997 resultados para plasma sputtering


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Highly charged ions (HCls) carrying high Coulomb potential energy (E-p) could cause great changes in the physical and chemical properties of material surface when they bombard on the solid surface. In our work, the secondary ion yield dependence on highly charged Pbq+ (q = 4-36) bombardment on Al surface has been investigated. Aluminum films (99.99%) covered with a natural oxide film was chosen as our target and the kinetic energy (E-k) was varied between 80 keV and 400 keV. The yield with different incident angles could be described well by the equation developed by us. The equation consists of two parts due to the kinetic sputtering and potential sputtering. The physical interpretations of the coefficients in the said equation are discussed. Also the results on the kinetic sputtering produced by the nuclear energy loss on target Surface are presented.


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To meet the requirements of providing high-intensity heavy ion beams the direct plasma injection scheme (DPIS) was proposed by a RIKEN-CNS-TIT collaboration. In this scheme a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) was joined directly with the laser ion source (LIS) without a low-energy beam transport (LEBT) line. To find the best design of the RFQ that will have short length, high transmission efficiency and small emittance growth, beam dynamics designs with equipartitioning design strategy and with matched-only design strategy have been performed, and a comparison of their results has also been done. Impacts of the input beam parameters on transmission efficiency are presented, too. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The relative sputtering yield induced by highly charged Arq+ impacting on Nb surface is investigated. The yield increases drastically as the incidence angle increases. A formula Y=A* tan(B) (theta) + C, developed from classical sputtering theory, fits well with the yield. By analysing a series of coefficients A and C extracted by curve fitting, the results demonstrate the presence of a synergy of the linear cascade collision and potential energy deposition.


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ZnO films doped with different contents of indium were prepared by radio frequency sputtering technique. The structural, optical and emission properties of the films were characterized at room temperature using XRD, XPS, UV-vis-NIR and PL techniques. Results showed that the indium was successfully incorporated into the c-axis preferred orientated ZnO films, and the In-doped ZnO films are of over 80% optical transparency in the visible range. Furthermore, a double peak of blue-violet emission with a constant energy interval (similar to 0.17 eV) was observed in the PL spectra of the samples with area ratio of indium chips to the Zn target larger than 2.0%. The blue peak comes from the electron transition from the Zn-i level to the top of the valence band and the violet peak from the In-Zn donor level to the V-Zn level, respectively.


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Zinc oxide films with c-axis preferred orientation were deposited on silicon (100) substrates by radio frequency (RF) reactive sputtering. The properties of the samples were characterized by X-ray diffractometer, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and fluorescent-spectrophotometer. The effect of sputtering power and substrate temperature on the structural and photoluminescent (PL) properties of the ZnO films was investigated. The results indicated that when the sputtering power is 100 W and the substrate temperature is 300-400 degrees C, it is suitable for the growth of high c-axis orientation and small strain ZnO films. A violet peak at about 380 nm and a blue band at about 430 nm were observed in the room temperature photoluminescence spectra, and the origin of blue emission was investigated.


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We investigate hard photon production of the near-collinear bremsstrahlung and a new process called the inelastic pair annihilation, fully including the LPM effect, in a chemically equilibrating quark-gluon plasma at finite baryon density, and find that the effect of the system evolution on the photon production and large contribution of the bremsstrahlung make the total photon yield of the two processes as a strongly increasing function of the initial quark chemical potential.


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本文通过发射光谱诊断方法,用H_2等离子体的辐射碰撞模型对连续溃入的微波功率和全永磁磁场约束下产生高密度的H_2等离子体进行光谱诊断,计算出一定放电条件下(微波功率200-700 W,压强0-2 Pa)H~+的密度为1010-1011 cm~(-3),另外讨论了实验中观察到的Balmer系氢原子发射光谱强度随放电条件的变化规律。


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The sputtered particle yields produced by Pbq+ (q=4-36) with constant kinetic energy bombardment on An surface were measured. The sputtering Could be separated to two parts: no potential sputtering is observed when q<24 (E-pot = 9.6 keV) and the sputtering yield increases with E-pot(1.2) for the higher charge states of q >= 24. The potential sputtering is mainly contributed by the relaxation of electronic excitations on target surface produced by the potential energy transfer from projectile to target atoms.


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In a laser ion source, plasma drift distance is one of the most important design parameters. Ion current density and beam pulse width are defined by plasma drift distance between a laser target and beam extraction position. In direct plasma injection scheme, which uses a laser ion source and a radio frequency quadrupole linac, we can apply relatively higher electric field at beam extraction due to the unique shape of a positively biased electrode. However, when we aim at very high current acceleration such as several tens of milliamperes, we observed mismatched beam extraction conditions. We tested three different ion current at ion extraction region by changing plasma drift distance to study better extraction condition. In this experiment, C6+ beam was accelerated. We confirmed that matching condition can be improved by controlling plasma drift distance.


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Helicon plasma source is known as efficient generator of uniform and high density plasma. A helicon plasma source was developed for investigation of plasma neutralization and plasma lens in the Institute of Modern Physics in China. In this paper, the characteristics of helicon plasma have been studied by using Langmuir four-probe and a high argon plasma density up to 3.9x10(13) cm(-3) have been achieved with the Nagoya type III antenna at the conditions of the magnetic intensity of 200 G, working gas pressure of 2.8x10(-3) Pa, and rf power of 1200 W with a frequency of 27.12 MHz. In the experiment, the important phenomena have been found: for a given magnetic induction intensity, the plasma density became greater with the increase in rf power and tended to saturation, and the helicon mode appeared at the rf power between 200 and 400 W.


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The direct reduction of SO2 to elemental sulfur in flue gas by the coupling of cold plasma and catalyst, being a new approach for SO2 reduction, was studied. In this process, CO2 can be disassembled to form CO, which acts as the reductant under the cold plasma. With the coupling of the cold plasma and the catalyst, sulfur dioxide was selectively reduced by CO to elemental sulfur with a byproduct of metal sulfate, e.g., FeSO4. In the present work, Fe2O3/gamma-Al2O3 was employed as the catalyst. The extent of desulfurization was more than 80%, and the selectivity of elemental sulfur is about 55%. The effects of water vapor, temperature, and the components of simulated flue gas were investigated. At the same time, the coupling of thermogravimetry and infrared method and a chemical analysis method were employed to evaluate the used catalyst. In this paper, we will focus on the discussion of the catalyst. The discussions of the detail of plasma will be introduced in another paper.


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A new method for the determination of thyroxine in blood is described. It relies upon the quantitative dependence of the distribution of thyroxine between albumin and thyroxine-binding protein when exogenous 131I-labelled thyroxine is added to serum in vitro. Preliminary results suggest an accuracy in the estimate of the hormone of about 5–10%. Results in a group of patients whose plasma P.B.I, levels were also determined are given and shown to be similar.


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Lanthanum magnesium hexaluminate (LaMgAl11O19, LMA) is an attractive material for thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), and the failure of its coating was studied in this work by thermal cycling, X-ray diffraction, dilatometric measurement and thermal gravimetric-differential thermal analysis. The dilatometric measurement indicates that even though the bulk material of LMA has a higher sintering-resistance than the typical TBC material, i.e. yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), the plasma sprayed coating of LMA has two serious contractions due to the re-crystallization of LMA and phase transitions of alumina.


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Perovskite-type SrZrO3 has been investigated as a candidate material for thermal barrier coating application. During plasma spraying of SrZrO3, SrO volatilized more than ZrO2 and the coating composition deviates from initial stoichiometry. In this investigation, partial evaporation was investigated by spraying SrZrO3 powders into water. The influences of spraying current, distance and particle size of the powder on the partial evaporation were also investigated in a quantitative way. With optimized spraying parameters, stoichiometric SrZrO3 coating was produced by adding an excess amount of Sr in the precursors before plasma spraying to compensate for the volatilized component.