973 resultados para Radar cross-sections
Predicted 20 years ago, positron binding to neutral atoms has not yet been observed experimentally. A scheme is proposed to detect positron-atom bound states by colliding Rydberg positronium (Ps) with neutral atoms. Estimates of the charge-transfer reaction cross section are obtained using the first Born approximation for a selection of neutral atom targets and a wide range of incident Ps energies and principal quantum numbers. We also estimate the corresponding Ps ionization cross section. The accuracy of the calculations is tested by comparison with earlier predictions for charge transfer in Ps collisions with hydrogen and antihydrogen. We describe an existing Rydberg Ps beam suitable for producing positron-atom bound states and estimate signal rates based on the calculated cross sections and realistic experimental parameters. We conclude that the proposed methodology is capable of producing such states and of testing theoretical predictions of their binding energies.
R-matrix with time-dependence theory is applied to electron-impact ionisation processes for He in the S-wave model. Cross sections for electron-impact excitation, ionisation and ionisation with excitation for impact energies between 25 and 225 eV are in excellent agreement with benchmark cross sections. Ultra-fast dynamics induced by a scattering event is observed through time-dependent signatures associated with autoionisation from doubly excited states. Further insight into dynamics can be obtained through examination of the spin components of the time-dependent wavefunction.
Modelling of massive stars and supernovae (SNe) plays a crucial role in understanding galaxies. From this modelling we can derive fundamental constraints on stellar evolution, mass-loss processes, mixing, and the products of nucleosynthesis. Proper account must be taken of all important processes that populate and depopulate the levels (collisional excitation, de-excitation, ionization, recombination, photoionization, bound–bound processes). For the analysis of Type Ia SNe and core collapse SNe (Types Ib, Ic and II) Fe group elements are particularly important. Unfortunately little data is currently available and most noticeably absent are the photoionization cross-sections for the Fe-peaks which have high abundances in SNe. Important interactions for both photoionization and electron-impact excitation are calculated using the relativistic Dirac atomic R-matrix codes (DARC) for low-ionization stages of Cobalt. All results are calculated up to photon energies of 45 eV and electron energies up to 20 eV. The wavefunction representation of Co III has been generated using GRASP0 by including the dominant 3d7, 3d6[4s, 4p], 3p43d9 and 3p63d9 configurations, resulting in 292 fine structure levels. Electron-impact collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths across a wide range of astrophysically relevant temperatures are computed for Co III. In addition, statistically weighted level-resolved ground and metastable photoionization cross-sections are presented for Co II and compared directly with existing work.
An epithermal neutron imager based on detecting alpha particles created via boron neutron capture mechanism is discussed. The diagnostic mainly consists of a mm thick Boron Nitride (BN) sheet (as an alpha converter) in contact with a non-borated cellulose nitride film (LR115 type-II) detector. While the BN absorbs the neutrons in the thermal and epithermal ranges, the fast neutrons register insignificantly on the detector due to their low neutron capture and recoil cross-sections. The use of solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD), unlike image plates, micro-channel plates and scintillators, provide safeguard from the x-rays, gamma-rays and electrons. The diagnostic was tested on a proof-of-principle basis, in front of a laser driven source of moderated neutrons, which suggests the potential of using this diagnostic (BN+SSNTD) for dosimetry and imaging applications.
Cuando un haz policromático de neutrones pasa a través de un material, los neutrones de distintas longitudes de onda son atenuados en formas muy diferentes. Como resultado, el espectro de energía del haz de neutrones cambia cuando una muestra es colocada frente el haz. Un análisis detallado del cociente de intensidad entre los haces de transmitido e incidente puede proporcionar una gran cantidad de información acerca de la estructura cristalina y microestructura de la muestra, definidas a través de la sección eficaz total del material. Para neutrones térmicos y sub-térmicos, el ordenamiento y movimiento de los átomos a escala microscópica define en forma precisa la dependencia de esta magnitud con la energía del neutrón incidente. Así, la variación con la energía de la sección eficaz total de los sólidos debido a la estructura de los átomos para distancias entre 0,1 y 100 Å se encuentra bien establecida, y es explotada en el estudio de estructuras cristalinas y de los movimientos vibracionales y rotacionales. Como contrapartida, el efecto de la estructura mesoscópica de los materiales, esto es para dimensiones entre 0,1 y 100 µm, sobre la sección eficaz total ha sido mucho menos estudiado, a pesar de provocar cambios profundos en esta magnitud. En esta Tesis estudiamos y formalizamos la dependencia de la sección eficaz total con características microestructurales tales como la porosidad, y la distribución de tamaños y orientaciones de los granos que componen los materiales, y desarrollamos modelos teóricos a partir de las características microestructurales de muestras de interés nuclear con diferente microestructura. Estos modelos permiten describir la contribuci ón de la componente elástica coherente de la seción eficaz total sobre los espectros de transmisión de neutrones e introducen parámetros como la cantidad de cristales que conforman el material, su estructura cristalina, parámetros de red, mosaicidad, estructura de poros u orientación preferencial de granos, para describir la sección total de materiales monocristalinos o policristalinos. En todos los casos, los modelos desarrollados fueron implementados en una biblioteca basada en el lenguaje computacional MATLAB y fueron comparados con secciones eficaces totales obtenidas en experimentos de transmisión de neutrones realizados en el Departamento de Física de Neutrones del Centro Atómico Bariloche y en ISIS Facility, Reino Unido. Los novedosos modelos microestructurales propuestos describen fielmente los experimentos desarrollados sobre muestras con distinta microestructura, lo que permite el empleo de los mismos en un código de refinamiento sobre los datos experimentales. Aquí, desarrollamos herramientas computacionales que ajustan por cuadrados mínimos no lineales los modelos paramétricos representativos de cada microestructura, sobre la sección eficaz total o la transmisión experimental, para determinar parámetros microestructurales de la muestra a partir de experimentos de transmisión de neutrones con resolución en longitud de onda. Los resultados son de particular relevancia para la interpretación y el análisis cuantitativo de las imágenes realizadas por la técnica de radiografía neutrónica con resolución en energía, que ha recibido un gran impulso en años recientes.
Understanding the dynamics of blood cells is a crucial element to discover biological mechanisms, to develop new efficient drugs, design sophisticated microfluidic devices, for diagnostics. In this work, we focus on the dynamics of red blood cells in microvascular flow. Microvascular blood flow resistance has a strong impact on cardiovascular function and tissue perfusion. The flow resistance in microcirculation is governed by flow behavior of blood through a complex network of vessels, where the distribution of red blood cells across vessel cross-sections may be significantly distorted at vessel bifurcations and junctions. We investigate the development of blood flow and its resistance starting from a dispersed configuration of red blood cells in simulations for different hematocrits, flow rates, vessel diameters, and aggregation interactions between red blood cells. Initially dispersed red blood cells migrate toward the vessel center leading to the formation of a cell-free layer near the wall and to a decrease of the flow resistance. The development of cell-free layer appears to be nearly universal when scaled with a characteristic shear rate of the flow, which allows an estimation of the length of a vessel required for full flow development, $l_c \approx 25D$, with vessel diameter $D$. Thus, the potential effect of red blood cell dispersion at vessel bifurcations and junctions on the flow resistance may be significant in vessels which are shorter or comparable to the length $l_c$. The presence of aggregation interactions between red blood cells lead in general to a reduction of blood flow resistance. The development of the cell-free layer thickness looks similar for both cases with and without aggregation interactions. Although, attractive interactions result in a larger cell-free layer plateau values. However, because the aggregation forces are short-ranged at high enough shear rates ($\bar{\dot{\gamma}} \gtrsim 50~\text{s}^{-1}$) aggregation of red blood cells does not bring a significant change to the blood flow properties. Also, we develop a simple theoretical model which is able to describe the converged cell-free-layer thickness with respect to flow rate assuming steady-state flow. The model is based on the balance between a lift force on red blood cells due to cell-wall hydrodynamic interactions and shear-induced effective pressure due to cell-cell interactions in flow. We expect that these results can also be used to better understand the flow behavior of other suspensions of deformable particles such as vesicles, capsules, and cells. Finally, we investigate segregation phenomena in blood as a two-component suspension under Poiseuille flow, consisting of red blood cells and target cells. The spatial distribution of particles in blood flow is very important. For example, in case of nanoparticle drug delivery, the particles need to come closer to microvessel walls, in order to adhere and bring the drug to a target position within the microvasculature. Here we consider that segregation can be described as a competition between shear-induced diffusion and the lift force that pushes every soft particle in a flow away from the wall. In order to investigate the segregation, on one hand, we have 2D DPD simulations of red blood cells and target cell of different sizes, on the other hand the Fokker-Planck equation for steady state. For the equation we measure force profile, particle distribution and diffusion constant across the channel. We compare simulation results with those from the Fokker-Planck equation and find a very good correspondence between the two approaches. Moreover, we investigate the diffusion behavior of target particles for different hematocrit values and shear rates. Our simulation results indicate that diffusion constant increases with increasing hematocrit and depends linearly on shear rate. The third part of the study describes development of a simulation model of complex vascular geometries. The development of the model is important to reproduce vascular systems of small pieces of tissues which might be gotten from MRI or microscope images. The simulation model of the complex vascular systems might be divided into three parts: modeling the geometry, developing in- and outflow boundary conditions, and simulation domain decomposition for an efficient computation. We have found that for the in- and outflow boundary conditions it is better to use the SDPD fluid than DPD one because of the density fluctuations along the channel of the latter. During the flow in a straight channel, it is difficult to control the density of the DPD fluid. However, the SDPD fluid has not that shortcoming even in more complex channels with many branches and in- and outflows because the force acting on particles is calculated also depending on the local density of the fluid.
Cuando un haz policromático de neutrones pasa a través de un material, los neutrones de distintas longitudes de onda son atenuados en formas muy diferentes. Como resultado, el espectro de energía del haz de neutrones cambia cuando una muestra es colocada frente el haz. Un análisis detallado del cociente de intensidad entre los haces de transmitido e incidente puede proporcionar una gran cantidad de información acerca de la estructura cristalina y microestructura de la muestra, definidas a través de la sección eficaz total del material. Para neutrones térmicos y sub-térmicos, el ordenamiento y movimiento de los átomos a escala microscópica define en forma precisa la dependencia de esta magnitud con la energía del neutrón incidente. Así, la variación con la energía de la sección eficaz total de los sólidos debido a la estructura de los átomos para distancias entre 0,1 y 100 Å se encuentra bien establecida, y es explotada en el estudio de estructuras cristalinas y de los movimientos vibracionales y rotacionales. Como contrapartida, el efecto de la estructura mesoscópica de los materiales, esto es para dimensiones entre 0,1 y 100 µm, sobre la sección eficaz total ha sido mucho menos estudiado, a pesar de provocar cambios profundos en esta magnitud. En esta Tesis estudiamos y formalizamos la dependencia de la sección eficaz total con características microestructurales tales como la porosidad, y la distribución de tamaños y orientaciones de los granos que componen los materiales, y desarrollamos modelos teóricos a partir de las características microestructurales de muestras de interés nuclear con diferente microestructura. Estos modelos permiten describir la contribuci ón de la componente elástica coherente de la seción eficaz total sobre los espectros de transmisión de neutrones e introducen parámetros como la cantidad de cristales que conforman el material, su estructura cristalina, parámetros de red, mosaicidad, estructura de poros u orientación preferencial de granos, para describir la sección total de materiales monocristalinos o policristalinos. En todos los casos, los modelos desarrollados fueron implementados en una biblioteca basada en el lenguaje computacional MATLAB y fueron comparados con secciones eficaces totales obtenidas en experimentos de transmisión de neutrones realizados en el Departamento de Física de Neutrones del Centro Atómico Bariloche y en ISIS Facility, Reino Unido. Los novedosos modelos microestructurales propuestos describen fielmente los experimentos desarrollados sobre muestras con distinta microestructura, lo que permite el empleo de los mismos en un código de refinamiento sobre los datos experimentales. Aquí, desarrollamos herramientas computacionales que ajustan por cuadrados mínimos no lineales los modelos paramétricos representativos de cada microestructura, sobre la sección eficaz total o la transmisión experimental, para determinar parámetros microestructurales de la muestra a partir de experimentos de transmisión de neutrones con resolución en longitud de onda. Los resultados son de particular relevancia para la interpretación y el análisis cuantitativo de las imágenes realizadas por la técnica de radiografía neutrónica con resolución en energía, que ha recibido un gran impulso en años recientes.
We studied the effect of Silicon (Si) on Casparian band (CB) development, chemical composition of the exodermal CB and Si deposition across the root in the Si accumulators rice and maize and the Si non-accumulator onion. Plants were cultivated in nutrient solution with and without Si supply. The CB development was determined in stained root cross-sections. The outer part of the roots containing the exodermis was isolated after enzymatic treatment. The exodermal suberin was transesterified with MeOH/BF3 and the chemical composition was measured using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) and flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) was used to determine the Si deposition across root cross sections. Si promoted CB formation in the roots of Si-accumulator and Si non-accumulator species. The exodermal suberin was decreased in rice and maize due to decreased amounts of aromatic suberin fractions. Si did not affect the concentration of lignin and lignin-like polymers in the outer part of rice, maize and onion roots. The highest Si depositions were found in the tissues containing CB. These data along with literature were used to suggest a mechanism how Si promotes the CB development by forming complexes with phenols.
The hydrodynamics and hydrochemistry of salt and fresh water from solid rock aquifer systems in the Pyrmont area are described and interpreted on the basis of recent investigations including geoelectrics, isotope hydrology, soil air analysis. Theories on the source of the springs in this area are developed, which explain the different compositions of the springs and make it possible to protect them. Data from new and re-interpretated drill holes, borehole logs and outcrops suggest a revision of the geological structure of the Pyrmont dome. Bad Pyrmont is situated on a wide dome of Triassic rocks in the southern part of the Lower Saxony uplands. Inversion of the relief has caused the development of an erosional basin surrounded by prominent ridges. Deep faults developed at the crest of the dome as this part of the structure was subjected to the strongest tectonic stress. Subrosion of the Zechstein salts in the western part of the dome has caused the main salt bed to wedge out below the western part of the dome along a N-S striking structure; this structure is refered to as the „Salzhang“ (salt slope). West of the „Salzhang“, where subrosion has removed the salt bed that prevents gas rising from below, carbon dioxide of deep volcanic origin can now rise to the surface. Hydraulic cross sections illustrate the presence of extensive and deep-seated groundwater flow within the entire Pyrmont dome. While groundwater flow is directed vertically downwards in the ridges surrounding the dome, centripetal horizontal flow predominates the intermediate area. In the central part of the dome, groundwater rises to join the River Emmer, which is the main receiving water course in the central part of the eroded basin. The depth of the saltwater/freshwater interface is determinated by the weight of the superimposed freshwater body. Hydrochemical cross sections show the shape and position of the interface and document a certain degree of hydrochemical zonation of the gently mineralized fresh water. Genetic relationships between the two main water types and the hydrochemical zones of the freshwater body are discussed. The knowledge of the hydrogeological relationship in the Bad Pyrmont aquifer systems permits a spatially narrow coexistence of wells withdrawing groundwater for different purposes (medicinal, mineral, drinking and industrial water).
We report new measurements of the double-polarized photodisintegration of 3He at an incident photon energy of 16.5 MeV, carried out at the High Intensity γ-ray Source (HIγS) facility located at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL). The spin-dependent double-differential cross sections and the contribution from the three-body channel to the Gerasimov–Drell–Hearn (GDH) integrand were extracted and compared with the state-of-the-art three-body calculations. The calculations, which include the Coulomb interaction and are in good agreement with the results of previous measurements at 12.8 and 14.7 MeV, deviate from the new cross section results at 16.5 MeV. The GDH integrand was found to be about one standard deviation larger than the maximum value predicted by the theories.