970 resultados para Poesía alemana


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A setecientos cincuenta años del nacimiento de Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), el trabajo se propone cotejar la representación dantesca del Infierno con textos poéticos de Jorge Luis Borges y de Amelia Biagioni. El infierno dantesco presenta múltiples correlaciones con el mundo ultraterreno virgiliano, aunque construido en clave medieval. A su vez, las palabras introductorias de Borges anticipan la vigencia del clásico florentino en la literatura argentina. El texto medieval actúa como disparador de múltiples variaciones interpretativas en ambos poetas del siglo XX quienes construyen otros ?infiernos?, más acordes a corrientes filosóficas contemporáneas. Se realizará un análisis del poema borgiano ?Del Infierno y del cielo? (1942), teniendo en cuenta el paulatino interés que en esos años expresa el escritor por la Commedia del escritor medieval. Amelia Biagioni en su poemario ?El Humo? (1967), retoma los versos dantescos y construye asimismo otro infierno, un infierno personal, cerrado e íntimo que desintegra al sujeto, aniquilándolo. El cotejo de ambos escritores argentinos con Dante, pone en tensión dialógica perspectivas muy diferentes como receptores y poetas de diversas épocas históricas.


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Fil: Zucconi, Matías. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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In this dissertation I will study the phenomenon of the hipérbole sacroprofana in different Castillian writers of the 15th to the 17th centuries, in order to show in what does this fact consists, and how it has to be sorted out. Thus, I will also show how this tendency unfolds and how the use of either one or another resource leads the hipérbole towards different expressive horizons. Although the hipérbole sacroprofana is usually detected by most of scholars, it has never met proper attention, so that it has turned into a jumble in which the most disparate instances of a lady’s praise. Yet, an accurate analysis of this phenomenon reveals that this is not the case, and that this resource has manifold aspects and varying intentions and expressive ways as well. In this dissertation, where some five thousand hipérboles are analysed, I point out the various kinds of instances, and I classify them according to their expression and their literary-intellectual interweaving. Besides I monitor this fact to explain how hipérbole varies with the passage of times. By so doing a deficiency in the history of literary criticism, which mistook and likened all sorts of hipérboles in poetical texts, is eased. So we can see that, in its origins, hipérbole was confined to using sacred terms in profane poems out of their context (which I call hipérbole léxica o de inserción terminológica). This resource was effectual insofar as the use of words religiously connoted carried along devout attitudes towards poems of earthly love so that the lady and the feeling that the author professed became “adulterated” by Christian attitudes...


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This doctoral thesis entitled “Miguel Botelho de Calvalho‟s Poetry. Study and edition of Fábula de Píramo y Tisbe (1621) and Rimas Varias (1646)” is born to approach Miguel Botelho de Carvalho‟s (1595-?) life and works. He was a Portuguese poet that lived during the Spanish monarchy reign (1580-1668) and is inexorably referred to in the works of Portuguese poets who wrote in Spanish during the 17th century. The works by this author of which we are certain were written from 1621 to 1646 – namely: an epyllion about the love affairs between Píramo and Tisbe (Fábula de Píramo y Tisbe, Madrid, 1621), a pastoral novel (Prosas y versos del pastor de Clenarda, Madrid 1621), as well as the works printed after his travel to India. This last period includes his narrative poem divided into six cantos, La Filis (1641) and another publication containing two works: a poetic anthology entitled Rimas varias and his approach to drama in Tragicomedia del martir d’Ethiopía (Ruán, 1646). Botelho de Carvalho is constantly being referred to among the critics, above all in general studies about that period. Few of them have delved into the author, nonetheless. The treatment given to writers who are included both in Portuguese and Spanish philosophical streams is still a niche to be explored nowadays and that highly contributes to a deeper knowledge of reality, which is on many occasions not looked at...


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Al cantante lírico profesional se le exige cantar en el idioma original de la composición. El alemán –junto al italiano– ocupa un lugar destacado en la enseñanza de idiomas aplicados al canto debido al gran número de destacadísimos compositores que han musicado textos en lengua alemana. En España se ha reconocido la necesidad de establecer una enseñanza específica de los principales idiomas del repertorio vocal –entre los que se incluyen también el francés y el inglés– para cantantes y directores de coro. Estas materias se han incluido como obligatorias en los planes de estudio de centros oficiales de grado medio y superiores, así como en numerosos centros privados bajo distintas denominaciones (“Fonética Alemana para Cantantes“, “Fonética Alemana para Directores“ o “Alemán Aplicado al Canto”). Sin embargo, docentes y alumnos se encuentran con la falta de material didáctico adecuado, ya que los métodos de aprendizaje disponibles en el mercado abordan la enseñanza de la lengua alemana desde un punto de vista meramente comunicativo. Dichos métodos no se adecuan a las exigencias formativas de la lengua aplicada al canto ni desde el punto de vista fonético-fonológico ni desde el de los demás planos lingüísticos. La enseñanza de un idioma aplicado al canto tiene como objetivo la correcta interpretación de las obras vocales, tanto desde el punto de vista fonético como de contenido, lo que implica conocimientos del contexto literario, musical y cultural. La presente investigación se ha centrado en el plano fonético-fonológico de la lengua, debido a que el objetivo primordial de la labor docente de los idiomas aplicados al canto consiste en la adquisición de destrezas fonéticas. Un análisis exhaustivo de los demás planos lingüísticos excedería los límites de esta investigación. Además de la inexistencia de publicaciones didácticas específicas para hispanohablantes, la falta de bibliografía interdisciplinar que aborde de forma científica la dicción alemana en el canto hacían necesario un trabajo de estas características...


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The present Doctoral Thesis is framed within the study of the poetry of the great Peruvian artist Jorge Eduardo Eielson (April 13, 1924 – March 8, 2006). In general terms, it focuses on the symbols that articulate both his literary productions and his work in the field of visual arts. Throughout this project, I used the principles of the modern semiotics as well the myth criticism theory developed by Gilbert Durand in his work The Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary as the basis. Following the assumption of considering Eielsońs work as an indivisible whole, in contrast to many studies that often attempted to analyse part of his creative work by privileging one medium over the others, I analyzed each symbol in all its forms, looked at its presence and relevance in his entire work and sought the archetypal level of each term. For this task, the works of Joseph Campbell and Mircea Eliade provided valuable guidances. At the beginning of this study I present a short author's biography, in order to help to understand the circumstances under which his poems were composed. (Let us remember that most of his books were published many years after their conception). Throughout this chapter, I have carefully considered the Lima period, his relationship with his first mentor, the anthropologist and writer José María Arguedas who introduced him to the knowledge of the ancient civilizations of Peru, his link with the literary circles of Lima and his first acknowledgments: the National Poetry Award (1944) and the National Drama Award (1948)...