974 resultados para Proximal gastrectomy
Free-flow micropuncture was carried out in superficial nephrons of Munich-Wistar type rats infused acutely with Cd acetate (CdA) or Cd-DTPA (141 microM Cd). Fluid obtained from Bowman's space (BS) or end-proximal tubule sites was analyzed for Cd and inulin. The fluid/plasma Cd concentration ratio in BS averaged 0.2 and 1.0 during CdA and Cd-DTPA infusions, respectively. End-proximal tubule fractional excretion of Cd during CdA infusion averaged 0.34. Previous administration of CdA (1.0 mg/kg, 48 hr before micropuncture) increased the level of circulating Cd-metallothioneins, as measured by radioimmunoassay, but did not affect the luminal tubular uptake of Cd during CdA infusion. No net transepithelial movement of Cd-DTPA was measured. It is concluded that Cd ultrafiltered during inorganic Cd administration is taken up to a large extent by the convoluted part of proximal tubules.
109Cd was injected into the lumen of superficial proximal or distal tubules of rat kidneys, and recovery in the pelvic urine from the ipsilateral kidney was measured. Fractional recovery of labeled inulin always exceeded 90%. About 70% of injected inorganic Cd (CdCl2) was taken up by the epithelium of proximal tubules, while more than 90% of the injected amount was recovered after distal microinjection. The proximal fractional Cd uptake of a 1:1 (molar) Cd-L-cysteine complex was 82%, but was below 60% for a 5-10:1 molar ratio of cysteine:Cd. The chelate Cd-pentetic acid was recovered in final urine nearly quantitatively after proximal or distal microinjection. Fractional uptake of 109Cd from a Cd-metallothionein (Mt) complex, following proximal microinjection, ranged between 17 (Cd-Mt 0.19 mM) and 8% (Cd-Mt 1.5 mM). It is concluded that luminal Cd uptake by the tubular epithelium depends markedly on the chemical form of Cd and, when present, occurs mostly or exclusively in proximal tubules.
Introduction. The purpose of the present contribution is to perform a detailed anatomic and virtual reality three-dimensional stereoscopic study in order to test the effectiveness of the extended endoscopic endonasal approaches for selected anterior and posterior circulation aneurysms. Methods. The study was divided in two main steps: (1) simulation step, using a dedicated Virtual Reality System (Dextroscope, Volume Interactions); (2) dissection step, in which the feasibility to reach specific vascular territory via the nose was verified in the anatomical laboratory. Results. Good visualization and proximal and distal vascular control of the main midline anterior and posterior circulation territory were achieved during the simulation step as well as in the dissection step (anterior communicating complex, internal carotid, ophthalmic, superior hypophyseal, posterior cerebral and posterior communicating, basilar, superior cerebellar, anterior inferior cerebellar, vertebral, and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries). Conclusion. The present contribution is intended as strictly anatomic study in which we highlighted some specific anterior and posterior circulation aneurysms that can be reached via the nose. For clinical applications of these approaches, some relevant complications, mainly related to the endonasal route, such as proximal and distal vascular control, major arterial bleeding, postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak, and olfactory disturbances must be considered
OBJETIVO: Comparar parâmetros ultrassonográficos relacionados à junção uretrovesical e uretra proximal em pacientes curadas e não curadas, tratadas cirurgicamente pela técnica de Burch, com a finalidade de estabelecer se há correspondência com fatores prognósticos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Trinta pacientes foram selecionadas e divididas em dois grupos: 15 consideradas clinicamente curadas e 15 consideradas não curadas. As pacientes foram submetidas a ultrassonografia transvulvar no pré-operatório e aos 30 e 180 dias do pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: No pré-operatório, o deslocamento da uretra proximal foi maior nas pacientes curadas (15,87 ± 4,55 mm × 12,47 ± 3,52 mm - p < 0,05). No pós-operatório, no esforço, a distância vertical da junção uretrovesical e a uretra proximal foram maiores nas pacientes curadas (12,87 ± 5,80 mm × 5,13 ± 6,55 mm - p < 0,01; e 13,07 ± 6,44 mm × 6,20 ± 6,14 mm - p < 0,01), e o deslocamento vertical da junção uretrovesical e da uretra proximal foi maior nas pacientes não curadas (8,47 ± 3,98 mm × 5,13 ± 2,36 mm - p < 0,001; e 8,33 ± 4,54 mm × 5,20 ± 2,90 mm - p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A ultrassonografia da junção uretrovesical e da uretra proximal pode ser considerada como um método eficaz de avaliação dos parâmetros prognósticos do tratamento cirúrgico de mulheres com incontinência urinária de esforço.
OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e de ressonância magnética da osteonecrose das porções distal do fêmur e proximal da tíbia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Avaliação de 19 pacientes (12 mulheres e 7 homens), sem história prévia de fatores causais, com achados à ressonância magnética sugestivos de osteonecrose do platô tibial ou côndilo femoral. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se a presença de anormalidades osteocondrais em 63,1% dos casos e em 73,6% destes houve associação com lesão meniscal ipsilateral. Houve também importante associação com edema na medular óssea em correspondência (grau III em 16 casos). CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética demonstrou ser um método não invasivo com boa sensibilidade no diagnóstico da osteonecrose do joelho, bem como das lesões associadas, sendo mais frequente nas mulheres (63% dos casos).
Off-pump coronary bypass grafting may decrease the rate of stroke, due to minimal aortic manipulation. For venous grafts, clampless hemostasis when performing the proximal anastomosis can be achieved using the Heartstring device. We describe a technique using a single device to suture two veins to one aortotomy. This technique requires less space and could be advantageous in very short, small, and calcified aortas. In to our experience, this technique is rapid, simple, easy to reproduce, and cost-saving.
The Early Cretaceous has experienced the development of large shallow-water carbonate platform in tropical and subtropical regions, favoured by exceptionally warm climatic conditions, optimal trophic conditions and a suitable tectonic and paleogeographic context. This period was also characterized by shorter intervals, in which the widespread deposition of marine sediments enriched in organic matter occurred ("oceanic anoxic episodes": OAE). This study focuses on the Barremian- Aptian interval, during which the Urgonian platform developed throughout the northern Tethyan passive margin. Due to the Alpine orogeny, sediments belonging to this platform - named locally Schrattenkalk Formation, are presently outcropping in the Helvetic Alps. This study aims to reconstruct the paleogeographic evolution of the Helvetic platform, and to define the environmental and oceanographic factors, which influenced its development. Several key episodes in the life of this platform have been identified: - The installation of the platform, covering hemipelagic sediments of the Drusberg Member, near the limit between the early and late Barremian. - The temporary change of carbonate production type during the basal Aptian, with the deposition of the Rawil Member. - And finally the definitive interruption of photozoan carbonate platform sedimentation in the study area, during the early Aptian. The sedimentological, biostratigraphical and chemostratigraphic (8I3C) data lead to the sequential subdivision of eleven sections and one core, located throughout the different Helvetic nappes of Switzerland. The sequence stratigraphie framework, initially defined for the Urgonian carbonate platform of the Vercors area (SE France), is confirmed in the Helvetic nappes, where the same number of sequences was observed. Many similarities between these two areas are put forward in this work. The sequence stratigraphie framework helped to highlight the installation of a bioclastic body, included in the Schrattenkalk Formation, since the middle Early Barremian (sequence B2). The age of the installation of the rudist-rich limestone, which corresponds to the Urgonian facies sensu stricto, is attributed to the late Barremian (maximum flooding surface of the sequence B3). This age coincides with the one determined in other northern Tethyan areas for the installation of the Urgonian platform. The results of this study show a strong tectonic control of the platform architecture, with the presence of syn-sedimentary faults in a perpendicular position to the progradation direction of the platform. The presence of these faults was highlighted by the study of the evolution of the microfacies distribution and by thickness variations in different areas. Sea level fluctuations also played an important role in the various life phases of the platform. Three major falls in sea level have been identified. A significant emersion of the proximal domain has been observed, involving an important drop of the relative sea level, leading to the exposure of the Drusberg Member hemipelagic series. A second major drop in sea level is identified near the Barremian-Aptian boundary, and a third is registered on the top of the Upper Schrattenkalk Member on the whole platform; it is associated with a karst affecting the underlying limestones to a depth of over 20 meters. This observation sheds new light on the conditions linked to the demise of Urgonian platform, which was strongly influenced by this phase of emersion.
Numerous links between genetic variants and phenotypes are known and genome-wide association studies dramatically increased the number of genetic variants associated with traits during the last decade. However, how changes in the DNA perturb the molecular mechanisms and impact on the phenotype of an organism remains elusive. Studies suggest that many traitassociated variants are in the non-coding region of the genome and probably act through regulation of gene expression. During my thesis I investigated how genetic variants affect gene expression through gene regulatory mechanisms. The first chapter was a collaborative project with a pharmaceutical company, where we investigated genome-wide copy number variation (CNVs) among Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) used in pharmaceutical studies, and associated them to changes in gene expression. We found substantial copy number variation and identified CNVs linked to tissue-specific expression changes of proximal genes. The second and third chapters focus on genetic variation in humans and its effects on gene regulatory mechanisms and gene expression. The second chapter studies two human trios, where the allelic effects of genetic variation on genome-wide gene expression, protein-DNA binding and chromatin modifications were investigated. We found abundant allele specific activity across all measured molecular phenotypes and show extended coordinated behavior among them. In the third chapter, we investigated the impact of genetic variation on these phenotypes in 47 unrelated individuals. We found that chromatin phenotypes are organized into local variable modules, often linked to genetic variation and gene expression. Our results suggest that chromatin variation emerges as a result of perturbations of cis-regulatory elements by genetic variants, leading to gene expression changes. The work of this thesis provides novel insights into how genetic variation impacts gene expression by perturbing regulatory mechanisms. -- De nombreux liens entre variations génétiques et phénotypes sont connus. Les études d'association pangénomique ont considérablement permis d'augmenter le nombre de variations génétiques associées à des phénotypes au cours de la dernière décennie. Cependant, comprendre comment ces changements perturbent les mécanismes moléculaires et affectent le phénotype d'un organisme nous échappe encore. Des études suggèrent que de nombreuses variations, associées à des phénotypes, sont situées dans les régions non codantes du génome et sont susceptibles d'agir en modifiant la régulation d'expression des gènes. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai étudié comment les variations génétiques affectent les niveaux d'expression des gènes en perturbant les mécanismes de régulation de leur expression. Le travail présenté dans le premier chapitre est un projet en collaboration avec une société pharmaceutique. Nous avons étudié les variations en nombre de copies (CNV) présentes chez le macaque crabier (Macaca fascicularis) qui est utilisé dans les études pharmaceutiques, et nous les avons associées avec des changements d'expression des gènes. Nous avons découvert qu'il existe une variabilité substantielle du nombre de copies et nous avons identifié des CNVs liées aux changements d'expression des gènes situés dans leur voisinage. Ces associations sont présentes ou absentes de manière spécifique dans certains tissus. Les deuxième et troisième chapitres se concentrent sur les variations génétiques dans les populations humaines et leurs effets sur les mécanismes de régulation des gènes et leur expression. Le premier se penche sur deux trios humains, père, mère, enfant, au sein duquel nous avons étudié les effets alléliques des variations génétiques sur l'expression des gènes, les liaisons protéine-ADN et les modifications de la chromatine. Nous avons découvert que l'activité spécifique des allèles est abondante abonde dans tous ces phénotypes moléculaires et nous avons démontré que ces derniers ont un comportement coordonné entre eux. Dans le second, nous avons examiné l'impact des variations génétiques de ces phénotypes moléculaires chez 47 individus, sans lien de parenté. Nous avons observé que les phénotypes de la chromatine sont organisés en modules locaux, qui sont liés aux variations génétiques et à l'expression des gènes. Nos résultats suggèrent que la variabilité de la chromatine est due à des variations génétiques qui perturbent des éléments cis-régulateurs, et peut conduire à des changements dans l'expression des gènes. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse fournit de nouvelles pistes pour comprendre l'impact des différentes variations génétiques sur l'expression des gènes à travers les mécanismes de régulation.
Elevated concentrations of albumin in the urine, albuminuria, are a hallmark of diabetic kidney disease and are associated with an increased risk for end-stage renal disease and cardiovascular events. To gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying albuminuria, we conducted meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies and independent replication in up to 5,825 individuals of European ancestry with diabetes and up to 46,061 without diabetes, followed by functional studies. Known associations of variants in CUBN, encoding cubilin, with the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) were confirmed in the overall sample (P = 2.4 × 10(-10)). Gene-by-diabetes interactions were detected and confirmed for variants in HS6ST1 and near RAB38/CTSC. Single nucleotide polymorphisms at these loci demonstrated a genetic effect on UACR in individuals with but not without diabetes. The change in the average UACR per minor allele was 21% for HS6ST1 (P = 6.3 × 10(-7)) and 13% for RAB38/CTSC (P = 5.8 × 10(-7)). Experiments using streptozotocin-induced diabetic Rab38 knockout and control rats showed higher urinary albumin concentrations and reduced amounts of megalin and cubilin at the proximal tubule cell surface in Rab38 knockout versus control rats. Relative expression of RAB38 was higher in tubuli of patients with diabetic kidney disease compared with control subjects. The loci identified here confirm known pathways and highlight novel pathways influencing albuminuria.
It is well established that cytotoxic T lymphocytes play a pivotal role in the protection against intracellular pathogens and tumour cells. Such protective immune responses rely on the specific T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated recognition by CD8 T cells of small antigenic peptides presented in the context of class-I Major Histocompatibility Complex molecules (pMHCs) on the surface of infected or malignant cells. The strength (affinity/avidity) of this interaction is a major correlate of protection. Although tumour-reactive CD8 T cells can be observed in cancer patients, anti-tumour immune responses are often ineffective in controlling or eradicating the disease due to the relative low TCR affinity of these cells. To overcome this limitation, tumour-specific CD8 T cells can be genetically modified to express TCRs of improved binding strength against a defined tumour antigen before adoptive cell transfer into cancer patients. We previously generated a panel of TCRs specific for the cancer-testis antigen NY-ESO-l,57.165 with progressively increased affinities for the pMHC complex, thus providing us with a unique tool to investigate the causal link between the surface expression of such TCRs and T cell activation and function. We recently demonstrated that anti-tumour CD8 T cell reactivity could only be improved within physiological affinity limits, beyond which drastic functional declines were observed, suggesting the presence of multiple regulatory mechanisms limiting T cell activation and function in a TCR affinity-dependent manner. The overarching goal of this thesis was (i) to assess the precise impact of TCR affinity on T cell activation and signalling at the molecular level and (ii) to gain further insights on the mechanisms that regulate and delimitate maximal/optimized CD8 T cell activation and signalling. Specifically, by combining several technical approaches we characterized the activation status of proximal (i.e. CD3Ç, Lek, and ZAP-70) and distal (i.e. ERK1/2) signalling molecules along the TCR affinity gradient. Moreover, we assessed the extent of TCR downmodulation, a critical step for initial T cell activation. CD8 T cells engineered with the optimal TCR affinity variants showed increased activation levels of both proximal and distal signalling molecules when compared to the wild-type T cells. Our analyses also highlighted the "paradoxical" status of tumour-reactive CD8 T cells bearing very high TCR affinities, which retained strong proximal signalling capacity and TCR downmodulation, but were unable to propagate signalling distally (i.e. pERKl/2), resulting in impaired cell-mediated functions. Importantly, these very high affinity T cells displayed maximal levels of SHP-1 and SHP-2 phosphatases, two negative regulatory molecules, and this correlated with a partial pERKl/2 signalling recovery upon pharmacological SHP-l/SHP-2 inhibition. These findings revealed the putative presence of inhibitory regulators of the TCR signalling cascade acting very rapidly following tumour-specific stimulation. Moreover, the very high affinity T cells were only able to transiently express enhanced proximal signalling molecules, suggesting the presence of an additional level of regulation that operates through the activation of negative feedback loops over time, limiting the duration of the TCR-mediated signalling. Overall, the determination of TCR-pMHC binding parameters eliciting optimal CD8 T cell activation, signalling, and effector function while guaranteeing high antigen specificity, together with the identification of critical regulatory mechanisms acting proximally in the TCR signalling cascade, will directly contribute to optimize and support the development of future TCR-based adoptive T cell strategies for the treatment of malignant diseases. -- Les lymphocytes T CD8 cytotoxiques jouent un rôle prédominant dans la protection contre les pathogènes intracellulaires et les cellules tumorales. Ces réponses immunitaires dépendent de la spécificité avec laquelle les récepteurs T (TCR) des lymphocytes CD8 reconnaissent les peptides antigéniques présentés par les molécules du complexe Majeur de Histocompatibilité de classe I (pCMH) à la surface des cellules infectées ou malignes. La force (ou affinité/avidité) de l'interaction du TCR-pCMH est un corrélat majeur de protection. Les réponses immunitaires sont cependant souvent inefficaces et ne permettent pas de contrôler ou d'éliminer les cellules tumorales chez les patients atteint du cancer, et ce à cause de la relative faible reconnaissance des TCRs exprimés par les lymphocytes T CD8 envers les antigènes tumoraux. Afin de surmonter cette limitation, les cellules T anti-tumorales peuvent être génétiquement modifiées en les dotant de TCRs préalablement optimisés afin d'augmenter leur reconnaissance ou affinité contre les antigènes tumoraux, avant leur ré¬infusion dans le patient. Nous avons récemment généré des cellules T CD8 exprimant un panel de TCRs spécifiques pour l'antigène tumoral NY-ESO-l157.16J avec des affinités croissantes, permettant ainsi d'investiguer la causalité directe entre l'affinité du TCR-pCMH et la fonction des cellules T CD8. Nous avons démontré que la réactivité anti-tumorale pouvait être améliorée en augmentant l'affinité du TCR dans une intervalle physiologique, mais au delà duquel nous observons un important déclin fonctionnel. Ces résultats suggèrent la présence de mécanismes de régulation limitant l'activation des cellules T de manière dépendante de l'affinité du TCR. Le but de cette thèse a été (i) de définir l'impact précis de l'affinité du TCR sur l'activation et la signalisation des cellules T CD8 au niveau moléculaire et (ii) d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances sur les mécanismes qui régulent et délimitent l'activation et la signalisation maximale des cellules T CD8 optimisées. Spécifiquement, en combinant plusieurs approches technologiques, nous avons caractérisé l'état d'activation de différentes protéines de la voie de signalisation proximale (CD3Ç, Lek et ZAP-70) et distale (ERK1/2) le long du gradient d'affinité du TCR, ainsi que l'internalisation du TCR, une étape clef dans l'activation initiale des cellules T. Les lymphocytes T CD8 exprimant des TCRs d'affinité optimale ont montré des niveaux d'activation augmentés des molécules proximales et distales par rapport aux cellules de type sauvage (wild-type). Nos analyses ont également mis en évidence un paradoxe chez les cellules T CD8 équipées avec des TCRs de très haute affinité. En effet, ces cellules anti-tumorales sont capables d'activer leurs circuits biochimiques au niveau proximal et d'internaliser efficacement leur TCR, mais ne parviennent pas à propager les signaux biochimiques dépendants du TCR jusqu'au niveau distal (via phospho-ERKl/2), avec pour conséquence une limitation de leur capacité fonctionnelle. Finalement, nous avons démontré que SHP-1 et SHP-2, deux phosphatases avec des propriétés régulatrices négatives, étaient majoritairement exprimées dans les cellules T CD8 de très hautes affinités. Une récupération partielle des niveaux d'activation de ERK1/2 a pu être observée après l'inhibition pharmacologique de ces phosphatases. Ces découvertes révèlent la présence de régulateurs moléculaires qui inhibent le complexe de signalisation du TCR très rapidement après la stimulation anti-tumorale. De plus, les cellules T de très hautes affinités ne sont capables d'activer les molécules de la cascade de signalisation proximale que de manière transitoire, suggérant ainsi un second niveau de régulation via l'activation de mécanismes de rétroaction prenant place progressivement au cours du temps et limitant la durée de la signalisation dépendante du TCR. En résumé, la détermination des paramètres impliqués dans l'interaction du TCR-pCMH permettant l'activation de voies de signalisation et des fonctions effectrices optimales ainsi que l'identification des mécanismes de régulation au niveau proximal de la cascade de signalisation du TCR contribuent directement à l'optimisation et au développement de stratégies anti-tumorales basées sur l'ingénierie des TCRs pour le traitement des maladies malignes.
Não há evidências relatadas na literatura de associação entre linfoma ósseo primário e osteocondroma ou da coexistência deles em uma mesma região óssea. Este relato de caso descreve um caso raro de linfoma ósseo primário ocorrendo juntamente com um osteocondroma no terço proximal de tíbia. Os sinais de imagem na ressonância magnética neste caso simulam uma degeneração sarcomatosa do osteocondroma.
In 2015, cerebral stimulation becomes increasingly established in the treatment of pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Efficacy of endovascular treatment has been demonstrated for acute ischemic stroke. Deep brain stimulation at low frequency improves dysphagia and freezing of gait in Parkinson patients. Bimagrumab seems to increase muscular volume and force in patients with inclusion body myositis. In cluster-type headache, a transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulator is efficient in stopping acute attacks and also reducing their frequency. Initial steps have been undertaken towards modulating memory by stimulation of the proximal fornix. Teriflunomide is the first oral immunomodulatory drug for which efficacy has been shown in preventing conversion from clinical isolated syndrome to multiple sclerosis.
Objective: To analyze standardized uptake values (SUVs) using three different tube current intensities for attenuation correction on 18FNaF PET/CT scans. Materials and Methods: A total of 254 18F-NaF PET/CT studies were analyzed using 10, 20 and 30 mAs. The SUVs were calculated in volumes of interest (VOIs) drawn on three skeletal regions, namely, right proximal humeral diaphysis (RH), right proximal femoral diaphysis (RF), and first lumbar vertebra (LV1) in a total of 712 VOIs. The analyses covered 675 regions classified as normal (236 RH, 232 RF, and 207 LV1). Results: Mean SUV for each skeletal region was 3.8, 5.4 and 14.4 for RH, RF, and LV1, respectively. As the studies were grouped according to mAs value, the mean SUV values were 3.8, 3.9 and 3.7 for 10, 20 and 30 mAs, respectively, in the RH region; 5.4, 5.5 and 5.4 for 10, 20 and 30 mAs, respectively, in the RF region; 13.8, 14.9 and 14.5 for 10, 20 and 30 mAs, respectively, in the LV1 region. Conclusion: The three tube current values yielded similar results for SUV calculation.
AbstractObjective:To evaluate the prevalence of exclusive lower extremity metastases, specifically in the femur and below the knee, observed at 18F-NaF PET/CT.Materials and Methods:One thousand consecutive PET/CT studies were retrospectively evaluated for the presence of exclusive uptake in lower extremities suggesting metastatic involvement. The presumptive diagnoses based on such uptakes were subsequently obtained by evaluation of other imaging studies.Results:No exclusive uptake suggestive of metastasis below the femur was observed in the present series. Exclusive uptake was observed in the proximal femur with a presumptive diagnosis of metastasis in two patients.Conclusion:The prevalence of exclusive metastasis below the femur is low and scanning from head to knees is appropriate in most cases.