968 resultados para Ultrafast switches


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In the field of photonics, two new types of material structures, photonic crystals and metamaterials, are presently of great interest. Both are studied in the present work, which focus on planar magnetic materials in the former and planar gradient metamaterials in the latter. These planar periodic structures are easy to handle and integrate into optical systems. The applications are promising field for future optical telecommunication systems and give rise to new optical, microwave and radio technologies. The photonic crystal part emphasizes the utilization of magnetic material based photonic crystals due to its remarkable magneto-optical characteristics. Bandgaps tuning by magnetic field in bismuth-gadolinium-substituted lutetium iron garnet (Bi0.8 Gd0.2 Lu2.0 Fe5 O12) based one- dimensional photonic crystals are investigated and demonstrated in this work. Magnetic optical switches are fabricated and tested. Waveguide formulation for band structure in magneto photonic crystals is developed. We also for the first time demonstrate and test two- dimensional magneto photonic crystals optical. We observe multi-stopbands in two- dimensional photonic waveguide system and study the origin of multi-stopbands. The second part focus on studying photonic metamaterials and planar gradient photonic metamaterial design. We systematically study the effects of varying the geometry of the fishnet unit cell on the refractive index in optical frequency. It is the first time to design and demonstrate the planar gradient structure in the high optical frequency. Optical beam bending using planar gradient photonic metamaterials is observed. The technologies needed for the fabrication of the planar gradient photonic metamaterials are investigated. Beam steering devices, shifter, gradient optical lenses and etc. can be derived from this design.


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This dissertation discusses structural-electrostatic modeling techniques, genetic algorithm based optimization and control design for electrostatic micro devices. First, an alternative modeling technique, the interpolated force model, for electrostatic micro devices is discussed. The method provides improved computational efficiency relative to a benchmark model, as well as improved accuracy for irregular electrode configurations relative to a common approximate model, the parallel plate approximation model. For the configuration most similar to two parallel plates, expected to be the best case scenario for the approximate model, both the parallel plate approximation model and the interpolated force model maintained less than 2.2% error in static deflection compared to the benchmark model. For the configuration expected to be the worst case scenario for the parallel plate approximation model, the interpolated force model maintained less than 2.9% error in static deflection while the parallel plate approximation model is incapable of handling the configuration. Second, genetic algorithm based optimization is shown to improve the design of an electrostatic micro sensor. The design space is enlarged from published design spaces to include the configuration of both sensing and actuation electrodes, material distribution, actuation voltage and other geometric dimensions. For a small population, the design was improved by approximately a factor of 6 over 15 generations to a fitness value of 3.2 fF. For a larger population seeded with the best configurations of the previous optimization, the design was improved by another 7% in 5 generations to a fitness value of 3.0 fF. Third, a learning control algorithm is presented that reduces the closing time of a radiofrequency microelectromechanical systems switch by minimizing bounce while maintaining robustness to fabrication variability. Electrostatic actuation of the plate causes pull-in with high impact velocities, which are difficult to control due to parameter variations from part to part. A single degree-of-freedom model was utilized to design a learning control algorithm that shapes the actuation voltage based on the open/closed state of the switch. Experiments on 3 test switches show that after 5-10 iterations, the learning algorithm lands the switch with an impact velocity not exceeding 0.2 m/s, eliminating bounce.


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The remarkable advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology over the last two decades allow one to manipulate individuals atoms, molecules and nanostructures, make it possible to build devices with only a few nanometers, and enhance the nano-bio fusion in tackling biological and medical problems. It complies with the ever-increasing need for device miniaturization, from magnetic storage devices, electronic building blocks for computers, to chemical and biological sensors. Despite the continuing efforts based on conventional methods, they are likely to reach the fundamental limit of miniaturization in the next decade, when feature lengths shrink below 100 nm. On the one hand, quantum mechanical efforts of the underlying material structure dominate device characteristics. On the other hand, one faces the technical difficulty in fabricating uniform devices. This has posed a great challenge for both the scientific and the technical communities. The proposal of using a single or a few organic molecules in electronic devices has not only opened an alternative way of miniaturization in electronics, but also brought up brand-new concepts and physical working mechanisms in electronic devices. This thesis work stands as one of the efforts in understanding and building of electronic functional units at the molecular and atomic levels. We have explored the possibility of having molecules working in a wide spectrum of electronic devices, ranging from molecular wires, spin valves/switches, diodes, transistors, and sensors. More specifically, we have observed significant magnetoresistive effect in a spin-valve structure where the non-magnetic spacer sandwiched between two magnetic conducting materials is replaced by a self-assembled monolayer of organic molecules or a single molecule (like a carbon fullerene). The diode behavior in donor(D)-bridge(B)-acceptor(A) type of single molecules is then discussed and a unimolecular transistor is designed. Lastly, we have proposed and primarily tested the idea of using functionalized electrodes for rapid nanopore DNA sequencing. In these studies, the fundamental roles of molecules and molecule-electrode interfaces on quantum electron transport have been investigated based on first-principles calculations of the electronic structure. Both the intrinsic properties of molecules themselves and the detailed interfacial features are found to play critical roles in electron transport at the molecular scale. The flexibility and tailorability of the properties of molecules have opened great opportunity in a purpose-driven design of electronic devices from the bottom up. The results that we gained from this work have helped in understanding the underlying physics, developing the fundamental mechanism and providing guidance for future experimental efforts.


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Magnetic iron garnets as well as magnetic photonic crystals are of great interests in magneto-optic applications such as isolators, current captors, circulators, TE-TM mode conversion, wavelength accordable filters, optical sensors and switches, all of which provide a promising platform for future integrated optical circuits. In the present work, two topics are studied based on magnetic iron garnet films. In the first part, the characteristics of the magnetization are investigated for ridge waveguides fabricated on (100) oriented iron garnet thin films. The magnetic response in magneto-optic waveguides patterned on epitaxial magnetic garnet films depends on the crystallographic orientation of the waveguides and the magnetic anisotropy of the material. These can be studied by polarization rotation hysteresis loops, which are related to the component of magnetization parallel to the light propagation direction and the linear birefringence. Polarization rotation hysteresis loops for low birefringence waveguides with different orientations are experimentally investigated. Asymmetric stepped curves are obtained from waveguides along, due to the large magnetocrystalline anisotropy in the plane. A model based on the free energy density is developed to demonstrate the motion of the magnetization and can be used in the design of magneto-optic devices. The second part of this thesis focuses on the design and fabrication of high-Q cavities in two-dimensional magneto-photonic crystal slabs. The device consists of a layer of silicon and a layer of iron garnet thin film. Triangular lattice elliptical air holes are patterned in the slab. The fundamental TM band gap overlaps with the first-order TE band gap from 0374~0.431(a/λ) showing that both TE and TM polarization light can be confined in the photonic crystals. A nanocavity is designed to obtain both TE and TM defect modes in the band gaps. Additional work is needed to overlap the TE and TM defect modes and obtain a high-Q cavity so as to develop miniaturized Faraday rotators.


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Code executed in a fully reflective system switches back and forth between application and interpreter code. These two states can be seen as contexts in which an expression is evaluated. Current language implementations obtain reflective capabilities by exposing objects to the interpreter. However, in doing so these systems break the encapsulation of the application objects. In this paper we propose safe reflection through polymorphism, \ie by unifying the interface and ensuring the encapsulation of objects from both the interpreter and application context. We demonstrate a \emphhomogeneous system that defines the execution semantics in terms of itself, thus enforcing that encapsulation is not broken.


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While spoken codeswitching (CS) among Latinos has received significant scholarly attention, few studies have examined written CS, specifically naturally-occurring CS in email. This study contributes to an under-studied area of Latino linguistic practices by reporting the results of a study of CS in the emails of five Spanish-English bilingual Latinos. Methods are employed that are not often used in discourse analysis of email texts, namely multi-dimensional scaling and tree diagrams, to explore the contextual parameters of written Spanish-English CS systematically. Consistent with the findings of other studies of CS in CMC, English use was most associated with professional or formal contacts, and use of Spanish, the participants’ native language, was linked to intimacy, informality, and group identification. Switches to Spanish functioned to personalize otherwise transactional or work-related English-dominant emails. The article also discusses novel orthographic and linguistic forms specific to the CMC context.


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Most flowering plants depend on animal vectors for pollination and seed dispersal. Differential pollinator preferences lead to premating isolation and thus reduced gene flow between interbreeding plant populations [1, 2, 3 and 4]. Sets of floral traits, adapted to attract specific pollinator guilds, are called pollination syndromes [5]. Shifts in pollination syndromes have occurred surprisingly frequently [6], considering that they must involve coordinated changes in multiple genes affecting multiple floral traits. Although the identification of individual genes specifying single pollination syndrome traits is in progress in many species, little is known about the genetic architecture of coadapted pollination syndrome traits and how they are embedded within the genome [7]. Here we describe the tight genetic linkage of loci specifying five major pollination syndrome traits in the genus Petunia: visible color, UV absorption, floral scent production, pistil length, and stamen length. Comparison with other Solanaceae indicates that, in P. exserta and P. axillaris, loci specifying these floral traits have specifically become clustered into a multifunctional “speciation island” [ 8 and 9]. Such an arrangement promotes linkage disequilibrium and avoids the dissolution of pollination syndromes by recombination. We suggest that tight genetic linkage provides a mechanism for rapid switches between distinct pollination syndromes in response to changes in pollinator availabilities.


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A major function of angiosperm flowers is the recruitment of animal pollinators that serve to transfer pollen among conspecific plants. Distinct sets of floral characteristics, called pollination syndromes, are correlated with visitation by specific groups of pollinators. Switches among pollination syndromes have occurred in many plant families. Such switches must have involved coordinated changes in multiple traits and multiple genes. Two well-studied floral traits affecting pollinator attraction are petal color and scent production. We review current knowledge about the biosynthetic pathways for floral color and scent production and their interaction at the genetic and biochemical levels. A key question in the field concerns the genes that underlie natural variation in color and scent and how such genes affect pollinator preference, reproductive isolation, and ultimately speciation.