977 resultados para grain refinement of magnesium alloys


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From X-ray mineralogical studies and chemical analyses of the whole rocks and the fine fractions (<2 µm) of ten to fifteen samples at each site of ODP Leg 124, two major sources were identified in the sedimentary components of the Celebes and Sulu basins: (1) a terrestrial and continental contribution; (2) a volcanic influx that gives way to well-defined volcanic units or to a dilute contamination, consisting of coarse-grained minerals (Plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, spinel) or a smectitic-rich fraction produced by the alteration of volcanic glasses and ashes. The continental signature increases the amount of quartz in the rocks and the phyllitic association is complex: micas, kaolinite, disordered interstratified clay-minerals. The chemical compositions of the bulk rocks and the fractions <2 µm are more potassic and aluminum-rich. The volcanic imprint depends on the grain-size and chemical properties of the components. Ca/Na contents highly variable compared to the K content of the bulk composition are due to the presence of coarse-grained volcanic Plagioclase. The fractions <2 µm are more magnesian than in the continental regime. The diagenesis is revealed by the crystallization of zeolites, the fixation of magnesium into the smectites that depletes the pore fluids in this element. Smectitization of the disordered interstratified clay minerals enriches the alkalinity of the pore fluids. Some deep formations of the Sulu Basin are affected by a thermal event, but no thermal event was recognized in the Celebes Basin.


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Uniaxial strain consolidation experiments were conducted to determine elastic and plastic properties and to estimate the permeability of sediments from 0 to 200 meters below seafloor at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1194 and 1198. Plastic deformation is described by compression indices, which range from 0.19 to 0.37. Expansion indices, the elastic deformation measured during unload/reload cycles on samples, vary from 0.02 to 0.029. Consolidation experiments provide lower bounds on permeability between 5.4 x 10**-16 m**2 and 1.9 x 10**-18 m**2, depending on the consolidation state of the sample.


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Magnesium concentrations in deep-sea sediment pore-fluids typically decrease down core due to net precipitation of dolomite or clay minerals in the sediments or underlying crust. To better characterize and differentiate these processes, we have measured magnesium isotopes in pore-fluids and sediment samples from Ocean Drilling Program sites (1082, 1086, 1012, 984, 1219, and 925) that span a range of oceanographic settings. At all sites, magnesium concentrations decrease with depth. At sites where diagenetic reactions are dominated by the respiration of organic carbon, pore-fluid d26Mg values increase with depth by as much as 2 per mil. Because carbonates preferentially incorporate 24Mg (low d26Mg), the increase in pore-fluid d26Mg values at these sites is consistent with the removal of magnesium in Mg-carbonate (dolomite). In contrast, at sites where the respiration of organic carbon is not important and/or weatherable minerals are abundant, pore-fluid d26Mg values decrease with depth by up to 2 per mil. The decline in pore-fluid d26Mg at these sites is consistent with a magnesium sink that is isotopically enriched relative to the pore-fluid. The identity of this enriched magnesium sink is likely clay minerals. Using a simple 1D diffusion-advection-reaction model of pore-fluid magnesium, we estimate rates of net magnesium uptake/removal and associated net magnesium isotope fractionation factors for sources and sinks at all sites. Independent estimates of magnesium isotope fractionation during dolomite precipitation from measured d26Mg values of dolomite samples from sites 1082 and 1012 are very similar to modeled net fractionation factors at these sites, suggesting that local exchange of magnesium between sediment and pore-fluid at these sites can be neglected. Our results indicate that the magnesium incorporated in dolomite is 2.0-2.7 per mil depleted in d26Mg relative to the precipitating fluid. Assuming local exchange of magnesium is minor at the rest of the studied sites, our results suggest that magnesium incorporated into clay minerals is enriched in d26Mg by 0 per mil to +1.25 per mil relative to the precipitating fluid. This work demonstrates the utility of magnesium isotopes as a tracer for magnesium sources/sinks in low-temperature aqueous systems.


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Marine calcareous sediments provide a fundamental basis for palaeoceanographic studies aiming to reconstruct past oceanic conditions and understand key biogeochemical element cycles. Calcifying unicellular phytoplankton (coccolithophores) are a major contributor to both carbon and calcium cycling by photosynthesis and the production of calcite (coccoliths) in the euphotic zone, and the subsequent long-term deposition and burial into marine sediments. Here we present data from controlled laboratory experiments on four coccolithophore species and elucidate the relation between the divalent cation (Sr, Mg and Ca) partitioning in coccoliths and cellular physiology (growth, calcification and photosynthesis). Coccolithophores were cultured under different seawater temperature and carbonate chemistry conditions. The partition coefficient of strontium (DSr) was positively correlated with both carbon dioxide (pCO2) and temperature but displayed no coherent relation to particulate organic and inorganic carbon production rates. Furthermore, DSr correlated positively with cellular growth rates when driven by temperature but no correlation was present when changes in growth rates were pCO2-induced. Our results demonstrate the complex interaction between environmental forcing and physiological control on the strontium partitioning in coccolithophore calcite and challenge interpretations of the coccolith Sr / Ca ratio from high-pCO2 environments (e.g. Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum). The partition coefficient of magnesium (DMg) displayed species-specific differences and elevated values under nutrient limitation. No conclusive correlation between coccolith DMg and temperature was observed but pCO2 induced a rising trend in coccolith DMg. Interestingly, the best correlation was found between coccolith DMg and chlorophyll a production, suggesting that chlorophyll a and calcite associated Mg originate from the same intracellular pool. These and previous findings indicate that Mg is transported into the cell and to the site of calcification via different pathways than Ca and Sr. Consequently, the coccolith Mg / Ca ratio should be decoupled from the seawater Mg / Ca ratio. This study gives an extended insight into the driving factors influencing the coccolith Mg / Ca ratio and should be considered for future palaeoproxy calibrations.


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The Labrador Sea is a basin with oceanic crust in its deep part. Bottom morphology of the Labrador Sea is rather complicated. Data of seismic profiling in this region indicate presence of numerous submarine mountains and hills, which are dominated by volcanic rocks. Some chemical and mineral characteristics of the rocks, in particular, high concentrations of alkalis and phosphorus, and presence of high-titanium augite, ilmenite, and devitrified glass enriched in K and Na, allow us to attribute them to K-Na subalkaline picrites typical for ocean islands, seamounts, and oceanic plateaus. Rocks of the K-Na subalkaline series usually form submarine basements and subaerial volcanoes of ocean islands, seamounts, and oceanic plateaus. Thus, the suggestion on formation of the highs on the continental crust is not confirmed by petrographic data, which require a refinement of the tectonic model of the northern part of the Labrador Sea.


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The present work studies the resistant of the concrete against magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) and compare the results with values obtained previously of the same concretes exposed to sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). Thus, it is possible analyze the influence of the cation type. To that end, four different concrete mixes were made with sulfur resistant cement and mineral admixtures (silica fume, fly ash and blast furnace slag). The concretes were submerged for different period in magnesium sulfate (MgSO4). After that, different tests were carried out to define mechanical and microstructural properties. The results obtained were compared with reference values of concretes cured in calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]. According to the results, the concrete with blast furnace slag presented the best behavior front MgSO4, meanwhile the concretes with silica fume and fly ash were the most susceptible. The resistance of the concrete with blast furnace slag could be attributed to the characteristics of the hydrated silicates formed during the hydration time, which include aluminum in the chemical chain that hinder its chemical decomposition during the attack of magnesium. The magnesium sulfate solution was most aggressive than sodium sulfate solution. El presente trabajo estudia la resistencia de hormigones al ataque de sulfatos provenientes de sulfato magnésico (MgSO4) y compara estos valores con resultados previos de los mismos hormigones atacados con sulfato sódico (Na2SO4). De esta manera se estudia la interacción del catión que acompaña al ion sulfato durante su afectación a la matriz cementicia. Para lo anterior, se diseñaron cuatro dosificaciones empleando cementos sulforresistentes y adiciones minerales (humo de sílice, ceniza volante y escoria de alto horno). Los hormigones se sumergieron, por distintos periodos de tiempo, en disolución de sulfato magnésico (MgSO4) de concentración 1M, para después realizarles ensayos mecánicos y a nivel microestructural. Los valores obtenidos se compararon con los obtenidos en el hormigón de referencia curado en hidróxido cálcico. El hormigón con escoria de alto horno presentó el mejor comportamiento frente a MgSO4, siendo las mezclas de humo de sílice y ceniza volante las más susceptibles. La resistencia del hormigón con escoria se atribuye a las características de los silicatos hidratados formados durante la hidratación, los cuales incorporan aluminio en las cadenas impidiendo su descomposición ante un ataque por magnesio. El medio con sulfato magnésico mostro una mayor agresividad que el medio con sulfato sódico.


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Soupy and mousse-like fabrics are disturbance sedimentary features that result from the dissociation of gas hydrate, a process that releases water. During the core retrieval process, soupy and mousse-like fabrics are produced in the gas hydrate-bearing sediments due to changes in pressure and temperature conditions. Therefore, the identification of soupy and mousse-like fabrics can be used as a proxy for the presence of gas hydrate in addition to other evidence, such as pore water freshening or anomalously cool temperature. We present here grain-size results, mineralogical composition and magnetic susceptibility data of soupy and mousse-like samples from the southern Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia accretionary complex) acquired during Leg 204 of the Ocean Drilling Program. In order to study the relationship between sedimentary texture and the presence of gas hydrates, we have compared these results with the main textural and compositional data available from the same area. Most of the disturbed analyzed samples from the summit and the western flank of southern Hydrate Ridge show a mean grain size coarser than the average mean grain size of the hemipelagic samples from the same area. The depositional features of the sediments are not recognised due to disturbance. However, their granulometric statistical parameters and distribution curves, and magnetic susceptibility logs indicate that they correspond to a turbidite facies. These results suggest that gas hydrates in the southern Hydrate Ridge could form preferentially in coarser grain-size layers that could act as conduits feeding gas from below the BSR. Two samples from the uppermost metres near the seafloor at the summit of the southern Hydrate Ridge show a finer mean grain-size value than the average of hemipelagic samples. They were located where the highest amount of gas hydrates was detected, suggesting that in this area the availability of methane gas was high enough to generate gas hydrates, even within low-permeability layers. The mineralogical composition of the soupy and mousse-like sediments does not show any specific characteristic with respect to the other samples from the southern Hydrate Ridge.


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"Work performed under Contract No. AT(30-1)-647"--p.2 of cover.


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Published also as University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station bulletin no. 93 with title: A preliminary study of the alloys of chromium, copper, and nickel, by D.F. McFarland and O.E. Harder.


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The effects of boron on the eutectic modification and solidification mode of hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys have been studied adding different boride phases. The results show that boron does not cause modification of the eutectic silicon. Boron-containing samples display eutectic nucleation and growth characteristics similar to that of unmodified alloys. (C) 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A comparative study of the mechanical properties of 20 experimental alloys has been carried out. The effect of different contents of Si, Cu, Mg, Fe and Mn, as well as solidification rate, has been assessed using a strength-ductility chart and a quality index-strength chart developed for the alloys. The charts show that the strength generally increases and the ductility decreases with an increasing content of Cu and Mg. Increased Fe (at Fe/Mn ratio 0.5) dramatically lowers the ductility and strength of low Si alloys. Increased Si content generally increases the strength and the ductility. The increase in ductility with increased Si is particularly significant when the Fe content is high. The charts are used to show that the cracking of second phase particles imposes a limit to the maximum achievable strength by limiting the ductility of strong alloys. The (Cu + Mg) content (at.%), which determines the precipitation strengthening and the volume fraction of Cu-rich and Mg-rich intermetallics, can be used to select the alloys for given strength and ductility, provided the Fe content stays below the Si-dependent critical level for the formation of pre-eutectic alpha-phase particles or beta-phase plates.


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Precipitation morphology and habit planes of the delta-phase Zr hydrides, which were precipitated within the a-phase matrix grains and along the grain boundaries of recrystallized Zircaloy-2 cladding tube, have been examined by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Radially-oriented hydrides, induced by residual tensile stress, precipitated in the outside region of the cladding, and circumferentially-oriented hydrides in the stress-free middle region of the cladding. The most common crystallographic relationship for both types of the hydrides precipitated at the inter- and intra-granular sites was identical at (0001)(alpha) // {111}(delta), with {1017}(alpha) // {111}(delta) being the occasional exception only for the inter-granular radial hydrides. When tensile stress was loaded, the intra-granular hydrides tended to preferentially precipitate in the grains with circumferential basal pole textures. The inter-granular hydrides tended to preferentially precipitate on the grain faces opposite to tensile axis. The change of prioritization in the precipitation sites for the hydrides due to tensile stress could be explained in terms of the relaxation effect of constrained elastic energy on the terminal solid solubility of hydrogen at hydride precipitation.


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Corrosion research by Atrens and co-workers has made significant contributions to the understanding of the service performance of engineering materials. This includes: (1) elucidated corrosion mechanisms of Mg alloys, stainless steels and Cu alloys, (2) developed an improved understanding of passivity in stainless steels and binary alloys such as Fe-Cr, Ni-Cr, Co-Cr, Fe-Ti, and Fe-Si, (3) developed an improved understanding of the melt spinning of Cu alloys, and (4) elucidated mechanisms of environment assisted fracture (EAF) of steels and Zr alloys. This paper summarises contributions in the following: (1) intergranular stress corrosion cracking of pipeline steels, (2) atmospheric corrosion and patination of Cu, (3) corrosion of Mg alloys, and (4) transgranular stress corrosion cracking of rock bolts.


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This research investigated the galvanic corrosion of the magnesium alloy AZ91D coupled to steel. The galvanic current distribution was measured in 5% NaCl solution, corrosive water and an auto coolant. The experimental measurements were compared with predictions from a Boundary Element Method (BEM) model. The boundary condition, required as an input into the BEM model, needs to be a polarization curve that accurately reflects the corrosion process. Provided that the polarization curve does reflect steady state, the BEM model is expected to be able to reflect steady state galvanic corrosion.


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A model for the crystallography and morphology of diffusion-controlled phase transformations - edge-to-edge matching - has been used to predict the orientation relationships (OR) and habit planes of precipitates Mg17Al12 in Mg-Al alloy, Mg24Y5 in Mg-Y alloy and alpha-Mn in Mg-Mn alloy. Based on the crystal structures and lattice parameters only, the model predicts that the possible ORs between Mg17Al12 and Mg matrix are the near Burgers OR, the Potter OR, the Gjonnes-Ostmoe OR and the Crawley OR. In the Mg-Y alloy, the OR between Mg24Y5 precipitates and the Mg matrix is predicted to be the Burgers OR only. The model also predicts that there are no reproducible ORs between alpha-Mn and Mg in the Mg-Mn alloy. Combining the edge-to-edge matching model and W. Zhang's Deltag approach, the habit plane and side facets of the precipitate for each OR can be determined. All the predicted ORs and the corresponding habit planes in Mg-Al and Mg-Y alloys agree very well with the experimental results. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.