967 resultados para Televisão e esportes
The aim of this study was to analyze and evaluate the performance of swimmers tied to the Extension Project Natação na UNESP at distances of 25m, 50m, 75m and 100m. The study included 20 people, including 12 men and 8 women. From an aerial footage was possible to record the tests proposed by the analysis of videos of, Freestyleand Backstroke styles for stroke cycles, average speed, stroke frequency and time proof stretches of 0-25m, 25-50m, 50-75m e 75-100m. Thus, it was possible to calculate stroke length, frequency, average speed as proposed in the study of Maglischo (1999). From these data were applied to descriptive statistics with mean and standard deviation, minimum and maximum scores in the different parameters of analysis and statistical tests, t-test and correlation to make comparisons between styles and between the distances swims by the subjects. Regarding the performance of the participants in the eight proposed tests, it can be said that most have already mastered the styles Crawl and Back Crawl for having managed to finish the tests proposed. However, the results of the variables analyzed mainly by the total time obtained in the tests can classify the subjects in the initial phase of learning and to start the training will be necessary to improve the implementation of styles
Currently there are numerous social projects scattered through out the country, including the sport, for the most part, aimed at children and teens considered at social vulnerability. These projects end up having as main guiding sports, these in turn take several purposes, among them, the sport recreation/socialization and professionalization of sport, which often end up being worked disassociated from one of another, forgetting that, in the same place, these different purposes can live therefore are the subjects that give meaning to their practice. In this sense, this research sought to understand the meanings that the participants in a social sports project water polo attribute to the practice. This project happens in a provincial city of São Paulo, serving about 2.300 children and teens and has as main objectives the social inclusion and training of high-performance athlete. The research, qualitative approach was characterized by an exploratory study and used the interview as collection technique. The study included 40 children and adolescents attending the project, as well as two social workers and two physical education teachers that working on the project. The results showed that there is a convergence between participants, teachers and social workers regarding their expectations regarding the project, but we identified another bias that goes against the practice of leisure, in showing that in the same place if can find to the two purposes of the sport, even this
The increasing number of gyms and their patrons increasingly concerned about the health, appearance and aesthetics propagated by the media and the supply of ergogenic both food as hormonal some without proof of its effects generated interest for the study of consumption of such ergogenic goers by academies of Bauru/SP; objective was also to assess whether the Physical Education professionals are prepared to guide properly, such as the use of these goers ergogenic. To this end, a questionnaire specific to each category was used, to be answered voluntarily and anonymously, with closed and open questions divided into two parts: one for socio demographic characterization and another in which were discussed issues regarding the use/orientation ergogenic. The research involved a sample of 12 academies and 205 attendees, including 152 men (74.15%) and 53 (25.85) women. Among men, 61.18% (n=93) did use ergogenic(s) food(s), while among women, this percentage was 33.96% (n=18). Regarding the use of hormonal resources, only 4.61% (n=7) of men said they used; there were no cases of women using hormonal resources. Were also interviewed 19 assessors/trainers/teachers, two which fifteen (15) men and four (4) women. Most consumers of ergogenic: (1) is understood in the age group 21-30 years and the socioeconomic classification bands called B1 and B2; (2) practice bodybuilding and consumption ergogenic resources with purpose of muscular hypertrophy; (3) practicing bodybuilding for a period between 1 and 5 years, consumes ergogenic(s) for a period less than one year, and perhaps the most significant event, starts the consumption of ergogenic(s) in a period of less than one year after starting the practice of bodybuilding, and that there are consumers who start consuming ergogenic as soon begin the practice of bodybuilding; (4) has as its main source of indication for the use of ergogenic, the gym instructor, among which, some respondents reported...
With the development of Digital TV, the equipments are becoming more and more modernized in order to popular- ize the information that soon might reach all Brazilian families. That way, we open a space for discussion about the many directions that the usability applied on ISDB-Tb interactivity (Brazilian System of Digital Television) can take. This paper approaches the questions connected to the concept of usability and also the subjects related to the life cycle of some technologies (existence time, obsolescence) Also talks with the definition of interactivityon Digital Television since it is responsible for the emergence of a new contingent of interacting people which goes from the computer and portable equipments users to the passive TV viewers. It’s possible to conclude that the Human-Digital TV Interaction (HDTVI) comprehends the synergy between three actants on Digital TV: the col- lective (or not) TV viewer; the interface and the issuer who can be represented by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) service.
Inegavelmente, as mídias tradicionais como a televisão, o rádio e a mídia impressa detêm grande influência na sociedade contemporânea, tanto para o delineamento do pensamento coletivo, quanto para a sugestão à formação cultural por meio de enunciados produzidos por sujeitos que ocupam determinadas formações sócio- ideológicas. Entretanto, atualmente, um objeto que tem ganhado espaço privilegiado, diferente das mídias tradicionais, são as mídias digitais. Fluidos no grande oceano do ciberespaço que se constitui como um aglutinador de mídias, onde se mesclam mídias tradicionais e novas mídias, centros recepto-difusores encontram-se dispersos em toda parte e, efetivamente, em parte alguma, tornando-se, assim, um espaço onde a cultura participativa e (d)a interatividade ganham traços. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho, embasado principalmente pelo aporte teórico da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, tendo como fio condutor as reflexões de Michel Foucault, procura discutir questões de identidades produzidas e veiculadas nos meios digitais. Toma-se como corpus de análise vídeos caseiros de pessoas “anônimas” que transmitem-se pelo canal do YouTube, onde mostram suas habilidades vocais, artísticas e até mesmo conhecimentos de técnicas áudio-visuais para a produção de efeitos de sentido. Estes sujeitos fazem uso de técnicas de confissão para a construção e afirmação de uma identidade de “artista” e, por essas práticas, produzem novas subjetividades. Em torno destes vídeos, ainda, são originadas comunidades inteligentes de pertencimento pontuadas no próprio YouTube e em outras plataformas, como no Twitter, Facebook, My Space, etc. onde são mobilizados e compartilhados os savoir-faire desses sujeitos e virtualizadas e atualizadas as identidades à luz de uma cultura da convergência.
Director Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s artistic performances, specially the miniseries Hoje é dia de Maria (2005), A Pedra do Reino (2007) and Capitu (2008), target a true setting of commitment, preoccupation and conciliation towards its spectator’s education. And the purpose of this text is to talk about such reeducation of senses explored by Carvalho’s artistic performances.
O Projeto ´Grupo de Discussões sobre Sexualidade, Gênero e Mídia´ foi baseado na importância de dialogar sobre como os temas Sexualidade e gênero são representados nos meios de comunicação. Os participantes foram dez estudantes universitários dos cursos de Psicologia e Comunicação (Jornalismo, Rádio e Televisão, Relações Públicas e Design). O objetivo foi propiciar um espaço de diálogo entre as áreas de Psicologia e Comunicação, com discussões sobre pesquisas acadêmicas e materiais midiáticos, com discussões e reflexões que contribuíssem para a formação dos estudantes destas áreas. Foram 17 encontros semanais, com a duração de uma hora e meia, realizados em uma sala de uma Clínica de Psicologia universitária. As principais discussões versaram sobre como a mídia produz e reproduz padrões normativos, estereótipos, preconceitos e uma compreensão repressiva da sexualidade e do gênero, pensando juntos sobre formas possíveis de abordar o tema considerando a pluralidade, a diversidade e a multiplicidade da sexualidade humana. Buscou-se também refletir sobre o processo de construção dos produtos midiáticos e a importância dos profissionais que trabalham com o tema refletirem a respeito da própria história de educação sexual, a trajetória pessoal e profissional e o quanto as próprias experiências, concepções, valores e também preconce