976 resultados para vírus da influenza A subtipo H1N1


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Animal movements may contribute to the spread of pathogens. In the case of avian influenza virus, [migratory] birds have been suggested to play a role in the spread of some highly pathogenic strains (e.g. H5N1, H5N8), as well as their low pathogenic precursors which circulate naturally in wild birds. For a better understanding of the emergence and spread of both highly pathogenic (HPAIV) and low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV), the potential effects of LPAIVs on bird movement need to be evaluated. In a key host species, the mallard Anas platyrhynchos, we tested whether LPAIV infection status affected daily local (< 100 m) and regional (> 100 m) movements by comparing movement behaviour 1) within individuals (captured and sampled at two time points) and 2) between individuals (captured and sampled at one time point). We fitted free-living adult males with GPS loggers throughout the autumn LPAIV infection peak, and sampled them for LPAIV infection at logger deployment and at logger removal on recapture. Within individuals, we found no association between LPAIV infection and daily local and regional movements. Among individuals, daily regional movements of LPAIV infected mallards in the last days of tracking were lower than those of non-infected birds. Moreover, these regional movements of LPAIV infected birds were additionally reduced by poor weather conditions (i.e. increased wind and/or precipitation and lower temperatures). Local movements of LPAIV infected birds in the first days of tracking were higher when temperature decreased. Our study thus demonstrates that bird-assisted dispersal rate of LPAIV may be lower on a regional scale than expected on the basis of the movement behaviour of non-infected birds. Our study underlines the importance of understanding the impact of pathogen infection on host movement in order to assess its potential role in the emergence and spread of infectious diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) are found worldwide in numerous bird species, causing significant disease in gallinaceous poultry and occasionally other species. Surveillance of wild bird reservoirs provides an opportunity to add to the understanding of the epidemiology of AIVs. METHODS: This study examined key findings from the National Avian Influenza Wild Bird Surveillance Program over a 5-year period (July 2007-June 2012), the main source of information on AIVs circulating in Australia. RESULTS: The overall proportion of birds that tested positive for influenza A via PCR was 1.9 ± 0.1%, with evidence of widespread exposure of Australian wild birds to most low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) subtypes (H1-13, H16). LPAI H5 subtypes were found to be dominant and widespread during this 5-year period. CONCLUSION: Given Australia's isolation, both geographically and ecologically, it is important for Australia not to assume that the epidemiology of AIV from other geographic regions applies here. Despite all previous highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in Australian poultry being attributed to H7 subtypes, widespread detection of H5 subtypes in wild birds may represent an ongoing risk to the Australian poultry industry.


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The first North American outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) involving a virus of Eurasian A/goose/Guangdong/1/1996 (H5N1) lineage began in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada in late November 2014. A total of 11 commercial and 1 non-commercial (backyard) operations were infected before the outbreak was terminated. Control measures included movement restrictions that were placed on a total of 404 individual premises, 150 of which were located within a 3 km radius of an infected premise(s) (IP). A complete epidemiological investigation revealed that the source of this HPAI H5N2 virus for 4 of the commercial IPs and the single non-commercial IP likely involved indirect contact with wild birds. Three IPs were associated with the movement of birds or service providers and localized/environmental spread was suspected as the source of infection for the remaining 4 IPs. Viral phylogenies, as determined by Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood methods, were used to validate the epidemiologically inferred transmission network. The phylogenetic clustering of concatenated viral genomes and the median-joining phylogenetic network of the viruses supported, for the most part, the transmission network that was inferred by the epidemiologic analysis.


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Analisi sperimentale svolta per valutare come la segnaletica di cantiere, se percepita correttamente, influenza la guida degli utenti che circolano sulla strada interessata da lavorazioni di tipo cantieristico. L'analisi si prefigge anche lo scopo di trovare le soluzioni necessarie per garantire il livello di sicurezza più alto possibile sia per gli utenti che si ritrovano a stretto contatto con il cantiere, che per lavoratori che vi operano.


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I Big Data stanno guidando una rivoluzione globale. In tutti i settori, pubblici o privati, e le industrie quali Vendita al dettaglio, Sanità, Media e Trasporti, i Big Data stanno influenzando la vita di miliardi di persone. L’impatto dei Big Data è sostanziale, ma così discreto da passare inosservato alla maggior parte delle persone. Le applicazioni di Business Intelligence e Advanced Analytics vogliono studiare e trarre informazioni dai Big Data. Si studia il passaggio dalla prima alla seconda, mettendo in evidenza aspetti simili e differenze.


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Influenza A virus is an important human pathogen causative of yearly epidemics and occasional pandemics. The ability to replicate within the host cell is a determinant of virulence, amplifying viral numbers for host-to-host transmission. This process requires multiple rounds of entering permissive cells, replication, and virion assembly at the plasma membrane, the site of viral budding and release. The assembly of influenza A virus involves packaging of several viral (and host) proteins and of a segmented genome, composed of 8 distinct RNAs in the form of viral ribonucleoproteins (vRNPs). The selective assembly of the 8-segment core remains one of the most interesting unresolved problems in virology. The recycling endosome regulatory GTPase Rab11 was shown to contribute to the process, by transporting vRNPs to the periphery, giving rise to enlarged cytosolic puncta rich in Rab11 and the 8 vRNPs. We recently reported that vRNP hotspots were formed of clustered vesicles harbouring protruding electron-dense structures that resembled vRNPs. Mechanistically, vRNP hotspots were formed as vRNPs outcompeted the cognate effectors of Rab11, the Rab11-Family-Interacting-Proteins (FIPs) for binding, and as a consequence impair recycling sorting at an unknown step. Here, we speculate on the impact that such impairment might have in host immunity, membrane architecture and viral assembly.


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Understanding avian influenza infection dynamics in wildlife is crucial because of the possibility of virus spill over to livestock and humans. There are still knowledge gaps how different ecological and environmental factors influence infection dynamics in birds. My study highlights the importance of investigating disease dynamics in Australia.


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Los cambios epigenéticos son responsables de la aparición de muchas patologías humanas y sus causas son debido a factores ambientales como genéticos. Se ha descrito en enfermedades crónicas como la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (T2DM) que se caracteriza por los estados de hiperglucemia y el incremento en el estrés oxidativo que conlleva a complicaciones micro y macro vasculares, asociado a una desmetilación global del genoma. Nuestra hipótesis corresponde a que los órganos diana son afectados por las alteraciones como la metilación e hidroximetilación como consecuencia del estrés oxidativo que luego repercuten en la persistencia de la enfermedad. Métodos: A partir de sangre periférica se analizaron los cambios globales en la metilación del DNA que son afectados por el estado metabólico de 60 individuos (40 pacientes, 20 controles sanos). Por técnicas de cuantificación se compararon los resultados obtenidos con los de la expresión de las enzimas involucradas. Por último, se realizó un estudio de microarreglos de metilación del DNA y de expresión obtenidos de la base de datos GEO para así comparar los resultados con nuestros datos experimentales. Resultados: Los pacientes diabéticos con pobre control metabólico presentaron mayores niveles de metilación que el grupo control y no se encontró alteración en las enzimas involucradas en este proceso. Los resultados fueron concordantes con el estudio de microarreglos. Conclusión: Los estudios experimentales y de microarreglos demostraron que la metilación es tejido específico y que existe una mayor oxidación en pacientes. Por ello proponemos unaa alterna de desmetilación no enzimática, basada en la oxidación directa de los grupos metilos generados por los estados oxidativos característicos de esta enfermedad.


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Cerca de 65 espécies virais infectam videiras no mundo, podendo causar significativos impactos econômicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a incidência de vírus e viroide em 9 vinhedos do município de São Roque, SP e caracterizar molecularmente o gene da proteína capsidial (CP) de isolados locais.


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Este comunicado descreve os procedimentos de coleta, processamento do líquido céfalo-raquidiano, para a extração de RNA genômico viral, e de detecção do vírus através da técnica de RT-nested PCR, potencial método de diagnóstico molecular da CAE.


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Este comunicado descreve os procedimentos de coleta e processamento de líquido sinovial e sangue seguido pela extração de RNA genômico e, finalmente, o diagnóstico molecular do vírus pela técnica de RT-nested PCR.


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O presente comunicado descreve os procedimentos necessários para a coleta e processamento de amostras de sêmen de caprinos infectados pelo CAEV para posterior extração do RNA viral por meio de um método baseado em centrifugação em coluna de sílica. A avaliação da presença de RNA no sêmen será feita, diretamente, por meio da reação de RT-nested PCR, portencial método de diagnóstico molecular da CAE.


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