those with the Aveiro-Vizo-Taveiro vertebrate fauna. Correlation with other «Debeya flora» localities are now more clear. Data concerning Taveiro lower series, in the whole, point out to a rather warm (and moist?) environment in an occasionally (seasonally?) flooded region.
This paper is concerned with Hipparion from Ribatejo, Portugal, and with the stratigraphy of the Neogene series of this region. The first two chapters are an introduction and an historical review. Paleontological study includes both a revision of the specimens accounted by ROMAN (1907) and the description of new material. Two forms were recognized, an early H. cf. primigenium, lower Vallesian in age, NM 9 mammal unit (from Archino, Vila Nova da Rainha, Aveiras de Cima), and a more advanced H. primigenium cf. melendezi. Upper Vallesian, NM 10 (possibly lowermost Turolian, NM 11) (at Azambujeira and Marmeleira). A synthesis of Middle and Upper Miocene from Ribatejo is also presented. Levels with H. p. cf. melendezi are somewhat older than «Upper Pontian», as it was previously acknowledged, they attain at the best the lowermost Turolian (approximately corresponding to «Upper Pontian»). Even higher levels may be Turolian in age, though they are not yet accurately dated. Almost all the localities are shown (tableau 11) according to its stratigraphical position; age, correspondance to mammal units from NM 5 to NM 10 (and may be also from NM 11 to NM 12), and correlation with marine formations near Lisbon are also taken in account. The stratigraphical position of localities such as Póvoa de Santarém, Quinta do Marmelal, Pero Filho, Azambujeira (lower levels), and Fonte do Pinheiro was revised; the stratigraphical position of Marmeleira was ascertained. The localities so far known correspond to NM 5 (?), NM 6, NM 8, NM 9, NM 10 and possibly to NM II and NM 12. A new interpretation (M. T. ANTUNES) of localities with oysters from Ribatejo allows a better correlation with vertebrate localities. Relationships with Serravallian transgression seem well established. Only two localities, Vila Nova da Rainha and Foz do Alviela, may possibly be correlated to V-b division of Lisbon (Langhian) with «Hispanotherium fauna». All the other localities are younger than Serravallian oyster beds. Undirect correlation shows that NM 6 localities are somewhat younger than the apogee ef Serravallian transgression (corresponding approximately to Blow's N 11 to N 13 zones based on planctonic foraminifera).
This study on middle Miocene mammalian faunas from Tagus'basin deals particularly with some small mammals hitherto undescribed from Portugal, including a new Glirid (Paraglirulus scalabicensis nov. sp.); it allows an accurate datation by biostratigraphical standards, Megacricetodon crusafonti, Fahlbuschia darocensis, Cricetodon jotae being characteristic of mammalian MN6 unit, thus their age is nearly that of Sansan and Manchones (however the presence of Peridyromys hamadryas and Lagopsis verus do suggest, amidst this biozone, a somewhat later age than Sansan's); it contributes with indirect correlation data with marine formations, as underlying oyster-bearing beds most probably are in correspondance to the apogee of the same transgression that deposed near Lisbon ”schlier" facies from VI-a division (Serravalian, Blow's zones 10-13, Globorotalia meyeri zone); the diversity of mammalian assemblages is surely related to an environement with varied biotopes, whose characterisation becomes easier if account is taken of the preceding papers on mollusks (G. Truc) and Cyprinid fishes (J. Gaudant), and also according to some unpublished paleobotanical data (J. Pais). A table with a synthesis of all paleontological data so far known is presented.
The Upper-Cretaceous transgressive serie is described by the authors, on the whole Occidental Portuguese Basin: it begins in the Lisbon region in the Albian and finishes in the Beira litoral province in the lower Turonian, while the sedimentation zones migrate Northward. The lithologic composition is given for each stage and sub-stage, taking into cgnsideration, in particular in the Upper Cenomanian, the lateral variations from one region to another. The paleogeography becomes clear by the study of the sedimentation environments (6 fig.). In conclusion, the authors propose a correlation between the whole serie and the accepted zonation of the Northwestern Europe. Tables show the repartition of the main macrofauna and microfauna.
The Author presents a synopsis about the post-Paleozoic igneous activity in continental Portugal. Subvolcanic massifs of Sintra, Sines and Monchique and the basaltic complex of Lisbon-Mafra are interpreted. The large network of dikes and sills occuring at north of Tagus river in Lisbon- Torres Vedras region as the dikes of Algarve and also those of diapiric formation are studied and compared. Also the doleritic dikes cuting the Hesperic Massif and the Great dike of Alentejo are studied. The Author presents an attempt of petrological and geochemical correlation-among these post-Paleozoic igneous rocks. For this more than 350 chemical analysis are used in order to elaborate several diagrams and some general conclusions are derived from them. The correlation between the origin of these igneous rocks and the opening of North Atlantic and the counter-clockwise rotation of the Iberia are also tried.