974 resultados para Questions of Space


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The questions of software-based design of “virtual” technical systems are considered as facility of imitation experiment for educational purposes. These virtual systems are usable for analysis of medical intrascopy systems functioning. The virtual educational technical systems allow guarantee the goodness technical training of bioengineers.


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We present a complex neural network model of user behavior in distributed systems. The model reflects both dynamical and statistical features of user behavior and consists of three components: on-line and off-line models and change detection module. On-line model reflects dynamical features by predicting user actions on the basis of previous ones. Off-line model is based on the analysis of statistical parameters of user behavior. In both cases neural networks are used to reveal uncharacteristic activity of users. Change detection module is intended for trends analysis in user behavior. The efficiency of complex model is verified on real data of users of Space Research Institute of NASU-NSAU.


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questions of forming of learning sets for artificial neural networks in problems of lossless data compression are considered. Methods of construction and use of learning sets are studied. The way of forming of learning set during training an artificial neural network on the data stream is offered.


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∗The author was partially supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Contract MM-516 with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Science and Thechnology.


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The basic construction concepts of many-valued intellectual systems, which are adequate to primal problems of person activity and using hybrid tools with many-valued of coding are considered. The many-valued intellectual systems being two-place, but simulating neuron processes of space toting which are different on a level of actions, inertial and threshold of properties of neurons diaphragms, and also modification of frequency of following of the transmitted messages are created. All enumerated properties and functions in point of fact are essential not only are discrete on time, but also many-valued.


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The questions of designing multicriteria control systems on the basis of logic models of composite dynamic objects are considered.


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* The work is partially supported by the grant of National Academy of Science of Ukraine for the support of scientific researches by young scientists No 24-7/05, " Розробка Desktop Grid-системи і оптимізація її продуктивності ”.


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A novel framework for modelling biomolecular systems at multiple scales in space and time simultaneously is described. The atomistic molecular dynamics representation is smoothly connected with a statistical continuum hydrodynamics description. The system behaves correctly at the limits of pure molecular dynamics (hydrodynamics) and at the intermediate regimes when the atoms move partly as atomistic particles, and at the same time follow the hydrodynamic flows. The corresponding contributions are controlled by a parameter, which is defined as an arbitrary function of space and time, thus, allowing an effective separation of the atomistic 'core' and continuum 'environment'. To fill the scale gap between the atomistic and the continuum representations our special purpose computer for molecular dynamics, MDGRAPE-4, as well as GPU-based computing were used for developing the framework. These hardware developments also include interactive molecular dynamics simulations that allow intervention of the modelling through force-feedback devices.


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The basic construction concepts of many-valued intellectual systems, which are adequate to primal problems of person activity and using hybrid tools with many-valued intellectual systems being two-place, but simulating neuron processes of space toting which are different on a level of actions, inertial and threshold of properties of neuron diaphragms, and also frequency modification of the following transmitted messages are created. All enumerated properties and functions in point of fact are essential not only are discrete on time, but also many-valued.


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The various questions of creation of integrated development environment for computer training systems are considered in the given paper. The information technologies that can be used for creation of the integrated development environment are described. The different didactic aspects of realization of such systems are analyzed. The ways to improve the efficiency and quality of learning process with computer training systems for distance education are pointed.


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Иван Хр. Димовски, Юлиан Ц. Цанков - Предложен е метод за намиране на явни решения на клас двумерни уравнения на топлопроводността с нелокални условия по пространствените променливи. Методът е основан на директно тримерно операционно смятане. Класическата дюамелова конволюция е комбинирана с две некласически конволюции за операторите ∂xx и ∂yy в една тримерна конволюция. Съответното операционно смятане използва мултипликаторни частни. Мултипликаторните частни позволяват да се продължи принципът на Дюамел за пространствените променливи и да се намерят явни решения на разглежданите гранични задачи. Общите разглеждания са приложени в случая на гранични условия от типа на Йонкин. Намерени са експлицитни решения в затворен вид.


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This paper explores the convergences and divergence between transitional justice and peace-building, by considering some of the recent developments in scholarship and practice. We examine the notion of ‘peace’ in transitional justice and the idea of ‘justice’ in peacebuilding. We highlight that transitional justice and peacebuilding often engage with similar or related ideas, though the scholarship on in each field has developed, largely, in parallel to each other, and of-ten without any significant engagement between the fields of inquiry. We also note that both fields share other commonalities, insofar as they often neglect questions of capital (political, social, economic) and at times, gender. We suggest that trying to locate the nexus in the first place draws attention to where peace and justice have actually got to be produced in order for there not to be conflict and violence. This in turn demonstrates that locally, ‘peace’ and ‘justice’ do not always look like the ‘peace’ and ‘justice’ drawn up by international donors and peace-builders; and, despite the ‘turn to the local’ in international relations, it is surprising just how many local and everyday dynamics are (dis)missed as sources of peace and justice, or potential avenues of addressing the past.


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This book is an urgent and compelling account of the Occupy movements: from the M15 movement in Spain, to the wave of Occupations flooding across cities in American, Europe and Australia, to the harsh reality of evictions as corporations and governments attempted to reassert exclusive control over public space. Across a vast range of international examples over twenty authors analyse, explain and helps us understand the movement. These movements were a novel and noisy intervention into the recent capitalist crisis in developed economies, developing an exceptionally broad identity through a call to arms addressed to 'the 99%', and emphasizing the importance of public space in the creation and maintenance of opposition. The novelties of these movements, along with their radical positioning and the urgency of their claims all demand analysis. This book investigates the crucial questions of how and why this form of action spread so rapidly and so widely, how the inclusive discourse of 'the 99%' matched up to the reality of the practice. It is vital to understand not just the choice of tactics and the vitality of protest camps in public spaces, but also how the myriad of challenges and problems were negotiated. This book was published as a special issue of Social Movement Studies.


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Using the case of a low cost airline company’s website we analyze some special research questions of information technology valuation. The distinctive characteristics of this research are the ex post valuation perspective; the parallel and comparative use of accounting and business valuation approaches; and the integrated application of discounted cash flow and real option valuation. As the examined international company is a strategic user of e-technology and wants to manage and account intangible IT-assets explicitly, these specific valuation perspectives are gaining practical significance.