999 resultados para brucellosis detection


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The function of DNA-binding proteins is controlled not just by their abundance, but mainly at the level of their activity in terms of their interactions with DNA and protein targets. Moreover, the affinity of such transcription factors to their target sequences is often controlled by co-factors and/or modifications that are not easily assessed from biological samples. Here, we describe a scalable method for monitoring protein-DNA interactions on a microarray surface. This approach was designed to determine the DNA-binding activity of proteins in crude cell extracts, complementing conventional expression profiling arrays. Enzymatic labeling of DNA enables direct normalization of the protein binding to the microarray, allowing the estimation of relative binding affinities. Using DNA sequences covering a range of affinities, we show that the new microarray-based method yields binding strength estimates similar to low-throughput gel mobility-shift assays. The microarray is also of high sensitivity, as it allows the detection of a rare DNA-binding protein from breast cancer cells, the human tumor suppressor AP-2. This approach thus mediates precise and robust assessment of the activity of DNA-binding proteins and takes present DNA-binding assays to a high throughput level.


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Plants compete with neighbouring vegetation for limited resources. In competition for light, plants adjust their architecture to bring the leaves higher in the vegetation where more light is available than in the lower strata. These architectural responses include accelerated elongation of the hypocotyl, internodes and petioles, upward leaf movement (hyponasty), and reduced shoot branching and are collectively referred to as the shade avoidance syndrome. This review discusses various cues that plants use to detect the presence and proximity of neighbouring competitors and respond to with the shade avoidance syndrome. These cues include light quality and quantity signals, mechanical stimulation, and plant-emitted volatile chemicals. We will outline current knowledge about each of these signals individually and discuss their possible interactions. In conclusion, we will make a case for a whole-plant, ecophysiology approach to identify the relative importance of the various neighbour detection cues and their possible interactions in determining plant performance during competition.


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Recently, pharmaceutical industry developed a new class of therapeutics called Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) to substitute the synthetic anabolic drugs used in medical treatments. Since the beginning of the anti-doping testing in sports in the 1970s, steroids have been the most frequently detected drugs mainly used for their anabolic properties. The major advantage of SARMs is the reduced androgenic activities which are the main source of side effects following anabolic agents' administration. In 2010, the Swiss laboratory for doping analyses reported the first case of SARMs abuse during in-competition testing. The analytical steps leading to this finding are described in this paper. Screening and confirmation results were obtained based on liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analyses. Additional information regarding the SARM S-4 metabolism was investigated by ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (UHPLC-QTOF-MS).


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This is a six page document of Qusetions and Answer for Early Hearing Detecting and Inventation.


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Summary Detection, analysis and monitoring of slope movements by high-resolution digital elevation modelsSlope movements, such as rockfalls, rockslides, shallow landslides or debris flows, are frequent in many mountainous areas. These natural hazards endanger the inhabitants and infrastructures making it necessary to assess the hazard and risk caused by these phenomena. This PhD thesis explores various approaches using digital elevation models (DEMs) - and particularly high-resolution DEMs created by aerial or terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) - that contribute to the assessment of slope movement hazard at regional and local scales.The regional detection of areas prone to rockfalls and large rockslides uses different morphologic criteria or geometric instability factors derived from DEMs, i.e. the steepness of the slope, the presence of discontinuities, which enable a sliding mechanism, and the denudation potential. The combination of these factors leads to a map of susceptibility to rockfall initiation that is in good agreement with field studies as shown with the example of the Little Mill Campground area (Utah, USA). Another case study in the Illgraben catchment in the Swiss Alps highlighted the link between areas with a high denudation potential and actual rockfall areas.Techniques for a detailed analysis and characterization of slope movements based on high-resolution DEMs have been developed for specific, localized sites, i.e. ancient slide scars, present active instabilities or potential slope instabilities. The analysis of the site's characteristics mainly focuses on rock slopes and includes structural analyses (orientation of discontinuities); estimation of spacing, persistence and roughness of discontinuities; failure mechanisms based on the structural setting; and volume calculations. For the volume estimation a new 3D approach was tested to reconstruct the topography before a landslide or to construct the basal failure surface of an active or potential instability. The rockslides at Åknes, Tafjord and Rundefjellet in western Norway were principally used as study sites to develop and test the different techniques.The monitoring of slope instabilities investigated in this PhD thesis is essentially based on multitemporal (or sequential) high-resolution DEMs, in particular sequential point clouds acquired by TLS. The changes in the topography due to slope movements can be detected and quantified by sequential TLS datasets, notably by shortest distance comparisons revealing the 3D slope movements over the entire region of interest. A detailed analysis of rock slope movements is based on the affine transformation between an initial and a final state of the rock mass and its decomposition into translational and rotational movements. Monitoring using TLS was very successful on the fast-moving Eiger rockslide in the Swiss Alps, but also on the active rockslides of Åknes and Nordnesfjellet (northern Norway). One of the main achievements on the Eiger and Aknes rockslides is to combine the site's morphology and structural setting with the measured slope movements to produce coherent instability models. Both case studies also highlighted a strong control of the structures in the rock mass on the sliding directions. TLS was also used to monitor slope movements in soils, such as landslides in sensitive clays in Québec (Canada), shallow landslides on river banks (Sorge River, Switzerland) and a debris flow channel (Illgraben).The PhD thesis underlines the broad uses of high-resolution DEMs and especially of TLS in the detection, analysis and monitoring of slope movements. Future studies should explore in more depth the different techniques and approaches developed and used in this PhD, improve them and better integrate the findings in current hazard assessment practices and in slope stability models.Résumé Détection, analyse et surveillance de mouvements de versant à l'aide de modèles numériques de terrain de haute résolutionDes mouvements de versant, tels que des chutes de blocs, glissements de terrain ou laves torrentielles, sont fréquents dans des régions montagneuses et mettent en danger les habitants et les infrastructures ce qui rend nécessaire d'évaluer le danger et le risque causé par ces phénomènes naturels. Ce travail de thèse explore diverses approches qui utilisent des modèles numériques de terrain (MNT) et surtout des MNT de haute résolution créés par scanner laser terrestre (SLT) ou aérien - et qui contribuent à l'évaluation du danger de mouvements de versant à l'échelle régionale et locale.La détection régionale de zones propices aux chutes de blocs ou aux éboulements utilise plusieurs critères morphologiques dérivés d'un MNT, tels que la pente, la présence de discontinuités qui permettent un mécanisme de glissement ou le potentiel de dénudation. La combinaison de ces facteurs d'instabilité mène vers une carte de susceptibilité aux chutes de blocs qui est en accord avec des travaux de terrain comme démontré avec l'exemple du Little Mill Campground (Utah, États-Unis). Un autre cas d'étude - l'Illgraben dans les Alpes valaisannes - a mis en évidence le lien entre les zones à fort potentiel de dénudation et les sources effectives de chutes de blocs et d'éboulements.Des techniques pour l'analyse et la caractérisation détaillée de mouvements de versant basées sur des MNT de haute résolution ont été développées pour des sites spécifiques et localisés, comme par exemple des cicatrices d'anciens éboulements et des instabilités actives ou potentielles. Cette analyse se focalise principalement sur des pentes rocheuses et comprend l'analyse structurale (orientation des discontinuités); l'estimation de l'espacement, la persistance et la rugosité des discontinuités; l'établissement des mécanismes de rupture; et le calcul de volumes. Pour cela une nouvelle approche a été testée en rétablissant la topographie antérieure au glissement ou en construisant la surface de rupture d'instabilités actuelles ou potentielles. Les glissements rocheux d'Åknes, Tafjord et Rundefjellet en Norvège ont été surtout utilisés comme cas d'étude pour développer et tester les diverses approches. La surveillance d'instabilités de versant effectuée dans cette thèse de doctorat est essentiellement basée sur des MNT de haute résolution multi-temporels (ou séquentiels), en particulier des nuages de points séquentiels acquis par SLT. Les changements topographiques dus aux mouvements de versant peuvent être détectés et quantifiés sur l'ensemble d'un glissement, notamment par comparaisons des distances les plus courtes entre deux nuages de points. L'analyse détaillée des mouvements est basée sur la transformation affine entre la position initiale et finale d'un bloc et sa décomposition en mouvements translationnels et rotationnels. La surveillance par SLT a démontré son potentiel avec l'effondrement d'un pan de l'Eiger dans les Alpes suisses, mais aussi aux glissements rocheux d'Aknes et Nordnesfjellet en Norvège. Une des principales avancées à l'Eiger et à Aknes est la création de modèles d'instabilité cohérents en combinant la morphologie et l'agencement structural des sites avec les mesures de déplacements. Ces deux cas d'étude ont aussi démontré le fort contrôle des structures existantes dans le massif rocheux sur les directions de glissement. Le SLT a également été utilisé pour surveiller des glissements dans des terrains meubles comme dans les argiles sensibles au Québec (Canada), sur les berges de la rivière Sorge en Suisse et dans le chenal à laves torrentielles de l'Illgraben.Cette thèse de doctorat souligne le vaste champ d'applications des MNT de haute résolution et particulièrement du SLT dans la détection, l'analyse et la surveillance des mouvements de versant. Des études futures devraient explorer plus en profondeur les différentes techniques et approches développées, les améliorer et mieux les intégrer dans des pratiques actuelles d'analyse de danger et surtout dans la modélisation de stabilité des versants.


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In this work, a previously-developed, statistical-based, damage-detection approach was validated for its ability to autonomously detect damage in bridges. The damage-detection approach uses statistical differences in the actual and predicted behavior of the bridge caused under a subset of ambient trucks. The predicted behavior is derived from a statistics-based model trained with field data from the undamaged bridge (not a finite element model). The differences between actual and predicted responses, called residuals, are then used to construct control charts, which compare undamaged and damaged structure data. Validation of the damage-detection approach was achieved by using sacrificial specimens that were mounted to the bridge and exposed to ambient traffic loads and which simulated actual damage-sensitive locations. Different damage types and levels were introduced to the sacrificial specimens to study the sensitivity and applicability. The damage-detection algorithm was able to identify damage, but it also had a high false-positive rate. An evaluation of the sub-components of the damage-detection methodology and methods was completed for the purpose of improving the approach. Several of the underlying assumptions within the algorithm were being violated, which was the source of the false-positives. Furthermore, the lack of an automatic evaluation process was thought to potentially be an impediment to widespread use. Recommendations for the improvement of the methodology were developed and preliminarily evaluated. These recommendations are believed to improve the efficacy of the damage-detection approach.


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"Technical challenges exist with infrastructure that can be addressed by nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods, such as detecting corrosion damage to reinforcing steel that anchor concrete bridge railings to bridge road decks. Moisture and chloride ions reach the anchors along the cold joint between the rails and deck, causing corrosion that weakens the anchors and ultimately the barriers. The Center for Nondestructive Evaluation at Iowa State University has experience in development of measurement techniques and new sensors using a variety of interrogating energies. This research evaluated feasibility of three technologies — x-ray radiation, ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and magnetic flux leakage (MFL) — for detection and quantification of corrosion of embedded reinforcing steel. Controlled samples containing pristine reinforcing steel with and without epoxy and reinforcing steel with 25 percent and 50 percent section reduction were embedded in concrete at 2.5 in. deep for laboratory evaluation. Two of the techniques, GPR and MFL, were used in a limited field test on the Iowa Highway 210 Bridge over Interstate 35 in Story County. The methods provide useful and complementary information. GPR provides a rapid approach to identify reinforcing steel that has anomalous responses. MFL provides similar detection responses but could be optimized to provide more quantitative correlation to actual condition. Full implementation could use either GPR or MFL methods to identify areas of concern, followed by radiography to give a visual image of the actual condition, providing the final guidance for maintenance actions." The full 103 page report and the 2 page Tech Transfer Summary are included in this link.


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The CREB-binding protein (CBP) is a large nuclear protein that regulates many signal transduction pathways and is involved in chromatin-mediated transcription. The translocation t(8;16)(p11;p13.3) consistently disrupts two genes: the CBP gene on chromosome band 16p13.3 and the MOZ gene on chromosome band 8p11. Although a fusion of these two genes as a result of the translocation is expected, attempts at detecting the fusion transcript by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) have proven difficult; to date, only one in-frame CBP/MOZ fusion transcript has been reported. We therefore sought other reliable means of detecting CBP rearrangements. We applied fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and Southern blot analyses to a series of AML patients with a t(8;16) and detected DNA rearrangements of both the CBP and the MOZ loci in all cases tested. All six cases examined for CBP rearrangements have breakpoints within a 13 kb breakpoint cluster region at the 5' end of the CBP gene. Additionally, we used a MOZ cDNA probe to construct a surrounding cosmid contig and detect DNA rearrangements in three t(8;16) cases, all of which display rearrangements within a 6 kb genomic fragment of the MOZ gene. We have thus developed a series of cosmid probes that consistently detect the disruption of the CBP gene in t(8;16) patients. These clones could potentially be used to screen other cancer-associated or congenital translocations involving chromosome band 16p13.3 as well.


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This work is divided into three volumes: Volume I: Strain-Based Damage Detection; Volume II: Acceleration-Based Damage Detection; Volume III: Wireless Bridge Monitoring Hardware. Volume I: In this work, a previously-developed structural health monitoring (SHM) system was advanced toward a ready-for-implementation system. Improvements were made with respect to automated data reduction/analysis, data acquisition hardware, sensor types, and communication network architecture. The statistical damage-detection tool, control-chart-based damage-detection methodologies, were further investigated and advanced. For the validation of the damage-detection approaches, strain data were obtained from a sacrificial specimen attached to the previously-utilized US 30 Bridge over the South Skunk River (in Ames, Iowa), which had simulated damage,. To provide for an enhanced ability to detect changes in the behavior of the structural system, various control chart rules were evaluated. False indications and true indications were studied to compare the damage detection ability in regard to each methodology and each control chart rule. An autonomous software program called Bridge Engineering Center Assessment Software (BECAS) was developed to control all aspects of the damage detection processes. BECAS requires no user intervention after initial configuration and training. Volume II: In this work, a previously developed structural health monitoring (SHM) system was advanced toward a ready-for-implementation system. Improvements were made with respect to automated data reduction/analysis, data acquisition hardware, sensor types, and communication network architecture. The objective of this part of the project was to validate/integrate a vibration-based damage-detection algorithm with the strain-based methodology formulated by the Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center. This report volume (Volume II) presents the use of vibration-based damage-detection approaches as local methods to quantify damage at critical areas in structures. Acceleration data were collected and analyzed to evaluate the relationships between sensors and with changes in environmental conditions. A sacrificial specimen was investigated to verify the damage-detection capabilities and this volume presents a transmissibility concept and damage-detection algorithm that show potential to sense local changes in the dynamic stiffness between points across a joint of a real structure. The validation and integration of the vibration-based and strain-based damage-detection methodologies will add significant value to Iowa’s current and future bridge maintenance, planning, and management Volume III: In this work, a previously developed structural health monitoring (SHM) system was advanced toward a ready-for-implementation system. Improvements were made with respect to automated data reduction/analysis, data acquisition hardware, sensor types, and communication network architecture. This report volume (Volume III) summarizes the energy harvesting techniques and prototype development for a bridge monitoring system that uses wireless sensors. The wireless sensor nodes are used to collect strain measurements at critical locations on a bridge. The bridge monitoring hardware system consists of a base station and multiple self-powered wireless sensor nodes. The base station is responsible for the synchronization of data sampling on all nodes and data aggregation. Each wireless sensor node include a sensing element, a processing and wireless communication module, and an energy harvesting module. The hardware prototype for a wireless bridge monitoring system was developed and tested on the US 30 Bridge over the South Skunk River in Ames, Iowa. The functions and performance of the developed system, including strain data, energy harvesting capacity, and wireless transmission quality, were studied and are covered in this volume.


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Seismic methods used in the study of snow avalanches may be employed to detect and characterize landslides and other mass movements, using standard spectrogram/sonogram analysis. For snow avalanches, the spectrogram for a station that is approached by a sliding mass exhibits a triangular time/frequency signature due to an increase over time in the higher-frequency constituents. Recognition of this characteristic footprint in a spectrogram suggests a useful metric for identifying other mass-movement events such as landslides. The 1 June 2005 slide at Laguna Beach, California is examined using data obtained from the Caltech/USGS Regional Seismic Network. This event exhibits the same general spectrogram features observed in studies of Alpine snow avalanches. We propose that these features are due to the systematic relative increase in high-frequency energy transmitted to a seismometer in the path of a mass slide owing to a reduction of distance from the source signal. This phenomenon is related to the path of the waves whose high frequencies are less attenuated as they traverse shorter source-receiver paths. Entrainment of material in the course of the slide may also contribute to the triangular time/frequency signature as a consequence of the increase in the energy involved in the process; in this case the contribution would be a source effect. By applying this commonly observed characteristic to routine monitoring algorithms, along with custom adjustments for local site effects, we seek to contribute to the improvement in automatic detection and monitoring methods of landslides and other mass movements.


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Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is one of the most promising surveying techniques for rockslope characterization and monitoring. Landslide and rockfall movements can be detected by means of comparison of sequential scans. One of the most pressing challenges of natural hazards is combined temporal and spatial prediction of rockfall. An outdoor experiment was performed to ascertain whether the TLS instrumental error is small enough to enable detection of precursory displacements of millimetric magnitude. This consists of a known displacement of three objects relative to a stable surface. Results show that millimetric changes cannot be detected by the analysis of the unprocessed datasets. Displacement measurement are improved considerably by applying Nearest Neighbour (NN) averaging, which reduces the error (1¿) up to a factor of 6. This technique was applied to displacements prior to the April 2007 rockfall event at Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain. The maximum precursory displacement measured was 45 mm, approximately 2.5 times the standard deviation of the model comparison, hampering the distinction between actual displacement and instrumental error using conventional methodologies. Encouragingly, the precursory displacement was clearly detected by applying the NN averaging method. These results show that millimetric displacements prior to failure can be detected using TLS.


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Waddlia chondrophila is considered as an emerging human pathogen likely involved in miscarriage and lower respiratory tract infections. Given the low sensitivity of cell culture to recover such an obligate intracellular bacteria, molecular-based diagnostic approaches are warranted. We thus developed a real-time PCR that amplifies Waddlia chondrophila DNA. Specific primers and probe were selected to target the 16S rRNA gene. The PCR specifically amplified W. chondrophila but did not amplify other related-bacteria such as Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, Simkania negevensis and Chlamydia pneumoniae. The PCR exhibited a good intra-run and inter-run reproducibility and a sensitivity of less than ten copies of the positive control. This real-time PCR was then applied to 32 nasopharyngeal aspirates taken from children with bronchiolitis not due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Three samples revealed to be Waddlia positive, suggesting a possible role of this Chlamydia-related bacteria in this setting.


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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) usually harbors a vancomycin-susceptible phenotype (VSSA) but can exhibit reduced vancomycin susceptibility phenotypes that can be heterogeneous-intermediate (hVISA), intermediate (VISA), or fully resistant (VRSA). Current detection techniques (e.g., Etest and population analysis profiles [PAPs]) are slow and time-consuming. We investigated the potential of microcalorimetry to detect reduced susceptibilities to vancomycin in MRSA strains. Representative MSSA, VSSA, hVISA, VISA, and VRSA reference strains, as well as clinical isolates, were used. PAPs were performed by standard methods. Microcalorimetry was performed by inoculating 5 × 10(7) CFU of overnight cultures into 3-ml vials of brain heart infusion broth supplemented with increasing concentrations of vancomycin, and growth-related heat production was measured at 37°C. For the reference strains, no heat production was detected in the VSSA isolates at vancomycin concentrations of >3 μg/ml during the 72 h of incubation. The hVISA and VISA strains showed heat production with concentration-proportional delays of up to 6 μg/ml in 48 h and up to 12 μg/ml in 72 h, respectively. The VRSA strain showed heat production at concentrations up to 16 μg/ml in 12 h. The testing of clinical strains indicated an excellent negative predictive value, allowing us to rule out a decreased vancomycin susceptibility phenotype in <8 h of incubation. Sequential isolates from a patient undergoing vancomycin therapy showed evolving microcalorimetric profiles up to a VISA phenotype. Microcalorimetry was able to detect strains with reduced susceptibilities to vancomycin in <8 h. The measurement of bacterial heat production might represent a simple and rapid method for the detection of reduced susceptibilities to vancomycin in MRSA strains.