997 resultados para gotejamento superficial


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Se presenta el estudio clínico, y anatomopatológico parcial, de dos enfermos con encefalopatía crónica por Trypanosoma cruzi, cuyo síntoma inicial aislado fue la cefalea, a la cual se agregaron progresivamente otros síntomas de enfermedad del sistema nervioso central, llegando tras años a configurarse un cuadro de enfermedad cerebral definida, en el primer caso con sintomatologia cerebral difusa y compromiso de la actividad psíquica, en el segundo caso con síndrome seudotumoral. En ambos casos coexistían signos de cardiopatía, pero sin el conjunto de elementos semiológicos prevalentes en la cardiopatía chagásica. El estudio anatomopatológico del cerebro (el primer caso muere por accidente, el segundo en coma encefalopática, posiblemente agravado por hipermedicación) mostró en ambos casos una meningo-córtico encefalitis multimicrofocal, de predomínio superficial, con caracter nodular en torno a vasos sanguíneos alterados (vasculitis primária?). A la encefalitis inflamatoria se agregan en el 2º caso lesiones trombóticas arteriolares (microembolia de trombos murales provenientes de la cardiopatía?). Se hallaron igualmente, areas irregulares de desmielinización, neuronolisis y satelitosis. En el caso 2 se encontraron leishmanioides de T. cruzi en reducido número, en focos de lesión inflamatoria necrotizante típica. Como el síntoma inicial y aislado fuera la cefalea en ambos enfermos, se considera haber confirmado y ampliado las observaciones clínicas de uno de los autores, quien señala a la cefalea (en asociación a reacciones suerológicas positivas) como neurosíndrome mínimo en la tripanosomiasis cruzi crónica. Se analisan los posibles mecanismos patogénicos, se exponen los síntomas concomitantes y la evolución de la encefalopatía crónica por T. cruzi, considerando los casos estudiados a la luz de los conocimientos previos sobre las formas neurales de la tripanosomiasis cruzi.


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A - NORTE - A floresta em tôrno de Belém parece já bastante alterada, sendo poucas as árvores de grande porte. O solo é sempre arenoso, com uma camada de húmus muito fina a qual, quando é removida, deixa ver uma areia branca. Em Utinga era de notar o grande número de árvores caídas, justamente as maiores, o que sugere um solo pobre e raso, originando um enraizamento superficial e conseqüente queda das mesmas pelos ventos. Na floresta de àgua Preta é muito maior o número de árvores finas, o que sugere um solo ainda mais pobre. Trata-se de floresta típica da planície (Quartenário antigo), onde o solo foi formado por deposição do arenitos pobres do Centro-oeste capturados pela bacia do Tocatins. B - Nordeste - 1. Caatinga: O tipo de vegetação que predomina no Nordeste é o da caatinga, vegetação de arbustiva a arbórea, espinhosa e decidual. A parte vista, de Terezina até Paulo Afonso, via Ubajara, Fortaleza, Crato e Floresta, apresenta várias nuances fisiográficas de densidade e porte. Essas são devidas, aparentemente ao menos, não só à intervenção humana, como também à grande variação na constituição física do solo. Assim é que observamos: a) Caatinga arbórea - dominada pela carnaúba: Copernicia cerifera (A. Cam.) Mart. nos lugares encharcados, pela oiticica: Licania rigida Benth. na linha demarcatória das maiores enchentes, e pelo juàzeiro: Zizyphus joazeiro Mart., fora da influência das àguas dos rios. b) Caatinga aberta - nos solos pedregosos, com dominância da imburana-de-espinho: Bursera leptophloeos Engl. e do umbu: Spondias tuberosa A. Cam. Ocorre nas enconstas dessecadas dos serrotes de quartzito. c) Caatinga arbustiva densa - existente nos largos vales dos maiores rios, provável fruto da intervenção...


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El objetivo de este estudio era mejorar el proceso de elaboración de los productos crudos curados y del jamón curado en particular controlando la composición y estructura del exterior de la pieza mediante tratamientos superficiales o con los parámetros de control de proceso. Para ello se evaluaron: - El efecto que tienen algunas substancias añadidas sobre el desarrollo microbiológico superficial y la estructura. - Factores que pueden afectar a la formación del encostrado superficial (composición superficial y condiciones ambientales). - El efecto de la adición de determinadas substancias y de la humedad relativa durante el reposo en la cinética de secado y en las características sensoriales del jamón curado. Asimismo se plantearon modificaciones de los procesos tecnológicos que permitiesen modular algunas características sensoriales.


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El envasado activo consiste en la adición de una sustancia activa al material del envasado, mejorando de esta forma la funcionalidad del envase. En el caso del envasado antimicrobiano se consigue minimizar o evitar la contaminación superficial de los alimentos, de ahí el interés de su aplicación en los productos cárnicos listos para el consumo.


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En el marco del proyecto “La ciutat romana de Cosa: arqueologia d’un enclau comercial mediterrani” , autorizado y apoyado por la Soprintendenza Archeologica por la Toscana, entre los dias 4 y 22 de septiembre de 2006 se ha realizado la segunda campaña de intervenciones arqueológicas en la ciudad romana de Cosa (Ansedonia, prov. Grosseto, Itàlia), colonia latina fundada en el 273 aC a unos 120 km. al norte de Roma. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en la campanya del 2005 (localización/verificación de los límites precisos de la ínsula O-P/4-5 mediante la aplicación de técnicas de prospección geofísica completadas con la limpieza, registro y documentación arqueológica de las estructuras localizadas ) los trabajos del 2006 se han orientado hacia la identificación de la organización interna de la dicha ínsula tomando como referente el criptopórtico situado en el extremo N.E., el cual parece constituir el límite de una estructura singular (privada o pública ) estratégicamente ubicada en relación al fórum i a la Via Sacra. El trabajo de campo ha consistido en un intenso decapage con la finalidad de delimitar unidades de habitación complejas funcionalmente definidas y así la articulación existente entre ellas; en este sentido se ha podido documentar evidencias del espacio porticado superpuesto al criptopórtico así como, paralelamente a la calle 5 y en dirección a la Via Sacra, parte de habitaciones algunas de las cuales conservaban restos del pavimiento original, en un caso de mosaico. Paralelamente, se ha realizado el análisis en laboratorio de los materiales recuperados los cuales, aún procediendo de nivel superficial, empiezan a proporcionar datos sobre los diferentes momentos de ocupación de la zona, básicamente tardorepublicanos y augustales.


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The tubular transport of [3H]methotrexate was studied in isolated nonperfused and perfused superficial proximal tubular segments of rabbit kidneys. Reabsorption represented only 5% of perfused methotrexate, and appeared to be mostly of passive nature inasmuch as it was not modified by reducing the temperature or by ouabain. Cellular accumulation in nonperfused segments and secretion in perfused tubules were highest in the S2 segment and lower in the S3 and S1 segments. Secretion against a bath-to-lumen concentration gradient was observed only in S2 segments (with a maximum methotrexate secretory rate of 478 +/- 48 fmol/mm.min and an apparent Km of transport of 363 +/- 32 microM), and was inhibited by probenecid and folate. The low capacity for methotrexate secretion may be explained by a low capacity of transport across the basolateral membrane of the proximal cell as methotrexate was accumulated only to a low extent in nonperfused tubules (tissue water to medium concentration ratio of 8.2 +/- 1 in S2 segments). During secretion a small amount of methotrexate was metabolized; the nature of the metabolite(s) remains to be defined.


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PURPOSE: Gastric or intestinal patches, commonly used for reconstructive cystoplasty, may induce severe metabolic complications. The use of bladder tissues reconstructed in vitro could avoid these complications. We compared cellular differentiation and permeability characteristics of human native with in vitro cultured stratified urothelium. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human stratified urothelium was induced in vitro. Morphology was studied with light and electron microscopy and expression of key cellular proteins was assessed using immunohistochemistry. Permeability coefficients were determined by measuring water, urea, ammonia and proton fluxes across the urothelium. RESULTS: As in native urothelium the stratified urothelial construct consisted of basal membrane and basal, intermediate and superficial cell layers. The apical membrane of superficial cells formed villi and glycocalices, and tight junctions and desmosomes were developed. Immunohistochemistry showed similarities and differences in the expression of cytokeratins, integrin and cellular adhesion proteins. In the cultured urothelium cytokeratin 20 and integrin subunits alpha6 and beta4 were absent, and symplekin was expressed diffusely in all layers. Uroplakins were clearly expressed in the superficial umbrella cells of the urothelial constructs, however, they were also present in intermediate and basal cells. Symplekin and uroplakins were expressed only in the superficial cells of native bladder tissue. The urothelial constructs showed excellent viability, and functionally their permeabilities for water, urea and ammonia were no different from those measured in native human urothelium. Proton permeability was even lower in the constructs compared to that of native urothelium. CONCLUSIONS: Although the in vitro cultured human stratified urothelium did not show complete terminal differentiation of its superficial cells, it retained the same barrier characteristics against the principal urine components. These results indicate that such in vitro cultured urothelium, after being grown on a compliant degradable support or in coculture with smooth muscle cells, is suitable for reconstructive cystoplasty.


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Objective: Because increasing incidence of melanoma and dermatologicsystematic screening, more early superficial melanoma are discovered in Switzerland. Patients with Breslow index more than 1 mm. (T2) represent the classical indication to sentinel node (SN). It has been shown that some ''risky'' T1 patients may have micrometastatic SNs. T1b melanoma are defined by presence of ulceration,Clark IV (ormore) level, signs of melanoma regression (old classification) and high mitotic index (new TNM). The objective of the present study was to review the incidence and risk for metastatic SN in T1 patients and if radical lymph node dissection is justified (evaluation of non sentinel node [NSN]) compared with T2-4 patients.Methods: Retrospective review of a cohort of all patients operated for T1-4 clinically N0 and radiological M0 melanoma patients between 1997 and 2010 in a reference melanoma centre.Results: 599 melanoma patients have been operated with SNdissection. There were 98 T1 patients. Metastatic SN were observed in 2 out of 24 T1a patients and in 5 out of 74 T1b patients. This means overall 7% T1 patients were at least N1a. None of SN+ T1a or T1b patients had metastatic NSN after radical lymph node dissections (RLND). During the follow-up (1998-2010), no patients presented with locoregional disease and only one T1a N1a patient died of metastatic melanoma. These results contrast with the other 591 T2-4 patients: 150 were SN+ (25%) and among them 23 had metastatic NSN after RLND. Overall 23/136 (17%) had metastatic NSN.Conclusion: T1 melanoma patients are at significant risk (7%) for metastatic lymph node in the corresponding drainage basin. T1a and T1b did not differ regarding this risk. However, the benefit for a RLND must be reevaluated regarding surgical morbidity, because none of T1 patients had metastatic NSN.


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El sistema desarrollado en este trabajo permite la detección de fatiga del músculo de un paciente. Las señales electromiográficas generadas por el músculo son detectadas mediante electrodos superficiales, que sirven de entrada al circuito hacia los diferentes canales de entrada. Tras una primera etapa de amplificación, las señales son filtradas por un filtro pasabanda. Las señales acondicionadas se digitalizan mediante un conversor analógico digital que está conectado a un microcontrolador. Éste establece la comunicación con el PC enviándole los datos a través del puerto serie. Finalmente, mediante un programa implementado en Labview se procesan los datos y se determina la existencia o no de fatiga muscular.


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While consumption habits have been utilised as a means of generating a humpshaped output response to monetary policy shocks in sticky-price New Keynesian economies, there is relatively little analysis of the impact of habits (particularly,external habits) on optimal policy. In this paper we consider the implications of external habits for optimal monetary policy, when those habits either exist at the level of the aggregate basket of consumption goods (‘superficial’ habits) or at the level of individual goods (‘deep’ habits: see Ravn, Schmitt-Grohe, and Uribe (2006)). External habits generate an additional distortion in the economy, which implies that the flex-price equilibrium will no longer be efficient and that policy faces interesting new trade-offs and potential stabilisation biases. Furthermore, the endogenous mark-up behaviour, which emerges when habits are deep, can also significantly affect the optimal policy response to shocks, as well as dramatically affecting the stabilising properties of standard simple rules.


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Typically MEG source reconstruction is used to estimate the distribution of current flow on a single anatomically derived cortical surface model. In this study we use two such models representing superficial and deep cortical laminae. We establish how well we can discriminate between these two different cortical layer models based on the same MEG data in the presence of different levels of co-registration noise, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and cortical patch size. We demonstrate that it is possible to make a distinction between superficial and deep cortical laminae for levels of co-registration noise of less than 2mm translation and 2° rotation at SNR>11dB. We also show that an incorrect estimate of cortical patch size will tend to bias layer estimates. We then use a 3D printed head-cast (Troebinger et al., 2014) to achieve comparable levels of co-registration noise, in an auditory evoked response paradigm, and show that it is possible to discriminate between these cortical layer models in real data.


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Pulmonary involvement is the most frequent extra-articular manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis. The occurrence of a chronic hydro-pneumo-thorax associated with pulmonary nodules is rare. Cavitation of the most superficial nodules and their rupture into the pleural cavity are most likely involved in this complication. The presence of broncho-pleural fistulae may be responsible for the persistence of the phenomenon in our patient.


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Este proyecto trata sobre la determinación de las relaciones epitaxiales que se dan entre una capa de NGO (Oxido de Neodimio-Galio) y una capa depositada de CGO (Óxido de Cerio dopado con Gadolinio). Con ello buscamos estudiar indirectamente como podemos producir las dislocaciones antes citadas mediante la tensión superficial que se crea al dar lugar un crecimiento heteroepitaxial auto-ensamblado de nanohilos sobre un substrato. Para utilizar en el futuro esta cerámica nanoestructurada como plantillas de superconductores. Abordaremos este objetivo mediante dos vertientes distintas. Por un lado, mediante el estudio de una muestra mediante difracción de rayos X en dos dimensiones (DRX2). Y paralelamente mediante su visualización usando Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión (MET).


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The Brindley's glands of Panstrongylus megistus were studied under the antomic, histologic and ultrastructural point of view. These glands located in the insect's methatorax are paired and have an opening near the third parir of the feet. Beside this aperture, ther are evaporation areas. Shape, sixe and aspect of the gland vary according to the feeding status. The glands are composed by a tubular part corresponding to the duct and a sack-like portion corrsponding to the secretory part. By electron microscopy we observed that the basal part of the epithelium has many interdigitations associated with mitochondria. On the apical surface where epicuticular foldings are located an electonlucent space is often seen. The glands are composed of the following elements: 1) superficial epithelial cells, located just below the apical surface foldings; 2) secretory cells; which are long and have an intracellular canalicule which changes according to the functional state of the cell; 3) a collecting duct to the secretory cells and covered with an epicuticle, reaching up to the gland's lumen; and 4) cells around the duct.


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Fluorescence imaging for detection of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer is based on the selective production and accumulation of fluorescing porphyrins-mainly, protoporphyrin IX-in cancerous tissues after the instillation of Hexvix®. Although the sensitivity of this procedure is very good, its specificity is somewhat limited due to fluorescence false-positive sites. Consequently, magnification cystoscopy has been investigated in order to discriminate false from true fluorescence positive findings. Both white-light and fluorescence modes are possible with the magnification cystoscope, allowing observation of the bladder wall with magnification ranging between 30× for standard observation and 650×. The optical zooming setup allows adjusting the magnification continuously in situ. In the high-magnification (HM) regime, the smallest diameter of the field of view is 600 microns and the resolution is 2.5 microns when in contact with the bladder wall. With this cystoscope, we characterized the superficial vascularization of the fluorescing sites in order to discriminate cancerous from noncancerous tissues. This procedure allowed us to establish a classification based on observed vascular patterns. Seventy-two patients subject to Hexvix® fluorescence cystoscopy were included in the study. Comparison of HM cystoscopy classification with histopathology results confirmed 32?33 (97%) cancerous biopsies and rejected 17?20 (85%) noncancerous lesions.