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By reducing the stress associated with high stocking density in a feedlot it is likely that goats will utilise their feed more efficiently and suffer fewer health problems. One possible method of reducing stress is to enrich the feedlot environment. In a feedlot of 160 castrated goats (average weight 24.6 +/- 2.6 kg), 2 types of feedlot structures were compared; a typical feedlot and an 'environmentally enriched' feedlot, and goats stocked at 2 densities; a high stocking density (1667 goats/ha) and a relatively low stocking density (897 goats/ha). Over a 42-day period, environmental enrichment (old car/truck tyres and wooden railway sleepers to climb on and PVC piping to mouth and butt) increased weight gain by 83% (P = 0.04) and reduced the occurrence of inanition by 36%. Aggressive behaviour at the feed trough was reduced by 30% (P = 0.03) in pens of lower density when compared with pens of higher density. We conclude that lot feeding goats in environmentally enriched surroundings will increase feed conversion and reduce the number of non-eaters when compared with typically bare pen structures. Doubling in liveweight gain of goats within enriched feedlot surroundings when compared with typical structures shows promise as a cost effective, animal-welfare-orientated practice.
A series of laboratory and animal studies examined the use of chemical and biological agents to enhance the digestibility of Rhodes grass (grass) cut at 60 (young) and 100 (mature) days of regrowth and ensiled as big round bales. The treatments included an untreated control (C), a microbial inoculant (I), NaOH, CaO and NaOH plus inoculant (NaOH + I). Inoculant was grown anaerobically, using a starter culture of rumen fluid from cattle given Rhodes grass. Treatments C, 1, NaOH, NaOH + I, were offered separately to twelve dairy heifers, in a 3 X 4 randomized complete block design, repeated twice for each grass silage. C and I had substantial mould growth, compared with no visible mould in NaOH or NaOH + 1. CaO treatment was effective in preventing mould growth, but had little effect on the chemical composition and in sacco digestibility of mature grass silage. NaOH reduced NDF content and increased in sacco digestibility (P < 0.05) but not the in vivo digestibility (P > 0.05) of both mature- and young-grass silage. The effects of other treatments on nutritive value were non-significant at both stages of maturity. NaOH increased the intake of mature-grass silage by 24-26% (P < 0.05), but had little effect on the intake of young-grass silage (P > 0.05). Treatment I consistently reduced grass silage intake (P < 005) for young-grass silage. The findings of these studies show that treating mature Rhodes grass with NaOH will improve its nutritive value and reduce mould growth in conserved herbage. However none of the treatments in this study had any consistently positive effects on the in vivo nutritive value or storage quality of young-grass silage.
Forty-five Large White gilts were used to study the effect of energy intake from 28 to 176 d of age on body composition and reproductive development. From 28 to 60 d, the gilts were fed ad libitum a 16.6 MJ DE/kg, 24% crude protein and 1.3% total lysine diet. From 61 d of age three dietary treatments were used; 1) ad libitum access to feed (15.6 MJ DE/kg, 21% crude protein and 1.07% total lysine) (H), 2) feed offered at 75% (M) of the previous days intake of H, and 3) feed offered at 60% (L) of the previous days intake of H. ADG from 61 to 176 d of age was (p <0.05) affected by treatment. Although live weight at 176 d of age did not differ (p >0.1) the H gilts had higher (p <0.08) carcass weights than the M or L gilts. Back fat depths were similar (p >0.1) for all treatments at 115 d of age, however by 176 d of age M and H gilts were fatter (p <0.1) than L gilts. The mean lipid deposition (LD) from 115 to 176 d of age for L gilts (78.9 g/d) was less (p <0.05) than for M gilts (143.6 g/d) and H gilts (135.6 g/d). There were no differences between treatments for protein deposition (PD) over the same period. More (p <0.05) H gilts (n=8) attained puberty (first observed estrus) than either M gilts or L gilts (n=4 for both). Follicle numbers were similar (p >0.1) across treatments. For gilts that attained puberty, H gilts had fewer (p <0.05) follicles (13.5) than M gilts (19.7) and L gilts (21.3). For gilts with follicular development, H gilts had the heaviest (458.7 g) reproductive tract weight (RTW). However, for those that attained puberty, L gilts had the heaviest RTW. RTW were lowest for those with no follicular development. Energy restriction had a negative impact on puberty attainment, i.e. it took longer to reach puberty. However, for gilts that attained puberty, the number of follicles was greater for those on lower feed intakes. It would appear that rate of fat deposition, but not necessarily the total amount of fat, plays an important role in puberty attainment.
Tarramba leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala cv. Tarramba) foliage had per kilogram dry matter, 169 g protein and 29.8 g condensed tannins. Its value as a supplement, given either with or without urea, to sheep given a low-quality Callide Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana cv. Callide) hay was studied. Six rumen fistulated sheep (mean +/- s.d. liveweight, 34 +/- 1.4 kg) were used to compare 6 dietary treatments in an incomplete latin square design. Rhodes grass hay was given ad libitum either alone, or with urea 7 g/day (U), or with leucaena 150 g/day (L150), or leucaena with urea (L150U), or leucaena 300 g/day (L300), or leucaena with urea (L300U). Digestible organic matter intake was increased significantly by leucaena supplementation although digestibility of the whole diet did not alter. Rumen fluid ammonia-N was not altered by leucaena supplementation, but was increased by urea. This suggests that Tarramba foliage protein has some resistance to ruminal degradation. Liquid and solids passage rates were not affected by the treatments. Microbial nitrogen supply to the intestine (g/day), and the efficiency of microbial nitrogen synthesis (g/kg organic matter apparently digested in the rumen), were increased by leucaena supplementation (P
The effects of castration on the primal joints and the cuts of the leg joint of Javan rusa (Cervus timorensis russa) stag carcases was investigated at three slaughter ages (13, 19 and 25 months). Castration reduced the weights of some primal joints in the 19- and 25-months age groups, but not at 13 months. At 19 months, the neck, and neck plus chuck, were heavier by 35 and 17% respectively in entires (P < 0.05), and at 25 months entires had heavier carcases, shoulder, forequarter and hindquarter (P < 0.05). The leg and saddle joints were approximately 39 and 18% of the side, respectively, for both treatments and all ages. The proportions of the neck, and neck plus chuck, were higher (P < 0.05) in 19-month old entires than castrates. There were few significant differences between treatments in the weight or proportion of the hind leg cuts at any slaughter age, but in the 25-months group the silverside was 8% (P < 0.05) heavier in entires. In both castrates and entires, there appeared to be an increase in the percentage of the rump as the animals grew from 13 to 19 months of age. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To test the effect of liquid feeds on the responses to splanchnic ischaemia of a continuous rapid response PCO2 sensor inserted in the jejunum. Design: Prospective experimental animal study in a university research laboratory. Subjects: Adult male Wistar rats. Interventions: Adult male Wistar rats (285-425 g) were anaethetised with sodium pentobarbitone 60 mg/ kg i.p. and ventilated with 100 % oxygen and isoflurane via tracheostomy to a PaCO2 of 30-40 mmHg. A sensor was inserted into the mid-jejunum to record PCO2 every second. Distal aortic pressure was transduced. Four control rats received no feeds whilst in another four rats liquid feed was infused into the proximal jejunum at 3 ml/h. In each rat five episodes of splanchnic ischaemia were induced by 2-min elevations of an aortic sling to a mean distal aortic pressure of 30 mmHg. Measurements and main results: PCO2 elevations were always detectable, usually less than a minute from the onset of splanchnic ischaemia in both fed and unfed rats, with no difference in mean times to detectable response. In the fed rats there was a small but significant increase in the time to peak sensor response (196 +/- 16 vs. 180 +/- 12 s) and a trend towards an elevated mean baseline luminal PCO2 (67 +/- 9 vs. 55 +/- 4 mmHg). Conclusions: Brief episodes of splanchnic ischaemia were tracked successfully by a rapid response jejunal continuous PCO2 sensor during the infusion of a proprietary liquid feed preparation despite minor changes in PCO2 response characteristics and a possible elevation in baseline luminal PCO2.
Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive copper transport disorder resulting from defective biliary excretion of copper and subsequent hepatic copper accumulation and liver failure if not treated. The disease is caused by mutations in the ATP7B (WND) gene, which is expressed predominantly in the liver and encodes a copper-transporting P-type ATPase that is structurally and functionally similar to the Menkes protein (MNK), which is defective in the X-linked copper transport disorder Menkes disease. The toxic milk (tx) mouse has a clinical phenotype similar to Wilson disease patients and, recently, the tx mutation within the murine WND homologue (Wnd) of this mouse was identified, establishing it as an animal model for Wilson disease. In this study, cDNA constructs encoding the wild-type (Wnd-wt) and mutant (Wnd-tx) Wilson proteins (Wnd) were generated and expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The fx mutation disrupted the copper-induced relocalization of Wnd in CHO cells and abrogated Wnd-mediated copper resistance of transfected CHO cells. In addition, co-localization experiments demonstrated that while Wnd and MNK are located in the trans-Golgi network in basal copper conditions, with elevated copper, these proteins are sorted to different destinations within the same cell, Ultrastructural studies showed that with elevated copper levels, Wnd accumulated in large multivesicular structures resembling late endosomes that may represent a novel compartment for copper transport. The data presented provide further support for a relationship between copper transport activity and the copper-induced relocalization response of mammalian copper ATPases, and an explanation at a molecular level for the observed phenotype of fx mice.
It is now 35 years since Brandtzaeg and Kraus (1965) published their seminal work entitled Autoimmunity and periodontal disease. Initially, this work led to the concept that destructive periodontitis was a localized hypersensitivity reaction involving immune complex formation within the tissues. In 1970, Ivanyi and Lehner highlighted a possible role for cell-mediated immunity, which stimulated a flurry of activity centered on the role of lymphokines such as osteoclast-activating factor (OAF), macrophage-activating factor (MAF), macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF), and myriad others. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, attention focused on the role of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, and it was thought that periodontal destruction occurred as a series of acute exacerbations. As well, at this stage doubt was being cast on the concept that there was a neutrophil chemotactic defect in periodontitis patients. Once it was realized that neutrophils were primarily protective and that severe periodontal destruction occurred in the absence of these cells, attention swung back to the role of lymphocytes and in particular the regulatory role of T-cells. By this time in the early 1990s, while the roles of interleukin (IL)-1, prostaglandin (PG) E-2, and metalloproteinases as the destructive mediators in periodontal disease were largely understood, the control and regulation of these cytokines remained controversial. With the widespread acceptance of the Th1/Th2 paradigm, the regulatory role of T-cells became the main focus of attention, Two apparently conflicting theories have emerged. One is based on direct observations of human lesions, while the other is based on animal model experiments and the inability to demonstrate IL-4 mRNA in gingival extracts. As part of the Controversy series, this review is intended to stimulate debate and hence may appear in some places provocative. In this context, this review will present the case that destructive periodontitis is due to the nature of the lymphocytic infiltrate and is not due to periodic acute exacerbations, nor is it due to the so-called virulence factors of putative periodontal pathogens.