988 resultados para integer disaggregation


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A major activity of molecular chaperones is to prevent aggregation and refold misfolded proteins. However, when allowed to form, protein aggregates are refolded poorly by most chaperones. We show here that the sequential action of two Escherichia coli chaperone systems, ClpB and DnaK-DnaJ-GrpE, can efficiently solubilize excess amounts of protein aggregates and refold them into active proteins. Measurements of aggregate turbidity, Congo red, and 4,4′-dianilino-1,1′-binaphthyl-5,5′-disulfonic acid binding, and of the disaggregation/refolding kinetics by using a specific ClpB inhibitor, suggest a mechanism where (i) ClpB directly binds protein aggregates, ATP induces structural changes in ClpB, which (ii) increase hydrophobic exposure of the aggregates and (iii) allow DnaK-DnaJ-GrpE to bind and mediate dissociation and refolding of solubilized polypeptides into native proteins. This efficient mechanism, whereby chaperones can catalytically solubilize and refold a wide variety of large and stable protein aggregates, is a major addition to the molecular arsenal of the cell to cope with protein damage induced by stress or pathological states.


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Protein synthesis (PS) has been considered essential to sustain mammalian life, yet was found to be virtually arrested for weeks in brain and other organs of the hibernating ground squirrel, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus. PS, in vivo, was below the limit of autoradiographic detection in brain sections and, in brain extracts, was determined to be 0.04% of the average rate from active squirrels. Further, it was reduced 3-fold in cell-free extracts from hibernating brain at 37°C, eliminating hypothermia as the only cause for protein synthesis inhibition (active, 0.47 ± 0.08 pmol/mg protein per min; hibernator, 0.16 ± 0.05 pmol/mg protein per min, P < 0.001). PS suppression involved blocks of initiation and elongation, and its onset coincided with the early transition phase into hibernation. An increased monosome peak with moderate ribosomal disaggregation in polysome profiles and the greatly increased phosphorylation of eIF2α are both consistent with an initiation block in hibernators. The elongation block was demonstrated by a 3-fold increase in ribosomal mean transit times in cell-free extracts from hibernators (active, 2.4 ± 0.7 min; hibernator, 7.1 ± 1.4 min, P < 0.001). No abnormalities of ribosomal function or mRNA levels were detected. These findings implicate suppression of PS as a component of the regulated shutdown of cellular function that permits hibernating ground squirrels to tolerate “trickle” blood flow and reduced substrate and oxygen availability. Further study of the factors that control these phenomena may lead to identification of the molecular mechanisms that regulate this state.


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In this paper, we give two infinite families of explicit exact formulas that generalize Jacobi’s (1829) 4 and 8 squares identities to 4n2 or 4n(n + 1) squares, respectively, without using cusp forms. Our 24 squares identity leads to a different formula for Ramanujan’s tau function τ(n), when n is odd. These results arise in the setting of Jacobi elliptic functions, Jacobi continued fractions, Hankel or Turánian determinants, Fourier series, Lambert series, inclusion/exclusion, Laplace expansion formula for determinants, and Schur functions. We have also obtained many additional infinite families of identities in this same setting that are analogous to the η-function identities in appendix I of Macdonald’s work [Macdonald, I. G. (1972) Invent. Math. 15, 91–143]. A special case of our methods yields a proof of the two conjectured [Kac, V. G. and Wakimoto, M. (1994) in Progress in Mathematics, eds. Brylinski, J.-L., Brylinski, R., Guillemin, V. & Kac, V. (Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA), Vol. 123, pp. 415–456] identities involving representing a positive integer by sums of 4n2 or 4n(n + 1) triangular numbers, respectively. Our 16 and 24 squares identities were originally obtained via multiple basic hypergeometric series, Gustafson’s Cℓ nonterminating 6φ5 summation theorem, and Andrews’ basic hypergeometric series proof of Jacobi’s 4 and 8 squares identities. We have (elsewhere) applied symmetry and Schur function techniques to this original approach to prove the existence of similar infinite families of sums of squares identities for n2 or n(n + 1) squares, respectively. Our sums of more than 8 squares identities are not the same as the formulas of Mathews (1895), Glaisher (1907), Ramanujan (1916), Mordell (1917, 1919), Hardy (1918, 1920), Kac and Wakimoto, and many others.


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We report the study of the dynamics of the unbinding process under a force load f of adsorbed proteins (fibrinogen) on a solid surface (hydrophilic silica) by means of atomic force microscopy spectroscopy. By varying the loading rate rf, defined by f = rf t, t being the time, we find that, as for specific interactions, the mean rupture force increases with rf. This unbinding process is analyzed in the framework of the widely used Bell model. The typical dissociation rate at zero force entering in the model lies between 0.02 and 0.6 s−1. Each measured rupture is characterized by a force f0, which appears to be quantized in integer multiples of 180–200 pN.


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Owls and other animals, including humans, use the difference in arrival time of sounds between the ears to determine the direction of a sound source in the horizontal plane. When an interaural time difference (ITD) is conveyed by a narrowband signal such as a tone, human beings may fail to derive the direction represented by that ITD. This is because they cannot distinguish the true ITD contained in the signal from its phase equivalents that are ITD ± nT, where T is the period of the stimulus tone and n is an integer. This uncertainty is called phase-ambiguity. All ITD-sensitive neurons in birds and mammals respond to an ITD and its phase equivalents when the ITD is contained in narrowband signals. It is not known, however, if these animals show phase-ambiguity in the localization of narrowband signals. The present work shows that barn owls (Tyto alba) experience phase-ambiguity in the localization of tones delivered by earphones. We used sound-induced head-turning responses to measure the sound-source directions perceived by two owls. In both owls, head-turning angles varied as a sinusoidal function of ITD. One owl always pointed to the direction represented by the smaller of the two ITDs, whereas a second owl always chose the direction represented by the larger ITD (i.e., ITD − T).


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We outline here a proof that a certain rational function Cn(q, t), which has come to be known as the “q, t-Catalan,” is in fact a polynomial with positive integer coefficients. This has been an open problem since 1994. Because Cn(q, t) evaluates to the Catalan number at t = q = 1, it has also been an open problem to find a pair of statistics a, b on the collection


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We discuss two tests of the hypothesis that the first genes were assembled from exons. The hypothesis of exon shuffling in the progenote predicts that intron phases will be correlated so that exons will be an integer number of codons and predicts that the exons will be correlated with compact regions of polypeptide chain. These predictions have been tested on ancient conserved proteins (proteins without introns in prokaryotes but with introns in eukaryotes) and hold with high statistical significance. We conclude that introns are correlated with compact features of proteins 15-, 22-, or 30-amino acid residues long, as was predicted by “The Exon Theory of Genes.”


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Microorganisms modify rates and mechanisms of chemical and physical weathering and clay growth, thus playing fundamental roles in soil and sediment formation. Because processes in soils are inherently complex and difficult to study, we employ a model based on the lichen–mineral system to identify the fundamental interactions. Fixed carbon released by the photosynthetic symbiont stimulates growth of fungi and other microorganisms. These microorganisms directly or indirectly induce mineral disaggregation, hydration, dissolution, and secondary mineral formation. Model polysaccharides were used to investigate direct mediation of mineral surface reactions by extracellular polymers. Polysaccharides can suppress or enhance rates of chemical weathering by up to three orders of magnitude, depending on the pH, mineral surface structure and composition, and organic functional groups. Mg, Mn, Fe, Al, and Si are redistributed into clays that strongly adsorb ions. Microbes contribute to dissolution of insoluble secondary phosphates, possibly via release of organic acids. These reactions significantly impact soil fertility. Below fungi–mineral interfaces, mineral surfaces are exposed to dissolved metabolic byproducts. Through this indirect process, microorganisms can accelerate mineral dissolution, leading to enhanced porosity and permeability and colonization by microbial communities.


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Let a(x) be a real function with a regular growth as x --> infinity. [The precise technical assumption is that a(x) belongs to a Hardy field.] We establish sufficient growth conditions on a(x) so that the sequence ([a(n)])(infinity)(n=1) is a good averaging sequence in L2 for the pointwise ergodic theorem. A sequence (an) of positive integers is a good averaging sequence in L2 for the pointwise ergodic theorem if in any dynamical system (Omega, Sigma, m, T) for f [symbol, see text] in L2(Omega) the averages [equation, see text] converge for almost every omicron in. Our result implies that sequences like ([ndelta]), where delta > 1 and not an integer, ([n log n]), and ([n2/log n]) are good averaging sequences for L2. In fact, all the sequences we examine will turn out to be good averaging for Lp, p > 1; and even for L log L. We will also establish necessary and sufficient growth conditions on a(x) so that the sequence ([a(n)]) is good averaging for mean convergence. Note that for some a(x) (e.g., a(x) = log2 x), ([a(n)]) may be good for mean convergence without being good for pointwise convergence.


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O problema de Planejamento da Expansão de Sistemas de Distribuição (PESD) visa determinar diretrizes para a expansão da rede considerando a crescente demanda dos consumidores. Nesse contexto, as empresas distribuidoras de energia elétrica têm o papel de propor ações no sistema de distribuição com o intuito de adequar o fornecimento da energia aos padrões exigidos pelos órgãos reguladores. Tradicionalmente considera-se apenas a minimização do custo global de investimento de planos de expansão, negligenciando-se questões de confiabilidade e robustez do sistema. Como consequência, os planos de expansão obtidos levam o sistema de distribuição a configurações que são vulneráveis a elevados cortes de carga na ocorrência de contingências na rede. Este trabalho busca a elaboração de uma metodologia para inserir questões de confiabilidade e risco ao problema PESD tradicional, com o intuito de escolher planos de expansão que maximizem a robustez da rede e, consequentemente, atenuar os danos causados pelas contingências no sistema. Formulou-se um modelo multiobjetivo do problema PESD em que se minimizam dois objetivos: o custo global (que incorpora custo de investimento, custo de manutenção, custo de operação e custo de produção de energia) e o risco de implantação de planos de expansão. Para ambos os objetivos, são formulados modelos lineares inteiros mistos que são resolvidos utilizando o solver CPLEX através do software GAMS. Para administrar a busca por soluções ótimas, optou-se por programar em linguagem C++ dois Algoritmos Evolutivos: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-2 (NSGA2) e Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm-2 (SPEA2). Esses algoritmos mostraram-se eficazes nessa busca, o que foi constatado através de simulações do planejamento da expansão de dois sistemas testes adaptados da literatura. O conjunto de soluções encontradas nas simulações contém planos de expansão com diferentes níveis de custo global e de risco de implantação, destacando a diversidade das soluções propostas. Algumas dessas topologias são ilustradas para se evidenciar suas diferenças.


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In maritime transportation, decisions are made in a dynamic setting where many aspects of the future are uncertain. However, most academic literature on maritime transportation considers static and deterministic routing and scheduling problems. This work addresses a gap in the literature on dynamic and stochastic maritime routing and scheduling problems, by focusing on the scheduling of departure times. Five simple strategies for setting departure times are considered, as well as a more advanced strategy which involves solving a mixed integer mathematical programming problem. The latter strategy is significantly better than the other methods, while adding only a small computational effort.


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Ftalocianina de alumínio-cloro (AlClPc) é um fotossensibilizador de segunda geração em terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) caracterizado por seu caráter anfifílico e tendência de auto-agregação em meio aquoso, o que prejudica seu potencial de aplicação. O aCHC é um substrato de transportadores de monocarboxilato (MCT) superexpresso em células de MCF-7. Objetivando a solubilização da AlClPc e aumento de internalização em tecidos neoplásicos nos propomos aqui o uso de DSPC e DOPC em diferentes proporções para formar vesículas lipidicas mistas (LV) na presença de aCHC como sistemas veiculadores de fármaco. Lv foi preparado pelo método de injeção etanólica e formou vesículas de dimensões nanométricas (aproximadamente 100 nm) com bom índice de polidispersão, valores negativos de potencial zeta e estáveis em meio aquoso por mais de 50 dias. AlClPc se complexou com o fosfato das LV o que conferiu uma localização interfacial às moléculas de AlClPc como demonstrado pelos resultados de supressão de fluorescência. Medidas de anisotropia, fluorescência estática e resolvida no tempo corroboram com estes resultados e demonstram que a auto-agregação da AlClPc ocorre mesmo em lipossomas. Entretanto, a veiculação da AlClPc por LV em carcinoma de células escamosas oral (OSCC) levou a um processo de desagregação demonstrado por (FLIM). Este incrível comportamento é novo e aumenta o conhecimento científico sobre o mecanismo intracelular de ação de fotossensibilizadores em TFD. Em TFD, ambos os sistemas LVIII+AlClPc e LVIII+AlClPc+aCHC não apresentaram toxicidade no escuro no período de incubação de 3 h com as concentrações de lipídios, AlClPc e aCHC iguais a 0,15 mmol/L, 0,5 umol/L e 10,0 umol/L, respectivamente. De maneira inesperada, o sistema LVIII+AlClPc foi mais eficiente em TFD que o sistema LVIII+AlClPc+aCHC, devido ao caráter antioxidante do aCHC. Estes resultados abrem uma nova perspectiva do potencial uso de LV-AlClPc para o tratamento fotodinâmico.


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O presente estudo considera a aplicação do modelo SISAGUA de simulação matemática e de otimização para a operação de sistemas de reservatórios integrados em sistemas complexos para o abastecimento de água. O SISAGUA utiliza a programação não linear inteira mista (PNLIM) com os objetivos de evitar ou minimizar racionamentos, equilibrar a distribuição dos armazenamentos em sistemas com múltiplos reservatórios e minimizar os custos de operação. A metodologia de otimização foi aplicada para o sistema produtor de água da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), que enfrenta a crise hídrica diante de um cenário de estiagem em 2013-2015, o pior na série histórica dos últimos 85 anos. Trata-se de uma região com 20,4 milhões de habitantes. O sistema é formado por oito sistemas produtores parcialmente integrados e operados pela Sabesp (Companhia de Saneamento do Estado de São Paulo). A RMSP é uma região com alta densidade demográfica, localizada na Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Tietê e caracterizada pela baixa disponibilidade hídrica per capita. Foi abordada a possibilidade de considerar a evaporação durante as simulações, e a aplicação de uma regra de racionamento contínua nos reservatórios, que transforma a formulação do problema em programação não linear (PNL). A evaporação se mostrou pouco representativa em relação a vazão de atendimento à demanda, com cerca de 1% da vazão. Se por um lado uma vazão desta magnitude pode contribuir em um cenário crítico, por outro essa ordem de grandeza pode ser comparada às incertezas de medições ou previsões de afluências. O teste de sensibilidade das diferentes taxas de racionamento em função do volume armazenado permite analisar o tempo de resposta de cada sistema. A variação do tempo de recuperação, porém, não se mostrou muito significativo.


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Material docente de la asignatura «Simulación y Optimización de procesos químicos». Parte de Optimización OPTIMIZACIÓN TEMA 6. Conceptos Básicos 6.1 Introducción. Desarrollo histórico de la optimización de procesos. 6.2 Funciones y regiones cóncavas y convexas. 6.3 Optimización sin restricciones. 6.4 Optimización con restricciones de igualdad y desigualdad. Condiciones de optimalidad de Karush Khun Tucker 6.5 Interpretación de los Multiplicadores de Lagrange. TEMA 7. Programación lineal 7.1 Introducción. Planteamiento del problema en forma canónica y forma estándar. 7.2 Teoremas de la programación lineal 7.3 Resolución gráfica 7.4 Resolución en forma de tabla. El método simplex. 7.5 Variables artificiales. Método de la Gran M y método de las dos fases. 7.6 Conceptos básicos de dualidad. TEMA 8. Programación no lineal 8.1 Repaso de métodos numéricos de optimización sin restricciones 8.2 Optimización con restricciones. Fundamento de los métodos de programación cuadrática sucesiva y de gradiente reducido. TEMA 9. Introducción a la programación lineal y no lineal con variables discretas. 9.1 Conceptos básicos para la resolución de problemas lineales con variables discretas.(MILP, mixed integer linear programming) 9.2 Introducción a la programación no lineal con variables continuas y discretas (MINLP mixed integer non linear programming) 9.3 Modelado de problemas con variables binarias: 9.3.1 Conceptos básicos de álgebra de Boole 9.3.2 Transformación de expresiones lógicas a expresiones algebraicas 9.3.3 Modelado con variables discretas y continuas. Formulación de envolvente convexa y de la gran M.


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El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la influencia del esquema aditivo en el desarrollo del razonamiento proporcional en estudiantes de educación secundaria. 558 estudiantes de educación secundaria respondieron a un cuestionario de problemas proporcionales y no proporcionales. Los resultados indican (i) que la capacidad de los estudiantes en identificar las relaciones proporcionales en los problemas proporcionales no implica necesariamente que sean capaces de identificar correctamente las relaciones aditivas en los problemas no proporcionales y viceversa; y (ii) que el tipo de relación multiplicativa entre las cantidades (entera o no entera) influía en el nivel de éxito en la resolución de los problemas proporcionales y no proporcionales.