976 resultados para Transverse Magnetic-Field
High-frequency extensions of magnetorotational instability driven by the Velikhov effect beyond the standard magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) regime are studied. The existence of the well-known Hall regime and a new electron inertia regime is demonstrated. The electron inertia regime is realized for a lesser plasma magnetization of rotating plasma than that in the Hall regime. It includes the subregime of nonmagnetized electrons. It is shown that, in contrast to the standard MHD regime and the Hall regime, magnetorotational instability in this subregime can be driven only at positive values of dln Omega/dlnr, where Omega is the plasma rotation frequency and r is the radial coordinate. The permittivity of rotating plasma beyond the standard MHD regime, including both the Hall regime and the electron inertia regime, is calculated.
The Velikhov effect leading to magnetorotational instability (MRI) is incorporated into the theory of ideal internal kink modes in a differentially rotating cylindrical plasma column. It is shown that this effect can play a stabilizing role for suitably organized plasma rotation profiles, leading to suppression of MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) instabilities in magnetic confinement systems. The role of this effect in the problem of the Suydam and the m = 1 internal kink modes is elucidated, where m is the poloidal mode number.
For tokamak models using simplified geometries and reversed shear plasma profiles, we have numerically investigated how the onset of Lagrangian chaos at the plasma edge may affect the plasma confinement in two distinct but closely related problems. Firstly, we have considered the motion of particles in drift waves in the presence of an equilibrium radial electric field with shear. We have shown that the radial particle transport caused by this motion is selective in phase space, being determined by the resonant drift waves and depending on the parameters of both the resonant waves and the electric field profile. Moreover, we have shown that an additional transport barrier may be created at the plasma edge by increasing the electric field. In the second place, we have studied escape patterns and magnetic footprints of chaotic magnetic field lines in the region near a tokamak wall, when there are resonant modes due to the action of an ergodic magnetic limiter. A non-monotonic safety factor profile has been used in the analysis of field line topology in a region of negative magnetic shear. We have observed that, if internal modes are perturbed, the distributions of field line connection lengths and magnetic footprints exhibit spatially localized escape channels. For typical physical parameters of a fusion plasma, the two Lagrangian chaotic processes considered in this work can be effective in usual conditions so as to influence plasma confinement. The reversed shear effects discussed in this work may also contribute to evaluate the transport barrier relevance in advanced confinement scenarios in future tokamak experiments.
The one-fluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory of magnetorotational instability (MRI) in an ideal plasma is presented. The theory predicts the possibility of MRI for arbitrary 0, where 0 is the ratio of the plasma pressure to the magnetic field pressure. The kinetic theory of MRI in a collisionless plasma is developed. It is demonstrated that as in the ideal MHD, MRI can occur in such a plasma for arbitrary P. The mechanism of MRI is discussed; it is shown that the instability appears because of a perturbed parallel electric field. The electrodynamic description of MRI is formulated under the assumption that the dispersion relation is expressed in terms of the permittivity tensor; general properties of this tensor are analyzed. It is shown to be separated into the nonrotational and rotational parts. With this in mind, the first step for incorporation of MRI into the general theory of plasma instabilities is taken. The rotation effects on Alfven waves are considered.
We present a non-linear symplectic map that describes the alterations of the magnetic field lines inside the tokamak plasma due to the presence of a robust torus (RT) at the plasma edge. This RT prevents the magnetic field lines from reaching the tokamak wall and reduces, in its vicinity, the islands and invariant curve destruction due to resonant perturbations. The map describes the equilibrium magnetic field lines perturbed by resonances created by ergodic magnetic limiters (EMLs). We present the results obtained for twist and non-twist mappings derived for monotonic and non-monotonic plasma current density radial profiles, respectively. Our results indicate that the RT implementation would decrease the field line transport at the tokamak plasma edge. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The shadowing of cosmic ray primaries by the moon and sun was observed by the MINOS far detector at a depth of 2070 mwe using 83.54 million cosmic ray muons accumulated over 1857.91 live-days. The shadow of the moon was detected at the 5.6 sigma level and the shadow of the sun at the 3.8 sigma level using a log-likelihood search in celestial coordinates. The moon shadow was used to quantify the absolute astrophysical pointing of the detector to be 0.17 +/- 0.12 degrees. Hints of interplanetary magnetic field effects were observed in both the sun and moon shadow. Published by Elsevier B.V.
A method is developed to search for air showers initiated by photons using data recorded by the surface detector of the Auger Observatory. The approach is based on observables sensitive to the longitudinal shower development, the signal risetime and the curvature of the shower front. Applying this method to the data, tipper limits on the flux of photons of 3.8 x 10(-3), 2.5 x 10(-3), and 2.2 x 10(-3) km(-2) sr(-1) yr(-1) above 10(19) eV, 2 x 10(19) eV, and 4 x 10(19) eV are derived, with corresponding limits on the fraction of photons being 2.0%, 5.1%, and 31% (all limits at 95% c.l.). These photon limits disfavor certain exotic models of sources of cosmic rays. The results also show that the approach adopted by the Auger Observatory to calibrate the shower energy is not strongly biased by a contamination from photons. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we propose a new method of measuring the very slow paramagnetic ion diffusion coefficient using a commercial high-resolution spectrometer. If there are distinct paramagnetic ions influencing the hydrogen nuclear magnetic relaxation time differently, their diffusion coefficients can be measured separately. A cylindrical phantom filled with Fricke xylenol gel solution and irradiated with gamma rays was used to validate the method. The Fricke xylenol gel solution was prepared with 270 Bloom porcine gelatin, the phantom was irradiated with gamma rays originated from a (60)Co source and a high-resolution 200 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer was used to obtain the phantom (1)H profile in the presence of a linear magnetic field gradient. By observing the temporal evolution of the phantom NMR profile, an apparent ferric ion diffusion coefficient of 0.50 mu m(2)/ms due to ferric ions diffusion was obtained. In any medical process where the ionizing radiation is used, the dose planning and the dose delivery are the key elements for the patient safety and success of treatment. These points become even more important in modern conformal radio therapy techniques, such as stereotactic radiosurgery, where the delivered dose in a single session of treatment can be an order of magnitude higher than the regular doses of radiotherapy. Several methods have been proposed to obtain the three-dimensional (3-D) dose distribution. Recently, we proposed an alternative method for the 3-D radiation dose mapping, where the ionizing radiation modifies the local relative concentration of Fe(2+)/Fe(3+) in a phantom containing Fricke gel and this variation is associated to the MR image intensity. The smearing of the intensity gradient is proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) in the phantom. There are several methods for measurement of the ionic diffusion using NMR, however, they are applicable when the diffusion is not very slow.
We present a quantum many body approach with van der Waal type of interaction to achieve (85)Rb Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interaction which has been produced by magnetic field induced Feshbach resonance in the JILA experiment. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present a description of the Stem-Gerlach type experiments using only the concepts of classical electrodynamics and the Newton`s equations of motion. The quantization of the projections of the spin (or the projections of the magnetic dipole) is not introduced in our calculations. The main characteristic of our approach is a quantitative analysis of the motion of the magnetic atoms at the entrance of the magnetic field region. This study reveals a mechanism which modifies continuously the orientation of the magnetic dipole of the atom in a very short time interval, at the entrance of the magnetic field region. The mechanism is based on the conservation of the total energy associated with a magnetic dipole which moves in a non uniform magnetic field generated by an electromagnet. A detailed quantitative comparison with the (1922) Stem-Gerlach experiment and the didactical (1967) experiment by J.R. Zacharias is presented. We conclude, contrary to the original Stern-Gerlach statement, that the classical explanations are not ruled out by the experimental data.
In the present paper we report on the experimental electron sheet density vs. magnetic field diagram for the magnetoresistance R(xx) of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) with two occupied subbands. For magnetic fields above 9T, we found fractional quantum Hall levels centered around the filing factor v = 3/2 in both the two occupied electric subbands. We focused specially on the fractional levels of the second subband, whose experimental values of the magnetic field B of their minima do not obey a periodicity law in 1/|B-B(c)|, where B(c) is the critical field at the filling factor v = 3/2, and we explain this fact entirely in the framework of the composite fermions theory. We use a simple theoretical model to give a possible explanation for the fact. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2011
We report on the measurements of the Shubnikov de Haas oscillations (SdH) in symmetrically doped AlxGa1-xAs double wells with different Al compositions in wells, which lead to the opposite signs of the electronic g-factor in each layer. Surprisingly, the spin splitting appears and collapses several times with increase in the magnetic field, We attribute such behaviour to the oscillations of the exchange-correlation term with Landau filling factor. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report on the measurements of the quantum Hall effect states in double quantum well structures at the filling factors v = 4N + 1 and 4N + 3, where N is the Landau index number, in the presence of the in-plane magnetic field. The quantum Hall states at these filling factors vanish and reappear several times. Repeated reentrance of the transport gap occurs due to the periodic vanishing of the tunneling amplitude in the presence of the in-plane field. When the gap vanishes, the transport becomes anisotropic. The anisotropy persist at half-odd filling factors, when bilayer quantum Hall states are recovered with increase of the tilt angle. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The title radical (F4BlmNN) is a stable nitronylnitroxide that forms hydrogen-bonded NH center dot center dot center dot ON chains in the solid state. The chains assemble the F4BlmNN molecules to form stacked contacts between the radical groups, in a geometry that is expected to exhibit ferromagnetic (FM) exchange based on spin polarization (SP) models. The experimental magnetic susceptibility of F4BlmNN confirms the expectation, showing 1-D Heisenberg chain FM exchange behavior over 1.8-300 K with an intrachain exchange constant Of J(chain)/k = +22 K. At lower temperatures, ac magnetic susceptibility and variable field heat capacity measurements show that F4BlmNN acts as a quasi-1-D ferromagnet. The dominant ferromagnetic exchange interaction is attributable to overlap between spin orbitals of molecules within the hydrogen-bonded chains, consistent with the SP model expectations. The chains appear to be antiferromagnetically exchange coupled, giving cusps in the ac susceptibility and zero field heat capacity at lower temperatures. The results indicate that the sample orders magnetically at about 0.7 K. The magnetic heat capacity ordering cusp shifts to lower temperatures as external magnetic field increases, consistent with forming a bulk antiferromagnetic phase below a Neel temperature of T-N(0) = 0.72 K, with a critical field of H-c approximate to 1800 Oe. The interchain exchange is estimated to be zJ/k congruent to (-)0.1 K.
The physical properties of the La(0.6)Y(0.1)Ca(0.3)MnO(3) compound have been investigated, focusing on the magnetoresistance phenomenon studied by both dc and ac electrical transport measurements. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy analysis of ceramic samples prepared by the sol-gel method revealed that specimens are single phase and have average grain size of similar to 0.5 mu m. Magnetization and 4-probe dc electrical resistivity rho(T,H) experiments showed that a ferromagnetic transition at T(C) similar to 170 K is closely related to a metal-insulator (MI) transition occurring at essentially the same temperature T(MI). The magnetoresistance effect was found to be more pronounced at low applied fields (H <= 2.5 T) and temperatures close to the MI transition. The ac electrical transport was investigated by impedance spectroscopy Z(f,T,H) under applied magnetic field H up to 1 T. The Z(f,T,H) data exhibited two well-defined relaxation processes that exhibit different behaviors depending on the temperature and applied magnetic field. Pronounced effects were observed close to T (C) and were associated with the coexistence of clusters with different electronic and magnetic properties. In addition, the appreciable decrease of the electrical permittivity epsilon`(T,H) is consistent with changes in the concentration of e(g) mobile holes, a feature much more pronounced close to T (C).