993 resultados para Quarto de despejo


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O objetivo deste artigo é fundamentar teoricamente as políticas industriais, caracterizando as razões da preferência por um referencial teórico não equilibrista e nãomaximizador. Procura-se também definir de maneira eficaz estas políticas, destacando seus resultados positivos em termos de alguns parâmetros. Este artigo será publicado em duas partes. Nesta edição define-se política industrial, analisando-se também as razões da despreocupação com uma fundamentação mais rigorosa das políticas industriais. Em seguida, apresenta-se sucintamente uma teoria capaz de embasar estas políticas, ao mesmo tempo em que se analisa se tais teorias são importantes (ou não), em termos empíricos. No quarto item, que será publicado na próxima edição deste Boletim, discute-se a possível utilidade da política industrial, enfatizando falhas de mercado, bens públicos, mercados não-competitivos, externalidades e desenvolvimento tecnológico.


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The purpose of this paper is to essentially provide a theoretical framework to industrial policies, especially showing the reasons for preference of a theoretical framework that is not based on equilibrium, and not based on maximization. We sought to define these policies, highlighting their positive results – at least potentially – in terms of some parameters (production, efficiency, productivity, income, welfare etc.). In this sense, we defined industrial policy, also analyzing the reasons for the usual lack of concern with a more rigorous theoretical framework for industrial policies. Following that, we briefly discussed whether or not a certain theory can lay the foundation for these policies, also examining if such theories are important (or not) in empirical terms. In the fourth section, we investigated the possible use of industrial policies, emphasizing market failures, public goods, non-competitive markets, externalities and technological development. Finally, we discussed about evaluation approaches of industrial and technological policies, focusing with more detail on the challenges related to the evaluation of economic effects of industrial and technological policies, and the methodologies of evaluation of these policies.


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Vidas secas, fourth volume of Graciliano Ramos’s work, has its origins in baleia, a short story written by the author and later interspersed, in a term of six months, in twelve other chapters then created for the novel. This paper deals with aspects of Vidas secas creative process, from the short story to the novel.


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In this paper we analyze how the symbols of land and woman are articulated in the lyric from Ana Paula Tavares. Such motifs, applicants at O lago da lua (1999), will take on a structuring in the poetic universe from this Angolan writer, because architect his being in the world at an existential level and political. Paula Tavares gives her voice to express, with defiance and tenderness, the bitter cry of women prisoners in their own silence. The symbiosis between land and woman works as formative and empowering element of identity


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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This paper is the result of a homonymous scientific research, funded by CNPq-PIBIC where we understand the adoption process as a process of dissidence in relation to the bio-parental matrix. Founded on a heteronormative naturalization of human sexuality - which presupposes a continuum and naturalized organization among sex / gender / desire – this bioparental matrix sets the binary relation of distinction between the legitimate/illegitimate child as their origin or not arising from “blood ties”. Considering our experience in the Project developed at the Department of Clinical Psychology at UNESP, Assis, SP called “Ties of love: Adoption, Gender, Citizenship and Rights”, we prepared a content analysis - as proposed by Bardin (1977) -, of transcripts of psychological sessions that were made from 2005 to 2012 in the "Center for Research and Applied Psychology “Dra. Betti Katzenstein. Our general objective was to analyze the effects of the bioparental matrix and its impact on children/adolescents and their families as well as estimate the possibilities of escape to the subjection to this bioparental matrix. The results showed us several aspects that may be significant for understanding the discursive crossings related to the practice of adoption. It was observed that there is still a great ambivalence pervading this theme, revealing that there is a discrepancy between what we say and what we do in relation to practices of caring among the adopted children. On the one hand, it was noticed that relatives rationally seek to enhance the bonding of the “emotional ties”, but their practices and beliefs, are still supported in modes of subjectivation that prioritize the biological discourse. This fact reveals a strained and conflictive field that probably weaknesses those families seeking to prioritize the ties of affection. However, as can be seen in this study, it is comforting and motivating to realize the power of resistance of individuals to absolute truths that govern their ways of feeling, affiliating and/ or exert their parenting.


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Citrus aurantium L., commonly known as bitter orange, is widely used in folk medicine, but there is little data in the literature about the s on pregnancy. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of essential oil obtained from fruits of Citrus aurantium on the maternal reproductive outcome and fetal anomaly incidence in rats. Pregnant Wistar rats were randomized into four groups (n minimum = 12 animals/group): G1 = control, G2 to G4 = treated with essential oil from C. aurantium at dose 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg, respectively. Rats were orally treated, by gavage, with plant essential oil or vehicle during pre-implantation and organogenic period (gestational day 0-14). On gestational day 20 the rats were anaesthetized and the gravid uterus was weighed with its contents and the fetuses were analyzed. Results showed that the treated group with 500 mg/kg presented decreased placental weights and placental index, although the treatment with bitter orange essential oil did not show any alteration in maternal reproductive performance, toxicological , changes in ossification sites, and malformation index. In conclusion, the treatment of Citrus aurantium essential oil was not teratogenic and did not alter the maternal reproductive outcome.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE