989 resultados para bacterial adhesion


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Two curved surfaces of molecularly smooth mica are brought into contact under a controlled load, and their deformed shape is measured using optical interference fringes of equal chromatic order. This technique allows exceptionally accurate measurements of surface profiles at separations down to a molecular scale. Contact between the surfaces can be made either adhesive or nonadhesive by suitable choice of the medium between them. Results have been obtained in both cases and compared with the theories of Hertz (nonadhesive contact) and Johnson, Kendall, and Roberts (adhesive contact).


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Simultaneous measurements of surface force and surface charge demonstrate strong attraction due to the spontaneous transfer of electrical charge from one smooth insulator (mica) to another (silica) as a result of simple, nonsliding contact in dry nitrogen. The measured surface charge densities are 5 to 20 millicoulombs per square meter after contact. The work required to separate the charged surfaces is typically 6 to 9 joules per square meter, comparable to the fracture energies of ionic-covalent materials. Observation of partial gas discharges when the surfaces are approximately 1 micrometer apart gives valuable insight into the charge separation processes underlying static electrical phenomena in general.


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The in situ physiology of the actinobacterial bulking and foaming filamentous bacterium "Nostocoida limicola" II was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization/microautoradiography. Substrate assimilation patterns of pure cultures of this bacterium were different to those seen in activated sludge biomass samples. There was no evidence to suggest that "N. limicola" II preferred hydrophobic substrates, but evidence was produced to support the view that it is metabolically active under anaerobic conditions in activated sludge.


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This work has focused on measuring the adhesion forces on both untreated and atmospheric helium plasma treated single jute fibre surfaces using scanning probe microscopy (SPM). The measurements were conducted on three differently aged surfaces for one week, three weeks and six weeks using a standard silicon nitride tip in force-volume (f-v) mode. Up to 256 adhesion data points were collected from various locations on the surface of the studied fibres using in-house developed software and the resulting data were statistically analysed by the histogram method. Results obtained from this analysis method were found to be very consistent with a small statistical variation. The work of adhesion, Wa, was calculated from measured adhesion force using the Johnson–Kendall–Roberts (JKR) and Derjaguin–Muller–Toporov (DMT) models. Increases in both adhesion force and work of adhesion were observed on jute fibre with certain levels of atmospheric plasma treatment and ageing time.


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Gram-negative bacterial peptidoglycan is specifically recognized by the host intracellular sensor NOD1, resulting in the generation of innate immune responses. Although epithelial cells are normally refractory to external stimulation with peptidoglycan, these cells have been shown to respond in a NOD1-dependent manner to Gram-negative pathogens that can either invade or secrete factors into host cells. In the present work, we report that Gram-negative bacteria can deliver peptidoglycan to cytosolic NOD1 in host cells via a novel mechanism involving outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). We purified OMVs from the Gram-negative mucosal pathogens: Helicobacter pylori, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Neisseria gonorrhoea and demonstrated that these peptidoglycan containing OMVs upregulated NF-κB and NOD1-dependent responses in vitro. These OMVs entered epithelial cells through lipid rafts thereby inducing NOD1-dependent responses in vitro. Moreover, OMVs delivered intragastrically to mice-induced innate and adaptive immune responses via a NOD1-dependent but TLR-independent mechanism. Collectively, our findings identify OMVs as a generalized mechanism whereby Gram-negative bacteria deliver peptidoglycan to cytosolic NOD1. We propose that OMVs released by bacteria in vivo may promote inflammation and pathology in infected hosts.


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Abstracts: Lipid rafts are defined as specialized, dynamic microdomains that can be found in plasma membrane, and they are enriched with cholesterol and sphingolipids. Since lipid rafts’ first debut in the mid 1990’s, their existence, function and biological relevance have been a subject of intense scrutiny within the scientific community. Throughout this debate, we have learned a great deal regarding how cargos (both pathogens and cellular factors) are transported into and out of the cell through raft-dependent or raft-independent pathways. It is now apparent that a number of toxins, bacterial-, and viral-pathogens are able to exploit cholesterol and/or lipid rafts to gain a foot hold in their target hosts. The objective of this review is to describe our current appreciation on how selected pathogens utilise cholesterol and/or lipid rafts to support their propagation and to speculate on how some of these observations can be explored for the development of novel strategies that target plasma membrane lipids to control the spread of these viral- and bacterial-pathogens.


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PURPOSE: To study target-specific delivery of doxorubicin (Dox) using an RNA aptamer against epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) in retinoblastoma (RB) cells. METHODS: The binding affinity of the EpCAM aptamer to RB primary tumor cells, Y79 and WERI-Rb1 cells, and Müller glial cell lines were evaluated with flow cytometry. Formation of physical conjugates of aptamer and Dox was monitored with spectrofluorimetry. Cellular uptake of aptamer-Dox conjugates was monitored through fluorescent microscopy. Drug efficacy was monitored with cell proliferation assay. RESULTS: The EpCAM aptamer (EpDT3) but not the scrambled aptamer (Scr-EpDT3) bound to RB tumor cells, the Y79 and WERI-Rb1 cells. However, the EpCAM aptamer and the scrambled aptamer did not bind to the noncancerous Müller glial cells. The chimeric EpCAM aptamer Dox conjugate (EpDT3-Dox) and the scrambled aptamer Dox conjugate (Scr-EpDT3-Dox) were synthesized and tested on the Y79, WERI-Rb1, and Müller glial cells. The targeted uptake of the EpDT3-Dox aptamer caused cytotoxicity in the Y79 and WERI-Rb1 cells but not in the Müller glial cells. There was no significant binding or consequent cytotoxicity by the Scr-EpDT3-Dox in either cell line. The EpCAM aptamer alone did not cause cytotoxicity in either cell line. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the EpCAM aptamer-Dox conjugate can selectively deliver the drug to the RB cells there by inhibiting cellular proliferation and not to the noncancerous Müller glial cells. As EpCAM is a cancer stem cell marker, this aptamer-based targeted drug delivery will prevent the undesired effects of non-specific drug activity and will kill cancer stem cells precisely in RB.


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Objective: Depression is accompanied by activation of immuno-inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress (IO&NS) pathways, and increased IgM/IgA responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gram-negative commensal bacteria. The latter suggests that bacterial translocation has caused IgM/IgA responses directed against LPS. Bacterial translocation may drive IO&NS responses.

Method: To examine the associations between IgM/IgA responses to LPS and IO&NS measurements, including plasma/serum interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α, neopterin, lysozyme, oxidized LDL (oxLDL) antibodies, peroxides, and IgM (auto)immune responses against malondialdehyde (MDA), azelaic acid, phophatidyl inositol (Pi), NO-tryptophan and NO-tyrosine in depressed patients and controls.

We found significant positive associations between IgM/IgA responses to LPS and oxLDL antibodies, IgM responses against MDA, azelaic acid, Pi, NO-tryptophan, and NO-tyrosine. The IgA responses to LPS were correlated with lysozyme. There were no significant positive correlations between the IgM/IgA responses to LPS and IL-1 and neopterin.

: The findings show that in depression there is an association between increased bacterial translocation and lysozyme production, an antibacterial compound, O&NS processes, and autoimmune responses directed against O&NS generated neoantigenic determinants. It is suggested that bacterial translocation may drive IO&NS pathways in depression and thus play a role in its pathophysiology.


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Biosensors are projected to find many applications due to their high selectivity and sensitivity, rapid reaction, economy and ease of handling in field measurements. Even though biosensors for a wide range of environmental pollutants have been extensively reported in the literature, the decision to develop a suitable biosensing system that can be approved by a regulatory perspective for environmental applications is fraught with technical issues. These issues mainly concern the biological recognition element, the physico-chemical transducer and the interfaces between the biological and the physical components, but also aspects of fluidics, electronics, and software for data processing. This article focused on the development of microbial-based biosensors for environmental applications especially metal contaminants such as arsenic.


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Improvement of the binding of polypyrrole with PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) thin film using low pressure plasma was studied. The effects of various plasma gases i.e., Ar, O2 and Ar + O2 gases on surface roughness, surface chemistry and hydrophilicity were noted. The topographical change of the PVDF film was observed by means of scanning electron microscopy and chemical changes by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, with adhesion of polypyrrole (PPy) by abrasion tests and sheet resistance measurements. Results showed that the increase in roughness and surface functionalization by oxygen functional groups contributed to improved adhesion and Ar + O2 plasma gave better adhesion.