971 resultados para Treadmill running


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活性污泥法是目前世界上普遍应用的污水生物处理工艺,其在运行过程中产生大量的剩余污泥。由于剩余污泥处理费用巨大及污泥最终处置对环境具有潜在危害问题,污泥的处理和处置已经成为水处理领域关注的焦点。本文利用实验室筛选的溶胞菌群,在好氧消化的同时对污泥进行前处理,促进剩余污泥的破解与溶胞,再通过两相厌氧处理对污泥进行进一步消化,以研究投加溶胞菌对剩余污泥消化的影响。 本研究中溶胞菌污泥减量化技术分为两个部分,第一,污泥在溶胞菌作用下的好氧消化与污泥传统好氧消化的对比研究,利用取自成都三瓦窑污水处理厂剩余污泥,向好氧污泥消化反应器中投加溶胞菌,检测各项污泥指标,并通过同传统好氧污泥消化对比,以研究溶胞菌对污泥好氧消化的影响。第二, 经过溶胞菌处理后好氧消化的剩余污泥进行两相厌氧处理研究。通过建立好氧溶胞联合两相厌氧消化系统的来处理剩余污泥,并与相同条件运行的两相厌氧消化系统做对比,检测运行过程中系统中物质成分变化,研究了其处理能力和运行稳定性,探索了两相厌氧消化系统中的发酵类型差别,验证了好氧溶胞对剩余污泥的破解效果。 研究结果表明:污泥在溶胞菌作用下的好氧消化效果和消化效率均优于传统好氧消化。在溶胞菌群存在的情况下,剩余污泥的TSS和VSS去除率达到40%和53%,远高于传统好氧消化的12%和20%。污泥经过溶胞及好氧消化后,TCOD去除率达到54.4%。经过溶胞菌处理后的剩余污泥再进入两相厌氧处理系统,进入厌氧处理系统的剩余污泥的VSS/TSS比值约为0.62。在两相厌氧处理水力停留时间(HRT)为8d时,溶胞处理污泥厌氧消化后VSS去除率达到55.17%,对照组两相厌氧系统的VSS去除率平均值为18.53%。经过溶胞处理的两相厌氧系统的污泥减量了能力远高于对照组。两相厌氧系统的pH值和碱度说明系统运行较为稳定。产酸相的有机酸中乙酸含量高于丙酸和丁酸,说明发酵末端产物以乙酸为主。在20天的试验周期内,污泥溶胞处理后、两相厌氧系统产甲烷相产气量累积产气量为1.2L,对照组只有375ml。气体中甲烷含量都在55%左右。该研究结果表明,好氧溶胞对污泥有破解能力,溶胞处理对两相厌氧中产酸相水解污泥细胞有明显的促进作用,提高了产酸相的水解酸化能力和效率。该研究对于利用生物溶胞途径提高污泥消化效率具有重要意义。 The actived sludge process has been used more and more extensively, but the procedure will lead to a large quantity of excess sludge. The treatment of Excess activated sludge has becomes a focuses not only for it is a seriously negative effect on environment but also for the costly disposal comes subsequently. The cell lysing bacterium was keeped in our lab to joined in the digestion of the excess activated sludge which was carrying at the same time with pre-processing of sludge to investigated the influence of cell lysing bacterium on excess sludge. There are two part in the method of cell lysing bacterium digesting sludge technology, the first, comparison of excess sludge digestion between anaerobic Cell-lysing Pretreatment and Conventional Aerobic Process. The sludge which was collected from San Wanyao disposal plant in Chengdu was thrown into the aerobic process system with cell-lysing bacterium, then, the indexes were detected to compare the difference between the cell-lysing bacterium in aerobic process and the traditional method to determine the influence of cell-lysing bacterium on aerobic process ; The second, the research on the sludge which was pro-treated with cell-lysing and aerobic digestion in the diphase of anaerobic digestion system. The system of cell-lysing combined with diphase of anaerobic digesting was created to compare to the diphase of anaerobic digested system, the changes of mass constituent was detected to study the ability and steady of disposal. Moreover, the research explored the difference among the types of fermentation. The efficacious of aerobic process was been proved. The result shows that the digesting rate of aerobic process with cell-lysing bacterium was higher than the traditional process. The ratio of sludge is reach to 40%~53%, which was far more effectively than the traditional process rate of 12%~20%. The TCOD of sludge which was treated with cell lysing bacterium and Aerobic Process is reach to 54.4%. Then, the sludge was thrown into the diphase of anaerobic digesting system. VSS/TSS of sludge is 0.62, HRT is 6d, the reduction of VSS is reach to 40.8%. The pH and alkalinity indicate the steady running of the diphase anaerobic digest system. In the acerbity phasing, the content of acetic acid was more than butanoic acid and propanoic acid in organic acid, it is demonstrated that the main composition of final production of fermentation was Acetic Acid. During the 20d of experiment, methylhydride phasing of diphase anaerobic digest system produced 1.2L methylhydride, however, there is only 375ml in CK, the content of methylhydride in all gas phase was around the rate of 55%. The average ratio of VSS was 18.53% in CK diphase anaerobic digest system which was far more unavailable than the mass sludge rate of 55.17%. Results demonstrated that aerobic cell-lysing digested the sludge, the treat of cell-lysing could obviously promoted the hydrolyzeing of sludge cell in the acerbity phasing, which improved the ability and rate of hydrolization and acidification. This study is significant in inhenceing the rate of sludge digestion in the method of cell-lysing bacterium.


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Since the successful completion of the cooling storage ring (CSR) project in China at the end of 2007, high qualitative heavy ion beams with energy ranging from keV to GeV/u have been available at the Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL). More than 1091 GeV/u C6+particles or 108235 MeV/u Xe particles can be stored in the CSR main-ring and extracted within hundred nano-seconds during the test running,the beam parameters will be improved in the coming years so that high energy density (HED) conditions could be achieved and investigated there. Recent scientific results from the experiments relevant to plasma research on HIRFL are summarized. Dense plasma research with intense heavy ion beams of CSR is proposed here.


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Since the successful completion of the cooling storage ring (CSR) project in China at the end of 2007, high qualitative heavy ion beams with energy ranging from keV to GeV/u have been available at the Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL). More than 10(9) 1 GeVlu C6+ particles or 10(8) 235 MeV/u Xe particles can be stored in the CSR main-ring and extracted within hundred nano-seconds during the test running, the beam parameters will be improved in the coming years so that high energy density (HED) conditions could be achieved and investigated there. Recent scientific results from the experiments relevant to plasma research on HIRFL are summarized. Dense plasma research with intense heavy ion beams of CSR is proposed here.


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Electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources have been used for atomic physics research for a long time. With the development of atomic physics research in the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), additional high performance experimental facilities are required. A 300 kV high voltage (HV) platform has been under construction since 2003, and an all permanent magnet ECR ion source is supposed to be put on the platform. Lanzhou all permanent magnet ECR ion source No. 2 (LAPECR2) is a latest developed all permanent magnet ECRIS. It is a 900 kg weight and circle divide 650 mm X 562 mm outer dimension (magnetic body) ion source. The injection magnetic field of the source is 1.28 T and the extraction magnetic field is 1.07 T. This source is designed to be running at 14.5 GHz. The high magnetic field inside the plasma chamber enables the source to give good performances at 14.5 GHz. LAPECR2 source is now under commissioning in IMP. In this article, the typical parameters of the source LAPECR2 are listed, and the typical results of the preliminary commissioning are presented.


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A new gas delivery system is designed and installed for HIRFL-CSR cluster target. The original blocked nozzle is replaced by a new one with the throat diameter of 0.12mm. New test of hydrogen and argon gases are performed. The stable jets can be obtained for these two operation gases. The attenuation of the jet caused by the collision with residual gas is studied. The maximum achievable H-2 target density is 1.75x10(13) atoms/cm(3) with a target thickness of 6.3x10(12) atoms/cm(2) for HIRFL-CSR cluster target. The running stability of the cluster source is tested both for hydrogen and argon. The operation parameters for obtaining hydrogen jet are optimized. The results of long time running for H-2 and Ar cluster jets look promising. The jet intensity has no essential change during the test for H-2 and Ar.


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The Lanzhou All Permanent magnet ECR ion source NO. 1 (LAPECR1) is the first all permanent magnet multiple ECRIS made in IMP. This ECRIS is running at 14.5GHz and can provide intense low charge state ion beams (varying from several to hundreds of e mu A) or medium charge state ion beams (varying from several to tens of e mu A). The size of source body is circle divide 102mmx296mm, the compactness and economical features enable the source suitable to be put on a HV platform or equipped by a small laboratory. This article gives the main parameters of the ion source.


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We give a general SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(R) x U(1)(EM) sigma model with external sources, dynamical breaking and spontaneous vacuum symmetry breaking, and present the general formulation of the model. It is found that sigma and pi(0) without electric charges have electromagnetic interaction effects coming front the internal structures. A general Lorentz transformation relative to external sources J(gauge) - (J(A mu) J(A mu)(kappa)) derived, using the general Lorentz transformation and the four-dimensional current of nuclear matter of the ground si ate with J(gauge) = 0, we give the four-dimensional general relations between the different currents of nuclear matter systems with J(gauge) not equal 0 and those with J(gauge) = 0. The relation of the density's coupling with external magnetic field is derived, which conforms well to dense nuclear matter in a strong magnetic field. We show different condensed effects in strong interaction about fermions and antifermions, and give the concrete scalar and pseudoscalar condensed expressions of sigma(0) and pi(0) bosons. About different dynamical breaking and spontaneous vacuum symmetry breaking, the concrete expressions of different mass spectra are obtained in field theory. This paper acquires the running spontaneous vacuum breaking value sigma'(0), and obtains the spontaneous vacuum breaking in tenus of the running sigma'(0), which make nucleon, sigma, and pi particles gain effective masses. We achieve both the effect of external sources and nonvanishing value of the condensed scalar and pseudoscalar paticles. It is deduced that the masses of nucleons, sigma and pi generally depend on different external sources.


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Methacrylate-based monolithic columns with electroosmotic flow (EOF) or very weak EOF are prepared by in situ copolymerization in the presence of a porogen in fused-silica capillaries pretreated with a bifunctional reagent. Satisfactory separations of acidic and basic compounds on the column with EOF at either low or high pH are achieved, respectively. With sulfonic groups as dissociation functionalities, sufficient EOF mobility still remains as high as 1.74 x 10(-4) cm(2) s(-1) V-1 at low pH. Under this condition, seven acidic compounds are readily separated within 5.7 min. Moreover, at high pH, the peak shape of basic compounds is satisfactory without addition of any masking amines into running mobile phase since the secondary interaction between the basic compounds and the monolithic stationary phase are minimized at high pH. Reversed-phase mechanism for both acidic and basic compounds is observed under investigated separation conditions. In addition, possibilities of acidic and basic compound separations on a monolithic column with extremely low EOF are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new reaction mode, i.e., the combined single-pass conversion of methane via oxidative coupling (OCM) over mixed metal oxide (SLC) catalysts and dehydroaromatization (MDA) over Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts, is reported. With the assistance of an OCM reaction over SLC catalysts in the top layer of the reactor, the deactivation resistance of Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts is remarkably enhanced. Under the selected reaction conditions, the CH(4) conversion decreased from similar to18 to similar to1% and the aromatics yield decreased from 12.8 to 0.1%, respectively, after running the reaction for 960 min on both 6Mo/HZSM-5 and SLC-6Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst system without O(2) in the feed. On the other hand, for the SLC-6Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst system with O(2) in the feed, the deactivation was improved greatly, and after 960 min onstream the CH(4) conversion and aromatics yield were still as high as 12.0 and 8.0%, respectively. The promotion effect mainly appears to be associated with in situ formation of CO(2) in the OCM layer, which reacts with coke via the reverse Boudouard reaction.


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The dual-phase membrane of La0.15Sr0.85Ga0.3Fe0.7O3-delta-Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.2Co0.8O3-delta (LSGF-BSCF) was prepared successfully. This membrane was characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA). This membrane has a dense dual-phase structure: LSGF being the dense body of this membrane and BSCF as another phase running along the LSGF body. This structure is favorable for the oxygen permeation through the membrane. The oxygen permeation test shows that the oxygen permeation flux of LSGF-BSCF membrane (Jo(2) = 0.45 ml/min cm(2), at 915 degreesC) is much higher than that of LSGF membrane (Jo(2) = 0.05 ml/min cm(2)). Thickness dependence of oxygen permeation indicates that the oxygen permeation is controlled by the bulk diffusion. Compared to pure BSCF the dual-phase membrane of LSGF-BSCF is stable in reducing atmosphere. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.