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A novel trypsin inhibitor was identified and purified from skin secretions of Chinese red-belly toad Bombina maxima. The partial N-terminal 29 amino acid residues of the peptide, named BMTI, were determined by automated Edman degradation. This allowed the cloning of a full-length cDNA encoding BMTI from a cDNA library prepared from the toad skin. The deduced complete amino acid sequence of BMTI indicates that mature BMTI is composed of 60 amino acids. A FASTA search in the databanks revealed that BMTI exhibits 81.7% sequence identity with BSTI, a trypsin/thrombin inhibitor from European toad Bombina bombina skin secretions. Sequence differences between BMTI and BSTI were due to 11 substitutions at positions 2, 9, 25, 27, 36-37, 39, 41-42, 50 and 56. BMTI potently inhibited trypsin with a K-i value of 0.06 muM, similar to that of BSTI. However, unlike BSTI, which also inhibited thrombin with a K-i value of 1 muM, no inhibitory effect of BMTI on thrombin was observed under the assay conditions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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An opioid peptide, which shares similarity with mammalian hemorphins, has been identified from the synganglia (central nervous system) of the hard tick, Amblyomma testindiarium. Its primary sequence was established as LVVYPWTKM that contains a tetrapeptide sequence Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr of hemorphin-like opioid peptides. By hot-plate bioassay, the purified peptide and synthetic peptide displayed dose-related antinociceptive effect in mice, as observed for other hemorphin-like opioid peptides. This is the first opioid peptide identified from ticks. Ticks may utilize the opioid peptide in their strategy to escape host immuno-surveillance as well as in inhibiting responses directed against themselves. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Effects of age and season on the developmental capacity of oocytes from unstimulated and FSH-stimulated rhesus monkeys were examined, Immature cumulus-oocyte complexes were matured in vitro in modified CMRL-1066 medium containing 20% bovine calf serum and


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Mastoparans are a family of small peptides identified from the venom of hymenopteroid insects. Although they have been characterized as early as 1979, and so far are recognized as a leading biomolecule in potential drug therapy, their precursors, mastopar


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There are around 27 species of Amolops amphibian distributed in South-east of Asia. Seven antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) belonging to two different families were purified from skin of rufous-spotted torrent frog, Amolops loloensis, and designated brevinins


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The energy substrates lactate, pyruvate, and glucose were evaluated for supporting in vitro cytoplasmic maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes. A total of 321 cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) aspirated from greater than or equal to 1000 mum diameter follicles


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The hornet possesses highly toxic venom, which is rich in toxin, enzymes, and biologically active peptides. Several bradykinin-like peptides, vespakinins, have been found in wasp venoms since 1970s, but the mode of biosynthesis of these peptides is unknow


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BACKGROUND: Effects of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone on rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro were evaluated by embryo development subsequent to IVF. METHODS AND RESULTS: In experiment 1, immature cumulus-oocyte complexes collected from unstimulated adult females during the non-breeding season were matured in modified medium CMRL-1066 containing various combinations of gonadotrophins (FSH + LH), estradiol and/or progesterone. Formation of morulae and blastocysts was greatest in oocytes matured in medium containing estradiol and/or progesterone, with or without gonadotrophins (morula 38-46%, blastocyst 14-20%) than in control oocytes matured without estradiol or progesterone (morula 14%, blastocyst 0%). In experiment 2, cumulus-oocyte complexes from unstimulated prepubertal female monkeys were matured in medium with gonadotrophins, estradiol or progesterone. The best development to the morula stage was obtained with oocytes matured with gonadotrophins and estradiol or gonadotrophins and progesterone (43 and 25 morulae, respectively), while control oocytes matured with gonadotrophins but without steroid hormones gave the poorest morula developmental response (12%). However, there was no difference in blastocyst development across all groups (0-3%). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that during rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro: (i) estradiol or progesterone can improve oocyte developmental competence; (ii) immature oocytes from prepubertal versus adult females have differential responses to challenge with estradiol or progesterone.


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A novel antimicrobial peptide named as ixosin was isolated from the salivary glands of the hard tick, Ixodes sinensis, by gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Its amino acid sequen


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Several algesic agents including bradykinin and tachykinin have been identified from skin secretions of amphibians. They may act in defensive roles against aggressors. In this study, a novel peptide named Amolos with an amino acid sequence of FLPIVGAKL an


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A novel 28-amino acid peptide, termed bombinakinin-GAP, was purified and characterized from skin secretions of the toad Bombina maxima. Its primary structure was established as DMYEIKQYKTAHGRPPICAPGEQCPIWV-NH2, in which two cysteines form a disulfide bond. A FASTA search of SWISS-PROT databank detected a 32% sequence identity between the sequences of the peptide and a segment of rat cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART). Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of the peptide induced a significant decrease in food intake in rats, suggesting that it played a role in the control of feeding by brain. Analysis of its cDNA structure revealed that this peptide is coexpressed with bombinakinin M, a bradykinin-related peptide from the same toad. Bombinakinin-GAP appears to be the first example of a novel class of bioactive peptides from amphibian skin, which may be implicated in feeding behavior. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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While conducting experiments to investigate antimicrobial peptides of amphibians living in the Yunnan-Guizhou region of southwest China, a new family of antimicrobial peptides was identified from skin secretions of the Yunnan frog, Rana pleuraden. Members


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Many neuroendocrine peptides that are distributed in amphibian gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system are also found in amphibian skins, and these peptides are classified into skin-gut-brain triangle peptides, such as bombesins, gastrin-releasi