998 resultados para cerebral imaging
The Mediterranean Sea is a relative newcomer to Earth"s landscape. Due to its complex tectonic history, this mid-latitude sea is composed of a cluster of basins. Their seascape is in most cases dominated by geologically young structures, but also by sedimentary processes. Among the latter, sedimentary processes related to the dynamics of the largest rivers in the Mediterranean (Ebro, Rhône, Po, Danube, and Nile) stand out. This overview article illustrates the main sedimentary processes and their products contributing to shape the Mediterranean seascape within a source-tosink approach. To highlight this approach, this article mainly focuses on one of the EUROSTRATAFORM project study areas: the northwestern Mediterranean.
AIMS: We studied the respective added value of the quantitative myocardial blood flow (MBF) and the myocardial flow reserve (MFR) as assessed with (82)Rb positron emission tomography (PET)/CT in predicting major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) in patients with suspected myocardial ischaemia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Myocardial perfusion images were analysed semi-quantitatively (SDS, summed difference score) and quantitatively (MBF, MFR) in 351 patients. Follow-up was completed in 335 patients and annualized MACE (cardiac death, myocardial infarction, revascularization, or hospitalization for congestive heart failure or de novo stable angor) rates were analysed with the Kaplan-Meier method in 318 patients after excluding 17 patients with early revascularizations (<60 days). Independent predictors of MACEs were identified by multivariate analysis. During a median follow-up of 624 days (inter-quartile range 540-697), 35 MACEs occurred. An annualized MACE rate was higher in patients with ischaemia (SDS >2) (n = 105) than those without [14% (95% CI = 9.1-22%) vs. 4.5% (2.7-7.4%), P < 0.0001]. The lowest MFR tertile group (MFR <1.8) had the highest MACE rate [16% (11-25%) vs. 2.9% (1.2-7.0%) and 4.3% (2.1-9.0%), P < 0.0001]. Similarly, the lowest stress MBF tertile group (MBF <1.8 mL/min/g) had the highest MACE rate [14% (9.2-22%) vs. 7.3% (4.2-13%) and 1.8% (0.6-5.5%), P = 0.0005]. Quantitation with stress MBF or MFR had a significant independent prognostic power in addition to semi-quantitative findings. The largest added value was conferred by combining stress MBF to SDS. This holds true even for patients without ischaemia. CONCLUSION: Perfusion findings in (82)Rb PET/CT are strong MACE outcome predictors. MBF quantification has an added value allowing further risk stratification in patients with normal and abnormal perfusion images.
Background: The role of the non-injured hemisphere in stroke recovery is poorly understood. In this pilot study, we sought to explore the presence of structural changes detectable by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the contralesional hemispheres of patients who recovered well from ischemic stroke. Methods: We analyzed serial DTI data from 16 stroke patients who had moderate initial neurological deficits (NIHSS scores 3-12) and good functional outcome at 3-6 months (NIHSS score 0 or modified Rankin Score ≤1). We segmented the brain tissue in gray and white matter (GM and WM) and measured the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy in the infarct, in the contralesional infarct mirror region as well as in concentrically expanding regions around them. Results: We found that GM and WM ADC significantly increased in the infarct region (p < 0.01) from acute to chronic time points, whereas in the infarct mirror region, GM and WM ADC increased (p < 0.01) and WM fractional anisotropy decreased (p < 0.05). No significant changes were detected in other regions. Conclusion: DTI-based metrics are sensitive to regional structural changes in the contralesional hemisphere during stroke recovery. Prospective studies in larger cohorts with varying levels of recovery are needed to confirm our findings.
A 54-year-old patient who had an isolated small polar thalamic infarct and acute global amnesia with slight frontal type dysfunction but without other neurological dysfunction was studied. Memory improved partially within 8 months. At all stages the impairment was more severe for verbal than non-verbal memory. Autobiographic recollections and newly acquired information tended to be disorganised with respect to temporal order. Procedural memory was unaffected. Both emotional involvement and pleasure in reading were lost. On MRI, the infarct was limited to the left anterior thalamic nuclei and the adjacent mamillothalamic tract. The regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (measured with PET) was decreased on the left in the thalamus, amygdala, and posterior cingulate cortex 2 weeks after the infarct, and in the thalamus and posterior cingulate cortex 9 months later. These findings stress the specific role of the left anterior thalamic region in memory and confirm that longlasting amnesia from a thalamic lesion can occur without significant structural damage to the dorsomedial nucleus. Furthermore, they suggest that the anterior thalamic nuclei and possibly their connections with the posterior cingulate cortex play a role in emotional involvement linked to ipsilateral hemispheric functions.
Meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae is a rare complication of trans-sphenoidal surgery. We present the case of a patient who developed pneumococcal meningitis with associated bacteraemia after elective endoscopic trans-sphenoidal resection of a pituitary macro-adenoma. After initial treatment with ceftriaxone and dexamethasone, the patient made a good recovery and dexamethasone was discontinued. Two days later the patient's condition deteriorated rapidly, presenting focal and diffuse neurological deficits. Cerebral MRI revealed widespread punctate ischaemic-type lesions affecting both anterior and posterior vascular territories bilaterally and involving features consistent with cerebral vasculitis. Antibiotic treatment was broadened to include meropenem and dexamethasone was restarted, but the patient remained in a comatose state and died 14 days later. Steroid treatment may play a dual role in this poorly characterised infectious complication of trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery. This possibility is discussed and the options for prophylaxis are reviewed.
PURPOSE: To develop a breathhold method for black-blood viability imaging of the heart that may facilitate identifying the endocardial border. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three stimulated-echo acquisition mode (STEAM) images were obtained almost simultaneously during the same acquisition using three different demodulation values. Two of the three images were used to construct a black-blood image of the heart. The third image was a T(1)-weighted viability image that enabled detection of hyperintense infarcted myocardium after contrast agent administration. The three STEAM images were combined into one composite black-blood viability image of the heart. The composite STEAM images were compared to conventional inversion-recovery (IR) delayed hyperenhanced (DHE) images in nine human subjects studied on a 3T MRI scanner. RESULTS: STEAM images showed black-blood characteristics and a significant improvement in the blood-infarct signal-difference to noise ratio (SDNR) when compared to the IR-DHE images (34 +/- 4.1 vs. 10 +/- 2.9, mean +/- standard deviation (SD), P < 0.002). There was sufficient myocardium-infarct SDNR in the STEAM images to accurately delineate infarcted regions. The extracted infarcts demonstrated good agreement with the IR-DHE images. CONCLUSION: The STEAM black-blood property allows for better delineation of the blood-infarct border, which would enhance the fast and accurate measurement of infarct size.
Antemortem demonstration of ischemia has proved elusive in head injury because regional CBF reductions may represent hypoperfusion appropriately coupled to hypometabolism. Fifteen patients underwent positron emission tomography within 24 hours of head injury to map cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral oxygen metabolism (CMRO2), and oxygen extraction fraction (OEF). We estimated the volume of ischemic brain (IBV) and used the standard deviation of the OEF distribution to estimate the efficiency of coupling between CBF and CMRO2. The IBV in patients was significantly higher than controls (67 +/- 69 vs. 2 +/- 3 mL; P < 0.01). The coexistence of relative ischemia and hyperemia in some patients implies mismatching of perfusion to oxygen use. Whereas the saturation of jugular bulb blood (SjO2) correlated with the IBV (r = 0.8, P < 0.01), SjO2 values of 50% were only achieved at an IBV of 170 +/- 63 mL (mean +/- 95% CI), which equates to 13 +/- 5% of the brain. Increases in IBV correlated with a poor Glasgow Outcome Score 6 months after injury (rho = -0.6, P < 0.05). These results suggest significant ischemia within the first day after head injury. The ischemic burden represented by this "traumatic penumbra" is poorly detected by bedside clinical monitors and has significant associations with outcome.
Assuming selective vulnerability of short association U-fibers in early Alzheimer's disease (AD), we quantified demyelination of the surface white matter (dSWM) with magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) in 15 patients (Clinical Dementia Rating Scale [CDR] 0.5-1; Functional Assessment Staging [FAST]: 3-4) compared with 15 controls. MTRs were computed for 39 areas in each hemisphere. We found a bilateral MTR decrease in the temporal, cingulate, parietal, and prefrontal areas. With linear discriminant analysis, we successfully classified all the participants with 3 variates including the cuneus, parahippocampal, and superior temporal regions of the left hemisphere. The pattern of dSWM changed with the age of AD onset. In early onset patients, we found bilateral posterior demyelination spreading to the temporal areas in the left hemisphere. The late onset patients showed a distributed bilateral pattern with the temporal and cingulate areas strongly affected. A correlation with Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Lexis, and memory tests revealed the dSWM impact on cognition. A specific landscape of dSWM in early AD shows the potential of MTR imaging as an in vivo biomarker superior to currently used techniques.
Attempts to use a stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM) in cardiac imaging are impeded by imaging artifacts that result in signal attenuation and nulling of the cardiac tissue. In this work, we present a method to reduce this artifact by acquiring two sets of stimulated echo images with two different demodulations. The resulting two images are combined to recover the signal loss and weighted to compensate for possible deformation-dependent intensity variation. Numerical simulations were used to validate the theory. Also, the proposed correction method was applied to in vivo imaging of normal volunteers (n = 6) and animal models with induced infarction (n = 3). The results show the ability of the method to recover the lost myocardial signal and generate artifact-free black-blood cardiac images.
OBJECTIVE: It is known that exogenous lactate given as an i.v. energy infusion is able to counteract a neuroglycopenic state that developed during psychosocial stress. It is unknown, however, whether the brain under stressful conditions can induce a rise in plasma lactate to satisfy its increased needs during stress. Since lactate is i) an alternative cerebral energy substrate to glucose and ii) its plasmatic concentration is influenced by the sympathetic nervous system, the present study aimed at investigating whether plasma lactate concentrations increase with psychosocial stress in humans. METHODS: 30 healthy young men participated in two sessions (stress induced by the Trier Social Stress Test and a non-stress control session). Blood samples were frequently taken to assess plasma lactate concentrations and stress hormone profiles. RESULTS: Plasma lactate increased 47% during psychosocial stress (from 0.9 ± 0.05 to 1.4 ± 0.1 mmol/l; interaction time × stress intervention: F = 19.7, p < 0.001). This increase in lactate concentrations during stress was associated with an increase in epinephrine (R(2) = 0.221, p = 0.02) and ACTH concentrations (R(2) = 0.460, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Plasma lactate concentrations increase during acute psychosocial stress in humans. This finding suggests the existence of a demand mechanism that functions to allocate an additional source of energy from the body towards the brain, which we refer to as 'cerebral lactate demand'.
OBJECTIVES: Lesion detection and characterization in multiple sclerosis (MS) are an essential part of its clinical diagnosis and an important research field. In this pilot study, we applied the recently introduced two inversion-contrast magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo sequence (MP2RAGE) to patients with early-stage MS.¦MATERIALS AND METHODS: The MP2RAGE is a 3-dimensional (3D) magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo derivative providing homogeneous T1 weighting and simultaneous T1 mapping. The MP2RAGE performance was compared with that of 2 clinical routine sequences (2D fluid-attenuated inversion recovery [FLAIR] and 3D magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo [MP-RAGE]) and 2 state-of-the art clinical research sequences (the 3D FLAIR-SPACE [sampling perfection with application-optimized contrasts by using different flip-angle evolutions], a fluid-attenuated variable flip-angle fast spin echo technique, and the 3D double-inversion recovery SPACE). A cohort of 10 early-stage female MS patients (age, 31.6 ± 4.7 years; disease duration, 3.8 ± 1.9 years; median expanded disability status scale score, 1.75) and 10 age- and gender-matched controls were enrolled after approval of the local institutional review board was obtained. Multiple sclerosis lesions were identified and assigned to brain locations and tissue types by two experienced physicians in all 5 contrasts. Subsequently, lesions were manually delineated for comparison and statistical analysis of lesion count, volume and quantitative measures.¦RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the 3D T1-weighted high-resolution MP2RAGE contrast provides a sensitive means for MS lesion assessment. The additional quantitative T1 relaxation time maps obtained with the MP2RAGE provide further potential diagnostic and prognostic information that could help (a) to better discriminate lesion subtypes and (b) to stage and predict the activity and the evolution of MS. Results also indicate that the T2-weighted double-inversion recovery and FLAIR-SPACE contrasts are attractive complements to the MP2RAGE for lesion detection.
Introduction: Human experience takes place in the line of mental-time (MT) created through imagination of oneself in different time-points in past or future (self-projection in time). Here we manipulated self-projection in MT not only with respect to one's life-events but also with respect to one's faces from different past and future time-points. Methods: We here compared MTT with respect to one's facial images from different time points in past and future (study 1: MT-faces) as well as with respect to different past and future life events (study 2: MT-events). Participants were asked to make judgments about past and future face images and past and future events from three different time-points: the present (Now), eight years earlier (Past) or eight years later (Future). In addition, as a control task participants were asked to make recognition judgments with respect to faces and memory-related judgments with respect to events without changing their habitual self-location in time. Behavioral measures and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activity after subtraction of recognition and memory related activities show both absolute MT and relative MT effects for faces and events, signifying a fundamental brain mechanism of MT, disentangled from episodic memory functions. Results: Behavioural and event-related fMRI activity showed three independent effects characterized by (1) similarity between past recollection and future imagination, (2) facilitation of judgments related to the future as compared to the past, and (3) facilitation of judgments related to time-points distant from the present. These effects were found with respect to faces and events suggesting that the brain mechanisms of MT are independent of whether actual life episodes have to be re-/pre-experienced and recruited a common cerebral network including the medial-temporal, precuneus, inferior-frontal, temporo-parietal, and insular cortices. Conclusions: These behavioural and neural data suggest that self-projection in time is a crucial aspect of MT, relying on neural structures encoding memory, mental imagery, and self. Furthermore our results emphasize the idea that mental temporal processing is more strongly directed to future prediction than to past recollection.
A better prediction of the outcome after ischemia and estimation of onset time at early time points would greatly facilitate clinical decisions. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to use magnetic resonance spectroscopy to identify neurochemical markers for outcome prediction at early time points after ischemia.ICR-CD1 mice were subjected to 10-minute, 30-minute or permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). The regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) was monitored in all animals by laser-Doppler flowmetry. All MR studies were carried out in a horizontal 14.1T magnet. Fast spin echo images with T2-weighted parameters were Bacquired to localize the volume of interest and evaluate the lesion size. Immediately after adjustment of field inhomogeneities, localized 1H MRS was applied to obtain the neurochemical profile from the striatum (6-8 μl) or the cortex (2.2-2.5 μl). Six animals (sham group) underwent nearly identical procedures without MCAO.By comparing the evolution of several metabolites in ischemia of varying severity, we observed that glutamine increases early after transient ischemia independently of severity, but decreases in permanent ischemia. On the opposite, GABA increased in permanent ischemia and decreased in transient. We also observed a decrease in the sum of N-acetyl aspartate + glutamate + taurine in all irreversibly damaged tissues, independently of reperfusion and severity. Finally, we have observed that some metabolites decrease exponentially after ischemia. This exponential decrease could be used to determine the time of ischemia onset in permanent ischemia.In Conclusion, magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be used as a prognostic and diagnostic tool to monitor reperfusion, identify reversibly and irreversibly damaged tissue and evaluate the time of ischemia onset. If these Results can be translated to stroke patients, this technique would greatly improve the diagnosis and help with clinical decisions.