991 resultados para Space perception.
Aiming at consensus building in environmental management with democratic procedure, a communication tool for mutual understanding is profoundly needed. The main purpose of this research is the establishment of a practical methodology to understand vernacular meanings of the environment in terms of resident landscape perception as a precondition for environmental discussion.
Die Beiträge dieser Veröffentlichung sind aus Vorträgen anlässlich der Postdoc-Konferenz zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Detlev Ipsen, der sich im September 2010 aus dem Universitätsdienst verabschiedete, entstanden. Das inhaltliche Kernprogramm der Postdoc-Konferenz war bewusst auf sehr unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf den Raum und die Raumwahrnehmung ausgerichtet und bildet sich auch in den Beiträgen dieser Veröffentlichung ab. Elisabeth Heidenreich widmet sich in ihrem Beitrag „Der moderne Dschihad und seine (sakralen) Räume“ den technischen Räumen des islamistischen Terrorismus. Hans-Ulrich Werner zeigt in seinem Beitrag „SoundScapes als Klang und Raum“ verschiedene Begegnungen der Musik- und Klangwissenschaft mit der Stadt- und Umweltplanung auf und setzt sich mit der Bedeutung und Transformation von „Klangräumen“ in der Planung auseinander. Der Beitrag von Susanne Kost „Kulturbedingte Unterschiede im Landschaftsbewusstsein – eine Annäherung“ analysiert, wie und wodurch sich bestimmte Handlungs- und Wahrnehmungsweisen in Kulturen entwickelt haben könnten und ob sich am Beispiel der Niederlande bestimmte Muster der Landschaftswahrnehmung identifizieren lassen. Ilya Maharika erörtert in seinem Beitrag „Urban Gene of Desakota. A Dynamic of Indonesian Urban-Rural Continuum with the Case of Yogyakarta Region” internationale Phänomene und Dynamiken im Stadt-Land-Gefüge.
Die vorliegende Arbeit macht Vorschläge zur Einbindung der Öffentlichkeit in Planungsbestrebungen vor Ort, wobei vor allem Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung und deren Anwendbarkeit in landschaftsplanerischen Vorhaben näher betrachtet werden. Hiermit finden insbesondere Wertezuweisungen durch die Bürger stärkere Berücksichtigung. Es wird angenommen, dass, um eine zukunftsweisende Landschaftsplanung zu etablieren, Planer und Fachleute lernen müssen, wie die lokale Bevölkerung ihre Umwelt wahrnimmt und empfindet und welche Ideen sie für die zukünftige Entwicklung der Landschaft haben. Als empirische Grundlage werden Fallstudien aus Bad Soden am Taunus, Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg und Kassel-Rothenditmold präsentiert und verglichen. Rothenditmold und Wilhelmsburg zeichnen sich durch hohe Einwohneranteile mit Migrationshintergrund aus, weisen relativ hohe Arbeitslosenquoten auf und sind als soziale Brennpunkte bekannt – zumindest für Außenstehende. Beide Stadtteile versuchen ihr Image aufzuwerten. In Wilhelmsburg wird dieses Vorhaben in die großräumigen Veränderungen eingebunden, die von verschiedenen Hamburger Großprojekten ausstrahlen. In Rothenditmold ist vor allem Eigeninitiative durch den Stadtteil selbst gefragt. In Bad Soden gibt es ebenfalls viele Menschen mit ausländischen Wurzeln. Sie gehören allerdings mehrheitlich der gesellschaftlichen Mittel- und Oberschicht an. Bad Soden verfügt über ein insgesamt positives Image, das aller kulturellen Veränderungen zum Trotz beibehalten werden soll. Entsprechende Initiativen gehen hier ebenfalls von der Gemeinde selbst aus. An allen Standorten hat es drastische Landschaftsveränderungen und speziell deren Erscheinung gegeben. Bad Soden und Wilhelmsburg haben dabei Teile ihres vormals ländlichen Charakters zu bewahren, während in Rothenditmold vor allem Zeugnisse aus der Zeit der Industrialisierung erhalten sind und den Ort prägen. Die Landschaften haben jeweils ihre einzigartigen Erscheinungen. Zumindest Teile der Landschaften ermöglichen eine Identifikation, sind attraktiv und liefern gute Erholungsmöglichkeiten. Um diese Qualitäten zu bewahren, müssen sie entsprechend gepflegt und weiter entwickelt werden. Dazu sind die Interessen und Wünsche der Bewohner zu ermitteln und in Planungen einzuarbeiten. Die Arbeit strebt einen Beitrag zur Lebensraumentwicklung für und mit Menschen an, die mittels ausgewählter Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung eingebunden werden. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass die vorgestellten und erprobten Methoden sinnvoll in Projekte der Landschaftsplanung eingebunden werden können. Mit ihnen können ergänzende Erkenntnisse zum jeweiligen Landschaftsraum gewonnen werden, da sie helfen, die kollektive Wahrnehmung der Landschaft durch die Bevölkerung zu erfassen, um sie anschließend in Planungsentwürfe einbinden zu können. Mit der Untersuchung wird in den drei vorgestellten Fallstudien exemplarisch erfasst, welche Elemente der Landschaft für die Bewohner von besonderer Bedeutung sind. Darüber hinaus lernen Planer, welche Methoden zur Ermittlung emotionaler Landschaftswerte verfügbar sind und auf welcher Ebene der Landschaftsplanung sowie bei welchen Zielgruppen sie eingesetzt werden können. Durch die Verknüpfung landschaftsplanerischer Erfassungsmethoden mit Methoden der empirischen Sozialwissenschaft (Fragebogen, Interviews, „Spaziergangsinterviews“, gemeinsame Erarbeitung von Projekten bis zur Umsetzung) sowie der Möglichkeit zur Rückkoppelung landschaftsplaneri-scher Entwürfe mit der Bevölkerung wird eine Optimierung dieser Entwürfe sowohl im Sinne der Planer als auch im Sinne der Bürger erreicht. Zusätzlich wird die Wahrnehmung teilnehmender Bevölkerung für ihre Umwelt geschärft, da sie aufgefordert wird, sich mit ihrer Lebensumgebung bewusst auseinander zu setzen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung sind Beitrag und Beleg zu der Annahme, dass ergänzende Methoden in der Landschaftsplanung zur stärkeren Interessenberücksichtigung der von Planung betroffenen Menschen benötigt werden. Zudem zeigen die Studien auf, wie man dem planungsethischen Anspruch, die Öffentlichkeit einzubeziehen, näher kommt. Resultat sind eine bessere Bewertung und Akzeptanz der Planungen und das nicht nur aus landschaftsplanerisch-fachlicher Sicht. Landschaftsplaner sollten ein Interesse daran haben, dass ihre Entwürfe ernst genommen und akzeptiert werden. Das schaffen sie, wenn sie der Bevölkerung nicht etwas aufplanen, sondern ihnen entsprechende Einflussmöglichkeiten bieten und Landschaft mit ihnen gemeinsam entwickeln.
In the process of urbanization, natural and semi-natural landscapes are increasingly cherished as open space and recreational resource. Urban rivers are part of this kind of resource and thus play an important role in managing urban resilience and health. Employing the example of Tianjin, this doctoral dissertation research aims at learning to understand how to plan and design for the interface zones between urban water courses and for the land areas adjacent to such water courses. This research also aims at learning how to link waterfront space with other urban space in order to make a recreational space system for the benefit of people. Five questions of this dissertation are: 1) what is the role of rivers in spatial and open space planning? 2) What are the human needs regarding outdoor open space? 3) How do river and water front spatial structures affect people's recreational activities? 4) How to define the recreational service of urban river and waterfront open space? 5) How might answering these question change planning and design of urban open space? Quantitative and qualitative empirical approaches were combined in this study for which literature review and theoretical explorations provide the basis. Empirical investigations were conducted in the city of Tianjin. The quantitative approach includes conducting 267 quantitative interviews, and the qualitative approach includes carrying out field observations and mappings. GIS served to support analysis and visualization of empirical information that was generated through this study. By responding to the five research questions, findings and lessons include the following: 1) In the course of time rivers have gained importance in all levels and scales of spatial planning and decision making. Regarding the development of ecological networks, mainly at national scale, rivers are considered significant linear elements. Regarding regional and comprehensive development, river basins and watersheds are often considered as the structural link for strategic ecological, economic, social and recreational planning. For purposes of urban planning, particularly regarding recreational services in cities, the distribution of urban open spaces often follows the structure of river systems. 2) For the purpose of classifying human recreational needs that relate to outdoor open space Maslow's hierarchy of human needs serves as theoretical basis. The classes include geographical, safety, physiological, social and aesthetic need. These classes serve as references while analyzing river and waterfront open space and other kinds of open space. 3) Regarding the question how river and waterfront spatial structures might affect people's recreational activities, eight different landscape units were identified and compared in the case study area. Considering the thermal conditions of Tianjin, one of these landscape units was identified as affording the optimal spatial arrangement which mostly meets recreational needs. The size and the shape of open space, and the plants present in an open space have been observed as being most relevant regarding recreational activities. 4) Regarding the recreational service of urban river and waterfront open space the results of this research suggest that the recreational service is felt less intensively as the distances between water 183 front and open space user’s places of residence are increasing. As a method for estimating this ‘Service Distance Effect’ the following formula may be used: Y = a*ebx. In this equation Y means the ‘Service Distance’ between homes and open space, and X means the percentage of the people who live within this service distance. Coefficient "a" represents the distance of the residential area nearest to the water front. The coefficient "b" is a comprehensive capability index that refers to the size of the available and suitable recreational area. 5) Answers found to the questions above have implications for the planning and design of urban open space. The results from the quantitative study of recreational services of waterfront open space were applied to the assessment of river-based open space systems. It is recommended that such assessments might be done employing the network analysis function available with any GIS. In addition, several practical planning and designing suggestions are made that would help remedy any insufficient base for satisfying recreational needs. The understanding of recreational need is considered helpful for the proposing planning and designing ideas and for the changing of urban landscapes. In the course of time Tianjin's urban water system has shrunk considerably. At the same time rivers and water courses have shaped Tianjin's urban structure in noticeable ways. In the process of urbanization water has become increasingly important to the citizens and their everyday recreations. Much needs to be changed in order to improve recreational opportunities and to better provide for a livable city, most importantly when considering the increasing number of old people. Suggestions made that are based on results of this study, might be implemented in Tianjin. They are 1) to promote the quality of the waterfront open space and to make all linear waterfront area accessible recreational spaces. Then, 2), it is advisable to advocate the concept of green streets and to combine green streets with river open space in order to form an everyday recreational network. And 3) any sound urban everyday recreational service made cannot rely on only urban rivers; the whole urban structure needs to be improved, including adding small open space and optimize the form of urban communities, finally producing a multi-functional urban recreational network.
In the big cities of Pakistan, peri-urban dairy production plays an important role for household income generation and the supply of milk and meat to the urban population. On the other hand, milk production in general, and peri-urban dairy production in particular, faces numerous problems that have been well known for decades. Peri-urban dairy producers have been especially neglected by politicians as well as non-government-organizations (NGOs). Against this background, a study in Pakistan’s third largest city, Faisalabad (Punjab Province), was carried out with the aims of gathering basic information, determining major constraints and identifying options for improvements of the peri-urban milk production systems. For data collection, 145 peri-urban households (HH) engaged in dairy production were interviewed face to face using a structured and pretested questionnaire with an interpreter. For analyses, HH were classified into three wealth groups according to their own perception. Thus, 38 HH were poor, 95 HH well off and 12 HH rich (26.2%, 65.5% and 8.3%, respectively). The richer the respondents perceived their HH, the more frequently they were actually in possession of high value HH assets like phones, bank accounts, motorbikes, tractors and cars. Although there was no difference between the wealth groups with respect to the number of HH members (about 10, range: 1 to 23), the educational level of the HH heads differed significantly: on average, heads of poor HH had followed education for 3 years, compared to 6 years for well off HH and 8 years for rich HH. About 40% of the poor and well off HH also had off-farm incomes, while the percentage was much higher - two thirds (67%) - for the rich HH. The majority of the HH were landless (62%); the rest (55 HH) possessed agricultural land from 0.1 to 10.1 ha (average 2.8 ha), where they were growing green fodder: maize, sorghum and pearl millet in summer; berseem, sugar cane and wheat were grown in winter. Dairy animals accounted for about 60% of the herds; the number of dairy animals per HH ranged from 2 to 50 buffaloes (Nili-Ravi breed) and from 0 to 20 cows (mostly crossbred, also Sahiwal). About 37% (n=54) of the HH did not keep cattle. About three quarters of the dairy animals were lactating. The majority of the people taking care of the animals were family workers; 17.3% were hired labourers (exclusively male), employed by 11 rich and 32 well off HH; none of the poor HH employed workers, but the percentages were 33.7% for the well off and 91.7% for the rich HH. The total number of workers increased significantly with increasing wealth (poor: 2.0; well off:2.5; rich: 3.4). Overall, 69 female labourers were recorded, making up 16.8% of employed workers and one fourth of the HH’s own labourers. Apparently, their only duty was to clean the animals´ living areas; only one of them was also watering and showering the animals. Poor HH relied more on female workers than the other two groups: 27.1% of the workers of poor HH were women, but only 14.8% and 6.8% of the labour force of well off and rich HH were female. Two thirds (70%) of the HH sold milk to dhodis (middlemen) and one third (35%) to neighbours; three HH (2%) did doorstep delivery and one HH (1%) had its own shop. The 91 HH keeping both species usually sold mixed milk (97%). Clients for mixed and pure buffalo milk were dhodis (78%, respectively 59%) and neighbours (28%, respectively 47%). The highest milk prices per liter (Pakistani Rupees, 100 PKR @ 0.8 Euro) were paid by alternative clients (44 PKR; 4 HH), followed by neighbours (40 PKR, 50 HH); dhodis paid lower prices (36 PKR, 99 HH). Prices for pure buffalo and mixed milk did not differ significantly. However, HH obtaining the maximum price from the respective clients for the respective type of milk got between 20% (mixed milk, alternative clients) and 68% (mixed milk, dhodi) more than HH fetching the minimum price. Some HH (19%) reported 7% higher prices for the current summer than the preceding winter. Amount of milk sold and distance from the HH to the city center did not influence milk prices. Respondents usually named problems that directly affected their income and that were directly and constantly visible to them, such as high costs, little space and fodder shortages. Other constraints that are only influencing their income indirectly, e.g. the relatively low genetic potential of their animals due to neglected breeding as well as the short- and long-term health problems correlated with imbalanced feeding and insufficient health care, were rarely named. The same accounts for problems accompanying improper dung management (storage, disposal, burning instead of recycling) for the environment and human health. Most of the named problems are linked to each other and should be addressed within the context of the entire system. Therefore, further research should focus on systematic investigations and improvement options, taking a holistic and interdisciplinary approach instead of only working in single fields. Concerted efforts of dairy farmers, researchers, NGOs and political decision makers are necessary to create an economic, ecological and social framework that allows dairy production to serve the entire society. For this, different improvement options should be tested in terms of their impact on environment and income of the farmers, as well as feasibility and sustainability in the peri-urban zones of Faisalabad.
In East Africa, Uganda is one of the major producers of organic pineapples for export. These pineapples are mainly produced in central Uganda and have to meet stringent quality standards before they can be allowed on international markets. These quality standards may put considerable strain on farmers and may not be wholly representative of their quality interpretation. The aim of this paper is therefore, to determine the Ugandan organic pineapple farmers’ quality perception, the activities they carry out in order to attain that quality and challenges (production, postharvest & marketing) faced on the same. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were carried out among 28 organic pineapple farmers in Kayunga district, central Uganda. Findings suggest that quality of organic pineapples is mainly perceived in terms of product attributes particularly appearance followed by food security provision. Certification plays a minor role in what farmers describe as organic quality. High production input costs (labour and coffee husks) coupled with a stagnant premium are some of the major challenges faced by farmers in attaining organic quality. The paper argues that currently there are concealed negative food security effects embroiled in these pineapple schemes. It is recommended that the National Organic Agricultural Movement of Uganda (NOGAMU) works with all relevant stakeholders to have the farmer premium price raised and an official organic policy enacted.
We present a novel scheme ("Categorical Basis Functions", CBF) for object class representation in the brain and contrast it to the "Chorus of Prototypes" scheme recently proposed by Edelman. The power and flexibility of CBF is demonstrated in two examples. CBF is then applied to investigate the phenomenon of Categorical Perception, in particular the finding by Bulthoff et al. (1998) of categorization of faces by gender without corresponding Categorical Perception. Here, CBF makes predictions that can be tested in a psychophysical experiment. Finally, experiments are suggested to further test CBF.
The processes underlying the perceptual analysis of visual form are believed to have minimal interaction with those subserving the perception of visual motion (Livingstone and Hubel, 1987; Victor and Conte, 1990). Recent reports of functionally and anatomically segregated parallel streams in the primate visual cortex seem to support this hypothesis (Ungerlieder and Mishkin, 1982; VanEssen and Maunsell, 1983; Shipp and Zeki, 1985; Zeki and Shipp, 1988; De Yoe et al., 1994). Here we present perceptual evidence that is at odds with this view and instead suggests strong symmetric interactions between the form and motion processes. In one direction, we show that the introduction of specific static figural elements, say 'F', in a simple motion sequence biases an observer to perceive a particular motion field, say 'M'. In the reverse direction, the imposition of the same motion field 'M' on the original sequence leads the observer to perceive illusory static figural elements 'F'. A specific implication of these findings concerns the possible existence of (what we call) motion end-stopped units in the primate visual system. Such units might constitute part of a mechanism for signalling subjective occluding contours based on motion-field discontinuities.
Brightness judgments are a key part of the primate brain's visual analysis of the environment. There is general consensus that the perceived brightness of an image region is based not only on its actual luminance, but also on the photometric structure of its neighborhood. However, it is unclear precisely how a region's context influences its perceived brightness. Recent research has suggested that brightness estimation may be based on a sophisticated analysis of scene layout in terms of transparency, illumination and shadows. This work has called into question the role of low-level mechanisms, such as lateral inhibition, as explanations for brightness phenomena. Here we describe experiments with displays for which low-level and high-level analyses make qualitatively different predictions, and with which we can quantitatively assess the trade-offs between low-level and high-level factors. We find that brightness percepts in these displays are governed by low-level stimulus properties, even when these percepts are inconsistent with higher-level interpretations of scene layout. These results point to the important role of low-level mechanisms in determining brightness percepts.
The Space Systems, Policy and Architecture Research Consortium (SSPARC) was formed to make substantial progress on problems of national importance. The goals of SSPARC were to: • Provide technologies and methods that will allow the creation of flexible, upgradable space systems, • Create a “clean sheet” approach to space systems architecture determination and design, including the incorporation of risk, uncertainty, and flexibility issues, and • Consider the impact of national space policy on the above. This report covers the last two goals, and demonstrates that the effort was largely successful.
It is proposed that subjective contours are an artifact of the perception of natural three-dimensional surfaces. A recent theory of surface interpolation implies that "subjective surfaces" are constructed in the visual system by interpolation between three-dimensional values arising from interpretation of a variety of surface cues. We show that subjective surfaces can take any form, including singly and doubly curved surfaces, as well as the commonly discussed fronto-parallel planes. In addition, it is necessary in the context of computational vision to make explicit the discontinuities, both in depth and in surface orientation, in the surfaces constructed by interpolation. It is proposed that subjective surfaces and subjective contours are demonstrated. The role played by figure completion and enhanced brightness contrast in the determination of subjective surfaces is discussed. All considerations of surface perception apply equally to subjective surfaces.
Caches are known to consume up to half of all system power in embedded processors. Co-optimizing performance and power of the cache subsystems is therefore an important step in the design of embedded systems, especially those employing application specific instruction processors. In this project, we propose an analytical cache model that succinctly captures the miss performance of an application over the entire cache parameter space. Unlike exhaustive trace driven simulation, our model requires that the program be simulated once so that a few key characteristics can be obtained. Using these application-dependent characteristics, the model can span the entire cache parameter space consisting of cache sizes, associativity and cache block sizes. In our unified model, we are able to cater for direct-mapped, set and fully associative instruction, data and unified caches. Validation against full trace-driven simulations shows that our model has a high degree of fidelity. Finally, we show how the model can be coupled with a power model for caches such that one can very quickly decide on pareto-optimal performance-power design points for rapid design space exploration.
The incorporation of space allows the establishment of a more precise relationship between a contaminating input, a contaminating byproduct and emissions that reach the final receptor. However, the presence of asymmetric information impedes the implementation of the first-best policy. As a solution to this problem a site specific deposit refund system for the contaminating input and the contaminating byproduct are proposed. Moreover, the utilization of a successive optimization technique first over space and second over time enables definition of the optimal intertemporal site specific deposit refund system