970 resultados para information curriculum technologies


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The growing pressure to increase the quality of health services, as well as reducing costs, has caused healthcare organizations to increase the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) through the development and adoption of Healthcare Information Systems (HIS). However, the need for exchange of information between HIS and between organizations has also increased, resulting in the problem of interoperability. This problem is considered complex, but the use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) appears as a good way to address this issue. This paper presents a systematic review, performed in order to find out how and in which contexts SOA is being used to ensure the interoperability of HIS.


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A growing body of research has argued that university citizenship curricula are inefficient in promoting civic participation, while there is a tendency towards a broader citizenship understanding and new forms of civic engagements and citizenship learning in everyday life. The notion of cultural citizenship in this thesis concentrates on media practices’ relation to civic expression and civic engagement. This research thus argues that not enough attention has been paid to the effects of citizenship education policy on students and students’ active citizenship learning in China. This thesis examines the civic experience of university students in China in the parallel contexts of widespread adoption of mass media and of university citizenship education courses, which have been explicitly mandatory for promoting civic morality education in Chinese universities since 2007. This research project raises significant questions about the meditating influences of these two contexts on students’ perceptions of civic knowledge and civic participation, with particular interest to examine whether and how the notion of cultural citizenship could be applied in the Chinese context and whether it could provide certain implications for citizenship education in China. University students in one university in Beijing contributed to this research by providing both quantitative and qualitative data collected from mixed-methods research. 212 participants contributed to the questionnaire data collection and 12 students took part in interviews. Guided by the theoretical framework of cultural citizenship, a central focus of this study is to explore whether new forms of civic engagement and civic learning and a new direction of citizenship understanding can be identified among university students’ mass media use. The study examines the patterns of students’ mass media use and its relationship to civic participation, and also explores the ways in which mass media shape students and how they interact and perform through the media use. In addition, this study discusses questions about how national context, citizenship tradition and civic education curricula relate to students’ civic perceptions, civic participation and civic motivation in their enactment of cultural citizenship. It thus tries to provide insights and identify problems associated with citizenship courses in Chinese universities. The research finds that Chinese university students can also identify civic issues and engage in civic participation through the influence of mass media, thus indicating the application of cultural citizenship in the wider higher education arena in China. In particular, the findings demonstrate that students’ citizenship knowledge has been influenced by their entertainment experiences with TV programs, social networks and movies. However, the study argues that the full enactment of cultural citizenship in China is conditional with regards to characteristics related to two prerequisites: the quality of participation and the influence of the public sphere in the Chinese context. Most students in the study are found to be inactive civic participants in their everyday lives, especially in political participation. Students express their willingness to take part in civic activities, but they feel constrained by both the current citizenship education curriculum in universities and the strict national policy framework. They mainly choose to accept ideological and political education for the sake of personal development rather than to actively resist it, however, they employ creative ways online to express civic opinions and conduct civic discussion. This can be conceptualised as the cultural dimension of citizenship observed from students who are not passively prescribed by traditional citizenship but who have opportunities to build their own civic understanding in everyday life. These findings lead to the conclusion that the notion of cultural citizenship not only provides a new mode of civic learning for Chinese students but also offers a new direction for configuring citizenship in China. This study enriches the existing global literature on cultural citizenship by providing contemporary evidence from China which is a developing democratic country, as well as offering useful information for Chinese university practitioners, policy makers and citizenship researchers on possible directions for citizenship understanding and citizenship education. In particular, it indicates that it is important for efforts to be made to generate a culture of authentic civic participation for students in the university as well as to promote the development of the public sphere in the community and the country generally.


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Partindo dos princípios que norteiam a UMUM, não esquecendo os pontos de referência da evolução transdisciplinar da educação – partir da/para a realidade – e tendo em mente que a estrutura student oriented sustenta a organização dos cursos, problematizamos a opção pela oferta, no 1º ano da licenciatura, de um conjunto de quatro disciplinas curriculares transversais a todos os cursos. Cientes de que a educação implica a vivência da interculturalidade e a inclusão social, o alvo é identificar o papel que a língua desempenha na descoberta do ‘eu’, na sua aceitação e consolidação, para que seja viável comunicar, agir e (con)viver em sociedade; na vivência pacífica do ‘eu’ com o ‘outro’; na construção colaborativa dos saberes e dos saberes fazeres. Daí decorre que as disciplinas curriculares transversais escolhidas, para induzir e potenciar uma educação de qualidade, tenham sido o Português, enquanto língua oficial, o Inglês, enquanto língua franca, as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação, como mediadoras da comunicação, promotoras de redes e de comunidades de aprendizagem para a construção do conhecimento e, ainda, Diálogos, Paz e Desenvolvimento, propiciando uma emergência equilibrada do sujeito per se, na sua relação com o ‘outro’ e com o mundo – saber ser e saber conviver. Questionamos a metodologia a utilizar nestas disciplinas curriculares, respeitando as suas especificidades, sustentando as áreas científicas contempladas em cada curso, numa dinâmica inter/transdisciplinar, implicando os estudantes na realidade e na complexidade do conhecimento e, em complementaridade, desafiando os docentes para o trabalho colaborativo.


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This thesis examines digital technologies policies designed for Australian schools and the ways they are understood and interpreted by students, school staff, teachers, principals and policy writers. This study explores the ways these research participant groups interpret and understand the ‘ethical dimension’ of schools’ digital technologies policies for teaching and learning. In this thesis the ethical dimension is considered to be a dynamic concept which encompasses various elements including; decisions, actions, values, issues, debates, education, discourses, and notions of right and wrong, in relation to ethics and uses of digital technologies in schools. In this study policy is taken to mean not only written texts but discursive processes, policy documents including national declarations, strategic plans and ‘acceptable use’ policies to guide the use of digital technologies in schools. The research is situated in the context of changes that have occurred in Australia and internationally over the last decade that have seen a greater focus on the access to and use of digital technologies in schools. In Australian school education, the attention placed on digital technologies in schools has seen the release of policies at the national, state, territory, education office and school levels, to guide their use. Prominent among these policies has been the Digital Education Revolution policy, launched in 2007 and concluded in 2013. This research aims to answers the question: What does an investigation reveal about understandings of the ethical dimension of digital technologies policies and their implementation in school education? The objective of this research is to examine the ethical dimension of digital technologies policies and to interpret and understand the responses of the research participants to the issues, silences, discourses and language, which characterise this dimension. In doing so, it is intended that the research can allow the participants to have a voice that, may be different to the official discourses located in digital technologies policies. The thesis takes a critical and interpretative approach to policies and examines the role of digital technologies policies as discourse. Interpretative theory is utilised as it provides a conceptual lens from which to interpret different perspectives and the implications of these in the construction of meaning in relation to schools’ digital technologies policies. Critical theory is used in tandem with interpretative theory as it represents a conceptual basis from which to critique and question underlying assumptions and discourses that are associated with the ethical dimension of schools’ digital technologies policies. The research methods used are semi-structured interviews and policy document analysis. Policies from the national, state, territory, education office and school level were analysed and contribute to understanding the way the ethical dimension of digital technologies policies is represented as a discourse. Students, school staff, teachers, principals and policy writers participated in research interviews and their views and perspectives were canvassed in relation to the ethical use of digital technologies and the policies that are designed to regulate their use. The thesis presents an argument that the ethical dimension of schools’ digital technologies policies and use is an under-researched area, and there are gaps in understanding and knowledge in the literature which remain to be addressed. It is envisaged that the thesis can make a meaningful contribution to understand the ways in which schools’ digital technologies policies are understood in school contexts. It is also envisaged that the findings from the research can inform policy development by analysing the voices and views of those in schools. The findings of the policy analysis revealed that there is little attention given to the ethical dimension in digital technologies at the national level. A discourse of compliance and control pervades digital technologies policies from the state, education office and school levels, which reduces ethical considerations to technical, legal and regulatory requirements. The discourse is largely instrumentalist and neglects the educative dimension of digital technologies which has the capacity to engender their ethical use. The findings from the interview conversations revealed that students, school staff and teachers perceive digital technologies policies to be difficult to understand, and not relevant to their situation and needs. They also expressed a desire to have greater consultation and participation in the formation and enactment of digital technologies policies, and they believe they are marginalised from these processes in their schools. Arising from the analysis of the policies and interview conversations, an argument is presented that in the light of the prominent role played by digital technologies and their potential for enhancing all aspects of school education, more research is required to provide a more holistic and richer understanding of the policies that are constructed to control and mediate their use.


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This article will address the main technical aspects that facilitate the use and growth of computer technology in the cloud, which go hand in hand with the emergence of more and better services on the Internet and technological development of the broadband. Finally, we know what is the impact that the cloud computing technologies in the automation of information units.


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We compare auctioning and grandfathering as allocation mechanisms of emission permits when there is a secondary market with market power and firms have private information on their own abatement technologies. Based on real-life cases such as the EU ETS, we consider a multi-unit, multi-bid uniform auction. At the auction, each firm anticipates its role in the secondary market, either as a leader or a follower. This role affects each firms’ valuation of the permits (which are not common across firms) as well as their bidding strategies and it precludes the auction from generating a cost-effective allocation of permits, as it occurs in simpler auction models. Auctioning tends to be more cost-effective than grandfathering when the firms’ abatement cost functions are sufficiently different from one another, especially if the follower has lower abatement costs than the leader and the dispersion of the marginal costs is large enough.


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In 2013, a series of posters began appearing in Washington, DC’s Metro system. Each declared “The internet: Your future depends on it” next to a photo of a middle-aged black Washingtonian, and an advertisement for the municipal government’s digital training resources. This hopeful discourse is familiar but where exactly does it come from? And how are our public institutions reorganized to approach the problem of poverty as a problem of technology? The Clinton administration’s ‘digital divide’ policy program popularized this hopeful discourse about personal computing powering social mobility, positioned internet startups as the ‘right’ side of the divide, and charged institutions of social reproduction such as schools and libraries with closing the gap and upgrading themselves in the image of internet startups. After introducing the development regime that builds this idea into the urban landscape through what I call the ‘political economy of hope’, and tracing the origin of the digital divide frame, this dissertation draws on three years of comparative ethnographic fieldwork in startups, schools, and libraries to explore how this hope is reproduced in daily life, becoming the common sense that drives our understanding of and interaction with economic inequality and reproduces that inequality in turn. I show that the hope in personal computing to power social mobility becomes a method of securing legitimacy and resources for both white émigré technologists and institutions of social reproduction struggling to understand and manage the persistent poverty of the information economy. I track the movement of this common sense between institutions, showing how the political economy of hope transforms them as part of a larger development project. This dissertation models a new, relational direction for digital divide research that grounds the politics of economic inequality with an empirical focus on technologies of poverty management. It demands a conceptual shift that sees the digital divide not as a bug within the information economy, but a feature of it.


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O presente estudo, descritivo com levantamento de dados, aborda a temática das relações entre os Docentes e a Biblioteca Escolar (BE). A escolha do tema deve-se à actualidade e pertinência do mesmo, já que numa sociedade caracterizada por um crescimento ilimitado de informação aliada à diversidade de meios de difusão e à facilidade de acesso às fontes, possibilitada pelas modernas tecnologias, obriga necessariamente a repensar o papel das Bibliotecas Escolares, que passará por uma estreita colaboração e articulação com os professores. Assim, procurou-se conhecer a relação que se estabelece entre os docentes de uma Escola Secundária com 3° Ciclo e a Biblioteca Escolar (BE) com destaque para as formas de apropriação da sua utilização; averiguar outras possibilidades de integração I articulação da BE no desenvolvimento do currículo e das suas práticas; e saber qual a concordância dos professores sobre indicadores que o Modelo de Auto-Avaliação das Bibliotecas Escolares propõe no âmbito da articulação curricular da BE com as estruturas pedagógicas e os docentes. Com o desenvolvimento do estudo verificou-se que os professores consideram que utilizam a biblioteca de uma forma mais participada, diversificada e frequente do que realmente acontece. Quanto à aplicação do Modelo de Auto-avaliação das Bibliotecas Escolares existe um quadro favorável à sua aplicação nesta Escola. /ABSTRACT: This descriptive study, which was done through the organization and analysis of large amounts of information, talks about the relation between teachers and the school library. This theme was chosen due to its pertinence as well as its actuality, as we live in a society marked by the unlimited growth of information associated with the diversity of the means of broadcasting and the easiness people can access the sources thanks to new technologies. This forces us to reconsider the role of school libraries, starting with a close collaboration and articulation with teachers. Thus, we'll try to know the kind of relationship established between the teachers of a high school and the school library, mainly the ways they use it; we'll examine other possibilities of integrating the school library in the development of the curriculum and its practices and know if the teachers agree with the indicators recommended by the self-evaluation model in what concerns the curricular articulation between the school library, the pedagogic structures and the teachers. This study shows that the teachers consider they use the library in a more diversified, shared and frequent way than they really do. ln what concerns the use of the school libraries self-evaluation model, we carne to the conclusion that it can be applied.