1000 resultados para congenital transmission
Research carried out in several Anglo-Saxon countries shows that many undergraduates identify oral sex and anal sex as examples of abstinent behaviour, while many others consider kissing and masturbation as examples of having sex. The objective of this research was to investigate whether a sample of Spanish students gave similar replies. Seven hundred and fifty undergraduates (92% aged under 26, 67.6% women) produced examples or definitions of the term ‘abstinence’. Spanish students made similar errors to those observed in the Anglo-Saxon samples, in that behaviours that were abstinent from a preventive point of view (masturbating and sex without penetration) were not considered as such, while a number of students reported oral sex as abstinent behaviour. The results suggest that the information on risky and preventive sexual behaviour should cease to use ambiguous or euphemistic expressions and use vocabulary that is clear and comprehensible to everyone
The design of control, estimation or diagnosis algorithms most often assumes that all available process variables represent the system state at the same instant of time. However, this is never true in current network systems, because of the unknown deterministic or stochastic transmission delays introduced by the communication network. During the diagnosing stage, this will often generate false alarms. Under nominal operation, the different transmission delays associated with the variables that appear in the computation form produce discrepancies of the residuals from zero. A technique aiming at the minimisation of the resulting false alarms rate, that is based on the explicit modelling of communication delays and on their best-case estimation is proposed
En este capítulo se describen las enfermedades de la placa neuromuscular, su epidemiología, hallazgos clínicos, métodos diagnósticos y tratamiento de cada una de ellas
Se realizó un estudio genético – poblacional en dos grupos etarios de población colombiana con la finalidad de evaluar las diferencias genéticas relacionadas con el polimorfismo MTHFR 677CT en busca de eventos genéticos que soporten la persistencia de este polimorfismo en la especie humana debido que este ha sido asociado con múltiples enfermedades. De esta manera se genotipificaron los individuos, se analizaron los genotipos, frecuencias alélicas y se realizaron diferentes pruebas genéticas-poblacionales. Contrario a lo observado en poblaciones Colombianas revisadas se identificó la ausencia del Equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg en el grupo de los niños y estructuras poblacionales entre los adultos lo que sugiere diferentes historias demográficas y culturales entre estos dos grupos poblacionales al tiempo, lo que soporta la hipótesis de un evento de selección sobre el polimorfismo en nuestra población. De igual manera nuestros datos fueron analizados junto con estudios previos a nivel nacional y mundial lo cual sustenta que el posible evento selectivo es debido a que el aporte de ácido fólico se ha incrementado durante las últimas dos décadas como consecuencia de las campañas de fortificación de las harinas y suplementación a las embarazadas con ácido fólico, por lo tanto aquí se propone un modelo de selección que se ajusta a los datos encontrados en este trabajo se establece una relación entre los patrones nutricionales de la especie humana a través de la historia que explica las diferencias en frecuencias de este polimorfismo a nivel espacial y temporal.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Se identifican los principales problemas que aparecen en la enseñanza de la historia. El primero afecta a la transmisión del conocimiento entre profesor y alumno. La comunidad de historiadores, tras discusiones y debates, construyen un discurso científico solo apto para especialistas para a continuación reescribirlo en un discurso para principiantes. Otro problema, este específico de la enseñanza de la historia, es que la historia es producida también por multitud de agentes sociales a través de diferentes prácticas, como son celebraciones, ceremonias, monumentos, símbolos, novelas, canciones, etc. Esta historia no es científica. En las sociedades del siglo XXI diversos actores pueden intentar actuar intencionadamente sobre la historia. Uno de los más importantes es el Estado, que crea su historia oficial y la difunde, entre otros medios, a través de la enseñanza en la escuela. Así el profesor de historia se convierte en un instrumento de propagación del relato de los orígenes que el poder institucional quiere difundir en todo el mundo.
Monogamy and sex without penetration are behaviors recommended by the WHO to avoid AIDS virus sexual transmission. Seven hundred and fifty university students from 18 to 25 years (67.7% women) were surveyed and they were asked to give a maximum of three free definitions of the words monogamy and sex without penetration to prevent AIDS virus sexual transmission. Their participation was voluntary and anonymous. Although the majority of the answers was correct, there was a considerable percentage of wrong answers, either for monogamy (3.7% masturbation; 2.1% to have many partners; 0.9% homosexual relations), or for sex without penetration (20.5% oral sex; 1.1% anal coitus; 0.8% coitus without orgasm; 0.4% coitus interruptus). Some definitions or examples differ by gender. The amount of wrongs or incomplete answers put researchers on the alert about insufficient preventive knowledge in a population with a high educational level
A toxoplasmose congénita é uma doença infecciosa, causada pelo parasita Toxoplasma gondii e, adquirida por transmissão materno-fetal, a qual pode acarretar sequelas neurológicas e oculares muito graves, no recém-nascido. O presente estudo incide sobre as linhas de prevenção da doença, em Portugal. A base da prevenção define-se como primária, através da determinação do estatuto imunológico da mulher, do aconselhamento e adopção de medidas higiénico-dietéticas das mulheres seronegativas, de forma a evitar a infecção materna. A vigilância serológica, na detecção de uma possível infecção materna, e a instituição da terapêutica de profilaxia, constituem a prevenção secundária, de modo a evitar a infecção fetal. A prevenção terciária recai, sobre o estabelecimento de um novo esquema terapêutico, dotado de alguma teratogenicidade, com o intuito de minimizar as sequelas da infecção. Em Portugal, existem muitas mulheres seronegativas, mal informadas acerca da doença, e que não tomam medidas preventivas correctas, para evitar a infecção. Esta problemática é decrescente, de norte para sul do país. A prevenção da doença pode ser bem-sucedida, através da implementação de directrizes específicas, dirigidas aos diferentes grupos de risco e da orientação correcta, pelos profissionais de saúde. A realização de estudos, em várias áreas de intervenção da doença, optimiza a sua prevenção e a sua relação de custo-benefício.
This paper is a review of congenital aphasia and the introduction of the McGinnis Association Method for diagnosis and rehabilitation.
This paper reviews a study to determine the usefulness of signal processing along with lipreading in improving speech perception of profoundly hearing impaired persons.
The text presents an analysis of the institution of transmission easement, which is featured from the perspective of civil-law and public-law relations. The text does not address all the issues related to the institution of transmission easement, that is, no comprehensive analysis of the issues of the grounds for easement establishment, expiry, or remuneration and compensation for easement was conducted. The text presents a general description of the establishment of transmission easement against the backdrop of the Polish Civil Code and the Bill on Transmission Corridors of 18 July 2013, which is currently being drafted. The analysis of the easement institution, apart from the synthetic approach to legal provisions, features a functional and teleological interpretation. It is worth pointing out the aim that the legislator wished to achieve with respect to the work on new considerations both in the domain of the private and public law: 1. the legislator aimed to regulate the disorderly legal status of civil-law relations, but also to avoid dispute in the future, 2. with the aid of new regulations, the legislator wished to respond to the public interest.
Birds are vulnerable to collisions with human-made fixed structures. Despite ongoing development and increases in infrastructure, we have few estimates of the magnitude of collision mortality. We reviewed the existing literature on avian mortality associated with transmission lines and derived an initial estimate for Canada. Estimating mortality from collisions with power lines is challenging due to the lack of studies, especially from sites within Canada, and due to uncertainty about the magnitude of detection biases. Detection of bird collisions with transmission lines varies due to habitat type, species size, and scavenging rates. In addition, birds can be crippled by the impact and subsequently die, although crippling rates are poorly known and rarely incorporated into estimates. We used existing data to derive a range of estimates of avian mortality associated with collisions with transmission lines in Canada by incorporating detection, scavenging, and crippling biases. There are 231,966 km of transmission lines across Canada, mostly in the boreal forest. Mortality estimates ranged from 1 million to 229.5 million birds per year, depending on the bias corrections applied. We consider our most realistic estimate, taking into account variation in risk across Canada, to range from 2.5 million to 25.6 million birds killed per year. Data from multiple studies across Canada and the northern U.S. indicate that the most vulnerable bird groups are (1) waterfowl, (2) grebes, (3) shorebirds, and (4) cranes, which is consistent with other studies. Populations of several groups that are vulnerable to collisions are increasing across Canada (e.g., waterfowl, raptors), which suggests that collision mortality, at current levels, is not limiting population growth. However, there may be impacts on other declining species, such as shorebirds and some species at risk, including Alberta’s Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) and western Canada’s endangered Whooping Cranes (Grus americana). Collisions may be more common during migration, which underscores the need to understand impacts across the annual cycle. We emphasize that these estimates are preliminary, especially considering the absence of Canadian studies.