987 resultados para row arrangement


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Macrophages are critical for natural immunity and play a central role in specific acquired immunity. The IFN-gamma activation of macrophages derived from A/J or BALB/c mice yielded two different patterns of antiviral state in murine hepatitis virus 3 infection, which were related to a down-regulation of the main virus receptor. Using cDNA hybridization to evaluate mRNA accumulation in the cells, we were able to identify several genes that are differently up- or down-regulated by IFN-gamma in A/J (267 and 266 genes, respectively, up- and down-regulated) or BALB/c (297 and 58 genes, respectively, up- and down-regulated) mouse macrophages. Macrophages from mice with different genetic backgrounds behave differently at the molecular level and comparison of the patterns of non-activated and IFN-gamma-activated A/J or BALB/c mouse macrophages revealed, for instance, an up-regulation and a down-regulation of genes coding for biological functions such as enzymatic reactions, nucleic acid synthesis and transport, protein synthesis, transport and metabolism, cytoskeleton arrangement and extracellular matrix, phagocytosis, resistance and susceptibility to infection and tumors, inflammation, and cell differentiation or activation. The present data are reported in order to facilitate future correlation of proteomic/transcriptomic findings as well as of results obtained from a classical approach for the understanding of biological phenomena. The possible implication of the role of some of the gene products relevant to macrophage biology can now be further scrutinized. In this respect, a down-regulation of the main murine hepatitis virus 3 receptor gene was detected only in IFN-gamma-activated macrophages of resistant mice.


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The distribution, morphology and morphometry of microglial cells in the chick cerebral hemispheres from embryonic day 4 (E4) to the first neonatal day (P1) were studied by histochemical labeling with a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) lectin. The histochemical analysis revealed lectin-reactive cells in the nervous parenchyma on day E4. Between E4 (5.7 ± 1.35 mm length) and E17 (8.25 ± 1.2 mm length), the lectin-reactive cells were identified as ameboid microglia and observed starting from the subventricular layer, distributed throughout the mantle layer and in the proximity of the blood vessels. After day E13, the lectin-reactive cells exhibited elongated forms with small branched processes, and were considered primitive ramified microglia. Later, between E18 (5.85 ± 1.5 mm cell body length) and P1 (3.25 ± 0.6 mm cell body length), cells with more elongated branched processes were observed, constituting the ramified microglia. Our findings provide additional information on the migration and differentiation of microglial cells, whose ramified form is observed at the end of embryonic development. The present paper focused on the arrangement of microglial cells in developing cerebral hemispheres of embryonic and neonatal chicks, which are little studied in the literature. Details of morphology, morphometry and spatial distribution of microglial cells contributed to the understanding of bird and mammal central nervous system ontogeny. Furthermore, the identification and localization of microglial cells during the normal development could be used as a morphological guide for embryonic brain injury researches.


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Varaosavarastoihin kohdistuu entistä enemmän samoja vaihto-omaisuuden hallinnan vaatimuksia kuin raaka-aine ja lopputuotevarastoihin. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten kunnossapito-organisaatio voi vastata näihin tavoitteisiin heikentämättä koneiden ja laitteiden teknistä käytettävyyttä ja lisäämättä riskiä tuotannon menetyksille. Kirjallisuudessa on esitetty suuri joukko eri lähtökohdista kehitettyjä analysointimalleja ja varastonpitopolitiikoita. Niiden avulla varaosia voidaan jakaa eri luokkiin ja niiden muodostamaa kokonaisuutta hallita. Teoriaosiossa on suoritettu kirjallisuuskatsaus käytetyimpiin menetelmiin ja tapaustutkimuksiin. Empiiriaosiossa menetelmien soveltuvuutta tutkittiin käytännössä. Tiedonkeruussa käytettiin case-yrityksen dokumentteja ja tietojärjestelmistä saatavaa tietoa, sekä havainnointia ja avoimia haastatteluita. Tutkimuksen tuloksena havaittiin merkittävä kehityspotentiaali, jonka hyödyntämiseksi saatiin määriteltyä tarpeisiin ja tutkimuksen lähtökohtana olleeseen viitekehykseen sopivat analysointi- ja varastonhallintamenetelmät. Varastokokonaisuuden hallintapolitiikka ehdotettiin lisättäväksi osaksi laatujärjestelmää. Sen avulla menetelmien johdonmukainen noudattaminen ja ohjeiden ajan tasalla pitäminen toteutuvat myös käytännössä.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin kuinka eri tavoin rakenteen mallintaminen vaikuttaa laskettuun väsy-misikään. Työssä tutkittavana rakenteena toimi Sandvik Mining and Construction OY:n las-tauskoneen nostovarsi. Nostovarrelle väsytyskokeet suoritettiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston teräsrakenteiden laboratoriossa. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia miten eri digitaalinen valmistuksen tasot vaikuttavat hitsatulle rakenteelle saatuun kestoikään. Työssä tutkittiin myös miten todellista geometriaa voidaan hyödyntää rakenteen kestoiän arvioinnissa. Väsytyskoejärjestely mallinnettiin FE-menetelmällä, ja järjestelystä tehtiin useita malleja käyttäen solidi- ja laattaelementtejä. Malleista laskettiin väsymisiät hot spot- ja tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmällä, ja saatuja tuloksia vertailtiin toisiinsa ja väsytyskokeen tulok-siin. Väsytyskokeessa vaurioituneista kohdista tarkemman tutkimuksen kohteena oli nosto-varren palstalevyn kärki. Hot spot-menetelmällä saadut kestoiät vaihtelivat paikoin melko paljon eri mallien välillä. Tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmällä saaduissa tuloksissa erot olivat pienempiä mallien välillä. FE-mallin ja venymäliuskojen jännitykset poikkesivat toisistaan paikoin melko pal-jon. Todellisen hitsatun rakenteen kestoikään vaikuttaa moni asia, ja täten FE-menetelmällä las-kettu kestoikä voi poiketa huomattavasti todellisesta kestoiästä. Varsinkin hot spot-menetel-mällä tulokset voivat poiketa hyvinkin paljon todellisuudesta, mikäli jännitystila tutkitta-vassa kohdassa on moniaksiaalinen. Todellisen geometrian mallintaminen vaatii tarkkuutta, ja alkuperäisdatan tulee olla mahdollisimman tarkkaa ja riittävän suurelta alueelta, jotta malli vastaa tarpeeksi todellista.


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Electrical machine drives are the most electrical energy-consuming systems worldwide. The largest proportion of drives is found in industrial applications. There are, however many other applications that are also based on the use of electrical machines, because they have a relatively high efficiency, a low noise level, and do not produce local pollution. Electrical machines can be classified into several categories. One of the most commonly used electrical machine types (especially in the industry) is induction motors, also known as asynchronous machines. They have a mature production process and a robust rotor construction. However, in the world pursuing higher energy efficiency with reasonable investments not every application receives the advantage of using this type of motor drives. The main drawback of induction motors is the fact that they need slipcaused and thus loss-generating current in the rotor, and additional stator current for magnetic field production along with the torque-producing current. This can reduce the electric motor drive efficiency, especially in low-speed, low-power applications. Often, when high torque density is required together with low losses, it is desirable to apply permanent magnet technology, because in this case there is no need to use current to produce the basic excitation of the machine. This promotes the effectiveness of copper use in the stator, and further, there is no rotor current in these machines. Again, if permanent magnets with a high remanent flux density are used, the air gap flux density can be higher than in conventional induction motors. These advantages have raised the popularity of PMSMs in some challenging applications, such as hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), wind turbines, and home appliances. Usually, a correctly designed PMSM has a higher efficiency and consequently lower losses than its induction machine counterparts. Therefore, the use of these electrical machines reduces the energy consumption of the whole system to some extent, which can provide good motivation to apply permanent magnet technology to electrical machines. However, the cost of high performance rare earth permanent magnets in these machines may not be affordable in many industrial applications, because the tight competition between the manufacturers dictates the rules of low-cost and highly robust solutions, where asynchronous machines seem to be more feasible at the moment. Two main electromagnetic components of an electrical machine are the stator and the rotor. In the case of a conventional radial flux PMSM, the stator contains magnetic circuit lamination and stator winding, and the rotor consists of rotor steel (laminated or solid) and permanent magnets. The lamination itself does not significantly influence the total cost of the machine, even though it can considerably increase the construction complexity, as it requires a special assembly arrangement. However, thin metal sheet processing methods are very effective and economically feasible. Therefore, the cost of the machine is mainly affected by the stator winding and the permanent magnets. The work proposed in this doctoral dissertation comprises a description and analysis of two approaches of PMSM cost reduction: one on the rotor side and the other on the stator side. The first approach on the rotor side includes the use of low-cost and abundant ferrite magnets together with a tooth-coil winding topology and an outer rotor construction. The second approach on the stator side exploits the use of a modular stator structure instead of a monolithic one. PMSMs with the proposed structures were thoroughly analysed by finite element method based tools (FEM). It was found out that by implementing the described principles, some favourable characteristics of the machine (mainly concerning the machine size) will inevitable be compromised. However, the main target of the proposed approaches is not to compete with conventional rare earth PMSMs, but to reduce the price at which they can be implemented in industrial applications, keeping their dimensions at the same level or lower than those of a typical electrical machine used in the industry at the moment. The measurement results of the prototypes show that the main performance characteristics of these machines are at an acceptable level. It is shown that with certain specific actions it is possible to achieve a desirable efficiency level of the machine with the proposed cost reduction methods.


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Pro Gradu- tutkimuksen keskeisin tavoite on ollut selvittää, kuinka sosioteknistä kuilua kohdeyrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän ja käyttäjien välillä voitaisiin pienentää. Teo-reettisena viitekehyksenä on käytetty sosioteknistä systeemiteoriaa sekä teorioita liittyen tietoteknisen järjestelmän hyväksyntään. Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmät ovat tunnetusti välttämätön osa nykypäivää lähes kaikille yrityksille. Niiden käyttöönoton onnistumista ja käytön tehokkuutta voidaan parantaa huomioimalla sekä sosiaalinen että tekninen systeemi organisaatiossa. Sosiotekninen kuilu rakentuu kahden välttämättömän ja toisistaan riippuvaisen systeemin välille: sekä sosiaalinen systeemi eli henkilöstö ja heidän työtapansa että tekninen systeemi eli tekno-logia ja tieto on huomioitava ja aidosti sosioteknisessä muutoksessa molempia systeeme-jä muokattava. Organisaatio voi parantaa omilla toimillaan käyttäjien asennetta ja haluk-kuutta ja siten kaventaa kuilua sosiaalisen systeemin puolelta. Lisäksi teknistä systeemiä tulisi muokata paremmin vastaamaan käyttäjien toiveita, jotta kuilu kapenisi myös tekni-sen systeemin suunnasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena ja aineistonkeräystapana käytettiin puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja kohdeyrityksessä.


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We measured visual performance in achromatic and chromatic spatial tasks of mercury-exposed subjects and compared the results with norms obtained from healthy individuals of similar age. Data were obtained for a group of 28 mercury-exposed subjects, comprising 20 Amazonian gold miners, 2 inhabitants of Amazonian riverside communities, and 6 laboratory technicians, who asked for medical care. Statistical norms were generated by testing healthy control subjects divided into three age groups. The performance of a substantial proportion of the mercury-exposed subjects was below the norms in all of these tasks. Eleven of 20 subjects (55%) performed below the norms in the achromatic contrast sensitivity task. The mercury-exposed subjects also had lower red-green contrast sensitivity deficits at all tested spatial frequencies (9/11 subjects; 81%). Three gold miners and 1 riverine (4/19 subjects, 21%) performed worse than normal subjects making more mistakes in the color arrangement test. Five of 10 subjects tested (50%), comprising 2 gold miners, 2 technicians, and 1 riverine, performed worse than normal in the color discrimination test, having areas of one or more MacAdam ellipse larger than normal subjects and high color discrimination thresholds at least in one color locus. These data indicate that psychophysical assessment can be used to quantify the degree of visual impairment of mercury-exposed subjects. They also suggest that some spatial tests such as the measurement of red-green chromatic contrast are sufficiently sensitive to detect visual dysfunction caused by mercury toxicity.


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This work focuses on the 159.5 kW solar photovoltaic power plant project installed at the Lappeenranta University of Technology in 2013 as an example of what a solar plant project could be in Finland. The project consists of a two row carport and a flat roof installation on the roof of the university laboratories. The purpose of this project is not only its obvious energy savings potential but also to serve as research and teaching laboratory tool. By 2013, there were not many large scale solar power plants in Finland. For this reason, the installation and data experience from the solar power plant at LUT has brought valuable information for similar projects in northern countries. This work includes a first part for the design and acquisition of the project to continue explaining about the components and their installation. At the end, energy produced by this solar power plant is studied and calculated to find out some relevant economical results. For this, the radiation arriving to southern Finland, the losses of the system in cold weather and the impact of snow among other aspects are taken into account.


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Since the times preceding the Second World War the subject of aircraft tracking has been a core interest to both military and non-military aviation. During subsequent years both technology and configuration of the radars allowed the users to deploy it in numerous fields, such as over-the-horizon radar, ballistic missile early warning systems or forward scatter fences. The latter one was arranged in a bistatic configuration. The bistatic radar has continuously re-emerged over the last eighty years for its intriguing capabilities and challenging configuration and formulation. The bistatic radar arrangement is used as the basis of all the analyzes presented in this work. The aircraft tracking method of VHF Doppler-only information, developed in the first part of this study, is solely based on Doppler frequency readings in relation to time instances of their appearance. The corresponding inverse problem is solved by utilising a multistatic radar scenario with two receivers and one transmitter and using their frequency readings as a base for aircraft trajectory estimation. The quality of the resulting trajectory is then compared with ground-truth information based on ADS-B data. The second part of the study deals with the developement of a method for instantaneous Doppler curve extraction from within a VHF time-frequency representation of the transmitted signal, with a three receivers and one transmitter configuration, based on a priori knowledge of the probability density function of the first order derivative of the Doppler shift, and on a system of blocks for identifying, classifying and predicting the Doppler signal. The extraction capabilities of this set-up are tested with a recorded TV signal and simulated synthetic spectrograms. Further analyzes are devoted to more comprehensive testing of the capabilities of the extraction method. Besides testing the method, the classification of aircraft is performed on the extracted Bistatic Radar Cross Section profiles and the correlation between them for different types of aircraft. In order to properly estimate the profiles, the ADS-B aircraft location information is adjusted based on extracted Doppler frequency and then used for Bistatic Radar Cross Section estimation. The classification is based on seven types of aircraft grouped by their size into three classes.


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We determined the influence of fasting (FAST) and feeding (FED) on cholesteryl ester (CE) flow between high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and plasma apoB-lipoprotein and triacylglycerol (TG)-rich emulsions (EM) prepared with TG-fatty acids (FAs). TG-FAs of varying chain lengths and degrees of unsaturation were tested in the presence of a plasma fraction at d > 1.21 g/mL as the source of CE transfer protein. The transfer of CE from HDL to FED was greater than to FAST TG-rich acceptor lipoproteins, 18% and 14%, respectively. However, percent CE transfer from HDL to apoB-containing lipoproteins was similar for FED and FAST HDL. The CE transfer from HDL to EM depended on the EM TG-FA chain length. Furthermore, the chain length of the monounsaturated TG-containing EM showed a significant positive correlation of the CE transfer from HDL to EM (r = 0.81, P < 0.0001) and a negative correlation from EM to HDL (r = -041, P = 0.0088). Regarding the degree of EM TG-FAs unsaturation, among EMs containing C18, the CE transfer was lower from HDL to C18:2 compared to C18:1 and C18:3, 17.7%, 20.7%, and 20%, respectively. However, the CE transfer from EMs to HDL was higher to C18:2 than to C18:1 and C18:3, 83.7%, 51.2%, and 46.3%, respectively. Thus, the EM FA composition was found to be the rate-limiting factor regulating the transfer of CE from HDL. Consequently, the net transfer of CE between HDL and TG-rich particles depends on the specific arrangement of the TG acyl chains in the lipoprotein particle core.


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The actions of thyroid hormone (TH) on pancreatic beta cells have not been thoroughly explored, with current knowledge being limited to the modulation of insulin secretion in response to glucose, and beta cell viability by regulation of pro-mitotic and pro-apoptotic factors. Therefore, the effects of TH on proinsulin gene expression are not known. This led us to measure: a) proinsulin mRNA expression, b) proinsulin transcripts and eEF1A protein binding to the actin cytoskeleton, c) actin cytoskeleton arrangement, and d) proinsulin mRNA poly(A) tail length modulation in INS-1E cells cultured in different media containing: i) normal fetal bovine serum - FBS (control); ii) normal FBS plus 1 µM or 10 nM T3, for 12 h, and iii) FBS depleted of TH for 24 h (Tx). A decrease in proinsulin mRNA content and attachment to the cytoskeleton were observed in hypothyroid (Tx) beta cells. The amount of eEF1A protein anchored to the cytoskeleton was also reduced in hypothyroidism, and it is worth mentioning that eEF1A is essential to attach transcripts to the cytoskeleton, which might modulate their stability and rate of translation. Proinsulin poly(A) tail length and cytoskeleton arrangement remained unchanged in hypothyroidism. T3 treatment of control cells for 12 h did not induce any changes in the parameters studied. The data indicate that TH is important for proinsulin mRNA expression and translation, since its total amount and attachment to the cytoskeleton are decreased in hypothyroid beta cells, providing evidence that effects of TH on carbohydrate metabolism also include the control of proinsulin gene expression.


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Heparan sulphate (HS) and the related polysaccharide, heparin, exhibit conformational and charge arrangement properties, which provide a degree of redundancy allowing several seemingly distinct sequences to exhibit the same activity. This can also be mimicked by other sulphated polysaccharides, both in overall effect and in the details of interactions and structural consequences of interactions with proteins. Together, these provide a source of active compounds suitable for further development as potential drugs. These polysaccharides also possess considerable size, which bestows upon them an additional useful property: the capability of disrupting processes comprising many individual interactions, such as those characterising the attachment of microbial pathogens to host cells. The range of involvement of HS in microbial attachment is reviewed and examples, which include viral, bacterial and parasitic infections and which, in many cases, are now being investigated as potential targets for intervention, are identified.


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Diplomityössä tutkitaan virtauksen kääntymistä Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston PWR PACTEL –koelaitteiston pystyhöyrystimen lämmönvaihtoputkissa käyttäen APROS–prosessisimulointiohjelmaa. Työn teoriaosassa esitellään pystyhöyrystimillä varustettuja koelaitteistoja, erityisesti PWR PACTEL ja sen höyrystin. Lisäksi esitellään virtauksen kääntymisestä tehtyjä havaintoja ja käsitellään kääntymistä teoreettisesta näkökulmasta. Simulointiosan alussa esitellään työssä käytetty APROS –prosessisimulointiohjelma, sekä sen avulla höyrystimestä luodut mallit. Työssä on tutkittu virtauksen käännöstapahtumaa simuloimalla useita eri transienttitilanteita pienillä primäärimassavirroilla. Simulaatiotapauksissa havaittiin virtauksen kääntyvän höyrystimen eripituisissa lämmönvaihtoputkissa, tilanteesta riippuen pääosin lyhimmissä tai toisiksi lyhimmissä lämmönvaihtoputkissa. Transienttien eri vaiheiden, ts. primäärimassavirran muutos- ja tasaantumisvaiheiden pituuden havaittiin vaikuttavan siihen, minkä pituisissa putkissa kääntyminen tapahtuu ja missä järjestyksessä.


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Pro Gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on luoda uusien autojen kohdevakuudelliseen osamaksukauppaan pooling järjestely, joka mahdollistaisi aiempaa useammalle hakijalle myönteisen luottopäätöksen. Tutkielma tehdään autoliikkeen näkökul-masta. Työn teoriaosuus tutustuu vastaavien järjestelyjen hyödyntämiseen muun muassa vakuutusalalla ja toimitusketjun hallinnassa. Kerättyjen havaintojen avulla muodostetaan viitekehys autokauppaan soveltuvalle järjestelylle. Empiirisessä osuudessa muodostettua pooling järjestelyä testataan yksittäisen rahoitettavan auton case mallin avulla. Lisäksi järjestelyn potentiaalia arvioidaan eri näkökulmista. Saavutettujen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että malli voi olla autoliikkeelle taloudellisesti kannattava ja antaa aihetta jatkotutkimukselle.


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Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy designs and manufactures waste heat recovery systems utilizing extended surfaces. The waste heat recovery boiler considered in this thesis is a water-tube boiler where exhaust gas is used as the convective heat transfer medium and water or steam flowing inside the tubes is subject to cross-flow. This thesis aims to contribute to the design of waste heat recovery boiler unit by developing a numerical model of the H-type finned tube bundle currently used by Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy to evaluate the gas-side heat transfer performance. The main objective is to identify weaknesses and potential areas of development in the current H-type finned tube design. In addition, numerical simulations for a total of 15 cases with varying geometric parameters are conducted to investigate the heat transfer and pressure drop performance dependent on H-type fin geometry. The investigated geometric parameters include fin width and height, fin spacing, and fin thickness. Comparison between single and double tube type configuration is also conducted. Based on the simulation results, the local heat transfer and flow behaviour of the H-type finned tube is presented including boundary layer development between the fins, the formation of recirculation zone behind the tubes, and the local variations of flow velocity and temperature within the tube bundle and on the fin surface. Moreover, an evaluation of the effects of various fin parameters on heat transfer and pressure drop performance of H-type finned tube bundle has been provided. It was concluded that from the studied parameters fin spacing and fin width had the most significant effect on tube bundle performance and the effect of fin thickness was the least important. Furthermore, the results suggested that the heat transfer performance would increase due to enhanced turbulence if the current double tube configuration is replaced with single tube configuration, but further investigation and experimental measurements are required in order to validate the results.