999 resultados para Semi-formation
Laser-induced well-ordered and controllable wavy patterns are constructed in the deposited metal thin film. The micrometer-sized structure and orientation of the wavy patterns can be controlled via scanning a different size of rectangle laser spot on the films. Ordered patterns such as aligned, crossed, and whirled wave structures were designed over large areas. This patterning technique may find applications in both exploring the reliability and mechanical properties of thin films, and fabricating microfluidic devices. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
A semi-gas kinetics (SGK) model for performance analyses of flowing chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) is presented. In this model, the oxygen-iodine reaction gas flow is treated as a continuous medium, and the effect of thermal motions of particles of different laser energy levels on the performances of the COIL is included and the velocity distribution function equations are solved by using the double-parameter perturbational method. For a premixed flow, effects of different chemical reaction systems, different gain saturation models and temperature, pressure, yield of excited oxygen, iodine concentration and frequency-shift on the performances of the COIL are computed, and the calculated output power agrees well with the experimental data. The results indicate that the power extraction of the SGK model considering 21 reactions is close to those when only the reversible pumping reaction is considered, while different gain saturation models and adjustable parameters greatly affect the output power, the optimal threshold gain range, and the length of power extraction.
Nanocrystalline intermetallic Co3Fe7 was produced on the surface of cobalt via surface mechanical attrition (SMA). Deformationinduced diffusion entailed the formation of a series of solid solutions. Phase transitions occurred depending on the atomic fraction of Fe in the surface solid solutions: from hexagonal close-packed (<4% Fe) to face-centered cubic (fcc) (4-11% Fe), and from fcc to body-centered cubic (>11% Fe). Nanoscale compositional probing suggested significantly higher Fe contents at grain boundaries and triple junctions than grain interiors. Short-circuit diffusion along grain boundaries and triple junctions dominate in the nanocrystalline intermetallic compound. Stacking faults contribute significantly to diffusion. Diffusion enhancement due to high-rate deformation in SMA was analyzed by regarding dislocations as solute-pumping channels, and the creation of excess vacancies. Non-equilibrium, atomic level alloying can then be ascribed to deformation-induced intermixing of constituent species. The formation mechanism of nanocrystalline intermetallic grains on the SMA surface can be thought of as a consequence of numerous nucleation events and limited growth. (C) 2007 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two-dimensional ZnO nanowall networks were grown on ZnO-coated silicon by thermal evaporation at low temperature without catalysts or additives. All of the results from scanning electronic spectroscope, X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering confirmed that the ZnO nanowalls were vertically aligned and c-axis oriented. The room-temperature photoluminescence spectra showed a dominated UV peak at 378 nm, and a much suppressed orange emission centered at similar to 590 nm. This demonstrates fairly good crystal quality and optical properties of the product. A possible three-step, zinc vapor-controlled process was proposed to explain the growth of well-aligned ZnO nanowall networks. The pre-coated ZnO template layer plays a key role during the synthesis process, which guides the growth direction of the synthesized products. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
El presente estudio se llevó a cabo utilizando datos de registros reproductivo de los años 1976 a1985, de un hato de vacas Cebú en el departamento de Rivas, ubicado a 11º, 26, Latitud Norte; 85º, 50`, longitud Oeste y una elevación de 70 m.s.n.m; con una temperatura, humedad relativa y precipitación pluvial promedio en los últimos 14 años de 28, 89oc,-86.69% y 1,654.5mm anuales, respectivamente. Las variables en estudio fueron: edad de incorporación (EI), Edad al primer parto (EPP), intervalo parto-primera inseminación (IPPI), periodo de servicio (PS), Intervalo parto-parto (IPP), y nùmero de servicios por concepción (NSC); con promedios de 44+/-10 meses, 54+/4 meses, 202+/87 días, 2201+/9-98 días, 513+/-102 días y 1.54+/-0.03 servicios, respectivamente. En el ANDEVA para EI, resulto significativo el año de nacimiento, mes de nacimientos y unidad de producción estatal (UPE); para la EPP el año, mes y UPE resultaron no significativos, a diferencia de la covariable edad de incorporación; para IPPI Y PS resultaron significativos el año de parto, mes de parto, UPE y covariable cada de parto; para el IPP resulto significativo el año y no significativo el mes, UPE y covariables edad al parto. Las correlaciones lineales entre: NSC con IPP, PS; IPP con PS, IPPI y EP; IPPI y EP; resultaron significativas con un coeficiente de: +0.250, +0.232, +0.121, +0.934, +0.859, +0.201, +0.918, -0.246 y -0.297, respectivamente. Las regiones para la PS con IPPI, IPPI con EP, NSC con EP, IPP con NSC y PS, resultaron significativas con coeficiente: +0.97 días, -1.16 días /mes, +0.0044 servicios/mes, +4.02 días/servicio y +0.93 días, respectivamente.
El presente trabajo se realizó en los registros de un Hato Cebú en la empresa Genética Jorge Camargo, ubicada a11 ½ kilómetros de la Ciudad de Rivas, a una latitud 11 26.N y una longitud de 85 50’w y una elevación de msnm, con temperatura promedio anual, humedad relativa y precipitación promedio anual en los últimos catorce años de 26.22C, 80.23% y 1.150mm respectivamente. Las variables en estudio fueron PNC, EDC, PMDC, PDC205D, GMDD con promedio de 31.004+2.67kg, 6.039-+ 0.937 mes, 409.84+ 36.98 kg, 181.5+ 28.99 kg, 0741+_ 0.159 kg respectivamente. En el ANDEVA las variables PNC, EDC, PDC205D, GMDD resultaron significativas para el año de parto (AP) para PNC, EDC, PMDC, PDC205D, GMDD resultaros significativas el mes de parto (MP) y para EDC resulto significativo la EMP no así para PNC, GMDD. Las correlaciones lineales EDC con PNC resulto ser significativa y con un valor de -0.06 de la misma manera la EDC, GMDD, EMP, EMDC con PDC205D resultaron ser significativa con valor de -0.637 y -0.20 respectivamente. La dependencia y valor de -0.637 y -0.20 respectivamente. La dependencia lineal de PNC con SC es significativa con un valor -1.01 kg/kg, asimismo el PDC205D con GMDD, PNC y EMDC resultan significativos y con valor de 1.0 kg/kg, 1.0 Kg/kg y -.025 kg/mes respectivamente, así como también la GMDD con PNC resulto ser significativa, así como también la GMDD con PNC resultó ser significativa y con valor de -0.002 kg/kg.