1000 resultados para Simulació per ordinador -- Aplicacions
Aquesta tesi presenta un projecte de gestió integral d'infraestructures hidràuliques de sanejament a la Conca del riu Besòs. S'han considerat dos sistemes de sanejament (La Garriga i Granollers) amb les seves respectives xarxes de clavegueram i Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües Residuals (EDAR), i un tram del riu Congost, afluent del Besòs, com a medi receptor de les seves aigües residuals. Amb aquesta finalitat es construeix i s'utilitza un Sistema de Suport a la Decisió Ambiental (SSDA). Aquesta eina incorpora l'ús de models de simulació de qualitat de l'aigua pels sistemes de clavegueram, EDAR i riu, com a forma d'extracció de coneixement sobre la gestió integrada d'aquests elements. Aquest coneixement es conceptualitza, posteriorment, en forma d'arbres de decisió, que proporcionaran a l'usuari les actuacions a realitzar davant de les diferents situacions reals de gestió diària.
L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és trobar i mostrar una eina que permeti obtenir una representació dels senyals procedents de sistemes dinàmics adequada a les necessitats dels sistemes de Supervisió Experta de processos. Aquest objectiu general es pot subdividir en diverses parts, que són tractades en els diferents capítols que composen el treball i que es poden resumir en els següents punts: En primer lloc, cal conèixer les necessitats dels sistemes de Supervisió: La gran quantitat de dades que provenen dels processos fa necessari el tractament d'aquestes dades per obtenir-ne d'altres, més elaborades, amb un nivell més elevat de representació. La utilització de raonament qualitatiu, pròpia dels éssers humans, comporta la necessitat de representar simbòlicament els senyals, de traduir les dades numèriques en símbols. La Supervisió de sistemes dinàmics comporta que el temps sigui una variable fonamental, la asincronia dels esdeveniments significatius per a la Supervisió fa que les representacions més adequades i útils dels senyals siguin asíncrones. Finalment,l'ús dels coneixements experimentals en la Supervisió dels processos comporta que les representacions més naturals siguin les més útils. Aquestes necessitats fan de la representació dels senyals mitjançant episodis l'eina amb més possibilitats per assolir els objectius que es volen assolir. Per això, es presenta un formalisme que permet descriure i incloure-hi la formalització i les diferents aproximacions a aquest tipus de representació ja existents i, al mateix temps, augmentar-ne la significació a través de característiques dels senyals que no es tenen en compte en les aproximacions ja existents. El següent pas és aprofitar el nou formalisme per obtenir una nova representació amb un grau més gran de significació, cosa que s'aconsegueix representant explícitament les discontinuïtats i els períodes estacionaris o d'estabilitat, molt significatius en Supervisió de processos. Un problema sempre present en el tractament de senyals és el soroll que els afecta. Per aquest motiu es presenta un mètode que permet filtrar el soroll de manera que les representacions resultants quedin afectades el mínim possible per aquest tractament. Finalment, es presenta l'aplicació en línia de les eines descrites. La representació en línia dels senyals comporta el tractament de la incertesa inherent al coneixement parcial del senyal (un episodi no pot ser determinat i caracteritzat completament fins que no s'acaba). L'obtenció de resultats amb determinats graus de certesa és perfectament coherent amb la seva utilització posterior mitjançant Sistemes Experts o altres eines de la IA. Totes les aportacions del treball vénen acompanyades d'exemples i/o aplicacions que permeten observar-ne la utilitat i les limitacions.
This study aims to estimate an adult-equivalent scale for calorie requirements and to determine the differences between adult-equivalent and per capita measurements of calorie availability in the Brazilian population. The study used data from the 2002-2003 Brazilian Household Budget Survey. The calorie requirement for a reference adult individual was based on the mean requirements for adult males and females (2,550kcal/day). The conversion factors were defined as the ratios between the calorie requirements for each age group and gender and that of the reference adult. The adult-equivalent calorie availability levels were higher than the per capita levels, with the largest differences in rural and low-income households. Differences in household calorie availability varied from 22kcal/day (households with adults and an adolescent) to 428kcal/day (households with elderly individuals), thus showing that per capital measurements can underestimate the real calorie availability, since they overlook differences in household composition.
Purpose: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the potential of substituting autogenous bone (AB) by bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC). Both AB and BMAC were tested in combination with a bovine bone mineral (BBM) for their ability of new bone formation (NBF) in a multicentric, randomized, controlled, clinical and histological noninferiority trial. Materials and Methods: Forty-five severely atrophied maxillary sinus from 26 patients were evaluated in a partial cross-over design. As test arm, 34 sinus of 25 patients were augmented with BBM and BMAC containing mesenchymal stem cells. Eleven control sinus from 11 patients were augmented with a mixture of 70% BBM and 30% AB. Biopsies were obtained after a 3-4-month healing period at time of implant placement and histomorphometrically analyzed for NBF. Results: NBF was 14.3%+/- 1.8% for the control and nonsignificantly lower (12.6%+/- 1.7%) for the test (90% confidence interval: -4.6 to 1.2). Values for BBM (31.3%+/- 2.7%) were significantly higher for the test compared with control (19.3%+/- 2.5%) (p < 0.0001). Nonmineralized tissue was lower by 3.3% in the test compared with control (57.6%; p = 0.137). Conclusions: NBF after 3-4 months is equivalent in sinus, augmented with BMAC and BBM or a mixture of AB and BBM. This technique could be an alternative for using autografts to stimulate bone formation.
A study was performed regarding the effect of the relation between fill time, volume treated per cycle, and influent concentration at different applied organic loadings on the stability and efficiency of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass on polyurethane foam with recirculation of the liquid phase (AnSBBR) applied to the treatment of wastewater from a personal care industry. Total cycle length of the reactor was 8 h (480 min). Fill times were 10 min in the batch operation, 4 h in the fed-batch operation, and a 10-min batch followed by a 4-h fed batch in the mixed operation. Settling time was not necessary since the biomass was immobilized and decant time was 10 min. Volume of liquid medium in the reactor was 2.5 L, whereas volume treated per cycle ranged from 0.88 to 2.5 L in accordance with fill time. Influent concentration varied from 300 to 1,425 mg COD/L, resulting in an applied volumetric organic load of 0.9 and 1.5 g COD/L.d. Recirculation flow rate was 20 L/h, and the reactor was maintained at 30 A degrees C. Values of organic matter removal efficiency of filtered effluent samples were below 71% in the batch operations and above 74% in the operations of fed batch followed by batch. Feeding wastewater during part of the operational cycle was beneficial to the system, as it resulted in indirect control over the conversion of substrate into intermediates that would negatively interfere with the biochemical reactions regarding the degradation of organic matter. As a result, the average substrate consumption increased, leading to higher organic removal efficiencies in the fed-batch operations.
Lima GA, Anhe GF, Giannocco G, Nunes MT, Correa-Giannella ML, Machado UF. Contractile activity per se induces transcriptional activation of SLC2A4 gene in soleus muscle: involvement of MEF2D, HIF-1a, and TR alpha transcriptional factors. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 296: E132-E138, 2009. First published October 28, 2008; doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.90548.2008.-Skeletal muscle is a target tissue for approaches that can improve insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant states. In muscles, glucose uptake is performed by the GLUT-4 protein, which is encoded by the SLC2A4 gene. SLC2A4 gene expression increases in response to conditions that improve insulin sensitivity, including chronic exercise. However, since chronic exercise improves insulin sensitivity, the increased SLC2A4 gene expression could not be clearly attributed to the muscle contractile activity per se and/or to the improved insulin sensitivity. The present study was designed to investigate the role of contractile activity per se in the regulation of SLC2A4 gene expression as well as in the participation of the transcriptional factors myocyte enhancer factor 2D (MEF2D), hypoxia inducible factor 1a (HIF-1a), and thyroid hormone receptor-alpha (TR alpha). The performed in vitro protocol excluded the interference of metabolic, hormonal, and neural effects. The results showed that, in response to 10 min of electrically induced contraction of soleus muscle, an early 40% increase in GLUT-4 mRNA (30 min) occurred, with a subsequent 65% increase (120 min) in GLUT-4 protein content. EMSA and supershift assays revealed that the stimulus rapidly increased the binding activity of MEF2D, HIF-1a, and TR alpha into the SLC2A4 gene promoter. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation assay confirmed, in native nucleosome, that contraction induced an approximate fourfold (P < 0.01) increase in MEF2D and HIF-1a-binding activity. In conclusion, muscle contraction per se enhances SLC2A4 gene expression and that involves MEF2D, HIF-1a, and TR alpha transcription factor activation. This finding reinforces the importance of physical activity to improve glycemic homeostasis independently of other additional insulin sensitizer approaches.
Several unknown, abundant brominated compounds (BCs) were recently detected in the blubber of dolphins and other marine mammals from Queensland (northeast Australia). The BC were interpreted as potential natural products due to the lack of anthropogenic sources for these compounds. This study investigated whether some of the BCs accumulated by diverse marine mammal species are identical with natural BCs previously isolated from sponges (Dysidea sp.) living in the same habitat. Isolates from sponges and mollusks (Asteronotus cespitosus) were compared with the signals detected in the mammals' tissue. Mass spectra and gas chromatography retention times on four different capillary columns of the isolates from sponges and mammals were identical in all respects. This proves that the chemical name of the compound previously labeled BC-2 is 4,6-dibromo-2-(2'-dibromo)phenoxyanisole and that the chemical name of BC-11 is 3,5-dibromo-2-(3',5'-dibromo-2'-methoxy)phenoxyanisole. Using a quantitative reference solution of BC-2, we established that the concentrations of the brominated metabolies found in the marine mammals are frequently >1 mg/kg. The highest concentration (3.8 mg/kg), found in a sample of pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps), indicates that BC-2 is a bioaccumulative, natural organohalogen compound. This is supported by the concentrations of the BCs in our samples being equal to the highest concentrations of anthropogenic BCs in any environmental sample. The quantitative determination of BC-2 in blubber of marine mammals from Africa and the Antarctic suggests that BC-2 is wide-spread. These results are direct proof that marine biota can produce persistent organic chemicals that accumulate to substantial concentrations in higher trophic organisms.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the effect of age on glucose metabolism by examining 1) glucose metabolism in young and middle-aged subjects when total or regional adiposity is taken into account and 2) in vitro glucose transport in adipose tissue explants from young and middle-aged women paired for total and abdominal adiposity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Study 1: body composition, subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue areas, and fasting and oral glucose-stimulated glucose and insulin were measured in 84 young and 81 middle-aged men and in 110 young and 91 middle-aged women. Study 2: glucose uptake in subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue explants were measured in eight young and eight middle-aged women. RESULTS - Study 1: young and middle-aged men showed similar subcutaneous abdominal tissue area, whereas fat mass and visceral adipose tissue were greater in middle-aged than in young men (P < 0.01). Fat mass and subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue areas were greater in middle-aged as compared with young women (P < 0.01). Fasting plasma glucose and the glucose response to an oral glucose tolerance test were significantly higher in middle-aged than in young men and women (P < 0.001). Statistical control for visceral adipose tissue area eliminated the difference seen in glucose response in men and women. Study 2: glucose transport in subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue did not differ between young and middle-aged women. CONCLUSIONS - 1) Visceral obesity, more than age per se, correlates with glucose intolerance in middle-aged subjects; 2) aging does not influence in vitro adipose tissue glucose uptake.
An??lise da reforma constitucional no governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso a partir dos estudos de caso da reforma tribut??ria e da previd??ncia social, compreendendo tamb??m uma reconstitui????o do processo decis??rio de pol??ticas nestas ??reas desde a era Collor.
Este texto busca em sua primeira parte analisar as contribui????es ofertadas pela Carta Iberoamericana da Fun????o P??blica na constru????o de uma linguagem comum entre nossos governos e organiza????es formadoras e depois se dedica a apresentar alguns elementos contextualizadores da atua????o da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP ??? Brasil) no que diz respeito ?? forma????o e capacita????o de dirigentes p??blicos