970 resultados para Post-discharge


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ABSTRACT The present study aims to evaluate crop, pasture and forest land prices in Brazil, between 1994 and 2010, in the light of Post-Keynesian theory. The results provide evidence that land, more than just a simple factor of production, must be conceived of as an economic asset. In fact, the price of rural land is determined not only by the expected profitability deriving from agricultural activities but also by the agents' expectations about its future appreciation and liquidity in an economic environment permeated with uncertainty. In this context, as an object of speculation, land has been particularly important as a store of value.


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Tutkielmassa käsitellään Yhdysvaltain 9/11 jälkeistä ulkopolitiikkaa Giorgio Agambenin esittelemän poikkeustilan käsitteen valossa. Pyrkimys on tarkastella sitä, millä tavalla Yhdysvallat käyttää poikkeustilaa uuskolonialismissaan sekä terrorisminvastaisessa sodassaan. Lisäksi uuskolonialismin oikeuttamisessa käytetyt poikkeustilan maantieteelliset mielikuvat ovat kiinnostuksen kohteena. Näiden tavoitteiden tukena käsitellään uuskolonialismissa käytettyjä vallan ja hallinnan muotoja. Michel Foucault’n valtakäsitys toimii Agambenin valtakäsityksen parina, sitä täydentäen ja kyseenalaistaen. Aineistoa on lähestytty Agambenin ja Foucault’n tuotannon pohjalta luodun valta-analyysin keinoin. Tukena on käytetty Peter Milleriin ja Nikolas Roseen sekä Mitchell Deaniin pohjaavaa hallintamentaliteetin teoriaa. Tutkielman kolmitasoisessa lähestymistavassa metatasona on Yhdysvaltain harjoittama uuskolonialismi, makrotasona terrorisminvastainen sota ja mikrotasona konkreettinen leiriesimerkki, Guántanamo Bay. Aineistona on käytetty Kansakunnan tila -puheita, Yhdysvaltain hallintoelinten virallisia dokumentteja sekä YK:n ja ihmisoikeusjärjestöjen raportteja ja kannanottoja. Analyysin tuloksena väitetään, että Yhdysvallat käyttää poikkeustilaa hallinnan teknologiana ensisijaisesti normalisoidakseen poikkeuksellisia yksilöitä. Poikkeustilan avulla pyritään hallitsemaan uusliberalistiselle hallinnalle ominaisia määritelmiä pakenevaa modernia yhteiskuntaa. Keskeisenä hallintamentaliteetin rationaliteettina eli päämääränä nousee esiin rauhaisa ja vakaa, Yhdysvaltain arvot omaksunut maailma. Päämäärän tavoittelemisessa hyödynnetään poikkeustilan lisäksi erilaisia biovallan ja suvereenin vallan mekanismeja. Thanatovaltaa, kuoleman valtaa, hyödynnetään erityisesti leireillä. Poikkeuksellisia subjekteja normalisoidaan kurinpidollisin menetelmin, ja subjekteja tuotetaan keskeisesti desubjektivaation mekanismein. Tiedon ja vallan välinen dialektiikka on keskeinen väline hallinnassa. Poikkeustila on virtuaalinen hallinnan teknologia, joka voi materialisoituessaan tuottaa leirin minne tahansa, milloin tahansa. Poikkeustilaan liitettävät maantieteelliset mielikuvat suosivat mielikuvia vaarallisesta, vaikeasti paikannettavasta, poikkeuksellisesta vihollisesta. Näin suvereeni varaa mahdollisuuden lokalisoida vihollisen – ja poikkeustilan – maantieteellisesti minne tahansa, tarpeidensa mukaan.


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The aim of this Master’s thesis focused on the oxidation of sodium thiosulfate using non thermal plasma technology as an advance oxidation process (AOP). By using this technology we can degrade certain toxic chemical compounds present in mining wastewaters as pollutants. Different concentrations of thiosulfate and pulse frequencies were used in the PCD experiments and the results in terms of various delivered energies (kWh/m3) and degradation kinetics were compared. Pulsed corona discharge is an energy efficient process compared to other oxidation processes using for the treatment of waste water pollutants. Due to its simplicity and low energy costs make it attractive in the field of waste water treatment processes. This technology of wastewater treatment has been tested mainly on pilot scale level and in future the attempts are to be focus on PCD investigations on larger process scale. In this research work of oxidation of thiosulfate using pulsed corona discharge, the main aim of this research was to study degradation of a studied toxic and not environmental friendly chemical compound. The focus of this research was to study the waste waters coming from the gold mines containing leachate compound thiosulfate. Literature review contained also gold leaching process when cyanide is used as the leachate. Another objective of this work was to compare PCD process with other processes based on their energy efficiencies. In the experimental part two concentrations of sodium thiosulfate, 1000ppm and 400ppm, were used. Two pulse generator frequencies of 833 and 200 pulses per second (pps) were used. The chemical analyses of the samples taken during semi-batch PCD oxidation process were analyzed by ion chromatographic (IC). It is observed after the analyses that among different frequencies and concentrations, the most suitable ones for the process is 200pps and 1000ppm respectively because the pollutants present in the waste water has more time to react with the OH radicals which are the oxidants and the process is energy efficient compared to other frequencies.


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Over the years, cross-border mergers and acquisitions have become a popular strategic option for variety of firms. Companies often seek rapid growth through acquiring potentially valuable enterprises or attempting to enhance their organization’s profitability by merging with other firms. However, managing the change of organizational culture is a major managerial challenge as companies often confront difficulties when merging two previously autonomous organizational cultures into one, joint organizational culture. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to increase understanding related to the challenges and possibilities concerning the management of organizational culture change in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. The research question “How to manage the change of organizational culture in cross-border mergers and acquisitions?” is analysed in relation to the theories presented in this thesis regarding organizational culture, organizational change and acculturation as well as in relation with the collected empirical data. The research question is divided into three sub-questions according to the following: (1) “What is the role of organizational culture in organizations?”, (2) “How to manage organizational change in mergers and acquisitions?” and (3) “How to manage organizational culture change through acculturation?”. The thesis is conducted as a qualitative case study research including three personal interviews and one group interview. The interviews were conducted as a combination of semi-structured and unstructured interviews. Theories related to organizational culture, the management of change as well as acculturation are studied and further analysed in relation to empirical material collected by the researcher. Research findings indicate that that several factors can influence the success of managing the organizational culture change in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Factors such as defining the preferred acculturation model prior the merger; managing the resistance of change; open communication; acknowledgement of local culture and cultural differences; involvement of personnel in change processes; as well as the formulation and implementation of comprehensive change plans proved to be important factors with relation to successful management of organizational culture change