986 resultados para Saturn, Rings


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We prove that two dual operator spaces $X$ and $Y$ are stably isomorphic if and only if there exist completely isometric normal representations $phi$ and $psi$ of $X$ and $Y$, respectively, and ternary rings of operators $M_1, M_2$ such that $phi (X)= [M_2^*psi (Y)M_1]^{-w^*}$ and $psi (Y)=[M_2phi (X)M_1^*].$ We prove that this is equivalent to certain canonical dual operator algebras associated with the operator spaces being stably isomorphic. We apply these operator space results to prove that certain dual operator algebras are stably isomorphic if and only if they are isomorphic. We provide examples motivated by CSL algebra theory.


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A new type of near-infrared emitting rare-earth complex has been synthesised, consisting of three bis(perfluoroalkylsulfonyl)imide ligands and one 1,10-phenanthroline molecule. The chelate rings formed by the rare-earth ion and the bidentate ligands do not contain any carbon atoms and can hence be considered as 'inorganic' chelate rings. The absence of C-H stretching vibration modes in the first coordination sphere of the rare-earth ion and the presence of a light-harvesting moiety (1,10-phenanthroline) bound to the rare-earth ion result in a complex that can be efficiently excited and exhibits intense near-infrared luminescence. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Colourless single crystals of [Hg-2(Pym)](NO3)(2), [Hg-2(Pym)](ClO4)(2) and [Hg-2(Pyp)(2)](ClO4)(2) were obtained from aqueous solutions of the respective components Hg-2(NO3)(2).2H(2)O, Hg-2(ClO4)(2).6H(2)O, pyrimidine (Pym) and pyrazine (Pyp). The crystal structures were determined from single-crystal X-ray diffractometer data. [Hg-2(Pym)](NO3)(2): monoclinic, C2/c, Z = 8, a = 1607.4(2), b = 652.79(7), c = 2000.5(2) pm, beta = 103.42(2)degrees, R-all = 0.0530; [Hg-2(Pym)](ClO4)(2): orthorhombic, Pnma, Z = 4, a = 1182.7(2), b = 1662.5(2), c = 607.9(1) pm, R-all = 0.0438; [Hg-2(Pyp)(2)](ClO4)(2): orthorhombic, Aba2, Z = 4, a = 1529.39(9), b = 1047.10(14), c = 1133.49(15) pm, R-all = 0.0381. The crystal structures of [Hg-2(Pym)](NO3)(2) and [Hg-2(Pym)](ClO4)(2) contain polymeric cationic chains [Hg-2(Pym)](+) that are arranged to corrugated layers between which the anions are situated. [Hg-2(Pyp)(2)](ClO4)(2) consists of polymeric cationic layers that are built from (Hg-2)(2)(Hg-2)(2/2)(Pyp)(4) rings connected to each other; the perchlorate tetrahedra are located between these layers.


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BACKGROUND: In vitro release testing of vaginal formulations is usually performed in a one-compartment model (OCM) where the release medium, usually comprising pH-adjusted water, an aqueous surfactant solution or a solvent-water solution, provides sink conditions throughout the release experiment. Although this model is useful in evaluating the effect of formulation parameters upon release, it rarely reflects in vivo conditions. Here we report use of a two-compartment diffusion cell model (TCM, comprising a small volume donor, a large volume receptor, and separated by a model epithelial membrane) to more closely mimic in vivo vaginal release and tissue absorption following administration of a UC781 vaginal ring.

METHODS: Macaque-sized matrix silicone elastomer vaginal rings containing 100mg UC781 were prepared by injection molding, and in vitro release testing performed using both OCM (20mL simulated vaginal fluid, SVF) and TCM (5mL SVF in donor cell and variable quantities of Tween 80; silicone elastomer membrane; 100mL 3:2 ethanol/water in receptor cell). In the TCM, drug levels were measured by HPLC in both donor and receptor cells, representing fluid and tissue levels respectively. Rings containing 100mg UC781 and 10% w/w Tween 80 were also manufactured and tested.

RESULTS: The amount of UC781 released from rings was significantly influenced by the choice of release model. Greatest release (56mg/14 days) was measured in the ethanol/water OCM, compared with no measurable release into SVF only. Increasing the concentration of Tween 80 in the SVF medium (1, 3 and 5% w/w) led to increased UC781 release (11, 16 and 18mg, respectively), demonstrating that vaginal fluid solubility of UC781 may be rate-determining in vivo. In the TCM, UC781 accumulates in the receptor cell medium over time, despite not being measured in the donor medium containing the ring device. Incorporation of Tween 80 directly into the ring provided enhanced release in both donor and receptor cells.

CONCLUSIONS: Release of UC781 was influenced by the choice of release medium and the inclusion of Tween 80 in the ring. Although use of SVF-only in the OCM indicated no measurable UC781 release from rings, data from the TCM confirms that UC781 is not only released but is also capable of penetrating across the model epithelial membrane. The TCM may therefore provide a more representative in vitro release model for mimicking in vivo absorption.


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BACKGROUND: Vaginal ring devices are being developed to provide sustained release of HIV microbicides. To date, only limited pharmacokinetic data is available from animal or human studies. Here we report the effect of Depo-Provera (DP) pre- treatment, commonly used to thin the vaginal epithelium in challenge experiments, on the pharmacokinetic profile of CMPD167 (a small molecule CCR5 co-receptor antagonist) in rhesus macaques following vaginal ring administration.

METHODS: A single 400mg CMPD167 silicone elastomer vaginal ring was inserted into each of twelve female rhesus macaques. Six macaques were treated with (DP) 30 days before ring placement; the other six macaques were untreated. Blood, vaginal fluid and vaginal biopsies were collected prior to and at various times during 28 days of ring placement and assayed for CMPD167 levels by HPLC. Rings were assayed for residual CMPD167 at the end of the study and the calculated amount of CMPD167 released in vivo compared with in vitro release data.

RESULTS: Vaginal fluid, plasma and tissue levels of CMPD167 were detectable throughout ring placement. Significant differences were observed in mean daily vaginal fluid levels between the DP-treated (16–56 mcg/mL) and untreated groups (48–181 mcg/mL). Plasma CMPD167 levels were significantly higher peaking at 4 ng/mL and maintaining levels of 1–2 nM throughout the 14 days of testing in animals pre-treated with DP compared to non DP-treated macaques (<1 ng/mL maintained). Tissue levels were varied between 2–10 g/mL CMPD167 with no significant difference between the DP-treated and untreated macaques.

CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that clinically relevant, and possibly protective doses of CMPD167 are released in the vaginal vault of rhesus macaques from vaginal rings through 28 days duration. DP is known to induce vaginal epithelial thinning and lower vaginal fluid levels, which accounts for the increased plasma levels of CMPD167. In contrast, macaques not treated with DP had minimal absorption into plasma compartments and significantly higher levels of CMPD167 in the vagina, similar to those previously shown to be protective against vaginal challenge.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Diabetes mellitus (DM) causes multiple dysfunctions including circulatory disorders such as cardiomyopathy, angiopathy, atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension. Rho kinase (ROCK) and protein kinase C (PKC) regulate vascular smooth muscle (VSM) Ca(2+) sensitivity, thus enhancing VSM contraction, and up-regulation of both enzymes in DM is well known. We postulated that in DM, Ca(2+) sensitization occurs in diabetic arteries due to increased ROCK and/or PKC activity. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Rats were rendered hyperglycaemic by i.p. injection of streptozotocin. Age-matched control tissues were used for comparison. Contractile responses to phenylephrine (Phe) and different Ca(2+) concentrations were recorded, respectively, from intact and chemically permeabilized vascular rings from aorta, tail and mesenteric arteries. KEY RESULTS: Diabetic tail and mesenteric arteries demonstrated markedly enhanced sensitivity to Phe while these changes were not observed in aorta. The ROCK inhibitor HA1077, but not the PKC inhibitor chelerythrine, caused significant reduction in sensitivity to agonist in diabetic vessels. Similar changes were observed for myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity, which was again enhanced in DM in tail and mesenteric arteries, but not in aorta, and could be reduced by both the ROCK and PKC blockers. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: We conclude that in DM enhanced myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity is mainly manifested in muscular-type blood vessels and thus likely to contribute to the development of hypertension. Both PKC and, in particular, ROCK are involved in this phenomenon. This highlights their potential usefulness as drug targets in the pharmacological management of DM-associated vascular dysfunction.


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We report the discovery of the transiting giant planet WASP-17b, the least-dense planet currently known. It is 1.6 Saturn masses, but 1.5-2 Jupiter radii, giving a density of 6%-14% that of Jupiter. WASP-17b is in a 3.7 day orbit around a sub-solar metallicity, V = 11.6, F6 star. Preliminary detection of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect suggests that WASP-17b is in a retrograde orbit (? ˜ -150°), indicative of a violent history involving planet-planet or star-planet scattering. WASP-17b's bloated radius could be due to tidal heating resulting from recent or ongoing tidal circularization of an eccentric orbit, such as the highly eccentric orbits that typically result from scattering interactions. It will thus be important to determine more precisely the current orbital eccentricity by further high-precision radial velocity measurements or by timing the secondary eclipse, both to reduce the uncertainty on the planet's radius and to test tidal-heating models. Owing to its low surface gravity, WASP-17b's atmosphere has the largest scale height of any known planet, making it a good target for transmission spectroscopy.


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Ammonolysis of N-(halogenoalkyl)azetidin-2-ones affords medium ring azalactams via transamidation but large or strained rings are not isolated, acyclic ?-amino-amides being produced; two successive transamidative ring expansions from 4-phenylazetidin-2-one give a synthesis of (?)-dihydroperiphylline (I).


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N-(3-Halogenopropyl)-4-phenylazetidin-2-ones undergo amination in liquid ammonia followed by transamidative ring expansion to give the eight-membered 4-phenyl -1,5-diazacyclooctan-2-one in excellent yield. Ring expansion of the amines in liquid ammonia is found to be much more effective than in hydrocarbon solvents. Formation of 7-, 8-, and 9-membered azalactams from the requisite -halogenoalkyl--lactams is an excellent synthetic process, though it is not applicable to 10membered rings. In the cases of rings of 13-, 15- and 17-members, although amination and apparent expansion takes place, the large rings appear not to be stable to ammonia and the final products are acyclic amides. N-[4-Halogenobut-2(Z)-enyl]-4-phenylazetidin-2-one satisfactorily forms a 9-membered (Z)-olefinic azalactam, but the (E)-isomer gives an acyclic amino amide. By using alkyl-substituted -lactam side-chains, C-substituted medium rings can be obtained; the relative instability of N-acyl -lactams to ammonia, however, leads to acylamino amides rather than expanded rings.Employing ethylamine in place of ammonia, it is shown that N-ethylated azalactams are formed satisfactorily, and using allylamine, N-allyl medium rings capable of further elaboration are obtained. The chemistry of these systems is discussed. Using transamidation in liquid ammonia, a short synthesis of the 9-membered spermidine alkaloid (±)-dihydroperiphylline is reported. Synthesis of key intermediates, whose transformation into the 13-membered alkaloids of the celabenzine group has already been effected, has been carried out.X-Ray single-crystal structure determinations for 4-phenyl-1,5-diazacyclononan-2-one, trans-4-phenyl-8-methyl-1,5-diazacyclooctan-2-one and (Z)-4-phenyl-1,5-diazacyclonon-7-en-2-one are reported, and comment is made on certain conformational features.


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Rebellion, philosophic and political, impels the work of Alasdair MacIntyre. Neither of the left nor the right, he treads a borderline path between conservatism and radicalism in holding to a socialist Thomistic Aristotelianism underpinned by a deliberative ‘ethic of care’ that is implacably opposed to modernity and the advanced capitalist nation-state. The depth of this opposition arouses strong opinions in friend and foe alike. To some he is an eminently dispensable reactionary whose sole consistent feature is an inexplicable ‘hatred of liberal individualism’ (Lessnoff 1999: 4). To others he appears a revolutionary enunciating a departure capable of legitimating the activities of ordinary persons so ‘that previously isolated struggles might be transformed into a new class war of attrition’ (Knight 1996: 896). However, neither interpretation rings true. MacIntyre does develop a cogent critique of the present, but this critique points in directions towards which no politics could hope to move.


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Let X be a quasi-compact scheme, equipped with an open covering by affine schemes U s = Spec A s . A quasi-coherent sheaf on X gives rise, by taking sections over the U s , to a diagram of modules over the coordinate rings A s , indexed by the intersection poset S of the covering. If X is a regular toric scheme over an arbitrary commutative ring, we prove that the unbounded derived category of quasi-coherent sheaves on X can be obtained from a category of Sop-diagrams of chain complexes of modules by inverting maps which induce homology isomorphisms on hyper-derived inverse limits. Moreover, we show that there is a finite set of weak generators, one for each cone in the fan S. The approach taken uses the machinery of Bousfield–Hirschhorn colocalisation of model categories. The first step is to characterise colocal objects; these turn out to be homotopy sheaves in the sense that chain complexes over different open sets U s agree on intersections up to quasi-isomorphism. In a second step it is shown that the homotopy category of homotopy sheaves is equivalent to the derived category of X.


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A new vaginal ring technology, the insert vaginal ring (InVR), is presented. The InVR overcomes the current shortfall of conventional vaginal rings (VRs) that are generally ineffectual for the delivery of hydrophilic and/or macromolecular actives, including peptides, proteins and antibodies, due to their poor permeation characteristics in the hydrophobic polymeric elastomers from which VRs are usually fabricated. Release of the model protein BSA from a variety of insert matrices for the InVR is demonstrated, including modified silicone rods, directly compressed tablets and lyophilised gels, which collectively provided controlled release profiles from several hours to beyond 4 weeks. Furthermore, the InVR was shown to deliver over 1 mg of the monoclonal antibody 2F5 from a single device, offering a potential means of protecting women against the transmission of HIV.


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A force field model of the Keating type supplemented by rules to break, form, and interchange bonds is applied to investigate thermodynamic and structural properties of the amorphous SiO2 surface. A simulated quench from the liquid phase has been carried out for a silica sample made of 3888 silicon and 7776 oxygen atoms arranged on a slab similar to 40 angstrom thick, periodically repeated along two directions. The quench results into an amorphous sample, exposing two parallel square surfaces of similar to 42 nm(2) area each. Thermal averages computed during the quench allow us to determine the surface thermodynamic properties as a function of temperature. The surface tension turns out to be gamma=310 +/- 20 erg/cm(2) at room temperature and gamma=270 +/- 30 at T=2000 K, in fair agreement with available experimental estimates. The entropy contribution Ts-s to the surface tension is relatively low at all temperatures, representing at most similar to 20% of the surface energy. Almost without exceptions, Si atoms are fourfold coordinated and oxygen atoms are twofold coordinated. Twofold and threefold rings appear only at low concentration and are preferentially found in proximity of the surface. Above the glass temperature T-g=1660 +/- 50 K, the mobility of surface atoms is, as expected, slightly higher than that of bulk atoms. The computation of the height-height correlation function shows that the silica surface is rough in the equilibrium and undercooled liquid phase, becoming smooth below the glass temperature T-g.


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UC781 is a potent and poorly water-soluble nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor being investi- gated as a potential microbicide for preventing sexual transmission of HIV-1. This study was designed to evaluate the in vivo release and pharmacokinetics of UC781 delivered from matrix-type intravaginal ring segments in rabbits. Three polymer matrices (polyurethane, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, and silicone elastomer) and two drug loadings (5 and 15 mg/segment) were evaluated in at least one of two independent studies for up to 28 days in vivo. Inter-study comparison of in vivo release, vaginal tissue, and plasma concentrations for similar formulations demonstrated good reproducibility of the animal model. Mean estimates for a 28-day in vivo release ranged from 0.35 to 3.17 mg UC781 per segment. Mean proximal vaginal tissue levels (adjacent to the IVR segment) were 8– 410 ng/g and did not change significantly with time for most formulations. Distal vaginal tissue levels of UC781 were 6- to 49-fold lower than proximal tissue levels. Mean UC781 plasma levels were low for all formulations, at 0.09–0.58 ng/mL. All formulations resulted in similar UC781 concentrations in vaginal tissue and plasma, except the low loading polyurethane group which provided significantly lower levels. Loading dependent release and pharmacokinetics were only clearly observed for the polyurethane matrix. Based on these results, intravaginal ring segments loaded with UC781 led to vaginal tissue concen- trations ranging from below to approximately two orders of magnitude higher than UC781’s EC50 under in vitro conditions (2.8 ng/mL), with little influence by polymer matrix or UC781 loading. Moreover, these findings support the use of rabbit vaginal pharmacokinetic studies in preclinical testing of microbicide intravaginal rings.


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Configurational and ligand conformational influences on the kinetics of (1)A(1) reversible arrow T-5(2) spin crossover in the Fe(II) complex with the novel tripodal ligand, 1,1,1-tris((N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-N-methylamino)methyl)ethane (tptMetame), have been explored. Despite having six chelate rings and three chiral nitrogen atoms, only one enantiomeric pair of isomers, Delta, SSS, and Lambda, RRR, of the complex ion is observed. The conformation of the three rings forming the upper ''cap'' of the complex structure can be assigned delta or lambda with respect to the 3-fold molecular axis. X-ray data at 300 and 153 K, above and below the critical temperature for the spin transition, show that the conformation of the ligand ''cap'' is the same as the absolute configuration of the complex, with the same Lambda lambda(CAP)(or Delta delta(CAP)) combination prevailing for both the LS ((1)A(1)) and HS (T-5(2)) isomers. Molecular mechanics calculations further show that the ligand energy remains lowest for this Lambda lambda(CAP) (or Delta delta(CAP)) combination at all Fe-N distances over the range spanning the LS and HS isomers. Measurements of the spin crossover relaxation time have been carried out in solution over the temperature range 293-170 K. The observed monophasic relaxation traces are also consistent with the absolute configuration of the complex remaining unaltered during the spin crossover.