1000 resultados para unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa


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Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att få kunskap om viktiga aspekter för att elever i årskurs 4-6 skall utveckla förståelse för bråk. Utifrån syftet formulerades följande frågeställning: Vilka undervisningsmetoder kan underlätta elevers förståelse av bråk. Databaserna LIBRIS, Teacher´s reference center och ERIC användes för söka efter relevanta vetenskapligt granskade artiklar. Resultatet visar att många elever tycker att det är svårt med bråk och att de inte förstår syftet med att lära sig bråk i skolan. Vidare visar resultatet att om lärarna åskådliggör bråk för eleverna på många olika sätt i undervisningen ökar elevernas förståelse för bråk. Studien visar även att användning av konkreta material såsom modeller och bilder gör det enklare för elever att bland annat förstå beräkningar med bråk. Att lärarna samtalar med eleverna om bråk är också en viktig aspekt för att öka elevers förståelse för bråk.


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Bakgrund: Traumatisk hjärnskada (THS) orsakas av våld mot huvud i samband med fallolyckor eller trafikolyckor. Varje år söker 20 000 personer vård på grund av skallskador. Vården för traumatiskt hjärnskadade patienter i Sverige skiljer sig åt, mycket beroende på avstånden som finns till specialistsjukhus, tiden och rätta åtgärder är avgörande faktorer för denna patientgrupp. Syfte: Att undersöka vikten och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors behov av rutiner i samband med vård av patienter med hjärnskador på allmänintensivvårdsavdelningar och på neurointensivvårdavdelningar. Metod: Kvalitativ studie med fokusgruppsintervjuer av tio intensivvårdsjuksköterskor som arbetar på en allmänintensivvårdsavdelning (IVA) och specialistneurointensivvårdavdelningen (NIVA). Resultat: På NIVA finns väl inarbetade rutiner och tydliga riktlinjer nedskrivna. Sjuksköterskornas upplevelse var att det fanns tillräckligt med rutiner, men några rutiner kunde utvecklas. På IVA fanns det inga nedskrivna riktlinjer och inga tydliga rutiner för att vårda denna patientgrupp. Vården och kontrollerna ordinerades av läkare som är i tjänst. Slutsats: Vården kring hjärnskadade patienter är ytterst viktigt då man ständigt måste förebygga sekundära skador/insulter. Rutiner är väl inarbetade på specialistsjukhuset, men vården börjar först på hemsjukhuset på IVA där tydliga rutiner och riktlinjer saknas.


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Lagstiftaren har skapat Lagen om anställningsskydd (LAS) för att skydda de arbetstagarna som arbetat längst i företaget och mot godtycke. Det har blivit allt vanligare att avtala bort LAS, vid uppsägning av personal på grund arbetsbrist. Istället används Medbestämmandelagen (MBL). Fackföreningen kan då förhandla bättre villkor om ersättning för dem som avskedas än vad LAS kräver och de anställda blir överraskade av att de har blivit utvalda trots många år i företaget. Syftet med studien är att genom intervjuer jämföra hur sju olika fackförbund går tillväga vid uppsägningar på grund av arbetsbrist. Det finns mycket forskning ur det juridiska perspektivet men lite forskning ur det sociologiska perspektivet. Det menar även Roine Johansson som vill med sin socialpsykologiska studie bidra till teoriutveckling inom organisationsanalysen, den här studien har en stomme av Johanssons förslag om förhandskontroll, kontroll under själva arbetsprocessen och efterhandskontroll. Denna kvalitativa studie visar att fackföreningar inte har ett gemensamt arbetssätt att hantera rutinerna vid uppsägning på grund av arbetsbrist och fackligt stöd före, under och efter uppsägningsprocessen. För att komma tillrätta med detta och stärka fackföreningsrörelsen samt den svenska modellen, med att arbetsmarknadens parter gör egna avtal, bör de centrala arbetsorganisationerna arbeta fram gemensamma arbetsrutiner vid uppsägningar på grund av arbetsbrist. De anställda ska också få det fackliga stöd som de förväntar sig med sitt medlemskap. Lagstiftarna bör se över uppsägningsvillkoren vid uppsägningar enligt lagen om anställningsskydd.


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In the light of the twofold mission of Swedish schools, that is to say enabling pupils to develop both subject knowledge and a democratic attitude, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what extent adult higher education students from different language and social backgrounds, studying Swedish as a second language, are able to carry out joint writing assignments with the aid of deliberative discourse, and to what extent they thereby also develop a deliberative attitude. The twofold mission of education applies to them too. While there already exists a certain amount of research into deliberative discourse relating to education in schools, the perspective of higher education didactics in this research is still lacking. The present study is to be viewed as a first contribution to this research. The theoretical starting point of this study includes previous research into deliberative discourse by further developing an existing model regarding criteria for deliberative discourse, for example that there is a striving towards agreement, although the consensus may be temporary, that diverging opinions can be set against each other, that tolerance and respect for views other than one’s own are shown, and that traditional outlooks can be questioned. This model is supplemented by designations for a number of disruptive behaviours, such as ridiculing, ignoring, interrupting people and engaging in private conversations. The thus further developed model will thereafter act as a lens in the analysis of students’ discussions when writing joint texts. Another theoretical starting point is the view of education as communication, and of the possibility of communication creating a third place, thereby developing democracy in the here and now-situation. For this study, comprising 18 hours of observation of nine students, that is to say the discussions of three groups in connection with writing texts on different occasions, various ethnographic data collection methods have been employed, for example video recordings, participant observations, field notes and interviews in conjunction with the discussions. The analysis clarifies that the three groups developed their deliberation as the discussions about the joint assignment proceeded, and that most of the nine students furthermore expressed at least an openness towards a deliberative attitude for further discussions in the future. The disruptive behaviours mentioned in connection with the analytical model that could be identified in the discussions, for example interruptions and private conversations, proved not to constitute real disturbances; on the contrary they actually contributed towards the discussions developing, enabling them to continue. On the other hand, other and not previously identified disturbances occurred, for example a focus on grades, the lack of time and lacking language ability, which all in different ways affected the students’ attitudes towards their work. For any future didactical work on deliberative discourse in Swedish as a second language within higher education, these disturbances would need to be highlighted and made aware of for both teachers and students. Keywords: higher education didactics, communication, deliberative discourse, deliberative attitude, John Dewey, Tomas Englund, heterogeneity, ethnographic data collection methods.


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The aim of this thesis is to, based on teachers’ experiences, describe and analyse meanings of teachers’ leadership in general, and in relation to children in need of special support in particular. The study was carried out within the tradition of participatory-oriented research, a research circle. The dialogues in the circle were based on the participants’ questions, experiences, interests, and knowledge. The circle included a researcher and nine teachers from the following types of schools: preschool, preschool class, compulsory school, and compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. The study is based on an understanding of leadership as a relational practice. Leadership is practised in the interaction between teacher and child. Both parties exert influence over the practice of leadership. A central assumption in the study is that knowledge can develop through and in interactions between people, that knowledge and power are connected, and that knowledge and actions are intertwined. Another central assumption is that learning is a complex phenomenon. In the analysis of the research circle’s dialogues, the following meanings of teachers’ leadership emerge: to facilitate learning and discipline, and to promote different interests. The practice of leadership involves teachers handling complex situations in their interactions with ‘all’ children, i.e. children in need of special support and children without such needs. Leadership is practised between teachers and children, and the teachers have to consider the group of children as a collective in relation to the individual children. At the same time, the teachers have to consider their intentions versus what happens during the interactions. In addition, the teachers have to pay heed to the fact that their own actions and the children’s actions influence one another. Finally, the teachers have to consider the individual child’s ‘best interest’ in relation to the requirements of the policy documents. Furthermore, the results indicate that the practice of leadership is perceived as both unpredictable and, to some extent, predictable at the same time, which adds to the complexity of leadership. The teachers cannot know for sure what the children understand or if the children’s actions facilitate learning. However, the teachers can make certain assumptions about how to practice leadership in order to facilitate learning and discipline in children with different needs. The meanings of leadership were expressed in different ways in the circle’s dialogues; both as enabling and limiting in interactions with children in need of special support. One of the study’s conclusions is that leadership seems to be particularly complex in interactions with children in need of special support. The research circle’s dialogues served to promote a democratic knowledge process. The dialogues were characterised by respect for the participants’ different opinions; however, this does not mean that they were free from power structures.


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Denna studie har med en fenomenologisk ansats undersökt hur sex lärarstudenter med dokumenterad dyslexi ser på sin framtida yrkesbana som lärare. Arbetet avhandlar vilka svårigheter och möjligheter lärarstudenterna själva tror att de kommer stöta på i sin yrkesvardag, samt deras syn på hur specialpedagogiska insatser bör utformas och hur upplevelsen av att vara dyslektiker påverkar skapandet av en läraridentitet. Resultaten av denna studie tyder på att lärarstudenterna på grund av sin dyslexi utvecklat en unik förståelse för de elever som har det lite svårare i skolan. Lärarstudenterna presenterar även ett insiderperspektiv på specialpedagogiska insatser för dessa elever. Informanterna kan alla kategoriseras som högpresterande dyslektiker, men upplevda fördomar mot dyslektiker har ändå påverkat informanternas självkänsla och självförtroende. Trots att studiens resultat inte kan anses vara generaliserbart tyder allt på att dyslektiska lärarstudenter har mycket positivt att bidra till lärarprofessionen.


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Imprimatur: Frans Ludv. Schauman.


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The health of adolescent boys is complex and surprisingly little is known about how adolescent boys perceive, conceptualise and experience their health. Thus, the overall aim of this thesis was to explore adolescent boys’ perceptions and experiences of health, emotions, masculinity and subjective social status (SSS). This thesis consists of a qualitative, a quantitative and a mixed methods study. The qualitative study aimed to explore how adolescent boys understand the concept of health and what they find important for its achievement. Furthermore, the adolescent boys’ views of masculinity, emotion management and their potential effects on wellbeing were explored. For this purpose, individual interviews were conducted with 33 adolescent boys aged 16-17 years. The quantitative study aimed to investigate the associations between pride, shame and health in adolescence. Data were collected through a cross-sectional postal survey with 705 adolescents. The purpose of the mixed methods study was to investigate associations between SSS in school, socioeconomic status (SES) and self-rated health (SRH), and to explore the concept of SSS in school. Cross-sectional data were combined with interview data in which the meaning of SSS was further explored. Individual interviews with 35 adolescents aged 17-18 years were conducted. In the qualitative study, data were analysed using Grounded Theory. In the quantitative study, statistical analyses (e.g., chi-square test and uni- and multivariable logistic regression analyses) were performed. In the mixed method study, a combination of statistical analyses and thematic network analysis was applied. The results showed that there was a complexity in how the adolescent boys viewed, experienced, dealt with and valued health. On a conceptual level, they perceived health as holistic but when dealing with difficult emotions, they were prone to separate the body from the mind. Thus, the adolescent boys experienced a difference between health as a concept and health as an experience (paper I). Concerning emotional orientation in masculinity, two main categories of masculine conceptions were identified: a gender-normative masculinity and a non-gender-normative masculinity (paper II). Gender-normative masculinity comprised two seemingly opposite emotional masculinity orientations, one towards toughness and the other towards sensitivity, both of which were highly influenced by contextual and situational group norms and demands, despite that their expressions are in contrast to each other. Non-gender-normative masculinity included an orientation towards sincerity, emphasising the personal values of the boys. Emotions were expressed more independently of peer group norms. The findings suggest that different masculinities and the expression of emotions are intricately intertwined and that managing emotions is vital for wellbeing. The present findings also showed that both shame and pride were significantly associated with SRH, and furthermore, that there seems to be a protective effect of experiencing pride for health (paper III). The results also demonstrated that SSS is strongly related to SRH, and high SRH is related to high SSS, and further that the positioning was done in a gendered space (paper IV). Results from all studies suggest that the emotional and relational aspects, as well as perceived SSS, were strongly related to SRH. Positive emotions, trustful relationships and having a sense of belonging were important factors for health and pride was an important emotion protecting health. Physical health, on the other hand, had a more subordinated value, but the body was experienced as an important tool to achieve health. Even though health was mainly perceived in a holistic manner by the boys, there were boys who were prone to dichotomise the health experience into a mind-body dualism when having to deal with difficult emotions. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that young, masculine health is largely experienced through emotions and relationships between individuals and their contexts affected by gendered practices. Health is to feel and function well in mind and body and to have trusting relationships. The results support theories on health as a social construction of interconnected processes. Having confidence in self-esteem, access to trustful relationships and the courage to resist traditional masculine norms while still reinforcing and maintaining social status are all conducive to good health. Researchers as well as professionals need to consider the complexity of adolescent boys’ health in which norms, values, relationships and gender form its social determinants. Those working with young boys should encourage them to integrate physical, social and emotional aspects of health into an interconnected and holistic experience.


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Alanimeke kannessa ja esiössä: en reflexstudie.


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Kuvien signeeraukset: J. A. C. x.A. ; G. B. (monogrammi) = Gunnar Berndtson ; A. Cederqvist x.a.