970 resultados para lambda-cialotrina
Near-infrared polarimetry observation is a powerful tool to study the central sources at the center of the Milky Way. My aim of this thesis is to analyze the polarized emission present in the central few light years of the Galactic Center region, in particular the non-thermal polarized emission of Sagittarius~A* (Sgr~A*), the electromagnetic manifestation of the super-massive black hole, and the polarized emission of an infrared-excess source in the literature referred to as DSO/G2. This source is in orbit about Sgr~A*. In this thesis I focus onto the Galactic Center observations at $\lambda=2.2~\mu m$ ($K_\mathrm{s}$-band) in polarimetry mode during several epochs from 2004 to 2012. The near-infrared polarized observations have been carried out using the adaptive optics instrument NAOS/CONICA and Wollaston prism at the Very Large Telescope of ESO (European Southern Observatory). Linear polarization at 2.2 $\mu m$, its flux statistics and time variation, can be used to constrain the physical conditions of the accretion process onto the central super-massive black hole. I present a statistical analysis of polarized $K_\mathrm{s}$-band emission from Sgr~A* and investigate the most comprehensive sample of near-infrared polarimetric light curves of this source up to now. I find several polarized flux excursions during the years and obtain an exponent of about 4 for the power-law fitted to polarized flux density distribution of fluxes above 5~mJy. Therefore, this distribution is closely linked to the single state power-law distribution of the total $K_\mathrm{s}$-band flux densities reported earlier by us. I find polarization degrees of the order of 20\%$\pm$10\% and a preferred polarization angle of $13^o\pm15^o$. Based on simulations of polarimetric measurements given the observed flux density and its uncertainty in orthogonal polarimetry channels, I find that the uncertainties of polarization parameters under a total flux density of $\sim 2\,{\mathrm{mJy}}$ are probably dominated by observational uncertainties. At higher flux densities there are intrinsic variations of polarization degree and angle within rather well constrained ranges. Since the emission is most likely due to optically thin synchrotron radiation, the obtained preferred polarization angle is very likely reflecting the intrinsic orientation of the Sgr~A* system i.e. an accretion disk or jet/wind scenario coupled to the super-massive black hole. Our polarization statistics show that Sgr~A* must be a stable system, both in terms of geometry, and the accretion process. I also investigate an infrared-excess source called G2 or Dusty S-cluster Object (DSO) moving on a highly eccentric orbit around the Galaxy's central black hole, Sgr~A*. I use for the first time the near-infrared polarimetric imaging data to determine the nature and the properties of DSO and obtain an improved $K_\mathrm{s}$-band identification of this source in median polarimetry images of different observing years. The source starts to deviate from the stellar confusion in 2008 data and it does not show a flux density variability based on our data set. Furthermore, I measure the polarization degree and angle of this source and conclude based on the simulations on polarization parameters that it is an intrinsically polarized source with a varying polarization angle as it approaches Sgr~A* position. I use the interpretation of the DSO polarimetry measurements to assess its possible properties.
El propósito del presente estudio era generar los valores normativos de salto largo para niños de 9-17.9 años, e investigar las diferencias de sexo y grupo de edad
BACKGROUND: Drosophila suzukii is a primary insect pest that causes direct damage to fruits with a thin epidermis such as strawberries, cherries and blueberries. In strawberry fields, the co-occurrence of D. suzukii and Zaprionus indianus has increased production losses. This study evaluated the toxicities and effects of insecticidal baits to control adults and larvae of both D. suzukii and Z. indianus . RESULTS: Organophosphate (dimethoate and malathion), spinosyn (spinosad and spinetoram), pyrethroid (lambda-cyhalothrin) and diamide (cyantraniliprole) insecticides exhibited high toxicity to both adults and larvae of D. suzukii and Z. indianus (mortality > 80%) in topical and dip bioassays. However, when the insecticides were mixed with a feeding attractant, a positive effect was observed only for adults of D. suzukii . Insecticides containing neonicotinoids (acetamiprid and thiamethoxam) and pyrolle (chlorfenapyr) caused intermediate mortality to adults of D. suzukii (40?60%) and low mortality for Z. indianus (mortality < 23%); however, these compounds reduced the larval infestation of the two species by 55?86%. Botanical (azadirachtin) and sulphur insecticides exhibited low toxicity (mortality < 40%) on adults and larvae of both species. CONCLUSION: Dimethoate, malathion, spinosad, spinetoram, lambda-cyhalothrin and cyantraniliprole are highly toxic to both larvaeandadultsof D. suzukii and Z.indianus .Theuseoftoxicbaitsforadultsof D. suzukii couldbeanalternativeinmanagement of this species. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry Keywords: spotted-wing drosophila; fig fly; chemical control; strawberry; toxic bait; pest control.
BACKGROUND: Drosophila suzukii is a primary insect pest that causes direct damage to fruits with a thin epidermis such as strawberries, cherries and blueberries. In strawberry fields, the co-occurrence of D. suzukii and Zaprionus indianus has increased production losses. This study evaluated the toxicities and effects of insecticidal baits to control adults and larvae of both D. suzukii and Z. indianus . RESULTS: Organophosphate (dimethoate and malathion), spinosyn (spinosad and spinetoram), pyrethroid (lambda-cyhalothrin) and diamide (cyantraniliprole) insecticides exhibited high toxicity to both adults and larvae of D. suzukii and Z. indianus (mortality > 80%) in topical and dip bioassays. However, when the insecticides were mixed with a feeding attractant, a positive effect was observed only for adults of D. suzukii . Insecticides containing neonicotinoids (acetamiprid and thiamethoxam) and pyrolle (chlorfenapyr) caused intermediate mortality to adults of D. suzukii (40?60%) and low mortality for Z. indianus (mortality < 23%); however, these compounds reduced the larval infestation of the two species by 55?86%. Botanical (azadirachtin) and sulphur insecticides exhibited low toxicity (mortality < 40%) on adults and larvae of both species. CONCLUSION: Dimethoate, malathion, spinosad, spinetoram, lambda-cyhalothrin and cyantraniliprole are highly toxic to both larvaeandadultsof D. suzukii and Z.indianus .Theuseoftoxicbaitsforadultsof D. suzukii couldbeanalternativeinmanagement of this species. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry Keywords: spotted-wing drosophila; fig fly; chemical control; strawberry; toxic bait; pest control.
Slot and van Emde Boas Invariance Thesis states that a time (respectively, space) cost model is reasonable for a computational model C if there are mutual simulations between Turing machines and C such that the overhead is polynomial in time (respectively, linear in space). The rationale is that under the Invariance Thesis, complexity classes such as LOGSPACE, P, PSPACE, become robust, i.e. machine independent. In this dissertation, we want to find out if it possible to define a reasonable space cost model for the lambda-calculus, the paradigmatic model for functional programming languages. We start by considering an unusual evaluation mechanism for the lambda-calculus, based on Girard's Geometry of Interaction, that was conjectured to be the key ingredient to obtain a space reasonable cost model. By a fine complexity analysis of this schema, based on new variants of non-idempotent intersection types, we disprove this conjecture. Then, we change the target of our analysis. We consider a variant over Krivine's abstract machine, a standard evaluation mechanism for the call-by-name lambda-calculus, optimized for space complexity, and implemented without any pointer. A fine analysis of the execution of (a refined version of) the encoding of Turing machines into the lambda-calculus allows us to conclude that the space consumed by this machine is indeed a reasonable space cost model. In particular, for the first time we are able to measure also sub-linear space complexities. Moreover, we transfer this result to the call-by-value case. Finally, we provide also an intersection type system that characterizes compositionally this new reasonable space measure. This is done through a minimal, yet non trivial, modification of the original de Carvalho type system.
This dissertation investigates the relations between logic and TCS in the probabilistic setting. It is motivated by two main considerations. On the one hand, since their appearance in the 1960s-1970s, probabilistic models have become increasingly pervasive in several fast-growing areas of CS. On the other, the study and development of (deterministic) computational models has considerably benefitted from the mutual interchanges between logic and CS. Nevertheless, probabilistic computation was only marginally touched by such fruitful interactions. The goal of this thesis is precisely to (start) bring(ing) this gap, by developing logical systems corresponding to specific aspects of randomized computation and, therefore, by generalizing standard achievements to the probabilistic realm. To do so, our key ingredient is the introduction of new, measure-sensitive quantifiers associated with quantitative interpretations. The dissertation is tripartite. In the first part, we focus on the relation between logic and counting complexity classes. We show that, due to our classical counting propositional logic, it is possible to generalize to counting classes, the standard results by Cook and Meyer and Stockmeyer linking propositional logic and the polynomial hierarchy. Indeed, we show that the validity problem for counting-quantified formulae captures the corresponding level in Wagner's hierarchy. In the second part, we consider programming language theory. Type systems for randomized \lambda-calculi, also guaranteeing various forms of termination properties, were introduced in the last decades, but these are not "logically oriented" and no Curry-Howard correspondence is known for them. Following intuitions coming from counting logics, we define the first probabilistic version of the correspondence. Finally, we consider the relationship between arithmetic and computation. We present a quantitative extension of the language of arithmetic able to formalize basic results from probability theory. This language is also our starting point to define randomized bounded theories and, so, to generalize canonical results by Buss.
The enhanced production of strange hadrons in heavy-ion collisions relative to that in minimum-bias pp collisions is historically considered one of the first signatures of the formation of a deconfined quark-gluon plasma. At the LHC, the ALICE experiment observed that the ratio of strange to non-strange hadron yields increases with the charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity, starting from pp collisions and evolving smoothly across interaction systems and energies, ultimately reaching Pb-Pb collisions. The understanding of the origin of this effect in small systems remains an open question. This thesis presents a comprehensive study of the production of $K^{0}_{S}$, $\Lambda$ ($\bar{\Lambda}$) and $\Xi^{-}$ ($\bar{\Xi}^{+}$) strange hadrons in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV collected in LHC Run 2 with ALICE. A novel approach is exploited, introducing, for the first time, the concept of effective energy in the study of strangeness production in hadronic collisions at the LHC. In this work, the ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeters are used to measure the energy carried by forward emitted baryons in pp collisions, which reduces the effective energy available for particle production with respect to the nominal centre-of-mass energy. The results presented in this thesis provide new insights into the interplay, for strangeness production, between the initial stages of the collision and the produced final hadronic state. Finally, the first Run 3 results on the production of $\Omega^{\pm}$ ($\bar{\Omega}^{+}$) multi-strange baryons are presented, measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13.6 TeV and 900 GeV, the highest and lowest collision energies reached so far at the LHC. This thesis also presents the development and validation of the ALICE Time-Of-Flight (TOF) data quality monitoring system for LHC Run 3. This work was fundamental to assess the performance of the TOF detector during the commissioning phase, in the Long Shutdown 2, and during the data taking period.
Il presente lavoro propone la stesura di un codice in ambiente MATLAB per l'analisi energetica di powertrain ibridi operanti nel ciclo WLTP con il particolare funzionamento del motore termico benzina a punto fisso stechiometrico. Nello specifico, il codice prende dei dati in input tramite un'interfaccia grafica ed avvia una simulazione, i cui risultati principali corrispondono ad emissioni di anidride carbonica per chilometro percorso ed ai chilometri percorsi con un litro di carburante. Queste sono le due grandezze che questo lavoro si prefigge di ottimizzare, dalle quali proviene la scelta del particolare funzionamento del motore termico. Sono state implementate due differenti strategie di controllo, una generale ed una più particolare. La simulazione con la strategia generale è stata applicata a tre differenti scenari reali, con le caratteristiche tecniche di tre veicoli realmente esistenti che vengono inserite nell'interfaccia grafica. I risultati provenienti da queste simulazioni sono stati poi analizzati e discussi nel dettaglio, anche con l'ausilio di grafici a supporto della spiegazione. La strategia di controllo particolare non è stata applicata a scenari reali ma ha portato alla definizione di una ipotetica architettura di powertrain ibrido, alla quale la sopracitata strategia si adatta al meglio. Dopo aver proposto miglioramenti e possibili ulteriori sviluppi di questo lavoro, sono state tratte le conclusioni generali, allargando il tutto al contesto più ampio in cui si va ad inserire.
La seguente tesi ha l'obiettivo di inquadrare le grandezze che descrivono l'Universo, i parametri cosmologici, e successivamente presentare alcuni dei metodi per derivarli. Il primo capitolo tratterà le equazioni di Friedmann, introdotte grazie alla metrica di Robertson-Walker, il parametro di espansione a(t), fondamentale per la determinazione dei parametri cosmologici, e infine le geometrie possibili dell'Universo. Il secondo è incentrato sui parametri cosmologici veri e propri, su come vengono ricavati matematicamente e sul modello cosmologico che attualmente riproduce molto bene le osservazioni, il modello Lambda-CDM. Infine, il terzo tratterà di come possono essere ricavati alcuni parametri, dando più spazio alla costante di Hubble, in quanto è al centro di una grande discussione per via della tensione tra le misure ottenute nell'universo locale e quelle che vengono da dati ad alto redshift.
Negli ultimi decenni sempre più attenzione è stata posta sugli effetti derivanti dalla produzione dell'energia. In particolare, emissioni di specie inquinanti e gas serra sono state oggetto di continue limitazioni al fine di raggiungere soluzioni energetiche sempre meno climalteranti. Ciò ha evidenziato la necessità di sviluppare nuove soluzioni inerenti alla mobilità sostenibile. Tra le possibili soluzioni, l'utilizzo di idrogeno rappresenta una delle più promettenti grazie alle proprietà chimiche che lo contraddistinguono. L'impiego di tale elemento come combustibile in un tradizionale motore a combustione interna propriamente convertito garantirebbe la possibilità di una transizione energetica progressiva grazie all'utilizzo di una tecnologia già ampiamente consolidata e avanzata. Questo lavoro si concentra sullo sviluppo di un modello 1D di un motore a combustione interna alimentato ad idrogeno per studiarne le potenzialità. Al fine di ottenere dati attendibili, si è sviluppato e validato un modello su un motore noto di cui i dati in benzina erano disponibili. Successivamente, tale modello è stato convertito all'utilizzo di idrogeno. Completata la conversione sono state svolte svariate prove al variare dei principali parametri motoristici quali: lambda, anticipo d'accensione, giri, carico. Il modello sviluppato ha mostrato risultati comparabili con i dati attualmente disponibili in letteratura al variare delle diverse condizioni operative. In particolare, alte efficienze e basse emissioni sono garantite da combustioni magre, tuttavia alti carichi non possono essere raggiunti per limiti derivanti dal gruppo di sovralimentazione. Sono stati ottenuti promettenti risultati che incoraggiano uno sviluppo avanzato del modello, con l’obbiettivo futuro di effettuare esperimenti con l’idrogeno su un motore reale.