974 resultados para Post-operative Complications
Author's personal copy
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito das Crianças, Família e Sucessões
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the incidence of intraventricular and atrioventricular conduction defects associated with acute myocardial infarction and the degree of in hospital mortality resulting from this condition during the era of thrombolytic therapy. METHODS: Observational study of a cohort of 929 consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction. Multivariate analysis by logistic regression. Was used. RESULTS: Logistic regression showed a greater incidence of bundle branch block in male sex (odds ratio = 1.87, 95% CI = 1.02-3.42), age over 70 years (odds ratio = 2.31, 95% CI = 1.68-5.00), anterior localization of the infarction (odds ratio = 1.93, 95% CI = 1.03-3.65). There was a greater incidence of complete atrioventricular block in inferior infarcts (odds ratio = 2.59, 95% CI 1.30-5.18) and the presence of cardiogenic shock (odds ratio = 3.90, 95% CI = 1.43-10.65). Use of a thrombolytic agent was associated with a tendency toward a lower occurrence of bundle branch block (odds ratio = 0.68) and a greater occurrence of complete atrioventricular block (odds ratio = 1.44). The presence of bundle branch block (odds ratio = 2.45 95% , CI = 1.14-5.28) and of complete atrioventricular block (odds ratio = 13.59, 95% CI = 5.43-33.98) was associated with a high and independent probability of inhospital death. CONCLUSION: During the current era of thrombolytic therapy and in this population, intraventricular disturbances of electrical conduction and complete atrioventricular block were associated with a high and independent risk of inhospital death during acute myocardial infarction.
First published online: 30 October 2015
OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to compare, in a non randomized study, the surgical outcome in elderly patients with mechanical (Group 1; n=83) and bioprosthetic valve implants (Group 2; n=136). METHODS: During a three year period, 219 patients >75 years underwent Aortic Valve Replacement. The groups matched according to age, sex, comorbidity, valve pathology and concomitant Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. Follow-up was a total of 469 patient-years (mean follow-up 2.1 years, maximum 4,4 years). RESULTS: Operative mortality was zero and the overall early mortality was 2.3 % (within 30 days). Actuarial survival was 87.5 ± 4.0% and 66.1 ± 7.7% (NS) at 4 years in Group 1 and Group 2, respectively. Freedom from valve-related death was 88.9 ± 3.8% in Group 1 and 69.9±7.9% (NS) in Group 2 at 4 years. CONCLUSION: Aortic Valve Replacement in the elderly (>75 years) is a safe procedure even in cases where concomitant coronary artery revascularization is performed. Only a few anticoagulant-related complications were reported and this may indicate that selected groups of elderly patients with significant life expectancy may benefit from mechanical implants .
Literature demonstrates that marital and co-parenting subsystems are intercorrelated and have autonomous functions in the family system. This study explored representations of marital negotiation strategies for conflict resolution during marriage and parenting alliance relationship after divorce, using data from Portuguese newly divorced parents. In multiple regression analysis, representations of marital negotiation strategies for conflict resolution during marriage used by ex-spouses predict positive parenting alliance relationship after divorce. These results suggest that representations of pre-divorce marital relationship influence positively current interparental relationship regarding child rearing after marital dissolution. Implications for clinical interventions are also discussed.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Empresariais.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate preoperative predictive factors of severe perioperative intercurrent events and in-hospital mortality in coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery and to develop specific models of risk prediction for these events, mainly those that can undergo changes in the preoperative period. METHODS: We prospectively studied 453 patients who had undergone CABG. Factors independently associated with the events of interest were determined with multiple logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards regression model. RESULTS: The mortality rate was 11.3% (51/453), and 21.2% of the patients had 1 or more perioperative intercurrent events. In the final model, the following variables remained associated with the risk of intercurrent events: age ³ 70 years, female sex, hospitalization via SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde - the Brazilian public health system), cardiogenic shock, ischemia, and dependence on dialysis. Using multiple logistic regression for in-hospital mortality, the following variables participated in the model of risk prediction: age ³ 70 years, female sex, hospitalization via SUS, diabetes, renal dysfunction, and cardiogenic shock. According to the Cox regression model for death within the 7 days following surgery, the following variables remained associated with mortality: age ³ 70 years, female sex, cardiogenic shock, and hospitalization via SUS. CONCLUSION: The aspects linked to the structure of the Brazilian health system, such as factors of great impact on the results obtained, indicate that the events investigated also depend on factors that do not relate to the patient's intrinsic condition.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the predictive factors of complications after implantation of coronary stents in a consecutive cohort study. METHODS: Clinical and angiographic characteristics related to the procedure were analyzed, and the incidence of major cardiovascular complications (myocardial infarction, urgent surgery, new angioplasty, death) in the in-hospital phase were recorded. Data were stored in an Access database and analyzed by using the SPSS 6.0 statistical program and a stepwise backwards multiple logistic regression model. RESULTS: One thousand eighteen (mean age of 61±11 years, 29% females) patients underwent 1,070 stent implantations. The rate of angiographic success was 96.8%, the rate of clinical success was 91%, and the incidence of major cardiovascular complications was 7.9%. The variables independently associated with major cardiovascular complications, with their respective odds ratio (OR) were: rescue stent, OR = 5.1 (2.7-9.6); filamentary stent, OR = 4.5 (2.2-9.1); first-generation tubular stent, OR = 2.4 (1.2-4.6); multiple stents, OR = 3 (1.6-5.6); complexity of the lesion, OR = 2.4 (1.1-5.1); thrombus, OR = 2 (1.1-3.5). CONCLUSION: The results stress the importance of angiographic variables and techniques in the risk of complications and draw attention to the influence of the stent's design on the result of the procedure.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
En base a los trabajos realizados a nivel de fisiología de pre-cosecha, se continúa con los objetivos específicos referentes a las relaciones nutricionales en lo que respecta a fertilización nitrogenada y condición del nitrógeno en el suelo. Todo ello a fin de relacionar los períodos críticos en el ciclo del cultivo sometido a diferentes tratamientos de fertilización. Se continuará con el desarrollo del Modelo de pronóstico de crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo de ajo, extendiendo a futuro datos del cultivo a productores. Los estudios de post-cosecha han avanzado en la determinación de distintos índices de carácter bioquímico y fisiológico a fin de tomar decisiones en relación a la calidad del ajo que se consume y se exporta. El objetivo de este trabajo es: - Determinar que el período crítico para la fertilización nitrogenada es el comprendido entre el inicio del crecimiento aéreo y llenado del bulbo y depende principalmente de las condiciones edáficas.
Uno de los objetivos concretos de los remanentes radiculares tratados endodonticamente, es de servir como elemento de anclaje para una futura restauración protética. Si bien, todo tratamiento con pernos trae aparejado un cierto grado de debilitamiento tisular, es vital que este tipo de prótesis adapten y ajusten correctamente, ya que de ellas depende la estabilidad y la permanencia de la consecuente corona en boca. Son muchas las causas que nos pueden llevar a la falta de ajuste y adaptación de nuestras restauraciones, pero la técnica elegida para la preparación de la cavidad radicular, además del momento y el material con el que esta hecho el poste son 2 items fundamentales, para estudiar esta problemática. Actualmente existe un interesante debate a cerca de las ventajas de uno u otro sistema, en general esa discusión se centra en el análisis de las propiedades de uno u otro sistema, por ejemplo su modulo de elasticidad, su radiopacidad, su resistencia a la fractura, a la fatiga, su ventaja estética, etc. Pero hay un detalle, que por lo menos para nosotros es vital, la retención. En cuanto al diseño metodológico elegido para llevar a cabo este trabajo, se utilizaran 40 porciones radiculares a las que se les practicarán (con el mismo instrumento) cavidades con la finalidad de albergar postes intraradiculares. A las primeras 20 (codificadas) se le tomarán impresiones sectorizadas siguiendo posteriormente el protocolo correspondiente para la confección de postes post formados metálicos (colados) por método indirecto (Método COPISMY), luego de ser obtenidos, estos postes colados serán cementados a presión controlada sobre sus respectivas porciones radiculares. A las segundas 20 porciones (codificadas) se le cementarán también a presión controlada, postes prefabricados no metálicos, siguiendo los mismos pasos que para los colados. Posteriormente todas las muestras serán incluidas en cubos de resina transparente con la finalidad de practicarles cortes transversales para su posterior observación, medición y captura de imagen. Luego todos los valores numéricos obtenidos, serán sometidos a un estricto estudio estadístico para tratar de determinar si existen entre ambos grupos diferencias que puedan ser consideradas estadísticamente significativas.