993 resultados para Terêncio, ca 195-ca 159 a.C.
Com o objetivo de determinar a concentração e acúmulo de nutrientes durante as fases de desenvolvimento da alface Grand Rapids, cultura de corte, foi instalado um experimento na área experimental da ESALQ e amostras foram coletadas aos 20, 30, 40 e 50 dias da semeadura, em canteiros com alto teor de matéria orgânica e solo Latossolo Vermelho Escuro Orto série Luiz de Queiroz. Aos 50 dias após a semeadura o teor de nutrientes foi: N-3,35% e 1,76%, P-0,46% e 0,5%, K-4,49% e 5,92% , Ca-0,92% e 0,58%, Mg-0,32% e 0,23%, S-0,23% e 0,25%, B-43ppm e 62ppm , Cu-21ppm e 22 ppm, Mn-71ppm e 39ppm , Zn-98ppm e 103ppm e Fe-513ppm e 1.100ppm, na parte aérea a raiz, respectivamente. Um are dessa cultura extrai: N-1,44kg, P-0,23kg , Ca-0,40kg, Mg-0,15kg, S-0,11kg, B-2,10g, Cu-0,97g, Mn-3,07g, Zn-4,52g.
Com o propósito de comparar os efeitos de doses crescentes de alumínio sobre a concentração e acúmulo de Ca, Mg e S sobre a planta conduziu-se o experimento usando-se separadamente a solução nutritiva de BOLLE JONES (1957) e soluções de alumínio nas concentrações de 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 ppm em que as plantas passaram 24 horas e outras 24 horas em solução sem alumínio. Noventa dias após as plantas foram coletadas e separadas em raiz, caule, folhas dos verticilos inferiores e folhas do último verticilo. Determinou-se as concentrações e os acúmulos de Ca, Mg, e S. Os autores concluíram que níveis superiores a 15ppm de alumínio na solução provocam distúrbios nutricionais destes elementos em Hevea.
Em uma plantação de cafeeiros (Coffea arábica L. cv. Catuai) com dois, três, quatro e cinco anos de idade no campo situada em Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo, fase cerrado, na Fazenda Santo Izidro, município de Salto,SP. determinou-se a acumulação de Ca, Mg e S no caule, ramos, folhas e frutos durante as fases fenológicas de repouso, granação e maturação. Concluiu-se que: a maior acumulação de Ca pela parte aérea nos meses de julho, janeiro e junho ocorre em cafeeiros com cinco anos; a acumulação de Mg e S varia em função das épocas. O cafeeiro aos cinco anos de campo exporta através da colheita, em função do conteúdo total na planta 26% de Ca, 32% de Mg e 37% de S.
Assembléias de aranhas da vegetação herbácea foram amostradas com rede-de-varredura em dois pomares de laranja doce (Citrus sinensis) no sul do Brasil. Cada pomar amostrado é caracterizado por receber um diferente tipo de manejo: "tradicional" ou "ecológico". Adicionalmente, foi amostrada a assembléia de aranhas das laranjeiras do pomar com manejo "ecológico" através do uso de guarda-chuva japonês. No total foram coletadas 3.876 aranhas, 2.379 nas laranjeiras do pomar de manejo "ecológico" e 1.497 junto à vegetação herbácea de ambos pomares; foram registradas 99 espécies de 17 famílias de aranhas; Oxyopes salticus Hentz, 1845 (Oxyopidae) foi a aranha mais abundante na vegetação herbácea e Sphecozone cristata Millidge, 1991 (Linyphiidae) a mais abundante nas laranjeiras. Aranhas errantes foram mais abundantes em ambos tipos de vegetação. A araneofauna da vegetação herbácea nos pomares com diferentes manejos não apresentou diferenças significativas na diversidade (H'= 2,13 - "ecológico"; 2,24 - "tradicional"); a diversidade foi menor nas laranjeiras (H'=1,95). Em razão de terem sido utilizados diferentes métodos de coleta nas amostragens entre os microhabitats, o índice de Jaccard (17,5%) indicou baixa similaridade entre as assembléias.
A utilização de abrigos e do espaço pela lontra neotropical (Lontra longicaudis) (Olfers, 1818), foi estudada em um ambiente alterado e com presença humana no rio Caí, Triunfo, RS. A maioria dos sítios de marcação teve uso ocasional, e uma pequena percentagem teve uso frequente e intenso. A maioria das marcações de cheiro se encontrava no solo a uma média de distância de 1,65m da linha d'água. Ao todo foram encontrados sete abrigos na área de estudo, sendo que a lontra demonstrou preferência por abrigos específicos. O abrigo mais utilizado se constituía em escavações na barranca do rio sob as raízes de uma árvore, sendo este o de maiores dimensões e o único com galerias sob o solo. Os demais abrigos se encontravam no nível do solo e consistiam em emaranhados de galhos sob a vegetação, ou de raízes e/ou troncos caídos. O uso do espaço pela lontra esteve correlacionado à localização de suas tocas, ao grau de cobertura vegetal do local e parece ter sido pouco influenciado pelo distúrbio humano. Para medidas de conservação da lontra neotropical ressalta-se a importância da manutenção da mata ciliar e a proteção das áreas com a presença de abrigos.
A Ca-stimulated ATPase activity (pH 9.5) associated with the tegumental membrane enriched (TME) fraction of Schistosoma mansoni adults was partially inhibited by NAP-taurine or by increasing concentrations of chlorpromazine; endogenous calmodulin was found associated with the TME fraction. A similar activity (pH 8.6) was histochemically visualized whithin the tegument of fixed worms on the cytoplasmic leaflet of both the doubel surface membrane and the basement membrane; this reaction was inhibited by 1 µM chloropromazine and it was also observed on the inner side of double membrane vesicles present in the TME fraction. No ATPase activity could be seen at alkaline pH with added Mg or Na/K ions. Without ATP, the addition of external Ca to the fixed worms induced the appearance of lead precipitates on the tegumental discoid bodies; this reaction was inhibited by molybdate and not by chlorpromazine. The intrategumentary regulation of calcium by the systems described and the possible use of phenothiazines against schistosimes are discussed.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection induces a state of oxidative stress more pronounced than that observed in many other inflammatory diseases. Here, we propose a temporal sequence of events in the HCV-infected cell whereby the primary alteration consists of a release of Ca(2+) from the endoplasmic reticulum, followed by uptake into mitochondria. This ensues successive mitochondrial dysfunction leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species and a progressive metabolic adaptive response. Evidence is provided for a positive feed-back mechanism between alterations of calcium and redox homeostasis. This likely involves deregulation of the mitochondrial permeability transition and induces progressive dysfunction of cellular bioenergetics. Pathogenetic implications of the model and new opportunities for therapeutic intervention are discussed. This article is part of a Directed Issue entitled: Bioenergetic dysfunction, adaptation and therapy.
Real-time PCR was used to quantify phytoplasma concentration in fifty inoculated trees from five Prunus rootstocks and in forty-eight symptomatic pear and Japanese plum trees from orchards. Seasonal fluctuation of Ca. P. prunorum in different Prunus rootstocks, over three years, showed that the highest percentage detected by nested-PCR was in the ‘Garnem’ rootstock on nearly all sampling dates. Intra-varietal differences were also observed. Phytoplasma titer could be estimated by real time PCR in some trees of the rootstocks ‘Garnem’, ‘Barrier’, ‘GF-677’ and ‘Marianna’, and ranged from 4.7x105 to 3.18x109 phytoplasmas per gram of tissue. Quantification by real-time PCR was not possible in the ‘Cadaman’ trees analyzed, probably due to a lower phytoplasma titer in this variety. Samples from infected trees from commercial plots had different phytoplasma concentration and detection percentage depending on the variety, both being lower in ‘Fortune’ and ‘606’ Japanese plum and in ‘Blanquilla’ pear trees.
Recently we cloned and sequenced the first eight Trypanosoma cruzi polymorphic microsatellite loci and studied 31 clones and strains to obtain valuable information about the population structure of the parasite. We have now studied 23 further strains, increasing from 11 to 31 the number of strains obtained from patients with chronic Chagas disease. This expanded set of 54 strains and clones analyzed with the eight microsatellites markers confirmed the previously observed diploidy, clonal population organization and very high polymorphism of T. cruzi. Moreover, this new study disclosed two new features of the population genetic structure of T. cruzi. The first was the discovery that, similarly to what we had previously shown for strains isolated from insect vectors, mammals and humans with acute disease, isolates from patients in the chronic phase of Chagas disease could also be multiclonal, albeit at a reduced proportion. Second, when we used parsimony to display the genetic relationship among the clonal lineages in an unrooted Wagner network we observed, like before, a good correlation of the tree topography with the classification in three clusters on the basis of single locus analysis of the ribosomal RNA genes. However, a significant new finding was that now the strains belonging to cluster 2 split in two distant sub-clusters. This observation suggests that the evolutionary history of T. cruzi may be more complex than we previously thought.
Aquest estudi presenta els diferents àmbits d’actuació que composen el Programa CA/AC així com l’explicació de les etapes d’implementació d’aquest programa en la seva modalitat B. Aquesta modalitat ha estat aplicada en diversos centres escolars pertanyents als Berritzegunes (Serveis Educatius) de la província de Guipúscoa durant el curs 2010/11. A partir d’aquesta pràctica, s’ha realitzat l’anàlisi quantitativa de les diferents actuacions dels àmbits A i B de manera que se’n poden analitzar a partir de gràfics, quines han estat les freqüències i el grau d’aplicació de les dinàmiques i de les estructures cooperatives que conformen el programa aplicat.
L'Académie de Lausanne est la première école supérieure protestante implantée en territoire francophone. Lausanne constitue ainsi, dès les années 1540, un pôle de première importance dans le monde réformé. De nombreux savants protestants, attirés par la liberté de pratiquer leur foi et par la présence de l'Académie, s'établissent dans cette ville et des étudiants affluent de toute l'Europe. Les structures de l'Académie de Lausanne et son programme d'enseignement, fixés par un règlement daté de 1547, condensent sous une forme nouvelle les réflexions pédagogiques de la Renaissance. Ils constituent un modèle, direct ou indirect, pour toutes les Académies calvinistes fondées aux XVIème et XVIIème siècles, que ce soit à Genève, en France, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas, en Écosse, en Pologne ou encore aux États-Unis, dont les trois premiers Colleges, Harvard, William and Mary et Yale, se situent dans la même tradition. Malgré la place fondamentale qu'occupe l'Académie de Lausanne dans l'histoire de l'éducation protestante, la phase de création et de développement de cette institution était encore très mal connue. Cette thèse comble cette lacune de l'historiographie par la mise au jour et par l'analyse de nombreux documents, en grande partie inédits. Elle détruit bon nombre de préjugés entourant la mise en place et les buts de l'Académie de Lausanne à ses débuts. Ainsi, l'Académie de Lausanne n'est pas uniquement une école de pasteurs, comme il a souvent été affirmé jusqu'à ce jour, mais plus largement une institution offrant une formation d'un niveau très élevé dans les trois langues anciennes, (latin, grec et hébreu), en arts libéraux, en philosophie naturelle et morale, et en théologie. Au milieu du XVIème siècle, l'Académie lausannoise est capable de rivaliser avec les meilleures institutions pédagogiques de la Renaissance et d'attirer, dans un rayon très large, non seulement des étudiants qui se destinent au pastorat, mais aussi ceux qui sont formés pour gouverner leurs cités. Plus généralement, cette thèse, qui combine des approches d'histoire intellectuelle, d'histoire politique et d'histoire sociale, reconstitue et analyse les structures de l'Académie de Lausanne jusqu'à 1560, ainsi que ses fonctions éducatives, confessionnelles et politiques.
Among the major families of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels, the low-voltage-activated channels formed by the Ca(v)3 subunits, referred to as T-type Ca(2+) channels, have recently gained increased interest in terms of the intracellular Ca(2+) signals generated upon their activation. Here, we provide an overview of recent reports documenting that T-type Ca(2+) channels act as an important Ca(2+) source in a wide range of neuronal cell types. The work is focused on T-type Ca(2+) channels in neurons, but refers to non-neuronal cells in cases where exemplary functions for Ca(2+) entering through T-type Ca(2+) channels have been described. Notably, Ca(2+) influx through T-type Ca(2+) channels is the predominant Ca(2+) source in several neuronal cell types and carries out specific signaling roles. We also emphasize that Ca(2+) signaling through T-type Ca(2+) channels occurs often in select subcellular compartments, is mediated through strategically co-localized targets, and is exploited for unique physiological functions.
Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are serine/threonine kinases that react in response to calcium which functions as a trigger for several mechanisms in plants and invertebrates, but not in mammals. Recent structural studies have defined the role of calcium in the activation of CDPKs and have elucidated the important structural changes caused by calcium in order to allow the kinase domain of CDPK to bind and phosphorylate the substrate. However, the role of autophosphorylation in CDPKs is still not fully understood. In Plasmodium falciparum, seven CDPKs have been identified by sequence comparison, and four of them have been characterized and assigned to play a role in parasite motility, gametogenesis and egress from red blood cells. Although PfCDPK2 was already discovered in 1997, little is known about this enzyme and its metabolic role. In this work, we have expressed and purified PfCDPK2 at high purity in its unphosphorylated form and characterized its biochemical properties. Moreover, propositions about putative substrates in P. falciparum are made based on the analysis of the phosphorylation sites on the artificial substrate myelin basic protein (MBP).
The skeletal remains of 17 people buried in the Eaton Ferry Cemetery in northern North Carolina provide a means of examining health and infectious disease experience in the XIX century South. The cemetery appears to contain the remains of African Americans enslaved on the Eaton family estate from approximately 1830-1850, and thus offers a window into the biological impacts of North American slavery in the years preceding the Civil War. The sample includes the remains of six infants, one child, and one young and nine mature adults (five men, four women, and one unknown). Skeletal indices used to characterize health and disease in the Eaton Ferry sample include dental caries, antemortem tooth loss, enamel hypoplasia, porotic hyperostosis, periosteal lesions, lytic lesions, and stature. These indicators reveal a cumulative picture of compromised health, including high rates of dental disease, childhood growth disruption, and infectious disease. Specific diseases identified in the sample include tuberculosis and congenital syphilis. Findings support previous research on the health impacts of slavery, which has shown that infants and children were the most negatively impacted segment of the enslaved African American population.
Amantadine is an antiviral and antiparkinsonian drug that has been evaluated in combination therapies against hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Controversial results have been reported concerning its efficacy, and its mechanism of action remains unclear. Data obtained in vitro suggested a role of amantadine in inhibiting HCV p7-mediated cation conductance. In keeping with the fact that mitochondria are responsible to ionic fluxes and that HCV infection impairs mitochondrial function, we investigated a potential role of amantadine in modulating mitochondrial function. Using a well-characterized inducible cell line expressing the full-length HCV polyprotein, we found that amantadine not only prevented but also rescued HCV protein-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction. Specifically, amantadine corrected (i) overload of mitochondrial Ca(2+); (ii) inhibition of respiratory chain activity and oxidative phosphorylation; (iii) reduction of membrane potential; and (iv) overproduction of reactive oxygen species. The effects of amantadine were observed within 15 min following drug administration and confirmed in Huh-7.5 cells transfected with an infectious HCV genome. These effects were also observed in cells expressing subgenomic HCV constructs, indicating that they are not mediated or only in part mediated by p7. Single organelle analyzes carried out on isolated mouse liver mitochondria demonstrated that amantadine induces hyperpolarization of the membrane potential. Moreover, amantadine treatment increased the calcium threshold required to trigger mitochondrial permeability transition opening. In conclusion, these results support a role of amantadine in preserving cellular bioenergetics and redox homeostasis in HCV-infected cells and unveil an effect of the drug which might be exploited for a broader therapeutic utilization.