998 resultados para Weak zone


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Monotonicity with respect to all arguments is fundamental to the definition of aggregation functions. Here we study means that are not necessarily monotone. Weak monotonicity was recently proposed as a relaxation of the monotonicity condition for averaging functions. We provide results for the weak monotonicity of some importantclasses of mixture functions. With these results we are able to extend and improve the understanding of this very important class of functions.


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This thesis provides insights into the spatial and temporal patterns of movement in nomadic waterfowl, the response of birds to rapid environmental change, behavioural flexibility of avian movements and the ability of birds to locate seemingly unpredictable water bodies in vast arid landscapes.


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Abstract Novel magnetite-carbon nanofiber hybrids (denoted by Fe3O4@CNFs) have been developed by coating carbon nanofibers (CNFs) with magnetite nanoparticles in order to align CNFs in epoxy using a relatively weak magnetic field. Experimental results have shown that a weak magnetic field (∼mT) can align these newly-developed nanofiber hybrids to form a chain-like structure in the epoxy resin. Upon curing, the epoxy nanocomposites containing the aligned Fe3O4@CNFs show (i) greatly improved electrical conductivity in the alignment direction and (ii) significantly higher fracture toughness when the Fe3O4@CNFs are aligned normal to the crack surface, compared to the nanocomposites containing randomly-oriented Fe3O4@CNFs. The mechanisms underpinning the significant improvements in the fracture toughness have been identified, including interfacial debonding, pull-out, crack bridging and rupture of the Fe3O4@CNFs, and plastic void growth in the polymer matrix.


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Weak monotonicity was recently proposed as a relaxation of the monotonicity condition for averaging aggregation, and weakly monotone functions were shown to have desirable properties when averaging data corrupted with outliers or noise. We extended the study of weakly monotone averages by analyzing their ϕ-transforms, and we established weak monotonicity of several classes of averaging functions, in particular Gini means and mixture operators. Mixture operators with Gaussian weighting functions were shown to be weakly monotone for a broad range of their parameters. This study assists in identifying averaging functions suitable for data analysis and image processing tasks in the presence of outliers.


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Microstructures and Charpy impact properties have been examined in two microalloyed steels following heat treatments to simulate weld heat affected zone (HAZ) structures over a range of heat input conditions, characterised by the cooling time from 800 to 500°C (Δt8/5). The base materials were low carbon structural steel plates microalloyed with vanadium and nitrogen (V-N) and niobium (Nb), respectively. The toughnesses of the HAZs displayed remarkably different behaviours as shown by their impact transition temperatures. For the V-N steel, the toughness improved with increasingly rapid cooling (low heat input conditions) whereas the Nb steel showed an opposite trend. Some of this behaviour could be explained by the presence of coarse ferrite grains in the slowly cooled V-N steel. However, other conditions where all the structures were bainitic and rather similar in optical micrographs gave widely different toughness values. The recently developed method of five dimensional boundary analysis based on electron backscattering diffraction has been applied to these cases for the first time. This showed that the lath boundaries in the bainite were predominantly on {1 1 0} planes of the ferrite and that the average spacing of these boundaries varied depending on steel composition and cooling rate. Since {1 1 0} is also the slip plane in ferrite, it is considered that close spacing between the lath boundaries inhibits general plasticity at stress concentrations and favours initiation of fracture. The differences between the two steels are believed to be due to their transformation behaviours on cooling where precipitation of vanadium nitride in austenite accelerates ferrite formation and raises the temperature of the phase transformation in V-N steels.


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This article examines why firms in Shanghai comply or over-comply with social insurance obligations in a regulatory environment where the expected punishment for non-compliance is low. Our first finding is that firms found to be in non-compliance in the first audit in 2001 were moved into a separate violation category and the probability of being reaudited in 2002 was significantly higher if the firm was in that category. Our second main result is that, across the board, firms which were reaudited continued to underpay in 2002 but the extent of underpayment was significantly reduced. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Assessing patterns of fisheries activity at a scale related to resource exploitation has received particular attention in recent times. However, acquiring data about the distribution and spatiotemporal allocation of catch and fishing effort in small scale benthic fisheries remains challenging. Here, we used GIS-based spatio-statistical models to investigate the footprint of commercial diving events on blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) stocks along the south-west coast of Victoria, Australia from 2008 to 2011. Using abalone catch data matched with GPS location we found catch per unit of fishing effort (CPUE) was not uniformly spatially and temporally distributed across the study area. Spatial autocorrelation and hotspot analysis revealed significant spatiotemporal clusters of CPUE (with distance thresholds of 100's of meters) among years, indicating the presence of CPUE hotspots focused on specific reefs. Cumulative hotspot maps indicated that certain reef complexes were consistently targeted across years but with varying intensity, however often a relatively small proportion of the full reef extent was targeted. Integrating CPUE with remotely-sensed light detection and ranging (LiDAR) derived bathymetry data using generalized additive mixed model corroborated that fishing pressure primarily coincided with shallow, rugose and complex components of reef structures. This study demonstrates that a geospatial approach is efficient in detecting patterns and trends in commercial fishing effort and its association with seafloor characteristics.


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Resumo não disponível.


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This dissertation deals with the problem of making inference when there is weak identification in models of instrumental variables regression. More specifically we are interested in one-sided hypothesis testing for the coefficient of the endogenous variable when the instruments are weak. The focus is on the conditional tests based on likelihood ratio, score and Wald statistics. Theoretical and numerical work shows that the conditional t-test based on the two-stage least square (2SLS) estimator performs well even when instruments are weakly correlated with the endogenous variable. The conditional approach correct uniformly its size and when the population F-statistic is as small as two, its power is near the power envelopes for similar and non-similar tests. This finding is surprising considering the bad performance of the two-sided conditional t-tests found in Andrews, Moreira and Stock (2007). Given this counter intuitive result, we propose novel two-sided t-tests which are approximately unbiased and can perform as well as the conditional likelihood ratio (CLR) test of Moreira (2003).


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Na América Latina, um vasto legado de regimes militares tem contribuído para o fortalecimento de uma cultura de sigilo nos governos. Além da defesa da pátria contra a ameaça comunista, a maioria destes golpes se deveu a um senso de dever das Forças Armadas em preservar o Estado. Deste ponto de vista, os próprios militares seriam os mais qualificados para determinar quando e como intervir na ordem política interna. No entanto, justificar a intervenção militar na ordem política interna é sempre um empreendimento repleto de contradições e riscos graves para a liberdade. Este contexto levou os estudiosos e autoridades a repensarem o controle civil sobre os militares, e a redefinirem os papéis das forças armadas. Neste processo de consolidação da democracia, os militares ainda mantêm alguns poderes políticos e de veto dentro dos governos civis. O controle civil democrático das Forças Armadas na América Latina enfrenta a falta de incentivos políticos para os civis a se envolverem e se especializarem no assunto, já que não há ameaças internas, quer externas observadas. De fato, a região tem sido considerada como uma "zona de paz", onde os esforços diplomáticos prevaleceriam sobre conflitos armados. A promulgação de leis de acesso à informação pública (LAI) abre uma maneira inteiramente nova de escrutínio público – uma democracia monitorial, que afeta diretamente a autonomia militar e sua cultura organizacional. No estudo do surgimento e da força legal das LAI na América Latina, as relações entre civis e militares não foram consideradas em profundidade como um fator influente. Buscou-se traçar uma relação entre, por um lado, a existência de LAI, a data de aprovação da LAI e sua força geral e exceções, e por outro lado, as relações civis-militares na América Latina. Um número considerável de países suporta que as relações civis-militares influenciam a regulamentação das exceções e o momento em que a lei foi aprovada. Há uma tendência geral na América Latina a adotar LAI fracas na regulamentação de exceções. Também foi feito um estudo de caso do Brasil, país muito representativo da influência militar na política. Concluiu-se que as relações entre civis e militares no Brasil foram um fator de grande influência na aprovação final da LAI no país. Este estudo contribui para a construção de uma ponte entre as agendas de pesquisa de transparência e de relações civis-militares, com várias possibilidades de estudos de casos comparados.


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We present a continuous time target zone model of speculative attacks. Contrary to most of the literature that considers the certainty case, i.e., agents know for sure the Central Bank behavior in the future, we build uncertainty into the madel in two different ways. First, we consider the case in whicb the leveI of reserves at which the central bank lets the regime collapse is uncertain. Alternatively, we ana1ize the case in which, with some probability, the government may cbange its policy reducing the initially positive trend in domestic credito In both cases, contrary to the case of a fixed exchange rate regime, speculators face a cost of launching a tentative attack that may not succeed. Such cost induces a delay and may even prevent its occurrence. At the time of the tentative attack, the exchange rate moves either discretely up, if the attack succeeds, or down, if it fails. The remlts are consistent with the fact that, typically, an attack involves substantial profits and losses for the speculators. In particular, if agents believed that the government will control fiscal imbalances in the future, or alternatively, if they believe the trend in domestic credit to be temporary, the attack is postponed even in the presence of a signal of an imminent collapse. Finally, we aIso show that the timing of a speculative attack increases with the width of the target zone.


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Imagem componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).