973 resultados para Socialism and art.


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The purpose of my research was to explore the interplay between religion and art in James Joyce’s novel, A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN. My aim was to trace the development of the protagonist, Stephen Dedalus by analyzing how Catholicsim is an institution that forms him, yet must reject to realize his artistic potential. I researched Joyce’s background to gain an understanding of the exilic experience on the literature. Through the exilic lens, I realized that Catholicism was the predominant influence on Stephen’s need to embark on a self-imposed exile at the end of the novel. Complicating his decision is the fact that he does not stop believing in religious constructs such as heaven and hell. In conclusion I found by following his artistic longing, and turning away from the church he is committing a sin and, as a result, damning his soul.


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The 1956 crises in the Soviet Bloc states, and the Hungarian October events in particular, had a profound impact on China's international and domestic policies. The Chinese Communist Party leadership – party chairman Mao Zedong in particular – had by the end of mid-1950s begun to conceive of "a great Chinese revolution," which would largely take the form of large-scale industrial modernization. At the same time, China's awareness that it could develop into a leading player in the international socialist camp led Mao and his colleagues to actively intervene on the East European scene, posing an implicit challenge to the Soviet dominance in the bloc. The apparent desire of the Hungarian and Polish people to break free from Stalinist socialism, and the real risk, as Mao saw it, of the bloc foundering, convinced the Chinese Party that only reforming institutional socialism and revising the Stalinist pattern of inter-state relations could keep the camp intact.


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Ce mémoire porte sur les transformations du concept de prudence, de l’Antiquité grecque au XVIIe siècle. Il souligne notamment le lien qui unit les manières d’être et l’art, tant chez les Grecs qu’au début de la modernité. La phronèsis se définissait tout d’abord en relation aux autres manières de faire, dont la technè fait partie. Si Platon et Aristote les distinguent, les auteurs de la modernité assimileront ces deux manières de faire. De plus, on peut voir dans la forme du langage employé pour écrire sur la prudence un reflet de la vertu antique. Il s’agit de donner, tant par le style que par le propos, un exemple de prudence. Cette vertu, qui est d’ailleurs la première des vertus cardinales, est donc fondamentale pour comprendre le rapport entre l’éthique et l’art, de l’Antiquité au début de la modernité. Elle annonce aussi les débuts de l’esthétique moderne, en ce qu’elle donne des règles à suivre pour arriver à ses fins, qu’il s’agisse de n’importe quelle manière de faire.


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No presente trabalho de psicanálise extra-clínica aplicada ao estudo de objectos culturais artísticos, o autor procura mostrar a pertinência da aplicação do modelo bioniano dos elementos em psicanálise, nomeadamente o das inter-relações entre as posições esquizo-paranóide e depressiva (PS↔D) ao processo criativo artístico, isto é, a compreensão de obras artísticas modernas como o resultado da oscilação permanente entre os modos distintos de pensar/sentir dispersivo e integrativo, ilustrando com obras de vários campos artísticos: do teatro (Galileu Galilei de Brecht), da pintura (cubismo de Picasso), da literatura (Ulisses de Joyce) e da dança moderna.


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The aim of this paper is to consider the emergence of nostalgia videogames in the context of playable game criticism. Mirroring the development of the nostalgia film in cinema, an increasing number of developers are creating videogames that are evocative of past gaming forms, designs, and styles. The primary focus of this paper is to explore the extent to which these nostalgia videogames could be considered games-on-games: games that offer a critical view on game design and development, framed by the nostalgia and cultural memory of both gamers and game developers. Theories of pastiche and parody as applied to literature, film, and art are used to form a basis for the examination of recent nostalgia videogames, all of which demonstrate a degree of reflection on the videogame medium.


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In recent years there has been a renaissance of studies into the diverse relationships between National Socialism and esoteric or occult religious trends, which appears to form a remarkable return to the work of George L Mosse. Yet within these debates there has been surprisingly little space devoted to the question of what specifically ‘counted’ as religion in the early Nazi milieu. This article seeks to address this problem through a detailed study of the views on religion in one of the major antisemitic groups in the 1920s, the German Socialist Party, which had a number of significant connections to the NSDAP. The German Socialist debates on religion have remained largely unexamined, and this article analyses the group’s response to the Nazis’ 25 Point Programme, the German Socialists’ own debates about religion, and their views on the most important völkisch authors who were seeking a ‘religious revival’. It demonstrates that views on religion in the early Nazi milieu were extremely diverse, but commonly adhered to notions of race and a racial spirituality that amounted to a kind of ‘ethnotheism’. It argues that concepts of religion in völkisch groups at the time, including the NSDAP, have to be principally understood as part of a particular and extreme ‘racist culture’.


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Es una revisión e interpretación profunda de la Teoría Institucional de Arte cuya reflexión se extiende hasta la Curaduría Creativa, un fenómeno del arte contemporáneo, del que podría predicarse un estatus de obra de arte. El objetivo principal pretende defender las condiciones bajo las cuales la curaduría puede considerarse una obra de arte.


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El presente trabajo tiene como propósito hacer una revisión crítica de dos de los trabajos más relevantes que abordan la relación entre salud mental y arte, a saber: Artistry of the Mentally Ill, de Hans Prinzhorn (1922/1972) y Madness and Art, de Walter Morgenthaler (1921/1992). Para ello, se presenta primero un recuento de estos textos, y en un segundo momento, su respectivo análisis. De esta manera, llevo a cabo una revisión crítica de los ya mencionados libros a la luz de diferentes teorías psicoanalíticas que abordan algunos temas cruciales dentro de esta relación, como lo son la psicosis, y desde otras perspectivas, el arte marginal y la creatividad, aportando así a la investigación teórica de este tema particular.


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El VI Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba introdujo una nueva agenda económica que el Gobierno llama la actualización del modelo socialista. Muchos piensan que en esencia se trata de una serie de reformas y reducen su importancia a su dimensión económica. Esta monografía busca explicar la actualización aplicando el análisis de sistemas-mundo de Immanuel Wallerstein, aportando una interpretación no convencional del fenómeno. Se puntualizará en las variables de poder y en los actores políticos que han determinado la nueva política económica: el Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR). Ambos conforman lo que Wallerstein denomina un movimiento antisitémico. El argumento principal es que el movimiento ha puesto en marcha las reformas buscando fortalecer el Estado y así garantizar su supervivencia al consolidar su posición como el competidor único del poder estatal. Como se verá, estas metas han llevado al movimiento a sacrificar parte de su naturaleza antisistémica.


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En Bojayá, Colombia, la música ha posibilitado la visualización, reparación y construcción de memoria histórica de las víctimas de la masacre de 2002 aprovechando dos elementos: La comunicación y el arte. La comunicación, el acceso a mecanismos informativos y de participación son elementos sobre los cuales se basa las estructuras democráticas contemporáneas; mientras que las expresiones artísticas se configuran como herramientas que posibilitan el acceso de la ciudadanía al escenario político. En un escenario con posibilidades limitadas, el arte aparece como una alternativa en un contexto donde las herramientas institucionales han resultado insuficientes. A partir del análisis de las expresiones musicales de los sobrevivientes y el uso de planteamientos de Jürgen Habermas, Juan Rueda, Elizabeth Jelin, entre otros, se analizan los procesos comunicativos de la música que dan lugar a la creación de memoria histórica.


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City & Spectacle: a vision of pre-earthquake Lisbon consists of a virtual recrea on of the city of Lis- bon on the eve of the great earthquake of 1 November 1755, giving shape to a laboratory model for research into the city’s history. As its star ng point the project has the virtual recrea on of one the most emblema c of spaces from 18th century Lisbon, the Royal Opera House, which disappeared during the 1755 earthquake. The recrea on of the Opera House was developed in the scope of the commemora- ons of the 250th anniversary of the 1755 catastrophe as an a empt to restore this space of the highest ar s c quality to memory and to return it to the inventory of the Portuguese heritage of architectural history.1 Using Second Life® technology it was possible to put forward a model of both the struc- ture and interiors of the Opera House as well as its anima on combined with a small piece of the opera presented at the inaugura on of the building in April 1755. The public presenta on of this virtual model at the conference 1755: Catástrofe, memória e arte (1755: catastrophe, memory and art), which took place at the Centro de Estudos Compara- stas, Universidade de Lisboa, led to a debate on the study and cri cal analysis of documentary sources and their selec on and applica on on recrea ons using virtual world technology. It also emphasized the need to extend the research on pre-earthquake Lisbon.


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Com a abertura da economia brasileira a partir de meados da década de 1990, o setor vitivinícola nacional passou a enfrentar uma forte concorrência externa, registrando-se taxas significativas de importações. No período de 2002-2010, o crescimento das importações de produtos vitivinícolas (vinhos, espumantes, vinhos licorosos, etc.), pelo mercado brasileiro foi de aproximadamente 183%. Portanto, de modo semelhante a outros setores do agro-negócio mundial, o setor vitivinícola tem se caracterizado pela crescente competição entre blocos econômicos, a qual tem sido marcada por um ambiente empresarial cada vez mais intenso em tecnologia e gestão. Diante deste cenário e da evidência de que, para competir neste mercado, é necessário uma performance diferenciada, em 2008, a Associação Catarinense dos Produtores de Vinhos Finos de Altitude - ACAVITIS, com o apoio institucional e financeiro do Serviço Nacional de Apoio a Micro e Pequena Empresa - SEBRAE-SC e, sob a coordenação técnica da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa Uva e Vinho e da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - EPAGRI, implantou o projeto para criação da Marca Coletiva ACAVITIS (MCA), objetivando garantir qualidade e imagem diferenciada para seus produtos diante da concorrência. Em 2009, o registro da MCA foi protocolado junto ao Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial - INPI e, na safra de 2011, serão certificados seus primeiros vinhos.


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The wine production in the region of the Sub-middle São Francisco river Valley has started there are few years ago.The region has a climate variability that allows to obtain two or three harvests per year, which influences significantly the composition of the grapes. This work aimed to evaluate the amount of amines present in white and red tropical wines produced in the Northeast of Brazil. The winemaking was done by the traditional method. After stabilizing the wines were bottled and then analyzed for the determination of the amines putrescine, spermidine and spermine, by thin layer chromatography (TLC). The harvests were in June (harvest I) and November (harvest II) 2009. The results showed that the edaphoclimatic conditions of the two harvests had significant influence (p> 0.05) on bioactive amines concentration, with high values for red wines. In addition, tropical wines from Sub-middle São Francisco river Valley showed adequate correlation between bioactive amines as compared to other wines in the world.