974 resultados para diffusione anelastica, Compton, apparato sperimentale
In recent decades, Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs) have attracted lots of interest due to their low cost, large area and flexible properties which have brought them to be considered the building blocks of the future organic electronics. Experimentally, devices based on the same organic material deposited in different ways, i.e. by varying the deposition rate of the molecules, show different electrical performance. As predicted theoretically, this is due to the speed and rate by which charge carriers can be transported by hopping in organic thin films, transport that depends on the molecular arrangement of the molecules. This strongly suggests a correlation between the morphology of the organic semiconductor and the performance of the OTFT and hence motivated us to carry out an in-situ real time SPM study of organic semiconductor growth as an almost unprecedent experiment with the aim to fully describe the morphological evolution of the ultra-thin film and find the relevant morphological parameters affecting the OTFT electrical response. For the case of 6T on silicon oxide, we have shown that the growth mechanism is 2D+3D, with a roughening transition at the third layer and a rapid roughening. Relevant morphological parameters have been extracted by the AFM images. We also developed an original mathematical model to estimate theoretically and more accurately than before, the capacitance of an EFM tip in front of a metallic substrate. Finally, we obtained Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) AFM images of 6T at lying molecules layer both on silicon oxide and on top of 6T islands. Moreover, we performed ex-situ AFM imaging on a bilayer film composed of pentacene (a p-type semiconductor) and C60 (an n-type semiconductor).
The aim of this work is to provide a precise and accurate measurement of the 238U(n,gamma) reaction cross-section. This reaction is of fundamental importance for the design calculations of nuclear reactors, governing the behaviour of the reactor core. In particular, fast neutron reactors, which are experiencing a growing interest for their ability to burn radioactive waste, operate in the high energy region of the neutron spectrum. In this energy region inconsistencies between the existing measurements are present up to 15%, and the most recent evaluations disagree each other. In addition, the assessment of nuclear data uncertainty performed for innovative reactor systems shows that the uncertainty in the radiative capture cross-section of 238U should be further reduced to 1-3% in the energy region from 20 eV to 25 keV. To this purpose, addressed by the Nuclear Energy Agency as a priority nuclear data need, complementary experiments, one at the GELINA and two at the n_TOF facility, were scheduled within the ANDES project within the 7th Framework Project of the European Commission. The results of one of the 238U(n,gamma) measurement performed at the n_TOF CERN facility are presented in this work, carried out with a detection system constituted of two liquid scintillators. The very accurate cross section from this work is compared with the results obtained from the other measurement performed at the n_TOF facility, which exploit a different and complementary detection technique. The excellent agreement between the two data-sets points out that they can contribute to the reduction of the cross section uncertainty down to the required 1-3%.
È impossibile implementare sorgenti autenticamente casuali su hardware digitale. Quindi, storicamente, si è fatto ampio uso di generatori di numeri pseudo-casuali, evitando così i costi necessari per la progettazione di hardware analogico dedicato. Tuttavia, le sorgenti pseudo-casuali hanno proprietà (riproducibilità e periodicità) che si trasformano in vulnerabilità, nel caso in cui vengano adottate in sistemi di sicurezza informatica e all’interno di algoritmi crittografici. Oggi la richiesta di generatori di numeri autenticamente casuali è ai suoi massimi storici. Alcuni importanti attori dell’ICT sviluppato proprie soluzioni dedicate, ma queste sono disponibili solo sui sistemi moderni e di fascia elevata. È quindi di grande attualità rendere fruibili generatori autenticamente casuali per sistemi già esistenti o a basso costo. Per garantire sicurezza e al tempo stesso contenere i costi di progetto è opportuno pensare ad architetture che consentano di riusare parti analogiche già disponibili. Particolarmente interessanti risultano alcune architetture che, grazie all’utilizzo di dinamiche caotiche, consentono di basare buona parte della catena analogica di elaborazione su ADC. Infatti, tali blocchi sono ampiamente fruibili in forma integrata su architetture programmabili e microcontrollori. In questo lavoro, si propone un’implementazione a basso costo ed elevata flessibilità di un architettura basata su un ADC, inizialmente concepita all’Università di Bologna. La riduzione di costo viene ottenuta sfruttando il convertitore già presente all’interno di un microcontrollore. L’elevata flessibilità deriva dal fatto che il microcontrollore prescelto mette a disposizione una varietà di interfacce di comunicazione, tra cui quella USB, con la quale è possibile rendere facilmente fruibili i numeri casuali generati. Quindi, l’intero apparato comprende solo un microcontrollore e una minima catena analogica di elaborazione esterna e può essere interfacciato con estrema facilità ad elaboratori elettronici o sistemi embedded. La qualità della proposta, in termini di statistica delle sequenze casuali generate, è stata validata sfruttando i test standardizzati dall’U.S. NIST.
Despite the scientific achievement of the last decades in the astrophysical and cosmological fields, the majority of the Universe energy content is still unknown. A potential solution to the “missing mass problem” is the existence of dark matter in the form of WIMPs. Due to the very small cross section for WIMP-nuleon interactions, the number of expected events is very limited (about 1 ev/tonne/year), thus requiring detectors with large target mass and low background level. The aim of the XENON1T experiment, the first tonne-scale LXe based detector, is to be sensitive to WIMP-nucleon cross section as low as 10^-47 cm^2. To investigate the possibility of such a detector to reach its goal, Monte Carlo simulations are mandatory to estimate the background. To this aim, the GEANT4 toolkit has been used to implement the detector geometry and to simulate the decays from the various background sources: electromagnetic and nuclear. From the analysis of the simulations, the level of background has been found totally acceptable for the experiment purposes: about 1 background event in a 2 tonne-years exposure. Indeed, using the Maximum Gap method, the XENON1T sensitivity has been evaluated and the minimum for the WIMP-nucleon cross sections has been found at 1.87 x 10^-47 cm^2, at 90% CL, for a WIMP mass of 45 GeV/c^2. The results have been independently cross checked by using the Likelihood Ratio method that confirmed such results with an agreement within less than a factor two. Such a result is completely acceptable considering the intrinsic differences between the two statistical methods. Thus, in the PhD thesis it has been proven that the XENON1T detector will be able to reach the designed sensitivity, thus lowering the limits on the WIMP-nucleon cross section by about 2 orders of magnitude with respect to the current experiments.
Questa relazione è frutto di un lavoro sperimentale svolto su diversi campioni di taralli del commercio forniti da un'azienda del settore, prodotti mediante ricette simili ed omogenei per dimensioni. Le attività di ricerca sono state focalizzare su: I) l'individuazione e la valutazione dei principali descrittori sensoriali in grado di caratterizzare la tipologia di prodotto; II) lo svolgimento di un'analisi sensoriale discriminante per verificare l'esistenza di differenze significativamente rilevabili tra taralli dello stesso tipo ma conservati per tempi differenti (0, 6, 12 mesi), al fine di fornire indicazioni utili per la definizione corretta della shelf-life del prodotto; III) la determinazione di specifici parametri fisici relazionati con l'apparenza e la texture dei taralli, per verificare la possibilità di utilizzare tali dati sia come supporto alla fase di allenamento del gruppo di assaggiatori, sia come approccio rapido per la valutazione della qualità e della freschezza di tali prodotti. Per la realizzazione degli obiettivi appena esposti, é stata applicata la tecnica QDA®. I dati delle singole sedute di analisi sono stati monitorati mediante PanelCheck. E' stato svolto un test triangolare attraverso cui definire se i taralli differenti per tempo di conservazione risultino significativamente discriminati per le caratteristiche sensoriali. Parallelamente alla QDA® e sullo stesso set di campioni, sono state applicate alcune analisi fisiche concernenti la valutazione dell’aspetto visivo e della texture del prodotto. Per la valutazione strumentale dell’apparenza dei campioni di taralli, si sono acquisite le immagini relative ai campioni oggetto di studio mediante un sistema di acquisizione e, successivamente, elaborate attraverso Image Pro - Plus v 6.2, per determinare elementi utili alla discriminazione dei campioni in esame. Per quanto concerne la determinazione della caratteristiche strutturali dei taralli è stato utilizzato il Texture Analyzer ed impiegato un test di penetrazione. E' stata infine condotta, mediante tecniche statistiche, un’analisi congiunta dei dati sensoriali e fisici.
Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are a family of plant toxic enzymes that permanently damage ribosomes and possibly other cellular substrates, thus causing cell death involving different and still not completely understood pathways. The high cytotoxic activity showed by many RIPs makes them ideal candidates for the production of immunotoxins (ITs), chimeric proteins designed for the selective elimination of unwanted or malignant cells. Saporin-S6, a type 1 RIP extracted from Saponaria officinalis L. seeds, has been extensively employed to construct anticancer conjugates because of its high enzymatic activity, stability and resistance to conjugation procedures, resulting in the efficient killing of target cells. Here we investigated the anticancer properties of two saporin-based ITs, anti-CD20 RTX/S6 and anti-CD22 OM124/S6, designed for the experimental treatment of B-cell NHLs. Both ITs showed high cytotoxicity towards CD20-positive B-cells, and their antitumor efficacy was enhanced synergistically by a combined treatment with proteasome inhibitors or fludarabine. Furthermore, the two ITs showed differencies in potency and ability to activate effector caspases, and a different behavior in the presence of the ROS scavenger catalase. Taken together, these results suggest that the different carriers employed to target saporin might influence saporin intracellular routing and saporin-induced cell death mechanisms. We also investigated the early cellular response to stenodactylin, a recently discovered highly toxic type 2 RIP representing an interesting candidate for the design and production of a new IT for the experimental treatment of cancer.
It is well known that ageing and cancer have common origins due to internal and environmental stress and share some common hallmarks such as genomic instability, epigenetic alteration, aberrant telomeres, inflammation and immune injury. Moreover, ageing is involved in a number of events responsible for carcinogenesis and cancer development at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels. Ageing could represent a “blockbuster” market because the target patient group includes potentially every person; at the same time, oncology has become the largest therapeutic area in the pharmaceutical industry in terms of the number of projects, clinical trials and research and development (R&D) spending, but cancer remains one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. The overall aim of the work presented in this thesis was the rational design of new compounds able to modulate activity of relevant targets involved in cancer and aging-related pathologies, namely proteasome and immunoproteasome, sirtuins and interleukin 6. These three targets play different roles in human cells, but the modulation of its activity using small molecules could have beneficial effects on one or more aging-related diseases and cancer. We identified new moderately active and selective non-peptidic compounds able to inhibit the activity of both standard and immunoproteasome, as well as novel and selective scaffolds that would bind and inhibit SIRT6 selectively and can be used to sensitize tumor cells to commonly used anticancer agents such gemcitabine and olaparib. Moreover, our virtual screening approach led us also to the discovery of new putative modulators of SIRT3 with interesting in-vitro and cellular activity. Although the selectivity and potency of the identified chemical scaffolds are susceptible to be further improved, these compounds can be considered as highly promising leads for the development of future therapeutics.
Pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a molecularly heterogeneous disease that arises from genetic alterations in pathways that regulate self-renewal and myeloid differentiation. While the majority of patients carry recurrent chromosomal translocations, almost 20% of childhood AML do not show any recognizable cytogenetic alteration and are defined as cytogenetically normal (CN)-AML. CN-AML patients have always showed a great variability in response to therapy and overall outcome, underlining the presence of unknown genetic changes, not detectable by conventional analyses, but relevant for pathogenesis, and outcome of AML. The development of novel genome-wide techniques such as next-generation sequencing, have tremendously improved our ability to interrogate the cancer genome. Based on this background, the aim of this research study was to investigate the mutational landscape of pediatric CN-AML patients negative for all the currently known somatic mutations reported in AML through whole-transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq). RNA-seq performed on diagnostic leukemic blasts from 19 pediatric CN-AML cases revealed a considerable incidence of cryptic chromosomal rearrangements, with the identification of 21 putative fusion genes. Several of the fusion genes that were identified in this study are recurrent and might have a prognostic and/or therapeutic relevance. A paradigm of that is the CBFA2T3-GLIS2 fusion, which has been demonstrated to be a common alteration in pediatric CN-AML, predicting poor outcome. Important findings have been also obtained in the identification of novel therapeutic targets. On one side, the identification of NUP98-JARID1A fusion suggests the use of disulfiram; on the other, here we describe alteration-activating tyrosine kinases, providing functional data supporting the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors to specifically inhibit leukemia cells. This study provides new insights in the knowledge of genetic alterations underlying pediatric AML, defines novel prognostic markers and putative therapeutic targets, and prospectively ensures a correct risk stratification and risk-adapted therapy also for the “all-neg” AML subgroup.
The aging process is characterized by the progressive fitness decline experienced at all the levels of physiological organization, from single molecules up to the whole organism. Studies confirmed inflammaging, a chronic low-level inflammation, as a deeply intertwined partner of the aging process, which may provide the “common soil” upon which age-related diseases develop and flourish. Thus, albeit inflammation per se represents a physiological process, it can rapidly become detrimental if it goes out of control causing an excess of local and systemic inflammatory response, a striking risk factor for the elderly population. Developing interventions to counteract the establishment of this state is thus a top priority. Diet, among other factors, represents a good candidate to regulate inflammation. Building on top of this consideration, the EU project NU-AGE is now trying to assess if a Mediterranean diet, fortified for the elderly population needs, may help in modulating inflammaging. To do so, NU-AGE enrolled a total of 1250 subjects, half of which followed a 1-year long diet, and characterized them by mean of the most advanced –omics and non –omics analyses. The aim of this thesis was the development of a solid data management pipeline able to efficiently cope with the results of these assays, which are now flowing inside a centralized database, ready to be used to test the most disparate scientific hypotheses. At the same time, the work hereby described encompasses the data analysis of the GEHA project, which was focused on identifying the genetic determinants of longevity, with a particular focus on developing and applying a method for detecting epistatic interactions in human mtDNA. Eventually, in an effort to propel the adoption of NGS technologies in everyday pipeline, we developed a NGS variant calling pipeline devoted to solve all the sequencing-related issues of the mtDNA.
Persons affected by Down Syndrome show a heterogeneous phenotype that includes developmental defects and cognitive and haematological disorders. Premature accelerated aging and the consequent development of age associated diseases like Alzheimer Disease (AD) seem to be the cause of higher mortality late in life of DS persons. Down Syndrome is caused by the complete or partial trisomy of chromosome 21, but it is not clear if the molecular alterations of the disease are triggered by the specific functions of a limited number of genes on chromosome 21 or by the disruption of genetic homeostasis due the presence of a trisomic chromosome. As epigenomic studies can help to shed light on this issue, here we used the Infinium HumanMethilation450 BeadChip to analyse blood DNA methylation patterns of 29 persons affected by Down syndrome (DSP), using their healthy siblings (DSS) and mothers (DSM) as controls. In this way we obtained a family-based model that allowed us to monitor possible confounding effects on DNA methylation patterns deriving from genetic and environmental factors. We showed that defects in DNA methylation map in genes involved in developmental, neurological and haematological pathways. These genes are enriched on chromosome 21 but localize also in the rest of the genome, suggesting that the trisomy of specific genes on chromosome 21 induces a cascade of events that engages many genes on other chromosomes and results in a global alteration of genomic function. We also analysed the methylation status of three target regions localized at the promoter (Ribo) and at the 5’ sequences of 18S and 28S regions of the rDNA, identifying differently methylated CpG sites. In conclusion, we identified an epigenetic signature of Down Syndrome in blood cells that sustains a link between developmental defects and disease phenotype, including segmental premature aging.
Aging is characterized by a chronic, low-grade inflammatory state called “inflammaging”. Mitochondria are the main source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which trigger the production of pro-inflammatory molecules. We are interested in studying the age-related modifications of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which can be affected by the lifelong exposure to ROS and are responsible of mitochondrial dysfunction. Moreover, increasing evidences show that telomere shortening, naturally occurring with aging, is involved in mtDNA damage processes and thus in the pathogenesis of age-related disorders. Thus the primary aim of this thesis was the analysis of mtDNA copy number, deletion level and integrity in different-age human biopsies from liver, vastus lateralis skeletal muscle of healthy subjects and patients with limited mobility of lower limbs (LMLL), as well as adipose tissue. The telomere length and the expression of nuclear genes related to mitobiogenesis, fusion and fission, mitophagy, mitochondrial protein quality control system, hypoxia, production and protection from ROS were also evaluated. In liver the decrease in mtDNA integrity with age is accompanied with an increase in mtDNA copy number, suggesting the existence of a “compensatory mechanism” able to maintain the functionality of this organ. Different is the case of vastus lateralis muscle, where any “compensatory pathway” is activated and mtDNA integrity and copy number decrease with age, both in healthy subjects and in patients. Interestingly, mtDNA rearrangements do not incur in adipose tissue with advancing age. Finally, in all tissues a marked gender difference appears, suggesting that aging and also gender diversely affect mtDNA rearrangements and telomere length in the three human tissues considered, likely depending on their different metabolic needs and inflammatory status.
Introduzione: Le catene N-linked associate al principale sito di N-glicosilazione (Asn297) delle IgG sono di tipo bi-antennario e presentano una grande microeterogeneità in quanto una o entrambe le antenne possono terminare con uno o due residui di acido sialico, galattosio o N-acetilglucosammina ed essere core-fucosilate. Nell’invecchiamento e in malattie infiammatorie aumenta la percentuale di glicani associati alle catene pesanti delle IgG privi del galattosio terminale (IgG-G0). La glicosilazione enzimatica delle proteine è classicamente un processo intracellulare, sebbene recenti studi abbiano messo in evidenza la possibilità di una glicosilazione ecto-cellulare in quanto le piastrine sono ottimi donatori di nucleotidi-zuccheri. Scopo: Misurare le attività delle glicosiltrasferasi ST6Gal1 e B4GalT plasmatiche (potenzialmente responsabili della glicosilazione di proteine plasmatiche) in soggetti di entrambi i sessi e di età compresa tra 5 e 105 anni e correlarle con lo stato di glicosilazione di IgG circolanti (analizzato mediante lectin-blot) e il GlycoAge test, un noto marcatore di invecchiamento, espresso come il logaritmo del rapporto tra gli N-glicani agalattosilati e di-galattosilati associati a glicoproteine plasmatiche. Risultati e conclusioni: I dati ottenuti indicano che: 1) l’attività B4GalT si propone come nuovo marcatore di invecchiamento perché aumenta linearmente con l’età; 2) la ST6Gal1 è maggiormente espressa solo nei bambini e negli over 80; 3) le attività delle due glicosilatransferasi non risultano correlate in modo significativo né tra loro né con il GlycoAge test, indicando che questi tre marcatori siano espressioni di diversi quadri fisio-patologici legati all’invecchiamento; 4) con l’età si ha una predominanza di glicoforme di IgG pro-infiammatorie, ovvero prive dell’acido sialico, del galattosio terminali e del core fucose; 5) l’attività della ST6Gal1 e B4GalT risultano in controtendenza con il grado di sialilazione e galattosilazione delle IgG, indicando quindi che la loro glicosilazione non avviene a livello extracellulare.
HER-2 is a 185 kDa transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that belongs to the EGFR family. HER-2 is overexpressed in nearly 25% of human breast cancers and women with this subtype of breast cancer have a worse prognosis and frequently develop metastases. The progressive high number of HER-2-positive breast cancer patients with metastatic spread in the brain (up to half of women) has been attributed to the reduction in mortality, the effectiveness of Trastuzumab in killing metastatic cells in other organs and to its incapability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Apart from full-length-HER-2, a splice variant of HER-2 lacking exon 16 (here referred to as D16) was identified in human HER-2-positive breast cancers. Here, the contribution of HER-2 and D16 to mammary carcinogenesis was investigated in a model transgenic for both genes (F1 model). A dominant role of D16, especially in early stages of tumorigenesis, was suggested and the coexistence of heterogeneous levels of HER-2 and D16 in F1 tumors revealed the undeniable value of F1 strain as preclinical model of HER-2-positive breast cancer, closer resembling the human situation in respect to previous models. The therapeutical efficacy of anti-HER-2 agents, targeting HER-2 receptor (Trastuzumab, Lapatinib, R-LM249) or signaling effectors (Dasatinib, UO126, NVP-BKM120), was investigated in models of local or advanced HER-2-positive breast cancer. In contrast with early studies, data herein collected suggested that the presence of D16 can predict a better response to Trastuzumab and other agents targeting HER-2 receptor or Src activity. Using a multiorgan HER-2-positive metastatic model, the efficacy of NVP-BKM120 (PI3K inhibitor) in blocking the growth of brain metastases and the oncolytic ability of R-LM249 (HER-2-retargeted HSV) to reach and destroy metastatic HER-2-positive cancer cells were shown. Finally, exploiting the definition of “oncoantigen” given to HER-2, the immunopreventive activity of two vaccines on HER-2-positive mammary tumorigenesis was demonstrated.
Come indica il titolo, il principale obiettivo di questo elaborato è quello di realizzare uno studio sul genere dell'enigmistica e di acquisire delle competenze teoriche e pratiche in questo campo, esplorandolo anche da un punto di vista traduttivo. A questo scopo, ho suddiviso il lavoro in due parti: nella prima parte mi dedicherò a definire i generi di indovinello ed enigma, con un approfondimento sulle loro origini e sulla loro presenza all'interno della cultura spagnola; nella seconda mi occuperò del rapporto, finora poco studiato, tra enigmistica e traduzione e per fare ciò analizzerò la traduzione in spagnolo di un indovinello di Umberto Eco. Questo lavoro si propone inoltre di contribuire alla diffusione del genere dell'enigmistica, con la speranza che possa offrire uno spunto di ricerca per un possibile studio sulla sua traduzione.