996 resultados para Turismo balneario


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La tesi si occupa dell'uso di più tecniche fotogrammetriche e di strumenti GIS nel recupero digitale e nell'integrazione di una molteplicità di dati storici, opportunamente georeferenziati, inerenti l'area del Centro Cadore, ai fini anche della valorizzazione turistico-culturale del territorio. Un ampio spazio viene dato alla caratterizzazione del territorio e delle fonti - cartografiche, fotografiche e testuali - che sono state recuperate ed organizzate in archivio. Le applicazioni fotogrammetriche comprendono la generazione di ortofoto digitali a scala territoriale da immagini storiche e modelli 3D close-range ottenuti con tecniche SfM.


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Programa de doctorado: Turismo y Desarrollo Sostenible. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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[ES]El hotel-balneario de Azuaje se contruyó a finales del s. XIX para acoger a las personas que venían a disfrutar de las aguas medicinales del barranco de Azuaje. Abandonado y muy deteriorado se ha convertido en una ruina que llama a senderistas y visitantes de la zona. En este proyecto se trabaja sobre el edificio existente y se mantiene el mismo como recuerdo de las historias vividas en el.


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Es relevante el número de personas con alguna discapacidad en Portugal, España y, dentro de la misma, Andalucía, y la Unión Europea que desean gozar del ocio y del turismo. Por tanto, a la imposición legislativa hay que añadir la oportunidad económica del turismo accesible. Los variados modelos turísticos existentes (sol y playa, rural, turismo cultural, turismo activo, etc.) pueden y deben llevar también la etiqueta de «accesible». Pero la realidad, a pesar del avance experimentado en materia de accesibilidad, todavía está lejos de ello. No obstante, surgen novedosas experiencias públicas y privadas de destinos y equipamientos de uso público y vocación turística especialmente volcados con este colectivo y que es interesante resaltar por sus trascendencias empresariales y sociales. Asimismo, se trata de una nueva tipología o modelo, el del turismo accesible, con notables indefiniciones conceptuales y muy poco estudiado desde la geografía.


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To implement policies and plans at the tourist sector involve disposition to the establishment of parceries among government and private initiative, space to the action of studious, researchers and professionals of several areas of knowledge and formation, able of to give new courses no only at the tourism, but to the economy how a every, seen which the tourism had a effect multiplicator, reaching 52 sectors of the economy. At this sense, the Brazil came pruning for a new phase of politic actuation at the touristy activity. Until the year 2002, the tourism politic in the Brazil no had detail, because herself treated of isolated actions and many without continuity. However, at to start 2003, several actions were developed in order to contribute for the national touristy planning. The principal was the creation of Ministério do Turismo, accompanied of the formulation and implementation of the Plano Nacional do Turismo (2003/2007). This work pretend to understand the implementation at the Rio Grande do Norte of the model of participative administration extolled by Plano Nacional do Turismo. The your centre detail the action of the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte (CONETUR), to promote the participation at the tourism public policies. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the participation and to the tourism public policies, especially at the Brazil. A qualitative perspective the case study was adapted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The principal actuations of the CONETUR, the directives tourism public policies already made and directed to implementation, the type of participation at made decision, the principal difficulties of the implementation of the participative administration model of the Plano Nacional do Turismo and the degree of participation of the members of the Conselho at the reunions had been identified. The results had shown that exist some difficulties at the implementation of the participation at the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte, knowledge of the Conselheiros of CONETUR function, the presence of bodies which doesn t directly connected at the touristy activity; the absence of time of the Conselheiros to be presents at reunions; the discontinuity of the presidency of the Conselho; among others. So, the CONETUR show himself how a Conselho with participative characteristics, but with some adapted needs.


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Given the uncertainties of the environment in today's world, strategic planning is again discussed as an important tool to position the organization in future likely. To address this a more dynamic and less linear, trying to adapt the multiple realities, the method of scenarios can be one of the strategies to anticipate future designs. In the public sphere, an efficient implementation of human resources and financial managers require a new approach to the formulation of strategies. Tourism, in turn, presents itself as an important segment of the national economy shaped up as a major source of funds for the formation of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP - of states and municipalities. This study aims to know the guidelines and perspectives of municipal planning of tourism in the city of Natal/RN from the case by the representatives of the sector. The survey was developed based on a qualitative, exploratory, based on the case in the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico - SETURDE. The results express that the body goes through a time of changes in its organizational structure and in defining its role with the local tourism. The national plan for tourism and the choice of Christmas as the host city for the World Cup in 2014 have stimulated interest in developing a formal strategic planning in the organization. However, when it comes to more complex tools, such as the method of future scenarios, the technical know its definition and importance for future actions. The results presented support the conclusion that the actions are designed intuitively and without complying with the scientific methods developed for this purpose, as the method of strategic scenarios. However, the evidence beginning to emerge from the plans and documents issued by the federal government, as well as the Secretary's own initiative, direct the actions of the body to coordinate and act as a fulcrum for local action to the increase in tourism


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Burnout is a psychological syndrome triggered in response to continuous exposure to interpersonal stressors. It is considered a multifactorial construct, which is commonly characterized by three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, dehumanization, and lack of personal accomplishment.This study aimed to verify if the three characteristics of burnout (exhaustion, lack of dehumanization and personal accomplishment) are present in people working as guides Tourism in Natal - RN. It is a descriptive and quantitative study. 109 subjects were surveyed. Data collection was done through the use of questionnaires, the instrument used was the characterization of the Burnout Scale (ECB) created and validated in Brazil by Trocoli and Tamayo (2000). In order to analyze data we used descriptive statistics, analysis of core measures, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, multiple discriminant and Spearman correlation. Factor analysis identified four factors that explain 58.3% of the total variance. Those factors were named exhaustion, deception, avoidance, and dehumanization. The reliability of the instrument, as measured by Cronbach's Alpha was 0.918, which is considered excellent reliability. The 109 subjects were grouped into three cluster, which had the deception, avoidance, and dehumanization as discriminant. It is possible to conclude that the characteristics of burnout syndrome are present in the studied population where 19 people are on the high level of burnout, moderate in 32 and 56 in the light. The correlations between socio-demographic variables studied and the dimensions of burnout, were few and weak. The variable leave for health reasons in the study appeared to be related to feelings of exhaustion and avoidance behavior appeared related to younger individuals and who work only in the activity of Receptive Tourism Guide. Verification of the incidence of burnout in individuals surveyed suggest the need to adopt intervention strategies are individual, organizational and / or combined


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The Triennial Evaluation of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) is made according to several indicators, divided into several issues and items, and their weights. In these it is evident the importance of scientific periodicals. This study aims to evaluate the relative efficiency of post-graduate students in Business Administration, Accounting and tourism evaluated by CAPES in Brazil. The methodology used the data envelopment analysis - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The data were obtained from the site and organized by the CAPES Qualis score. The analysis was performed by the DEA variable returns to scale, product-oriented (BCC-O), with data from the three-year periods 2004-2006 and 2007-2009. Among the main results are the average increase significantly the relative efficiency of the programs in the period 2007-2009 compared to 2004-2006 period, the highest average efficiency of programs linked to public institutions in relation to private, doctoral programs with the present average efficiency sharply higher than those only with masters, and senior programs in general were more efficient. There is also moderate and significant correlation between the efficiency scores and concepts CAPES. The Malmquist index analysis showed that more than 85% of programs had increased productivity. It is noteworthy that the main effect that influences the increase of the Malmquist index is the displacement of the border (Frontier-shift)


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Esta guía, realizada por Madrid Destino y PREDIF (Plataforma Representativa Estatal de Personas con Discapacidad Física), recoge información actualizada y pormenorizada sobre las condiciones de accesibilidad de distintos atractivos turísticos madrileños. Se incluye información sobre un total de 164 alojamientos, 158 recursos turísticos (entre los que destacan museos, restaurantes y teatros), y 7 rutas emblemáticas de la capital. En esta nueva edición, se ha actualizado toda la información ya incluida en anteriores ediciones y, además, se han añadido 10 nuevos alojamientos y 27 nuevos recursos turísticos, entre los que se incluyen el Santiago Bernabéu, el mercado de San Ildefonso o la Casa Museo Lope de Vega.


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Esta guía, realizada por Madrid Destino y PREDIF (Plataforma Representativa Estatal de Personas con Discapacidad Física), recoge información actualizada y pormenorizada sobre las condiciones de accesibilidad de distintos atractivos turísticos madrileños. Se incluye información sobre un total de 164 alojamientos, 158 recursos turísticos (entre los que destacan museos, restaurantes y teatros), y 7 rutas emblemáticas de la capital. En esta nueva edición, se ha actualizado toda la información ya incluida en anteriores ediciones y, además, se han añadido 10 nuevos alojamientos y 27 nuevos recursos turísticos, entre los que se incluyen el Santiago Bernabéu, el mercado de San Ildefonso o la Casa Museo Lope de Vega.


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Esta dissertação consiste no desenho de um sistema produto/serviço colaborativo – criado para a Ilha Terceira –, e dos elementos gráficos necessários, na área do turismo acessível. O “Tourceira” destina-se a todos os turistas, com ou sem limitações, que visitam a ilha, e que pretendem realizar actividades turísticas durante a sua estadia. Este serviço destina-se também a todos os habitantes que pretendem fazer parte do projecto, e ser um anfitrião acolhendo os visitantes. Vem combater a escassa oferta de actividades acessíveis e o distanciamento entre o turista, que viaja em excursões, e o residente. Este serviço ambiciona proporcionar novas experiências aos turistas, explorando a Ilha e os cinco sentidos do visitante, e estabelecer relações de maior proximidade entre o turista, a comunidade e a ilha.


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El turismo es un elemento básico de la vida cotidiana de nuestra sociedad. Constituye un derecho del que, sin embargo, numerosas personas, por motivos de discapacidad, edad u otras razones, no pueden disfrutar o lo hacen con grandes dificultades debido a que los establecimientos no cuentan con las condiciones de accesibilidad que necesitan.


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The metropolitan regions of Northeast Brazil are being gradually included in a scenario of international investments, which are motivated by the restructuring of both touristic and real-estate sectors. The new capital, real-estate developers and space configurations that result from this process indicate the need for the creation and implementation of public tools which should, at least, allow the mitigation of the urban impacts and environmental losses resulting from this situation. The effects on landscape and on the socio-spatial configuration result from the intensification caused by the dynamism of the "real estate-tourism" sector. There is a regional integration as an expression of the urban expansion of the metropolitan area of Natal. This study investigates the uniqueness of the restructuring and territorial integration of coastal areas and the strategies of the circuit of capital accumulation formed by linking the real estate to tourism. It is intended to increase the understanding about the strategies of tourism, real estate and public policy agents involved in this territorial reconfiguration and in the fund-raising needed for the investments, to understand the existing social and environmental effects and their future trends and also to understand the forms of spatial production as results from the practices of approaching the land transformation and the tourism valorization of the landscape, in a synchronous manner, first in the Northeast region and, as a focal study, in the Metropolitan Area of Natal. Likewise, it is intended to apprehend the current processes of metropolization of the eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, in addition to indicate its physical-territorial transformation and the types of projects/developments promoted by the market in the recent period. Based upon analysis undertaken for the Metropolitan Region of Natal RN, this piece of work presents some considerations on possible legal instruments that can be adjusted to the municipalities which are experiencing the impact of this peculiar and recent phenomenon in the region, caused by the arrival of the real estate-touristic capital. It is also intended to point out basic proposals to the forms of public intervention, in a speculative way, starting from a Metropolitan Planning project within a medium and long term


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Atualmente, a rotina sedentária leva a que as pessoas procurem cada vez mais a prática da atividades diferentes, tais como a atividade desportiva, que se torna essencial como fuga a este estilo de vida. O turismo desportivo tem assim crescido nos últimos anos e, por isso, a oferta existente hoje em dia é bastante variada. No entanto, é necessário ter em atenção que o uso dos recursos naturais, muitas vezes na base destas atividades, não deve ser excessivo. Igualmente, a busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável deve fazer parte dos planos de todos os intervenientes no desenvolvimento dos destinos turísticos. A presente dissertação foca-se num estudo exploratório, com análise qualitativa, com o objetivo de analisar a importância do turismo desportivo na região de Aveiro. Assim, pretende-se compreender se esta atividade pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da região de Aveiro enquanto destino turístico, garantindo simultaneamente a sustentabilidade das áreas costeiras. Em concreto, esta investigação realizou-se através de um inquérito por entrevista a agentes de oferta de animação turística que oferecem atividades de turismo desportivo. A necessidade de colaboração com a comunidade local e de integração nesta, bem como a urgência de criar parcerias com empresas do mesmo sector, ou até de sectores diferentes, são dois dos pontos essenciais nesta área, que podem conduzir a um desenvolvimento do turismo desportivo nas áreas costeiras, em concreto na região de Aveiro, sem comprometimento da sustentabilidade local.