983 resultados para Período de recuperação da anestesia


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Objective: To determine the clinical maternal and neonatal outcomes in HELLP syndrome patients treated with dexamethasone who either developed renal injury or renal insufficiency and to identify predictive values of urea and creatinine for the identification of subjects with HELLP syndrome at risk of developing renal insufficiency. Methods: Non-radomized intervention study of dexamethasone use in HELLP syndrome. A total of 62 patients were enrolled at Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC). Patients received a total of 30 mg of dexamethasone IV, in three doses of 10 mg every 12 hours. A clinical and laboratory follow up were performed at 24, 48 and 72 hours. Patients were followed up to 6 months after delivery. Patients were grouped in accordance to renal function, i.e, normal and some type of renal lesion. Renal lesion was considered when creatinine was equal or greater than 1.3 mg/dl and diuresis less than 100 ml in 4 hours period and renal insufficiency was defined when dialysis was needed. Results: A total of 1230 patients with preeclampsia were admitted at MEJC. Of those 62 (5%) developed HELLP syndrome. There was no statistical difference in the groups with renal involvement or normal renal function with respect to the demographics, type of anesthesia used and delivery, and weight of the newborn. An improvement in the AST, ALT, LDH, haptoglobine, antithrombine, fibrinogenen and platelets was observed within 72 hours after dexamethosone use. There was a significant increase in the diuresis within the interval of 6 hours before the delivery and 24 hours after it. Of the 62 patients, 46 (74. 2%) had normal renal function and 16 (25.8%) evolved with renal lesion, with 5 (8.1%) needing dialysis. These 5 patients who received dialysis recovered the xi renal function. The delay in administering dexamethasone increased in 4.6% the risk of development of renal insufficiency. Patients with renal insufficiency had received significantly more blood products than subjects without renal lesion (p=0.03). Diuresis, leukocytes, uric acid, urea, creatinine were significantly different between the groups with normal renal function, renal lesion and renal insufficiency. The levels of creatinine 1.2mg/dl and uric acid 51mg/dl, at admission are predictive of subjects who will evolve with renal lesion (p<0.001). Maternal mortality was 3.2%. None of the subjects with renal insufficiency evolved with chronic renal disease. Conclusions: Dexamethasone in patients with HELLP syndrome seems to reduce significantly the hepatic microthrombosis and normalize hemostasis as seen by improvement of liver function. Renal injury can be considered, in HELLP syndrome, when creatinine levels are greater than 1.3 mg/dl and diuresis less than 100 ml/h in interval of 4 hours. The level of creatinine greater than 1.2 mg/dl and urea greater than 51mg/dl are predictive of subjects with HELLP syndrome who will develop renal injury. Patients who receive more red cell packs develop renal insufficiency. Finally, the delay in administering dexamethasone increases the risk of developing renal insufficiency


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Ajustes de comportamento podem ocorrer rapidamente e a custo menor do que os ajustes fisiológicos. Considerando o comportamento social, é sugestivo que a freqüência e a intensidade de interações agressivas, o total de coesão social e a extensão de vícios sociais possam ser utilizados para avaliação de bem-estar. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise das interações entre os fatores experimentais, como temperatura, linhagem e período do dia, nos comportamentos de matrizes pesadas alojadas em câmara climática, buscando evidenciar as diferentes reações das aves submetidas a distintas condições ambientais. Os resultados encontrados mostraram diferenças significativas entre os comportamentos expressos pelas diferentes linhagens, reforçando a necessidade do monitoramento em tempo real do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas em alojamentos comerciais, dada a complexidade com que as variáveis ambientais interferem no bem-estar. A pesquisa permitiu concluir também que a avaliação do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas deve considerar o período do dia na observação dos comportamentos.


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A utilização de produtos anestésicos durante práticas de manejo é frequentemente empregada, porém doses corretas de diferentes fármacos e para espécies distintas ainda estão em fases de pesquisa. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a melhor concentração de benzocaína e eugenol para juvenis de piraputanga (B. hilarii). Foram utilizados 104 juvenis de piraputanga com peso médio de 50,04 ± 20,80 g e comprimento total médio de 16,30 ± 12,32 cm adquiridos em uma piscicultura comercial localizada na região Oeste do Estado do Paraná. O trabalho foi conduzido no Laboratório de Aquicultura do Grupo de Estudos de Manejo na Aquicultura - GEMAq da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE). Os animais foram submetidos a cinco concentrações de benzocaína (50,0; 100,0; 150,0; 200,0 e 250,0 mg L-1) e sete concentrações de eugenol (50,0; 100,0; 150,0; 200,0; 250,0; 300,0 e 350 mg L-1), para a aferição dos tempos referentes à letargia. Para a recuperação, os animais foram mantidos em aquários livre do anestésico e observado o tempo em que retornaram às atividades normais. A melhor dose de benzocaína verificada foi de 100 mg L-1, enquanto a melhor dose de eugenol foi entre 100 e 150 mg L-1.


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The ethanol is the most overused psychoactive drug over the world; this fact makes it one of the main substances required in toxicological exams nowadays. The development of an analytical method, adaptation or implementation of a method known, involves a process of validation that estimates its efficiency in the laboratory routine and credibility of the method. The stability is defined as the ability of the sample of material to keep the initial value of a quantitative measure for a defined period within specific limits when stored under defined conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the method of Gas chromatography and study the stability of ethanol in blood samples, considering the variables time and temperature of storage, and the presence of preservative and, with that check if the conditions of conservation and storage used in this study maintain the quality of the sample and preserve the originally amount of analyte present. Blood samples were collected from 10 volunteers to evaluate the method and to study the stability of ethanol. For the evaluation of the method, part of the samples was added to known concentrations of ethanol. In the study of stability, the other side of the pool of blood was placed in two containers: one containing the preservative sodium fluoride 1% and the anticoagulant heparin and the other only heparin, was added ethanol at a concentration of 0.6 g/L, fractionated in two bottles, one being stored at 4ºC (refrigerator) and another at -20ºC (freezer), the tests were performed on the same day (time zero) and after 1, 3, 7, 14, 30 and 60 days of storage. The assessment found the difference in results during storage in relation to time zero. It used the technique of headspace associated with gas chromatography with the FID and capillary column with stationary phase of polyethylene. The best analysis of chromatographic conditions were: temperature of 50ºC (column), 150ºC (jet) and 250ºC (detector), with retention time for ethanol from 9.107 ± 0.026 and the tercbutanol (internal standard) of 8.170 ± 0.081 minutes, the ethanol being separated properly from acetaldehyde, acetone, methanol and 2-propanol, which are potential interfering in the determination of ethanol. The technique showed linearity in the concentration range of 0.01 and 3.2 g/L (0.8051 x + y = 0.6196; r2 = 0.999). The calibration curve showed the following equation of the line: y = x 0.7542 + 0.6545, with a linear correlation coefficient equal to 0.996. The average recovery was 100.2%, the coefficients of variation of accuracy and inter intra test showed values of up to 7.3%, the limit of detection and quantification was 0.01 g/L and showed coefficient of variation within the allowed. The analytical method evaluated in this study proved to be fast, efficient and practical, given the objective of this work satisfactorily. The study of stability has less than 20% difference in the response obtained under the conditions of storage and stipulated period, compared with the response obtained at time zero and at the significance level of 5%, no statistical difference in the concentration of ethanol was observed between analysis. The results reinforce the reliability of the method of gas chromatography and blood samples in search of ethanol, either in the toxicological, forensic, social or clinic


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Realizaram-se estudos sobre as formas de reprodução de Stenolobium stans (Juss.) Seem e determinou-se a diversidade, freqüência e constância dos insetos visitantes nas flores em diferentes horas, durante quatro anos. As flores de S. stans começam a se abrir nas primeiras horas do dia entre 5 e 6h, com duração de 3 a 8h. Quando o estigma está receptivo, o pólen tem 90% de viabilidade. Além do pólen, a flor possui outros atrativos para os insetos visitantes, ou seja, os osmóforos responsáveis pelo odor adocicado, luz ultravioleta refletida e néctar com 25% de açúcar. A planta é autocompatível, reproduzindo-se por autogamia, geitonogamia ou xenogamia o que determina a necessidade de polinizadores externos e justifica ser a espécie vegetal em estudo uma séria invasora de campos e pastagens. Grande diversidade de insetos foi verificada visitando as flores, com predominância das abelhas. Os polinizadores foram Centris collaris Lepeletier, Bombus morio (Swederus), Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier e Epicharis sp. No meio rural houve menor incidência das espécies nativas do que no ambiente urbano, com predominância da abelha introduzida Apis mellifera L. Fatores ambientais, principalmente a temperatura, luminosidade, umidade relativa do ar e velocidade do vento, influenciaram a atividade forrageadora dos insetos.


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Os feijões estão entre os alimentos mais antigos, fazendo parte da alimentação diária da população brasileira. Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar o período de convivência anterior à interferência das plantas daninhas (PAI) na cultura do feijoeiro em diferentes espaçamentos e densidades de plantas. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de períodos de convivência entre a cultura e as plantas daninhas, sendo zero a dez, zero a 20, zero a 30, zero a 40, zero a 50, zero a 60, zero a 70 e zero a 80 dias e mais uma testemunha sem convívio com as plantas daninhas. Além dos períodos de convivência, realizaram-se ainda estudos com espaçamentos entre linhas de 0,45 e 0,60 m e mais duas densidades de semeadura: dez e 15 plantas m-1. Adotou-se delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Quando o feijoeiro esteve presente com as plantas daninhas durante o ciclo, a produtividade dos grãos foi reduzida a 63, 50, 42 e 57% para os tratamentos com espaçamento de 0,45 m, densidades de semeadura de dez e 15 plantas m-1, espaçamento de 0,60 m e densidades de semeadura de dez e 15 plantas m-1, respectivamente. Os períodos anteriores à interferência (PAIs) da cultura foram de 23, 27, 13 e 19 dias após emergência, respectivamente.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o efeito da adubação sobre a comunidade infestante e sobre o período anterior à interferência (PAI) das plantas daninhas na cultura do amendoim, cv. IAC Runner 886, em sistema convencional. Os períodos de convivência estudados foram: 0, 7, 15, 20, 30, 45, 55 e 126 dias após a emergência (DAE), totalizando oito tratamentos, dispostos em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em dois níveis de adubação: 0 e 150 kg ha-1 da formulação 00-20-20 (N-P-K). A adubação não alterou a composição da comunidade infestante, destacando-se Cyperus rotundus, Eleusine indica, Indigofera hirsuta, Portulaca oleraceae e Sida rhombifolia como as espécies de maior importância relativa. Contudo, a densidade de plantas daninhas foi maior na área não adubada, mas sem afetar de modo diferenciado a massa seca acumulada por elas. O cultivar de amendoim IAC Runner 886 pode conviver com essa comunidade com e sem adubação por até 15 e 17 DAE (PAI), respectivamente, sem sofrer perdas significativas na produção. A interferência das plantas daninhas reduziu entre 31 e 34% a produtividade do amendoim para as áreas sem adubação e com adubação, respectivamente.


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This research work intends to carry out a study focused on the dynamic between development, poverty reduction and conservation of natural resources. To consider this relationship to the region chosen was the micro-region of Eastern and Western Seridó in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. In recent years, several studies (Araújo, 2011; BASTOS, 2009) have pointed out that after a period of economic crisis in its tripodproductive, formed by the activities of farming, cotton farming, mining and faced in the eighties, this region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, has not only shown signs of economic recovery but also improve their social indicators. On the other hand, studies of desertification as the view of the state of RN (produced in cooperation between the Government of RN and research institutions) and the Sustainable Development Plan of Seridó (ADES, 2000), indicate that there is an ongoing French process of degradation of natural resources that is capable of compromising the ability of sustaining such a system. To verify this reality and likely finding this relationship, this work is adopted for this study, the analysis of evolution of secondary data from official bodies such as the IBGE on HDI, per capita income and other social indicators between 2000 and 2009. Here is another time of the survey analysis of qualitative data collected from interviews with institutions of academic intervention in nature, researchers at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) State agencies that address the issue of the Middle Environment in Seridó: Institute for Sustainable Development of the NB (IDEMA) and the Brazilian Institute of Environment and the Amazon (IBAMA) and institutions of direct intervention in the region, as the Agency's Sustainable Development Seridó (adhesive) and the Joint Semi-Arid (ASA). After crossing data from quantitative and qualitative, it was found that the dynamics of the region's economic Seridó Potiguar partially answers the improvement of social indicators of poverty. Contribution by the State in this shared stock transfer income. Regarding the influence of productive restructuring in the region on issues of environment, it is noted that the ceramic tile industry, responsible for the absorption percentage of the population with limited ingress into the urban economy, given the low education, accounts for the increase of susceptibility to the ongoing process of desertification in North Seridó Rio Grande. We conclude finally that the guarantee of increased income, freedom and conservation of natural resources ensures primarily by changing the beliefs and values, especially on the part of the business sector, which use natural resources so predatory, aimed at maintaining their rates of return on investment. And concomitantly, the synchronization between technological change, through the use of new energy sources, and institutional change.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The hematological responses in tuvira (Gymnotus aff. inaequilabiatus) after clove oil anesthesia at different concentrations were evaluated in this study. Fish (n = 25) with average length of 26.8 +/- 2.4 cm and weighing 94.4 +/- 23.6 g were separated in five groups composed with five animals each and submitted individually to respective concentrations of clove oil: 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 mg L-1. After anesthetic recuperation, the blood samples collection were performed, as well as complete hemogram. The results were submitted to analysis of variance, Tukey test (P<0.05) and Sperman's correlation analysis. There was an increase (P<0.05) on hematocrit, red blood cells count, thrombocytes count and in the values of neutrophils with increasing of clove oil concentrations. In addition, positive correlation (P<0.05) were observed on total leukocytes, as well as negative linear correlation (P<0.05) for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). The clove oil anesthesia on tuvira cause hematological changes with an effect dose-dependent. These changes should be considered mainly in future studies designed to establish the reference values of hematologic variables for this specie.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Analysis of the elements of the Constitutional Order of the letter 1988 politics, with emphasis in the principles of this, a study on the intervention of the State in the private initiative by means of the Law of Recovery of Companies and Bankruptcies (law 11.101/05). New enterprise vision is admitted, over all in the interdependence between economic and social factors. Study on the globalization and the interdependence of economic and legal sciences in the construction of a legal optics in the search for the economic and social development, with the recognition of the interference of the Economy in the Right and its uneven importance. Still, we delineate the state intervention in the economic scope, of company and in the judicial recovery, as well as the consequences of such intervention in the involved credits in the judicial recovery and patrimony of the debtor in recovery. For such task, the elements of the Judicial Recovery, its principles and adequacy of these to the related ones in the chapter had been analyzed that turns on the national economic Order, describing the formal procedure for concession of the benefit of the Judicial Recovery and the principles in existing them. The forms of intervention of the State in the private economy were not disrespected, relating its direct and indirect performance as half of preservation of interests writings in the constitutional scope as public interest and preservation of the National economic Order. The regulating agencies as of direct state intervention were half not disrespected of the study for the relevance of the subject. It is revised national bibliography with incursions in French, Portuguese and North American comparative jurisprudence. One contributes in the aspect of the paper of the Judiciary Power in the protection of the companies in crisis and the social and economic impacts, over all in relation to the rights of the worked ones, credit and enterprise


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Avaliou-se o uso da acepromazina como pré-tratamento à associação de tiletamina/zolazepam. Para tanto, utilizaram-se 20 animais da espécie canina, machos e fêmeas, adultos, hígidos, divididos em 2 grupos de igual número. O grupo 1 (controle) foi pré-tratado com 0,1 ml/kg de solução salina a 0,9 % e o grupo 2 com 0,2 mg/kg de acepromazina, ambos por via intravenosa. Decorridos 20 minutos, todos os animais receberam, pela mesma via, 10 mg/kg da associação tiletamina/zolazepam. Imediatamente antes da medicação pré-anestésica (M1), antes da aplicação da associação (M2) e aos 15, 30, 45 e 60 minutos após a administração da tiletamina/zolazepam, realizou-se mensuração de: freqüência cardíaca (FC); pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM); débito (DC) e índice cardíaco (IC); volume sistólico (VS); eletrocardiograma (ECG); freqüência respiratória (FR); CO2 ao final da expiração (ETCO2); saturação da oxiemoglobina (SpO2); e temperatura retal (T0). Observou-se estabilidade cardiovascular, miorrelaxamento e aumento do período hábil anestésico com o uso da acepromazina na medicação pré-anestésica. O tratamento estatístco dos valores numéricos pela análise de perfil mostrou que a acepromazina diminuiu a FR; entretanto, a SpO2 e ETCO2 não sofreram alterações estatisticamente significativas, permitindo concluir que o emprego da fenotiazina apresenta vantagens sobre o uso isolado da associação tiletamina/zolazepam, em cães.