979 resultados para Wrist Posture


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This qualitative nature of work was developed with the participation of a group of students enrolled in the first year of high school from a public school of the state of São Paulo, in the city of Taubaté. Their goal was to determine how students deal with geometry tasks in investigative classes. To guide this research was drawn up the following question: As students of the first year of high school express their knowledge of building triangles and quads in classes of investigative activities?. The choice of investigative nature of this activity occurred by enhancing student participation and thus generate a greater chance of it not be guided only by what the teacher wants, but by his own curiosity and using their own tools for this. In the data analysis process stands out the interest generated in students for this type of activity and posture maintained throughout the work, mobilizing their expertise to answer the questions posed


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This qualitative nature of work was developed with the participation of a group of students enrolled in the first year of high school from a public school of the state of São Paulo, in the city of Taubaté. Their goal was to determine how students deal with geometry tasks in investigative classes. To guide this research was drawn up the following question: As students of the first year of high school express their knowledge of building triangles and quads in classes of investigative activities?. The choice of investigative nature of this activity occurred by enhancing student participation and thus generate a greater chance of it not be guided only by what the teacher wants, but by his own curiosity and using their own tools for this. In the data analysis process stands out the interest generated in students for this type of activity and posture maintained throughout the work, mobilizing their expertise to answer the questions posed


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Esse estudo teve como objetivo examinar possíveis alterações na dinâmica intrínseca de crianças e adultos decorrentes de informações externas na realização de uma tarefa de manutenção da postura ereta. Participaram do estudo dez crianças de 8 anos de idade e dez adultos jovens de ambos os gêneros. Eles permaneceram na posição ereta dentro de uma sala móvel que foi movimentada continuamente para frente e para trás. Os participantes recebiam informação sobre o movimento da sala e eram solicitados a não oscilar ou a oscilar junto com o movimento da mesma. Os resultados mostraram que a manipulação da informação visual induziu oscilação corporal correspondente (dinâmica intrínseca) em crianças e adultos. Informação sobre o movimento da sala e solicitação de uma ação (informação comportamental) alteraram o relacionamento entre informação visual e oscilação corporal. Crianças apresentaram mais dificuldades em alterar a dinâmica intrínseca do que adultos, indicando que elas são mais dependentes da dinâmica intrínseca do que adultos. Esses resultados trazem implicações importantes para a situação de ensino-aprendizagem, pois indica que aprendizagem envolvendo crianças deve ser estruturada propiciando condições mais favoráveis para alterações na dinâmica intrínseca para que os objetivos da mesma sejam alcançados.


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Introduction: The progress in technology, associated to the high survival rate in premature newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units, causes an increase in morbidity. Individuals with CP present complex motor alterations, with primary deficits of abnormal muscle tone affecting posture and voluntary movement, alteration of balance and coordination, decrease of force, and loss of selective motor control with secondary problems of contractures and bone deformities. Objective: The aim of this work is to describe the spontaneous movement and strategies that lead infants with cerebral palsy to move. Methods: Seven infants used to receive assistance at the Essential Stimulation Center of CIAM (Israeli Center for Multidisciplinary Support - Philanthropic Institution), with ages ranging between six and 18 months with diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) were assessed. Results: The results show the difficulty presented by the infants with respect to the spontaneous motor functions and the necessity of help from the caregiver in order to perform the functional activity (mobility). Prematurity prevails as the major risk factor among the complications. Conclusion: The child development can be understood as a product of the dynamic interactions involving the infant, the family, and the context. Thus, the social interactions and family environment in which the infant live may encourage or limit both the acquisition of skills and the functional independence.


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Optimal levels of noise stimulation have been shown to enhance the detection and transmission of neural signals thereby improving the performance of sensory and motor systems. The first series of experiments in the present study aimed to investigate whether subsensory electrical noise stimulation applied over the triceps surae (TS) in seated subjects decreases torque variability during a force-matching task of isometric plantar flexion and whether the same electrical noise stimulation decreases postural sway during quiet stance. Correlation tests were applied to investigate whether the noise-induced postural sway decrease is linearly predicted by the noise-induced torque variability decrease. A second series of experiments was conducted to investigate whether there are differences in torque variability between conditions in which the subsensory electrical noise is applied only to the TS, only to the tibialis anterior (TA) and to both TS and TA, during the force-matching task with seated subjects. Noise stimulation applied over the TS muscles caused a significant reduction in force variability during the maintained isometric force paradigm and also decreased postural oscillations during quiet stance. Moreover, there was a significant correlation between the reduction in force fluctuation and the decrease in postural sway with the electrical noise stimulation. This last result indicates that changes in plantar flexion force variability in response to a given subsensory random stimulation of the TS may provide an estimate of the variations in postural sway caused by the same subsensory stimulation of the TS. We suggest that the decreases in force variability and postural sway found here are due to stochastic resonance that causes an improved transmission of proprioceptive information. In the second series of experiments, the reduction in force variability found when noise was applied to the TA muscle alone did not reach statistical significance, suggesting that TS proprioception gives a better feedback to reduce force fluctuation in isometric plantar flexion conditions.


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OBJETIVO: Discutir o diagnóstico diferencial das encefalites além daquelas de etiologia infecciosa, e alertar os pediatras para a possibilidade do diagnóstico de encefalite anti-receptor N-metil-D-aspartato (rNMDA) na população pediátrica, destacando suas principais características clínicas. DESCRIÇÃO: Três pacientes apresentaram-se com uma síndrome neuropsiquiátrica inicial seguida de encefalopatia e transtornos de movimento. As características neuropsiquiátricas iniciais se desenvolveram ao longo de dias ou semanas, com mudanças comportamentais, ansiedade, confusão mental e regressão da fala. Em seguida, os pacientes evoluíram com distúrbios de movimento, caracterizados por coreoatetose ou distonia, acometendo a região orofacial e os membros. Após a exclusão das principais causas de encefalite, foram identificados anticorpos anti-rNMDA no soro e no líquido cefalorraquidiano. Não foram detectadas neoplasias durante a investigação etiológica. Os pacientes foram submetidos a imunossupressão, e dois deles tiveram uma recuperação neurológica completa. Um deles ainda apresenta uma postura distônica leve em um dos membros. COMENTÁRIOS: Os sinais clínicos de encefalite anti-rNMDA em crianças são semelhantes aos anteriormente descritos em adultos. Tumores geralmente não são detectados nessa idade. O diagnóstico de encefalite anti-rNMDA deve ser abordado após a exclusão de outras causas de encefalite na infância, como as de origem infecciosa. Pediatras devem estar atentos a essa condição autoimune passível de tratamento.


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Internal hip rotation (IHR) is the major cause of intoeing gait in patients with cerebral palsy (CP). Femoral derotation osteotomy (FDO) is the preferred treatment to correct excessive anteversion, however the condition may persist or recur postoperatively. Retrospective clinical and kinematic evaluation of 75 spastic diplegic CP patients was conducted for a mean duration of 22 months following proximal FDO. The patients were divided into two groups depending on the correction or persistence of IHR evident at kinematics after surgery. If corrected, mean patient follow-up was extended to 53 months. Outcomes were analyzed using Two Proportions Equality, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests. IHR persisted in 33.3% of cases at mean follow-up of 22 months and subtrochanteric femur osteotomy was more frequent in this group (p = 0.033). Thirty-five of the fifty-four patients with first-round gait correction were monitored during the extended follow-up. Those for whom IHR recurred (9.5%) had undergone FDO at a comparatively younger age. Patient gender, operations prior to or at the time of femoral osteotomy, topographic classification, GMFCS level, or the extent of preoperative clinical and kinematic abnormalities had no apparent influence on persistence or recurrence of abnormal gait. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trata-se de estudo clínico randomizado, simples cego, com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia da auriculoterapia verdadeira e placebo na diminuição dos níveis de estresse em alunos de nível médio, da Escola de Enfermagem do Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa. Setenta e um estudantes com escores médio, alto e altíssimo, pela Lista de Sintomas de Estresse de Vasconcellos, foram divididos em 3 grupos: controle (25), auriculoterapia (24) e placebo/Sham (22). Foram avaliados, no início, com 8, 12 sessões e follow-up (15 dias) e receberam os pontos Shen Men, tronco cerebral (auriculoterapia) e punho e ouvido externo (placebo/Sham). Na análise de variância (Anova) constataram-se diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os grupos controle/auriculoterapia a partir de 8 sessões, mantendo-se após a terceira e a quarta avaliação (p=0,000) e entre controle/placebo (p<0,05), nas três avaliações. Concluiu-se que a auriculoterapia verdadeira obteve melhores respostas (45,39%) do que o placebo (34,18%) na redução do estresse, mas recomendam-se mais estudos para reavaliação de pontos Sham para estresse. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01420848.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of anthropometric characteristics and gender on postural balance in adults. One hundred individuals were examined (50 males, 50 females; age range 20-40 years). METHODS: The following body composition measurements were collected (using bone densitometry measurements): fat percentage (% fat), tissue (g), fat (g), lean mass (g), bone mineral content (g), and bone mineral density (g/cm(2)). In addition, the following anthropometric measurements were collected: body mass (kg), height (cm), length of the trunk-cephalic region (cm), length of the lower limbs (cm) and length of the upper limbs (cm). The following indices were calculated: body mass index (kg/m(2)), waist-hip ratio and the support base (cm 2). Also, a postural balance test was performed using posturography variables with open and closed eyes. RESULTS: The analysis revealed poor correlations between postural balance and the anthropometric variables. A multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that the whole group (female and male) height explained 12% of the medial-lateral displacement, 10% of the speed of oscillation, and 11% of the displacement area. The length of the trunk-cephalic length explained 6% of the displacement in the anteroposterior direction. With eyes closed, the support base and height explained 18% of the medial displacement, and the lateral height explained 10% of the displacement speed and 5% of the scroll area. CONCLUSION: Measured using posturography, the postural balance was only slightly influenced by the anthropometric variables, both with open and closed eyes. Height was the anthropometric variable that most influenced postural balance, both in the whole group and separately for each gender. Postural balance was more influenced by anthropometric factors in males than females.


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Background: Evidence of self-sustained muscle activation following a brief electrical stimulation has been reported in the literature for certain muscles. Objectives: This report shows that the foot muscle (Flexor Digitorum Brevis - FDB) shows a self-sustained increase in muscle activity during upright stance in some subjects following a train of stimuli to the tibial nerve. Methods: Healthy subjects were requested to stand upright and surface EMG electrodes were placed on the FDB, Soleus and Tibialis Anterior muscles. After background muscle activity (BGA) acquisition, a 50 Hz train of stimuli was applied to the tibial nerve at the popliteal fossa. The root mean square values (RMS) of the BGA and the post-stimulus muscle activation were computed. Results: There was a 13.8% average increase in the FDB muscle EMG amplitude with respect to BGA after the stimulation was turned off. The corresponding post-stimulus Soleus EMG activity decreased by an average of 9.2%. We hypothesize that the sustained contraction observed in the FDB following stimulus may be evidence of persistent inward currents (PIC) generated in FDB spinal motoneurons. The post-stimulus decrease in soleus activity may have occurred due to the action of inhibitory interneurons caused by the PICs, which were triggered by the stimulus train. Conclusions: These sustained post-stimulation changes in postural muscle activity, found in different levels in different subjects, may be part of a set of possible responses that contribute to overall postural control.


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The objective of the present study is to propose a method to dynamically evaluate discomfort of a passenger seat by measuring the interface pressure between the occupant and the seat during the performance of the most common activities of a typical flight(1). This article reports the results of resting and reading studies performed in a simulator that represents the interior of a commercial aircraft.


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Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) presents changes in posture and movement as a core characteristic, which requires therapeutic monitoring during the habilitation or rehabilitation of children. Besides clinical treatment, it is fundamental that professionals use systems of evaluation to quantify the difficulties presented to the individual and assist in the organization of a therapeutic program. The aim of this study was to quantitatively verify the performance of children with spastic di-paresia type CP. Methods: The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFM) tests were used and classification made through the GMFCS in the assessment of 7 patients with CP, 4 females and 3 males, average age of 9 years old. Results: According to GMFCS scales, 17% (n=1) were level II and 83% (n=6) were level III. The PEDI test and 88 GMFM items were used in the area of mobility. We observed that there was high correlation between mobility and gross motor function with Pearson's correlation coefficient =0.929) showing the likely impact of these areas in the functional skills and the quality of life of these patients. Conclusion: We suggest the impact of the limitation of the areas in functional skills and quality of life of these patients.