998 resultados para Root transformation


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This research work aimed at investigating the physiological mechanisms of tolerance of pearl millet to low soil Phosphorus availability and drought under the Sahelian conditions.


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The overall aim of the work presented was to evaluate soil health management with a specific focus on soil borne diseases of peas. For that purpose field experiments were carried out from 2009 until 2013 to assess crop performance and pathogen occurrence in the rotation winter pea-maize-winter wheat and if the application of composts can improve system performance. The winter peas were left untreated or inoculated with Phoma medicaginis, in the presence or absence of yard waste compost at rate of 5 t dry matter ha-1. A second application of compost was made to the winter wheat. Fusarium ssp. were isolated and identified from the roots of all three crops and the Ascochyta complex pathogens on peas. Bioassays were conducted under controlled conditions to assess susceptibility of two peas to Fusarium avenaceum, F. solani, P. medicaginis and Didymella pinodes and of nine plant species to F. avenaceum. Also, effects of compost applications and temperature on pea diseases were assessed. Application of composts overall stabilized crop performance but it did not lead to significant yield increases nor did it affect pathogen composition and occurrence. Phoma medicaginis was dominating the pathogen complex on peas. F. graminearum, F. culmorum, F. proliferatum, Microdochium nivale, F. crookwellense, F. sambucinum, F. oxysporum, F. avenaceum and F. equiseti were frequently isolated species from maize and winter wheat with no obvious influence of the pre-crop on the Fusarium species composition. The spring pea Santana was considerably more susceptible to the pathogens tested than the winter pea EFB33 in both sterile sand and non-sterilized field soil. F. avenaceum was the most aggressive pathogen, followed by P. medicaginis, D. pinodes, and F. solani. Aggressiveness of all pathogens was greatly reduced in non-sterile field soil. F. avenaceum caused severe symptoms on roots of all nine plant species tested. Especially susceptible were Trifolium repens, T. subterraneum, Brassica juncea and Sinapis alba in addition to peas. Reduction of growing temperatures from 19/16°C day/night to 16/12°C and 13/10°C did not affect the efficacy of compost. It reduced plant growth and slightly increased disease on EFB33 whereas the highest disease severity on Santana was observed at the highest temperature, 19/16°C. Application of 20% v/v of compost reduced disease on peas due to all four pathogens depending on pea variety, pathogen and growing media used. Suppression was also achieved with lower application rate of 3.5% v/v. Tests with γ sterilized compost suggest that the suppression of disease caused by Fusarium spp. is biological in origin, whereas chemical and physical properties of compost are playing an additional role in the suppression of disease caused by D. pinodes and P. medicaginis.


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Vegetables represent a main source of micro-nutrients which can improve the health status of malnourished poor in the world. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) is a popular leafy vegetable in many countries which is rich with several important micro-nutrients. Thus, consuming Spinach helps to overcome micro-nutrient deficiencies. Pests and pathogens act as major yield constraints in food production. Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne species, constitute a large group of highly destructive plant pests. Spinach is found to be highly susceptible for these nematode attacks. Though agricultural production has largely benefited from modern technologies and innovations, some important dimensions which can minimize the yield losses have been neglected by most of the growers. Pre-plant or initial nematode density in soil is a crucial biotic factor which is directly responsible for crop losses. Hence, information on preplant nematode densities and the corresponding damage is of vital importance to develop successful control procedures to enhance crop production. In the present study, effect of seven initial densities of M. incognita, i.e., 156, 312, 625, 1250, 2,500, 5,000 and 10,000 infective juveniles (IJs)/plant (equivalent to 1000cm3 soil) on the growth and root infestation on potted spinach plants was determined in a screen house. In order to ensure a high accuracy, root infestation was ascertained by the number of galls formed, the percentage galled-length of feeder roots and galled-feeder roots, and egg production, per plant. Fifty days post-inoculation, shoot length and weight, and root length were suppressed at the lowest IJs density. However, the pathogenic effect was pronounced at the highest density at which 43%, 46% and 45% reduction in shoot length and weight, and root length, respectively, was recorded. The highest reduction in root weight (26%) was detected at the second highest density. The Number of galls and percentage galled-length of feeder roots/per plant showed significant progressive increase across the increasing IJs density with the highest mean value of 432.3 and 54%, respectively. The two shoot growth parameters and root length showed significant inverse relationship with the increasing gall formation. Moreover, the shoot and root length were shown to be mutually dependent on each other. Suppression of shoot growth of spinach greatly affects the grower’s economy. Hence, control measures are essentially needed to ensure a better production of spinach via reducing the pre-plant density below the level of 0.156 IJs/cm3.


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The nematicidal activity of mustard plant against hatching, migration and mortality of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica was investigated. In vitro test confirmed that mixing the sandy clay soil mixture with mustard as 4% as a biofumigant significantly reduce the percentage of egg hatching at all different incubation periods 24, 48, 72, 96 and 168 h, compared to control treatment (un-amended mixture soil and eggs in free water). Results indicate that the percentage of egg hatching reduction was 88.5, 90, 81.4, 74 and 69.4%, respectively. Mustard mixed with soil as a biofumigant led to high percentage of larval mortality at the different intervals periods in vitro. The percentage of larval mortality was 94, 100, 90.5, 90.5, and 79.4%, respectively compared to control. Laboratory results confirmed that the highest reduction in egg hatching and larval mortality was obtained after incubation period for 48 h. In vivo experiment reveals that the incorporation of the soil pots with mustard at all different doses used 3, 5% (48 h before nematode inoculation, or soil infestation with nematode), and 5% (one week before nematode inoculation or 7% of soil weight) significantly reduces all the nematode parameters compared to plant treated nematode alone. All nematode parameters i.e. the number of galls per root system, gall index, number of egg masses per root system, as well as number of juveniles per 250g soil showed high reduction with mixing the soil pots with mustard at 5% (one week before nematode inoculation), followed by the same treatment for 48h before nematode inoculation. Mustard application, one week before nematode inoculation, reduced the nematode parameters by 97, 64, 97, and 93%, respectively, compared to control. The percent of chemical components i.e. total sugars, total amino acids and total phenols were markedly enhanced compared to positive and negative control. The highest percentage was obtained with mustard at 5% one week before nematode inoculation by 68.7, 57.3 and 45%, respectively. Finally, we have to conclude that this modified technology is an innovative and can be used efficiently to control Root-knot nematode under organic agriculture and Global GAP agricultural systems instead of these carcinogenic nematicides.


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PowerPoint presentation that showcases: • Research Objectives • Strategic Value of the Lean Enterprise • Multi-Stakeholder Value Optimization • Lean Enterprise Self-Assessment Tool (LESAT) • Leading and Lagging Indicators of Lean Enterprise Transformation • Empirical Results in the Aerospace Industry • Accelerating the Lean Transformation - Linking LESAT to Strategic Objectives • Summary and Questions


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Presentation given by Professor Hugh Davis to the University Strategic Research Group for the Digital Economy monthly lunch meeting on Monday 24 September 2012. This session provided an update on the evolution of the University Centre for Innovation in Technologies and Education (CITE) in September 2012.


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El fin de la Guerra Fría supuso no sólo el triunfo del capitalismo y de la democracia liberal, sino un cambio significativo en el Sistema Internacional; siendo menos centralizado y más regionalizado, como consecuencia de la proximidad y relaciones de interdependencia entre sus actores (no sólo Estados) y permitiendo la formación de Complejos Regionales de Seguridad (CRS). Los CRS son una forma efectiva de relacionarse y aproximarse a la arena internacional pues a través de sus procesos de securitización y desecuritización consiguen lograr objetivos específicos. Partiendo de ello, tanto la Unión Europea (UE) como la Comunidad para el Desarrollo de África Austral (SADC) iniciaron varios procesos de securitización relacionados con la integración regional; siendo un ejemplo de ello la eliminación de los controles en sus fronteras interiores o libre circulación de personas; pues consideraron que de no hacerse realidad, ello generaría amenazas políticas (su influencia y capacidad de actuación estaban amenazadas), económicas (en cuanto a su competitividad y niveles básicos de bienestar) y societales (en cuanto a la identidad de la comunidad como indispensable para la integración) que pondrían en riesgo la existencia misma de sus CRS. En esta medida, la UE creó el Espacio Schengen, que fue producto de un proceso de securitización desde inicios de la década de los 80 hasta mediados de la década de los 90; y la SADC se encuentra inmersa en tal proceso de securitización desde 1992 hasta la actualidad y espera la ratificación del Protocolo para la Facilitación del Movimiento de personas como primer paso para lograr la eliminación de controles en sus fronteras interiores. Si bien tanto la UE como la SADC consideraron que de no permitir la libre circulación de personas, su integración y por lo tanto, sus CRS estaban en riesgo; la SADC no lo ha logrado. Ello hace indispensable hacer un análisis más profundo de sus procesos de securitización para así encontrar sus falencias con respecto al éxito de la UE. El análisis está basado en la Teoría de los Complejos de Seguridad de Barry Buzan, plasmada en la obra Security a New Framework for Analysis (1998) de Barry Buzan, Ole Waever y Jaap de Wilde y será dividido en cada una de las etapas del proceso de securitización: la identificación de una amenaza existencial a un objeto referente a través de un acto discursivo, la aceptación de una amenaza por parte de una audiencia relevante y las acciones de emergencia para hacer frente a las amenazas existenciales; reconociendo las diferencias y similitudes de un proceso de securitización exitoso frente a otro que aún no lo ha sido.


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This article seeks to demonstrate how Law inter-related with Economy, constitutes in modern societies one of the main instruments for the construction of citizen consensus or the construction of political hegemony in modern societies. If we consider this affirmation —as is argued here— the transformations suffered in recent decades by Law as a consequence of the new phase of capitalistic globalization, have played an important role in the constitution of a new subjectivity (“single thought”) in the population.


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In this paper we seriously entertain the question, “Is maternal deprivation the root of all evil?” Our consideration of this question is broken down into three parts. In the fi rst part, we discuss the nature of evil, focusing in particular on the legal concept of depravity. In the second part, we discuss the nurture of evil, focusing in particular on the common developmental trajectory seen in those who are depraved. In the third part, we discuss the roots of evil, focusing in particular on the animal and human research regarding maternal deprivation. Our conclusion is that maternal deprivation may actually be the root of all evil, but only because depraved individuals have been deprived of normative maternal care, which is the cradle of our humanity.


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Es una de las cuatro unidades del curso de preparación para los exámenes del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE). Esta unidad 3 es diferente de las dos unidades anteriores pues sus temas se basan en comprender la importancia de las fuentes en el estudio de la historia y como pueden ser interpretadas de varias maneras, lo que lleva a los historiadores a emitir juicios sobre la utilidad y fiabilidad de la información que proporcionan. Asimismo, se explica que en esta parte del examen del GCSE se conjugan los conocimientos y la información sobre los hechos con los juicios sobre las fuentes históricas.


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Es una de las cuatro unidades del curso de preparación para los exámenes del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE). Esta unidad 3 es diferente de las dos unidades anteriores pues sus temas se basan en comprender la importancia de las fuentes en el estudio de la historia y como pueden ser interpretadas de varias maneras, lo que lleva a los historiadores a emitir juicios sobre la utilidad y fiabilidad de la información que proporcionan. Asimismo, se explica que en esta parte del examen del GCSE se conjugan los conocimientos y la información sobre los hechos con los juicios sobre las fuentes históricas.


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Es un análisis exhaustivo de las dimensiones sociales del cambio climático, pues se considera una prioridad para el desarrollo humano aprender a vivir con sus efectos. Se presentan una serie de opciones que puede afrontar la humanidad en esta tarea estrictamente defensiva de adaptación a los riesgos del calentamiento global de la Tierra. Es una obra de referencia para los estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado interesados en los estudios sobre cambio climático, geografía y desarrollo.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Aprendizaje y construcción del conocimiento en la red'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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The main premise of Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory is that to promote learning, and thus development, educators must intervene in, and change, the students’ socio-cultural context. Vygotsky’s theory, however, has been misinterpreted and the opposite approach has been accepted: the teaching is adapted, according to the context. The result is widespread failure in schools. This article reclaims the true transformative meaning of Vygotskian theory and shows how successful schools in several countries implement various actions to transform their social and cultural environment. Data is presented from six case studies of successful schools conducted in five European countries. The analysis shows that these actions improve instrumental learning and, consequently, cognitive development. All these efforts focus on teaching methods that aim to increase the amount that students learn