977 resultados para digestion partition
La protéomique est un sujet d'intérêt puisque l'étude des fonctions et des structures de protéines est essentiel à la compréhension du fonctionnement d'un organisme donné. Ce projet se situe dans la catégorie des études structurales, ou plus précisément, la séquence primaire en acides aminés pour l’identification d’une protéine. La détermination des protéines commence par l'extraction d'un mélange protéique issu d'un tissu ou d'un fluide biologique pouvant contenir plus de 1000 protéines différentes. Ensuite, des techniques analytiques comme l’électrophorèse en gel polyacrylamide en deux dimensions (2D-SDS-PAGE), qui visent à séparer ce mélange en fonction du point isoélectrique et de la masse molaire des protéines, sont utilisées pour isoler les protéines et pour permettre leur identification par chromatographie liquide and spectrométrie de masse (MS), typiquement. Ce projet s'inspire de ce processus et propose que l'étape de fractionnement de l'extrait protéique avec la 2D-SDS-PAGE soit remplacé ou supporté par de multiples fractionnements en parallèle par électrophorèse capillaire (CE) quasi-multidimensionnelle. Les fractions obtenues, contenant une protéine seule ou un mélange de protéines moins complexe que l’extrait du départ, pourraient ensuite être soumises à des identifications de protéines par cartographie peptidique et cartographie protéique à l’aide des techniques de séparations analytiques et de la MS. Pour obtenir la carte peptidique d'un échantillon, il est nécessaire de procéder à la protéolyse enzymatique ou chimique des protéines purifiées et de séparer les fragments peptidiques issus de cette digestion. Les cartes peptidiques ainsi générées peuvent ensuite être comparées à des échantillons témoins ou les masses exactes des peptides enzymatiques sont soumises à des moteurs de recherche comme MASCOT™, ce qui permet l’identification des protéines en interrogeant les bases de données génomiques. Les avantages exploitables de la CE, par rapport à la 2D-SDS-PAGE, sont sa haute efficacité de séparation, sa rapidité d'analyse et sa facilité d'automatisation. L’un des défis à surmonter est la faible quantité de masse de protéines disponible après analyses en CE, due partiellement à l'adsorption des protéines sur la paroi du capillaire, mais due majoritairement au faible volume d'échantillon en CE. Pour augmenter ce volume, un capillaire de 75 µm était utilisé. Aussi, le volume de la fraction collectée était diminué de 1000 à 100 µL et les fractions étaient accumulées 10 fois; c’est-à-dire que 10 produits de séparations étaient contenu dans chaque fraction. D'un autre côté, l'adsorption de protéines se traduit par la variation de l'aire d'un pic et du temps de migration d'une protéine donnée ce qui influence la reproductibilité de la séparation, un aspect très important puisque 10 séparations cumulatives sont nécessaires pour la collecte de fractions. De nombreuses approches existent pour diminuer ce problème (e.g. les extrêmes de pH de l’électrolyte de fond, les revêtements dynamique ou permanent du capillaire, etc.), mais dans ce mémoire, les études de revêtement portaient sur le bromure de N,N-didodecyl-N,N-dimethylammonium (DDAB), un surfactant qui forme un revêtement semi-permanent sur la paroi du capillaire. La grande majorité du mémoire visait à obtenir une séparation reproductible d'un mélange protéique standard préparé en laboratoire (contenant l’albumine de sérum de bovin, l'anhydrase carbonique, l’α-lactalbumine et la β-lactoglobulin) par CE avec le revêtement DDAB. Les études portées sur le revêtement montraient qu'il était nécessaire de régénérer le revêtement entre chaque injection du mélange de protéines dans les conditions étudiées : la collecte de 5 fractions de 6 min chacune à travers une séparation de 30 min, suivant le processus de régénération du DDAB, et tout ça répété 10 fois. Cependant, l’analyse en CE-UV et en HPLC-MS des fractions collectées ne montraient pas les protéines attendues puisqu'elles semblaient être en-dessous de la limite de détection. De plus, une analyse en MS montrait que le DDAB s’accumule dans les fractions collectées dû à sa désorption de la paroi du capillaire. Pour confirmer que les efforts pour recueillir une quantité de masse de protéine étaient suffisants, la méthode de CE avec détection par fluorescence induite par laser (CE-LIF) était utilisée pour séparer et collecter la protéine, albumine marquée de fluorescéine isothiocyanate (FITC), sans l'utilisation du revêtement DDAB. Ces analyses montraient que l'albumine-FITC était, en fait, présente dans la fraction collecté. La cartographie peptidique a été ensuite réalisée avec succès en employant l’enzyme chymotrypsine pour la digestion et CE-LIF pour obtenir la carte peptidique.
La digestion enzymatique des protéines est une méthode de base pour les études protéomiques ainsi que pour le séquençage en mode « bottom-up ». Les enzymes sont ajoutées soit en solution (phase homogène), soit directement sur le gel polyacrylamide selon la méthode déjà utilisée pour l’isolation de la protéine. Les enzymes protéolytiques immobilisées, c’est-à-dire insolubles, offrent plusieurs avantages tels que la réutilisation de l’enzyme, un rapport élevé d’enzyme-sur-substrat, et une intégration facile avec les systèmes fluidiques. Dans cette étude, la chymotrypsine (CT) a été immobilisée par réticulation avec le glutaraldehyde (GA), ce qui crée des particules insolubles. L’efficacité d’immobilisation, déterminée par spectrophotométrie d’absorbance, était de 96% de la masse totale de la CT ajouté. Plusieurs différentes conditions d’immobilisation (i.e., réticulation) tels que la composition/pH du tampon et la masse de CT durant la réticulation ainsi que les différentes conditions d’entreposage tels que la température, durée et humidité pour les particules GA-CT ont été évaluées par comparaison des cartes peptidiques en électrophorèse capillaire (CE) des protéines standards digérées par les particules. Les particules de GA-CT ont été utilisés pour digérer la BSA comme exemple d’une protéine repliée large qui requit une dénaturation préalable à la digestion, et pour digérer la caséine marquée avec de l’isothiocyanate de fluorescéine (FITC) comme exemple d’un substrat dérivé afin de vérifier l’activité enzymatique du GA-CT dans la présence des groupements fluorescents liés au substrat. La cartographie peptidique des digestions par les particules GA-CT a été réalisée par CE avec la détection par absorbance ultraviolet (UV) ou fluorescence induite par laser. La caséine-FITC a été, en effet, digérée par GA-CT au même degré que par la CT libre (i.e., soluble). Un microréacteur enzymatique (IMER) a été fabriqué par immobilisation de la CT dans un capillaire de silice fondu du diamètre interne de 250 µm prétraité avec du 3-aminopropyltriéthoxysilane afin de fonctionnaliser la paroi interne avec les groupements amines. Le GA a été réagit avec les groupements amine puis la CT a été immobilisée par réticulation avec le GA. Les IMERs à base de GA-CT étaient préparé à l’aide d’un système CE automatisé puis utilisé pour digérer la BSA, la myoglobine, un peptide ayant 9 résidus et un dipeptide comme exemples des substrats ayant taille large, moyenne et petite, respectivement. La comparaison des cartes peptidiques des digestats obtenues par CE-UV ou CE-spectrométrie de masse nous permettent d’étudier les conditions d’immobilisation en fonction de la composition et le pH du tampon et le temps de réaction de la réticulation. Une étude par microscopie de fluorescence, un outil utilisé pour examiner l’étendue et les endroits d’immobilisation GA-CT dans l’IMER, ont montré que l’immobilisation a eu lieu majoritairement sur la paroi et que la réticulation ne s’est étendue pas si loin au centre du capillaire qu’anticipée.
Commentaire / Commentary
The present study on some infinite convex invariants. The origin of convexity can be traced back to the period of Archimedes and Euclid. At the turn of the nineteenth centaury , convexicity became an independent branch of mathematics with its own problems, methods and theories. The convexity can be sorted out into two kinds, the first type deals with generalization of particular problems such as separation of convex sets[EL], extremality[FA], [DAV] or continuous selection Michael[M1] and the second type involved with a multi- purpose system of axioms. The theory of convex invariants has grown out of the classical results of Helly, Radon and Caratheodory in Euclidean spaces. Levi gave the first general definition of the invariants Helly number and Radon number. The notation of a convex structure was introduced by Jamison[JA4] and that of generating degree was introduced by Van de Vel[VAD8]. We also prove that for a non-coarse convex structure, rank is less than or equal to the generating degree, and also generalize Tverberg’s theorem using infinite partition numbers. Compare the transfinite topological and transfinite convex dimensions
The fuzzy set theory has a wider scope of applicability than classical set theory in solving various problems. Fuzzy set theory in the last three decades as a formal theory which got formalized by generalizing the original ideas and concepts in classical mathematical areas and as a very powerful modeling language, that can cope with a large fraction of uncertainties of real life situations. In Intuitionistic Fuzzy sets a new component degree of non membership in addition to the degree of membership in the case of fuzzy sets with the requirement that their sum be less than or equal to one. The main objective of this thesis is to study frames in Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy contexts. The thesis proved some results such as ifµ is a fuzzy subset of a frame F, then µ is a fuzzy frame of F iff each non-empty level subset µt of µ is a subframe of F, the category Fuzzfrm of fuzzy frames has products and the category Fuzzfrm of fuzzy frames is complete. It define a fuzzy-quotient frame of F to be a fuzzy partition of F, that is, a subset of IF and having a frame structure with respect to new operations and study the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy frames and obtain some results and introduce the concept of Intuitionistic fuzzy Quotient frames. Finally it establish the categorical link between frames and intuitionistic fuzzy topologies.
In this project, an attempt has been made to study the stability of erythrocyte and lysosomal membranes biochemically. Erythrocytes were chosen for the study because of their ready availability and relative simplicity. Biological membranes forming closed boundaries between compartments of varying composition consist mainly of proteins and lipids. They are asymmetric, fluid structures that are thermodynamically stable and metabolically active. Normal cellular function begins with normal membrane structure and any variation in it may upset the normal functions. The degree of fluidity of a membrane depends on the chain length of its lipids and degree of unsaturation of constituent fatty acids. In response to environmental changes, many cells can regulate composition of their membranes to maintain the overall semi fluid environment necessary for many membrane associated functions. The assembly and Maintenance of membrane structures in cells is a dynamic process. The components are not only synthesized and inserted into a growing membrane but are also continuously degraded at a slower rate. This turnover process varies with each individual molecule.Lysosomes are important in the catabolic processes occurring in the cell. Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes and are stable under normal conditions. In certain pathological conditions, the lysosomal membrane may rupture, releasing the hydrolytic enzymes into the cell and digestion of cell takes place as a whole. This is very dangerous. In normal life processes of multi cellular organisms, lysosomes rupture following the death of a cell and it may have some value as a built in mechanism for selfremoval of dead cells.An attempt has also been made in this project towards developing lysosome membrane stability as an index of fish spoilage during storage. Different membranes within the cell and between cells have different compositions as reflected in the ratio of protein to lipid. The difference is not surprising given the very different functions of membranes
The studies were conducted in nine stations with varying ecological characteristics along Cochin backwaters and adjoining canals. Many workers opined that the distribution of rotifers is cosmopolitan. The significance of rotifers as first food for early larvae was indicated by Fujita. Aquaculture is a fast growing field in fisheries sector and it is gaining more importance as the fish landings and supply are getting irregular. A consistent supply of fish/shellfish can only be achieved through aquaculture. The success of any culture activity depends on the timely production of seeds of finfishes/shellfishes. The availability of wild seed is seasonal and erratic. So, a dependable source of seed of fishes and shellfishes is possible only through large scale production in hatchery. A successful seed production activity depends on the availability of a variety of suitable live feed organisms in sufficient quantities at the proper time for use in the larval stages. As the live feeds promote high growth rates, easy digestion, assimilation and the quality of not contaminating the culture water when compared to other artificial feeds, make the culture of live feed organisms the principal means of providing food for the larvae of finfishes and shellfishes. Rotifers are considered to be an excellent and indispensable food for larvae of many finfishes and crustaceans. It (1960) was the first to culture Brachionus plicatilis for feeding marine fish larvae, and now it is being extensively used as live feed in hatcheries all over the world. They are a group of microscopic organisms coming under the Phylum Rotifera which comprises of about 2000 species. Their slow swimming habits, ability to tolerate a wide range of salinities, parthenogenetic mode of reproduction and ability to get enriched easily, make rotifers an ideal live feed organism. The major factors such as temperature, salinity and food that influence the reproductive potential and thereby the population size of rotifer, Salinity is one of the most important aspect influencing the reproductive rate of rotifers. The feed type and feed concentration play a vital role in influencing the reproductive rate of rotifers. For culture of rotifers, the commonly used micro algae belong to Chlorella, Nannochloropsis, Isochrysis and Tetraselmis. While some studies have suggested that, algal diet has little effect on reproductive rates in 1979 while using the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis as feed for the larvae of red sea bream, Pagrus major. It is generally accepted that rotifers play a pivotal role in the successful rearing of marine fish larvae.
One major component of power system operation is generation scheduling. The objective of the work is to develop efficient control strategies to the power scheduling problems through Reinforcement Learning approaches. The three important active power scheduling problems are Unit Commitment, Economic Dispatch and Automatic Generation Control. Numerical solution methods proposed for solution of power scheduling are insufficient in handling large and complex systems. Soft Computing methods like Simulated Annealing, Evolutionary Programming etc., are efficient in handling complex cost functions, but find limitation in handling stochastic data existing in a practical system. Also the learning steps are to be repeated for each load demand which increases the computation time.Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a method of learning through interactions with environment. The main advantage of this approach is it does not require a precise mathematical formulation. It can learn either by interacting with the environment or interacting with a simulation model. Several optimization and control problems have been solved through Reinforcement Learning approach. The application of Reinforcement Learning in the field of Power system has been a few. The objective is to introduce and extend Reinforcement Learning approaches for the active power scheduling problems in an implementable manner. The main objectives can be enumerated as:(i) Evolve Reinforcement Learning based solutions to the Unit Commitment Problem.(ii) Find suitable solution strategies through Reinforcement Learning approach for Economic Dispatch. (iii) Extend the Reinforcement Learning solution to Automatic Generation Control with a different perspective. (iv) Check the suitability of the scheduling solutions to one of the existing power systems.First part of the thesis is concerned with the Reinforcement Learning approach to Unit Commitment problem. Unit Commitment Problem is formulated as a multi stage decision process. Q learning solution is developed to obtain the optimwn commitment schedule. Method of state aggregation is used to formulate an efficient solution considering the minimwn up time I down time constraints. The performance of the algorithms are evaluated for different systems and compared with other stochastic methods like Genetic Algorithm.Second stage of the work is concerned with solving Economic Dispatch problem. A simple and straight forward decision making strategy is first proposed in the Learning Automata algorithm. Then to solve the scheduling task of systems with large number of generating units, the problem is formulated as a multi stage decision making task. The solution obtained is extended in order to incorporate the transmission losses in the system. To make the Reinforcement Learning solution more efficient and to handle continuous state space, a fimction approximation strategy is proposed. The performance of the developed algorithms are tested for several standard test cases. Proposed method is compared with other recent methods like Partition Approach Algorithm, Simulated Annealing etc.As the final step of implementing the active power control loops in power system, Automatic Generation Control is also taken into consideration.Reinforcement Learning has already been applied to solve Automatic Generation Control loop. The RL solution is extended to take up the approach of common frequency for all the interconnected areas, more similar to practical systems. Performance of the RL controller is also compared with that of the conventional integral controller.In order to prove the suitability of the proposed methods to practical systems, second plant ofNeyveli Thennal Power Station (NTPS IT) is taken for case study. The perfonnance of the Reinforcement Learning solution is found to be better than the other existing methods, which provide the promising step towards RL based control schemes for practical power industry.Reinforcement Learning is applied to solve the scheduling problems in the power industry and found to give satisfactory perfonnance. Proposed solution provides a scope for getting more profit as the economic schedule is obtained instantaneously. Since Reinforcement Learning method can take the stochastic cost data obtained time to time from a plant, it gives an implementable method. As a further step, with suitable methods to interface with on line data, economic scheduling can be achieved instantaneously in a generation control center. Also power scheduling of systems with different sources such as hydro, thermal etc. can be looked into and Reinforcement Learning solutions can be achieved.
This study was aimed at to characterize the spatio-temporal trends in the distributional characteristics of various species of nitrogen and phosphorus as well as to elucidate the factors and processes aflecting these nutrients in the dissolved, particulate and sedimentary phases of a river estuarine system. The main area of study is Chalakudy river in Kerala, which is a fresh water system originating from Anamalai hills and ending at Arabian Sea. Its basin is between I00 05 ’ to I00 35’ North latitude and 76” 15 ’ to 760 55’ East longitude. Being a riparian bufler zone, the dynamics of nutrient mobility tend to be more complex and variable in this river-estuarine system.The diflerent species of nitrogen estimated from the filtrate were nitrite-N, nitrateN, ammonia-N, urea-N, total nitrogen and residual nitrogen. The diflerent forms of phosphorus estimated from the filtrate were phosphate-P, total-P and residualP. Pre weighed sediments as well as particulate matter were analysed for quantijying nitrite-N, nitrate-N, ammonia-N and urea-N. Total nitrogen was estimated after digestion with potassium persulfate. Fractionation of phosphorus in sediment/particulate matter was performed by applying sequential extraction procedure. The dijferent forms of phosphorus thus estimated were loosely bound (exchangeable) P, Fe/Al bound P, polyphosphates, Ca bound P and refractory P. Sedimental total P was also measured directly by applying digestion method.The analyses carried out in this bimonthly annual survey have revealed specific information on the latent factors influencing the water quality pattern ofthe river. There was dependence among the chemical components of the river sediment and suspended matter, reflecting the water quality. A period of profound environmental change occurred and changes in various species had been noted in association with seasonal variations in the waterway, especially following enhanced river runoff during the monsoon. The results also successfully represented the distribution trend of nutrients during the rainy as well as dry season. Thus, the information gathered in this work will also be beneficial for those interested or involved in river management, conservation, regulation and policy making in regional and national levels.
L-glutaminases (L—glutamine amidohydrolase EC.3.5.l.2) is proposed as a prospective candidate for enzyme therapy cnf cancer and also as zui important additive during enzymatic digestion of shoyu koji since it could enhance glutamate content of soysauce. Commercial production of glutaminase could make possible its wide application in these areas, which would demand availability of potential sources and suitable fermentation techniques. The ‘present investigation highlighted marine environment as a potential source of efficient glutaminase producing bacteria mainly species of pseudomonas, aeromonas ,vibrio,alcaligenes, acinetobacter bacillus and planococci.Among them pseudomonas fluorescens ACMR 267 and v.cholerae ACMR 347 were chosen as the ideal strains for glutaminase production.Extracellular glutaminase fraction from all strains were in higher titres than intracellular enzymes during growth in mineral media, nutrient broth and nutrient broth added with glutamine.Glutaminase from all strains were purified employing (NH4)2SO4 fractionation followed tnr dialysis and ion exchange chromatography. The purified glutaminase from all strains were observed to be active and stable over a wide range of gfii and temperature.Optimization studies cflf environmental variables that normally influence time yiehi of glutaminase indicated that the optimal requirements of these bacteria for maximal glutaminase production remained stable irrespective of the medium, they are provided with for enzyme production. However, solid state fermentation technique was observed to be the most suitable process for the production of Glutaminase.
This thesis Entitled Studies on amylolytic bacteria in cochin backwaters.This thesis presents a detailed account of the disribution of amylolytic bacteria in water. sediment. fishes ( Etroplus suratensis and Liza parsia) • prawns ( Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus dobsoni) and clams ( Sunetta scripta and Meretrix casta) from Cochin backwaters. genera-wise distribution of amylolytic bacteria, ability of selected strains to grow and produce amylase at various physico-chemical conditions. Regulation of amylase synthesis anrt characters of amylases producer by these halophilic bacteria.Amylolytic bacteria are distributed widely in water. sediment. fishes. prawns and clams of Cochin back waters. 53% of the total isolates tested were capable of producing amylase. Maximum number of arnylolytic bacteria were present in Metapenaeus dobsoni. In general, the gut region of aquatic animals harboured more amylolytic bacteria than the gill or surface. These bacteria may help in the digestion of starch present in their food.Presence of ions in the medium was found to be essential for growth and amylase production. It was found that this ionic requirement is not highly specific. Sorlium chloride could be replaced by potassium chloride. or magnesium chloride to some extent I without affecting growth and amylase production. The important function of these ions may be to maintain the osmotic balance between the cells and their environment.All the isolates showed the ability to grow and produce amylase using raw-starches from cassava. plantain and potato .This property suggests their role in the rdegradation of native starches in the environment
The present study was undertaken with a view to understanding some aspects of the morphology, bionomics and physiology of the sea anemone A.nigrescens. This species was selected for the study since it is abundantly available along the coast throughout the year and can successfully reared in the laboratory without much effort. The present study deals with the following aspects of A.nigrescens. description of the species, habitat, food and feeding, digestion, studies on salinity tolerance, studies on oxygen consumption, studies on tolerance to desiccation, asexual reproduction and regeneration.
Three species of cephalopod molluacs collected from the waters in and around cochin area of the Arabian Sea, of south India formed the subject of the present study. The Species are loligo duvauceli, _Sepia_ aculeata and sepiella inermis, their food and feeding habits, morphology and histology of the gut as well as the physiology of digestion have been described
Studies on the digestive enzymes of the cultivable grey mullet liza parsia (hamilton buchanan, 1822)
Culturing of fish in captivity demands a detailed knowledge on well balanced diet and adequate feeding. Formulation and production of nutritionally balanced diets for fish require research, quality control and biological evaluation. It is often assuemed that what is ingested is also digested, but this is not always be the case. Digestion depends upon both the physical state of the food and the kind and quantity of enzymes in the digestive tract. The ability of fish to digest a particular component of diet can be ascertained by investigating the complement of digestive enzymes present along the digestive tract. Investigations on the basic digestive physiology will not only enhance our present knowledge on nutrition and feed development, but will also contribute in understanding the digestive functions of lower vertebrates. It is against this background that the present topic of investigation "Studies on the digestive enzymes of the cultivable grey mullet Liza parsia Hamilton Buchanan, l822" has been selected. The thesis is arranged and presented in eight chapters.