988 resultados para VAR estrutural
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Se desarrolló una bebida probiótica utilizando Aloe perfoliata var. vera (Sábila) y una cepa liofilizada de Lactobacillus casei shirota. a partir de la obtención del jugo de las hojas de la planta Aloe perfoliata var. vera (sábila); el cual se utilizó en proporciones 10% (50 mL), 15% (75 mL), 20% (100 mL); se le agregó Goma Xantan como estabilizante, Ácido Cítrico como regulador de la acidez, azúcar de caña sin refinar como edulcorante y agua purificada. Se procedió a pasteurizar la bebida, para la posterior incorporación del microrganismo estandarizado Lactobacillus casei shirota a la concentración de 107 UFC/mL. Se realizó la medición de los parámetros de pH y Grados Brix, y además la determinación de Escherichia coli al jugo de Aloe perfoliata var. vera (sábila) sin pasteurizar y pasteurizado; Así mismo se evaluó la estabilidad del microorganismo estandarizado Lactobacillus casei shirota a la concentración de 107 UFC/mL en el jugo de Aloe perfoliata var. vera, mediante recuento en placa en agar MRS, durante los periodos de 1, 2, 5, 8 y 15 días. Finalmente, se realizó la prueba sensorial de Análisis Descriptivo Cualitativo que se llevó a cabo con dos grupos de catadores, un grupo conformado 25 docentes y el otro por 25 estudiantes, a los cuales se les dió una muestra de 30 mL de la bebida para valorar las características sensoriales y la aceptabilidad de la bebida con relación al aspecto, color, olor, sabor (dulce, acido, residual), fluidez, grumosidad y calidad general. Tomando en cuenta del estudio estabilidad de Lactobacillus casei shirora en el jugo de Aloe perfoliata var. vera pasteurizado, se concluyó que la muestra que brinda mejor estabilidad al componente probiótico es la muestra 2. (15% de jugo de sábila) cuya de una concentración inicial de 7.00E+07 UFC/mL que se mantiene por espacio de 2 días con una concentración superior a 1.00E+06 UFC/mL, finalizando a los 15 días con 6.00E+07UFC/mL, alcanzando el requerimiento mínimo 106 necesario para que la bebida sea considerada como probiótica; además en la prueba sensorial del análisis descriptivo cuantitativo la muestra 2 (15% de jugo de sábila), presento una buena aceptabilidad, tanto en estudiantes como en docentes, ambos géneros; logrando obtener un resultado de calidad general aceptable; el tiempo de vida útil de la bebida preparada fue de 8 días, considerando tanto los valores de pH y Grados Brix que presentaron una disminución luego de transcurrido el octavo día de análisis.
Due to the occurrence of diseases in the use of structural reinforcements in composites, with presentation of concrete blanket detachment, has been identified the need to evaluate the performance of concrete reinforced with glass fiber. This study aims to evaluate these concretes by means of testing methodologies, using concrete with low resistance with structural reinforcement for confinement by preimpregnated glass fiber and traditional fiberglass blanket. The first stage of work was the development of methodologies for analysis, opting for four types, such as the acoustic survey, strength to compressive, the pull-off and ultrasound. Next, tests were carried out using the four selected methodologies in 30 of proof-of-specimens by 5x10 cm, 15 were reinforced with the traditional fiberglass blanket with 5specimens exposed to test a marine environment of marine coastline of Natal-RN and 15 were reinforced with a pre-impregnated glass fiber blanket, as well as 5specimens exposed to a test environment of the marine coastline of Natal-RN. After conducting the acoustic survey, it has been verified a lack of delaminating and air bubbles in the samples, confirming the absence of gross shortcomings in the implementation of the ribs both the traditional fiberglass blanket and in the preimpregnated fiber glass blanket. After carrying out methods of pull-off and compressive strengthening test it was observed that the reinforced proof-bodies with pre-impregnated glass blanket showed maximum stresses higher than the traditional fiberglass blanket; consequently a greater grip with the formation of a smaller area of . fracture, unlike traditional glass mat, which showed lower maximum stresses, with a greater area of fracture. It was also found that the traditional fiberglass blanket presented detachment of blanket-concrete interface, unlike the pre-impregnated fiberglass blanket, which showed a better grip on the blanket-concrete interface. In the trial of ultrasound there was no presence of cracks in the blanket-concrete interface, yielding to both blankets good compactness of the concrete. At the end of this work, they were developed and proposed two methods of testing for evaluation of reinforced concrete structures with composites, for standardization, the acoustic survey and pull-off
Bahadur representation and its applications have attracted a large number of publications and presentations on a wide variety of problems. Mixing dependency is weak enough to describe the dependent structure of random variables, including observations in time series and longitudinal studies. This note proves the Bahadur representation of sample quantiles for strongly mixing random variables (including ½-mixing and Á-mixing) under very weak mixing coe±cients. As application, the asymptotic normality is derived. These results greatly improves those recently reported in literature.
Over recent years the structural ceramics industry in Brazil has found a very favorable market for growth. However, difficulties related to productivity and product quality are partially inhibiting this possible growth. An alternative for trying to solve these problems and, thus, provide the pottery industry the feasibility of full development, is the substitution of firewood used in the burning process by natural gas. In order to contribute to this process of technological innovation, this paper studies the effect of co-use of ceramic phyllite and kaolin waste on the properties of a clay matrix, verifying the possible benefits that these raw materials can give to the final product, as well as the possibility of such materials to reduce the heat load necessary to obtain products with equal or superior quality. The study was divided into two steps: characterization of materials and study of formulations. Two clays, a phyllite and a residue of kaolin were characterized by the following techniques: laser granulometry, plasticity index by Atterberg limits, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, mineralogical composition by Rietveld, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis. To study the formulations, specifically for evaluation of technological properties of the parts, was performed an experimental model that combined planning involving a mixture of three components (standard mass x phyllite x kaolin waste) and a 23 factorial design with central point associated with thermal processing parameters. The experiment was performed with restricted strip-plot randomization. In total, 13 compositional points were investigated within the following constraints: phyllite ≤ 20% by weight, kaolin waste ≤ 40% by weight, and standard mass ≥ 60% by weight. The thermal parameters were used at the following levels: 750 and 950 °C to the firing temperature, 5 and 15 °C/min at the heating rate, 15 and 45min to the baseline. The results showed that the introduction of phyllite and/or kaolin waste in ceramic body produced a number of benefits in properties of the final product, such as: decreased absorption of water, apparent porosity and linear retraction at burn; besides the increase in apparent specific mass and mechanical properties of parts. The best results were obtained in the compositional points where the sum of the levels of kaolin waste and phyllite was maximal (40% by weight), as well as conditions which were used in firing temperatures of 950 °C. Regarding the prospect of savings in heat energy required to form the desired microstructure, the phyllite and the residue of kaolin, for having small particle sizes and constitutions mineralogical phases with the presence of fluxes, contributed to the optimization of the firing cycle.
This work regards to the structural conception as a formal element of design in wood architecture. On this approach, the group of projects studied is formed by some realized works of two important Brazilian architects: Severiano Porto and Marcos Acayaba. The time interval comprises the period from 1971 to 1997, which correspond respectively to the years of the creation of first and the last of the analyzed constructions. The research perspective concerns to the relationship between the parts, the whole and the building techniques adopted in each project. Moreover, the analysis focuses on the structure as the link among the different projectual ideas. Thus, the research method firstly includes a survey of specific bibliographies and documents which refer to the structural conception in wood architecture. Secondly,the buildings are analyzed according to the methods of architectural composition discussed through this work.
O processamento térmico de materiais cerâmicos via energia de microondas, no estágio atual, vem ganhando cada dia mais importância, tendo em vista suas inúmeras aplicações, como por exemplo: aplicação de microondas na área de processamento mineral (aquecimento de minérios antes da moagem, secagem, redução carbotérmica de óxidos minerais, lixiviação, fusão, pré-tratamento de minérios e concentrados de ouro refratário, regeneração de carvão, etc. de acordo com Kigman & Rowson, 1998). Em virtude de uma série de vantagens em potencial, frente aos métodos convencionais de aquecimento, como redução no tempo de processamento; economia de energia; diminuição do diâmetro médio das partículas e melhoramento nas propriedades tecnológicas em geral, esta tecnologia vem se destacando. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho, é desenvolver uma pesquisa visando identificar e caracterizar novas opções de matérias-primas cerâmicas como argilas, feldspatos e caulins que sejam eficazes para definir a formulação de uma ou mais massas para produção de componentes de cerâmica estrutural com propriedades físicas, mecânicas e estéticas adequadas após passarem por sinterização convencional e por energia de microondas destacando as vantagens desta última. Além dos requisitos técnicos e de processo, as formulações apresentadas deverão atender às expectativas de preço e de logística de fornecimento. No estudo foram conformados corpos-de-prova por extrusão e prensagem, sinterizados em fornos microondas e convencional, sob ciclos de queima mais rápidos que os atualmente praticados. As matérias-primas foram caracterizadas e analisadas, utilizando as técnicas de fluorescência por raios X (FRX), difração por raios X (DRX), análise térmica diferencial (DTA), análise térmica gravimétrica (DTG), análise granulométrica (AG), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), absorção d agua (AA), massa especifica aparente (MEA), porosidade aparente (PA), retração linear (RL) e tensão de ruptura e flexão (TRF). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as propriedades tecnológicas de Absorção de água (AA) e Tensão de Ruptura e flexão (TRF), proposto no trabalho foram adquiridos com sucesso e estão bem além do limite exigido pelas especificações das normas da ABNT NBR 15.270/05 e 15.310/09
El incremento en la perturbación ambiental y la presión mundial para preservar la selva amazónica han fomentado el cultivo de especies nativas. Con el objetivo de evaluar el crecimiento de Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) barneby cultivado en presencia de componentes agrícolas como Ananas comosus var. erectifolius, se desarrolló un estudio en la Estación Experimental de la empresa Tramontina Belem S.A., ubicada en la Ciudad de Aurora do Pará (PA), Brasil. El diseño experimental fue factorial de bloques completos al azar con parcelas subdivididas en el tiempo, para que los arreglos formaron los tratamientos de la parcela y las subparcelas fueron el tiempo de observación, con seis tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones: 1) S. parahyba var. amazonicum, Cordia goeldiana y Switenia macrophylla:GLC; 2) S. parahyba var. amazonicum, C. goeldiana, S. macrophylla y A. comosus var. erectifolius: GLCc; 3) S. parahyba var. amazonicum y C. goeldiana: GL; 4) S. parahyba var. amazonicum, C. goeldiana y A.comosus var. erectifolius; GLCc; 5) S. parahyba var. amazonicum: G; y 6) S.parahyba var. amazonicum y A. comosus var. Erectifolius: Gc. La distancia entre las especies forestales fue 4 x 3 m y para las plantas de A. comosus 0.80 m x 0.50 m. El tamaño de la parcela fue 18 x 24 m con cuatro repeticiones por tratamiento, el total de parcelas fue 24 y de área experimental 10 368 m2. Las variables analizadas para inferir el crecimiento del componente forestal fueron altura (H) y diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP), cada 6 meses durante 3 años. En los seis sistemas de cultivo la tasa semestral de crecimiento de la altura y DAP de S. parahyba var. amazonicum fue mayor en los dos primeros años, y siguió con una tendencia de crecimiento lento y continuo durante los 36 meses de estudio. El efecto positivo de la presencia de A. comosus var. erectifolius se observó en el crecimiento de las plantas de S. parahyba var.amazonicum.
Tamanho efetivo populacional e diversidade genética em progênies de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis.
Nowadays, composite resins are the direct restorative materials more important in dental clinical performance, due to their versatility and aesthetic excellence. Bis-GMA (2,2-bis[4(2-hydroxy-3-metacryloxypropoxy)phenil]propane) is the base monomer more frequently used in restorative composite resins. However, this monomer presents some disadvantages, such as high viscosity and two aromatic rings in its structure that can promote allergic reactions to the humans. In this work, the main purpose was to synthesize new monomers from glycidyl methacrylate to use in dental restorative materials. Structural characterization of the monomers was carried out through FTIR and NMR 1H, and eight composites were produced from the new monomers, by addition of silane-treated alumino silicate particles (inorganic filler) and a photocuring system (camphorquinone and ethyl 4-dimethylaminebenzoate). The composites were analyzed by environmental scanning electronic microscopy and the water sorption and solubility, compressive strength and elastic modulus were determined. A commercial composite resin [Z100 (3M)] was used to comparison effect. The new composites presented general characteristics similar to the commercial ones; however, they didn t present the properties expected. This behavior was attributed to the lower degree of monomer reaction and to the granulometry and size distribution of the mineral filler in the polymeric matrix
Heating rate is one of the main variables that determine a fire cycle. In industrial processes that use high temperatures, greater fire great can reduce the cost of production and increase productivity. The use of faster and more efficient fire cycles has been little investigated by the structural ceramic industry in Brazil. However, one of the possibilities that aims at modernizing the sector is the use of roller kilns and the inclusion of natural gas as fuel. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of heating rate on the technological properties of structural ceramic products. Clay raw materials from the main ceramic industries in the state of Rio Grande do Norte were characterized. Some of the raw materials characterized were formulated to obtain the best physical and mechanical properties. Next, raw materials and formulations were selected to study the influence of heating rate on the final properties of the ceramic materials. The samples were shaped by pressing and extrusion and submitted to rates of 1 °C/min, 10 °C/min and 20 °C/min, with final temperatures of 850 °C, 950 °C and 1050 °C. Discontinuous cycles with rates of 10 °C/min or 15 °C/min up to 600 °C and a rate of 20 °C/min up to final temperature were also investigated. Technological properties were determined for all the samples and microstructural analysis was carried out under a number of fire conditions. Results indicate that faster and more efficient fire cycles than those currently in practice could be used, limiting only some clay doughs to certain fire conditions. The best results were obtained for the samples submitted to slow cycles up to 600 °C and fast fire sinterization up to 950 °C. This paper presents for the first time the use of a fast fire rate for raw materials and clay formulations and seeks to determine ideal dough and processing conditions for using shorter fire times, thus enabling the use of roller kilns and natural gas in structural ceramic industries
La estimación y gestión del riesgo con la evolución del mercado ha tomado gran relevancia, principalmente en el sector financiero y de capitales, no obstante las variables macroeconómicas que afectan el riesgo en el tiempo son cada vez más volátiles y generan un mayor nivel de incertidumbre; se puede presentar en igual medida o con un mayor impacto en empresas del sector real, principalmente en aquellas cuyas condiciones de valoración causan un mayor impacto para los inversionistas, tal es el caso de las Asociaciones Público Privadas, mecanismos de contratación que vinculan al sector privado con el público en el desarrollo de proyectos de mayor nivel, donde se requiere establecer la valoración y cuantificación del riesgo que cada una de las partes está dispuesto a asumir -- Hoy por hoy existen métodos de medición sofisticados que permiten la estimación del Value at Risk (VaR), los cuales han sido desarrollados principalmente por el sistema financiero, sin contar con una aplicación en el sector real -- Es por eso que surge la necesidad de esta investigación para obtener una metodología que permita estimar el VaR bajo los conceptos teóricos de economía, estadística y simulación
Purpose: This study analyzes the chemical composition of ethanol root extracts of Maesa perlaria var formosana by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Methods: The dried root of Maesa perlaria var formosana was extracted with 95 % ethanol for composition analysis under the following optimum GC-MS conditions: 250 °C inlet temperature, 250 °C MSD detector temperature, and GC oven temperature programmed as follows: initial temperature held at 70 °C for 15 min, then increased at a rate of 2.5 °C/min and held at 170 °C for 15 min; then raised at a rate of 2 °C/min and kept at 180 °C for 20 min; then raised at 2 °C/min and kept at 250 °C for 20 min. Finally, it was raised at 3 °C/min and kept at 280 °C for 15 min. Results: A total of 59 chemical compounds were identified, representing 88.82 % of the composition of the ethanol extracts. The three major components, include 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (16.76 %), stigmasterol (15.86 %) and campesterol (7.33 %). Conclusion: The results show that a total of 59 components were identified in the ethanol extract of Maesa perlaria var. formosana. The major component, 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol, exhibits various biological activities.