983 resultados para Oven drying


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Salted lamb meat blanket, originated from boning, salting, and drying of whole lamb carcass, was studied aiming at obtaining information that support the search for guarantees of origin for this typical regional product from the city of Petrolina-Pernambuco-Brazil. Data from three processing units were obtained, where it was observed the use of a traditional local technology that uses salting, an ancient preservation method; however, with a peculiar boning technique, resulting in a meat product with great potential for exploitation in the form of meat blanket. Based on the values of pH (6.22 ± 0.22), water activity (0.97 ± 0.02), and moisture (69.86 ± 2.26) lamb meat blanket is considered a perishable product, and consequently it requires the use of other preservation methods combined with salt, which along with the results of the microbiological analyses (absence of Salmonella sp, score <10 MPN/g of halophilic bacteria, total coliforms between 6.7 × 10³ and 5.2 × 10(6) FUC/g, and Staphylococcus from 8.1 × 10³ CFU/g at uncountable) reinforce the need of hygienic practices to ensure product safety. These results, together with the product notoriety and the organization of the sector are important factors in achieving Geographical Indication of the Salted lamb Meat blanket of Petrolina.


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Celery (Apium graveolens L. var. secalinum Alef) leaves with 50±0.07 g weight and 91.75±0.15% humidity (~11.21 db) were dried using 8 different microwave power densities ranging between 1.8-20 W g-1, until the humidity fell down to 8.95±0.23% (~0.1 db). Microwave drying processes were completed between 5.5 and 77 min depending on the microwave power densities. In this study, measured values were compared with predicted values obtained from twenty thin layer drying theoretical, semi-empirical and empirical equations with a new thin layer drying equation. Within applied microwave power density; models whose coefficient and correlation (R²) values are highest were chosen as the best models. Weibull distribution model gave the most suitable predictions at all power density. At increasing microwave power densities, the effective moisture diffusivity values ranged from 1.595 10-10 to 6.377 10-12 m2 s-1. The activation energy was calculated using an exponential expression based on Arrhenius equation. The linear relationship between the drying rate constant and effective moisture diffusivity gave the best fit.


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One component that contribute to the flavor and aroma of chocolate are the polyphenols, which have received much attention due to their beneficial implications to human health. Besides bioactive action, polyphenols and methylxantines are responsible for astringency and bitterness in cocoa beans. Another important point is its drastic reduction during cocoa processing for chocolate production and the difference between cultivars. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the modifications in monomeric phenolic compounds and methylxanthines during fermentation of three cocoa cultivars grown in southern Bahia. Cocoa beans from three cultivars were fermented and sun dried and monomeric phenolic compounds and methylxantines were determinated. The results showed that each cultivar have different amounts of phenolic compounds and the behaviour of them is different during fermentation. The amount of methylxantines varied but there was not a pattern for methylxantines behavior during process. In addition a huge reduction in phenolic compounds could be observed after drying. Differently of phenolic compounds, methylxantines did not have great modification after sun drying. So, the differences observed in this study between cultivars, take to the conclusion that the compounds studied in those cocoa cultivars have different behavior during fermentation and drying, which consequently, give to these cultivars differences in sensory characteristics.


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Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological and sensory quality of the Jambu (Acmella oleracea L.) in natura and dried by cold air, and the determination of its drying curve. The microbiological analysis were performed to Salmonella spp, the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, and coliforms in the both Jambu samples, at 45 °C. Tacacá, the typical food dish of Pará state, Brazil, has showed good consumer global acceptance in the sensory evaluation of Jambu in natura (score of 8.00 ± 1.46) and dried (score of 8.67 ± 0.66). Both samples, Jambu in natura and dried by cold air, were by the current legislation regarding the microbiological aspects, this is the absence of Salmonella spp, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus <1×101 CFU/g, and coliforms <3 MPN/g, at 45 °C. Thus, considering sensory and health aspects, the commercialization of dried Jambu becomes viable, facilitating its transportation and handling, as well as for reducing its vegetable mass.


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To evaluate the effectiveness of gibberellic acid (GA3) in breaking rice seed dormancy and the use of alpha-amylase enzyme activity as an indicator of the dormancy level, seed from the intensively dormant irrigated cultivar Urucuia were used. The seeds were submitted to a pre-drying process in a forced air circulation chamber under 40ºC during 7 days and submersed in 30 mL of GA3 solution under 0, 10, 30 and 60 mg/L H2O concentrations, during 2, 24 and 36 hours. After the treatments, the alpha-amylase activity was determined by using the polyacrilamide electrophoresis and spectrophotometry. At the same time, the germination test was made. The results indicated a gain in germination and in alpha-amylase activity in higher concentrations and soaking time of seeds in GA3. These observations support the conclusion that soaking seed in 60 mg GA3/L during 36 hours can be used as a quick and efficient treatment in breaking rice seed dormancy and is equivalent to the forced air circulation chamber at 40ºC during 7 days. The alpha-amylase enzyme activity proved to be as an efficient marker of the seeds dormancy level.


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It is common to see in any soybean plant that seeds reach maturity at different times. Thus the objective of the present study was to determine the magnitude of the seed moisture range at different stages of maturation in a soybean plant. The field study was conducted in a tropical region in the state of Mato Grosso - Brazil, established with foundation seeds of the MTBR-45 cultivar, and at flowering, 100 plants were marked at the same maturity stage. Harvesting began when seeds still were at high moisture content (MC). At each of eight harvesting times, during 16 days, all pods from two plants were harvested and the seeds from each pod were hand threshed individually and determined the moisture content . The results revealed that there is a great distribution of seed MC in a soybean plant, where at physiological maturity, the magnitude can reach more than 30 percentage points. Also, even with an average MC below 12%, there were more than 20 % of the seeds with MC above 13% and some seeds at this point had been waiting to be harvested for more than a week. The following conclusions and/or recommendations can be taken: 1- The great seed MC range in a soybean seed lot harvested at field maturity leads to the presence of seeds susceptible to mechanical damage and with MC unsafe for adequate storage; 2 - It is recommended that harvesting be accomplished when the seeds are in the 15-18% MC range, in order to minimize field deterioration and the percentage of seeds with high MC; 3- Drying is recommended, even when soybean seeds are in their average MC safe for storage.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on löytää UPM Kymin paperikone 8:n ensimmäisen kuivatusryhmän johtoteloihin kulumis- ja korroosiokestävämpi materiaali ja pinnoite vallitsevaan olosuhteeseen. Teloihin muodostuu pistemäistä korroosiota ja korroosioalue on paikallinen. Korroosiota syntyy kuivatusviiran alueella, jossa ei ole paperirainaa. Työssä suoritetaan kuivatusosan olosuhdemittauksia ja tutkitaan niiden vaikutuksia korroosion muodostumiseen. Suoritettavat olosuhdemittaukset ovat huuvan ilmatase, paineen 0-taso sekä lämpötilat ja kosteudet eri huuvan osissa. Savukaasumittauksen avulla tutkitaan huuvan ilmankiertoa ensimmäisen kuivatusryhmän viiranjohtotelojen läheisyydessä. Kuivatusviiran ilmanläpäisymittauksen avulla saadaan tietoa viiran ilmanläpäisykyvystä. Hypoteesina viiran tukkeutuminen johtuu pölyävästä kuivaus-prosessista ja kosteudesta. SEM/EDS-alkuainemittauksen avulla pystytään analysoimaan korrosiivisia alkuaineita niin korroosioalueella kuin ympäristössä. Työn tutkimuksen perusteella korroosion muodostuminen aiheutuu tukkeutuneen viiran muodostamasta happipitoisuuseroalueesta. Viiran saostumat sisältävät korrosiivisia kemikaaleja, kuten kloridia, rikkiä ja mangaania. Nämä kiihdyttävät korroosiota happipuutosalueella. Huuvan olosuhdemittauksien perusteella huuvan paineen 0-taso on vino. Savukaasu- ja kosteusmittauksien avulla huomattiin kostean ilman jäävän telojen läheisyyteen. Työssä kehitettiin paineilmapuhdistin viiran reuna-alueen puhdistamiseen. Kaavattaviin telapositioihin valittiin kobolttikromiseostettu volframikarbidipinnoite PTFE -fluoripolymeeritiivistyksellä. Muihin telapositioihin valittiin ETFE –fluori-polymeeripinnoite korroosion ehkäisemiseksi. Pinnoitteiden ja paineilmapuhdistimen avulla telojen käyttöaika nousee nykyisestä kahdesta vuodesta tavoiteltuun 10 vuoteen.


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Lichens are symbiotic organisms, which consist of the fungal partner and the photosynthetic partner, which can be either an alga or a cyanobacterium. In some lichen species the symbiosis is tripartite, where the relationship includes both an alga and a cyanobacterium alongside the primary symbiont, fungus. The lichen symbiosis is an evolutionarily old adaptation to life on land and many extant fungal species have evolved from lichenised ancestors. Lichens inhabit a wide range of habitats and are capable of living in harsh environments and on nutrient poor substrates, such as bare rocks, often enduring frequent cycles of drying and wetting. Most lichen species are desiccation tolerant, and they can survive long periods of dehydration, but can rapidly resume photosynthesis upon rehydration. The molecular mechanisms behind lichen desiccation tolerance are still largely uncharacterised and little information is available for any lichen species at the genomic or transcriptomic level. The emergence of the high-throughput next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies and the subsequent decrease in the cost of sequencing new genomes and transcriptomes has enabled non-model organism research on the whole genome level. In this doctoral work the transcriptome and genome of the grey reindeer lichen, Cladonia rangiferina, were sequenced, de novo assembled and characterised using NGS and traditional expressed sequence tag (EST) technologies. RNA extraction methods were optimised to improve the yield and quality of RNA extracted from lichen tissue. The effects of rehydration and desiccation on C. rangiferina gene expression on whole transcriptome level were studied and the most differentially expressed genes were identified. The secondary metabolites present in C. rangiferina decreased the quality – integrity, optical characteristics and utility for sensitive molecular biological applications – of the extracted RNA requiring an optimised RNA extraction method for isolating sufficient quantities of high-quality RNA from lichen tissue in a time- and cost-efficient manner. The de novo assembly of the transcriptome of C. rangiferina was used to produce a set of contiguous unigene sequences that were used to investigate the biological functions and pathways active in a hydrated lichen thallus. The de novo assembly of the genome yielded an assembly containing mostly genes derived from the fungal partner. The assembly was of sufficient quality, in size similar to other lichen-forming fungal genomes and included most of the core eukaryotic genes. Differences in gene expression were detected in all studied stages of desiccation and rehydration, but the largest changes occurred during the early stages of rehydration. The most differentially expressed genes did not have any annotations, making them potentially lichen-specific genes, but several genes known to participate in environmental stress tolerance in other organisms were also identified as differentially expressed.


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The aim of this study was to assess the desiccation tolerance and DNA integrity in Eugenia pleurantha seeds dehydrated to different moisture contents (MCs). Seeds extracted from mature fruits were submmited to drying in silica gel and evaluated at every five percentual points of decrease from the initial MC (35.5%, fresh weight basis). The effects of dehydration on seeds were verified through germination tests and DNA integrity assessment. Undried seeds achieved 87% germination, value reduced to 36% after being dried to 9.8% MC. When dried slightly more, to 7.4% MC, seeds were no longer able to germinate, suggesting an intermediate behavior in relation to desiccation tolerance. It was observed DNA degradation in seeds with 7.4% MC, which might have contributed to the loss of seed germination.


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Several mechanisms have been used to promote rapid germination of citrus seeds and uniform seedling emergence. We evaluated the effects of osmotic priming on the physiological performance of Rangpur lime seeds (Citrus limonia Osbeck). Seeds were treated with 30 g of Captan and 10 g of Tecto 600 in 20-litre batches and stored, without drying, at 10 ºC and 50% relative humidity for periods of 3, 6 and 9 months. After each period, seeds were primed at 25 ºC, in the light, by immersion in Poliethylenoglicol (PEG 6000), potassium nitrate (KNO3) and 70% PEG 6000 plus 30% KNO3, all at an osmotic potential of -1.1MPa, for priming periods of 3, 6, 9 and 12 days. Percentage germination, tray emergence and the emergence rate index (ERI) were evaluated. Priming in PEG 6000 solution, independent of priming period, or in KNO3 or PEG 6000 plus KNO3 for up to 9 days, were efficient at improving the physiological performance of seeds stored for up to 3 months. Osmotic priming appears to be a promising technique for improving the physiological quality of Rangpur lemon seeds.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of X-rays in identifying fissures in artificially dried rice seeds and the relationship between damage and seed performance in the germination test. Irrigated rice seeds of the IRGA 417 and IRGA 420 cultivars were harvested with 23.3 and 24.5% water content respectively and submitted to stationary drying treatments at 32, 38, 44 and 50 °C. X-rays were taken of subsamples of 100 seeds for each treatment, using an MX-20 X-ray equipment. The X-rayed seeds were classified from 1 to 3, where 1 corresponded to seeds without fissures, 2 to seeds with non-severe fissures and 3 to seeds with severe fissures. The same X-rayed seeds were planted and on the seventh day the seedlings (normal or abnormal) and dead seeds were photographed and evaluated to verify any relationship between the fissures and physiological potential. Higher drying temperature increased the percentage of fissures in the two cultivars, which can adversely affect their germination. Seeds with fissures can be identified using X-rays.


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An interspecific hybrid resulting from the crossing of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) x pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Brown) has been developed. This hybrid, however, revealed low phenotypic uniformity and low production of pure seeds. Through recurrent selection, two improved populations were obtained (genotypes Corte and Pastoreio). The aim of this study was assessing seed quality of the three hybrids (genotypes Corte, Pastoreio and Paraiso) by tests of: seed purity; seed germination; accelerated aging test, at 42 ºC; 1,000 seeds weight; drying curves; and sorption and desorption isotherms. Recurrent selection altered the seed size and increased initial quality of population for genotype Pastoreio. Drying curves for the three hybrids have shown similar behavior and reached moisture contents of 2.1%, 1.9%, and 1.8%, respectively, after 63 days. The accelerated aging test showed that hybrid Pastoreio was the most vigorous.


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This study was aimed at evaluating the desiccation sensitivity in seeds of the tree Tapirira obtusa (Benth.) J. D. Mitchell collected from three different environments and subjected to two distinct drying speeds. Seeds were collected from a rocky area, in the "Cerrado", and in a riparian forest area, in the region of municipality of Lavras, State of Minas Gerais. The seeds were subjected to drying with magnesium chloride (slow drying) or silica gel (fast drying), into closed environment, until moisture contents of 40%, 30%, 20% and 10%, considering as control, the percentage of germination at the initial moisture content in each environment, which varied from 47% to 50%. Percentages of germination and normal seedlings as well as germination speed index were assessed. For the three environments studied, there was no effect of slow drying on seed germination. Seeds from area of Cerrado, however, have shown a slight reduction on germination when subjected to fast drying. Oppositely, seeds from rocky area had germination increased when subjected to fast drying. Seeds from riparian forest area had no reduction on germination percentage, independent of drying speed. Results suggest that seeds of T. obtusa are not sensitive to desiccation.


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Tämä tutkimus käsittelee Turun yliopiston opetus- ja hallintohenkilökunnan kokemaa turvallisuutta yliopistossa työskennellessään. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään erityisesti henkilökunnan kokemaan sosiaaliseen turvallisuuteen opiskelijoiden keskuudessa. Tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää, tuntevatko työntekijät työskentelynsä turvalliseksi ja ovatko he tunteneet työssään henkistä tai fyysistä uhkaa. Myös sitä haluttiin selvittää, minkälaiset asiat saisivat työskentelyn tuntumaan nykyistä turvallisemmalta. Tutkimus teetettiin huhtikuussa 2015 sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella. Kysely lähetettiin noin 1300 henkilölle, jotka työskentelevät Turun yliopistossa opetuksen tai hallinnon työtehtävissä. Vastauksia saatiin 63 kappaletta vastausprosentin ollessa 4,85 prosenttia. Tutkimuksen mukaan opetus- ja hallintohenkilökunnan jäsenet kokevat työskentelynsä yliopistossa pääsääntöisesti turvalliseksi. Tutkimuksessa nousi kuitenkin esiin, että osa vastaajista oli joutunut yliopistouransa aikana henkisesti tai fyysisesti uhkaaviin tilanteisiin. Uhkaavat tilanteet olivat olleet heistä epämiellyttäviä ja tapahtuneet kasvokkain tai sähköpostin ja puhelimen välityksellä. Vastauksissa kerrottiin, että opiskelija oli saattanut tulla esimerkiksi työntekijän huoneeseen ja sulkea oven perässään, jolloin avun pyytäminen tai poistuminen paikalta oli ollut vaikeaa. Uhkaukset olivat olleet sanallisia ja liittyneet esimerkiksi opiskelijan opintojen etenemiseen tai opiskelumenestykseen. Tutkimuksen mukaan opetus- ja hallintohenkilökunnan jäsenet toivoivat yhtenäistä ja selkeää ohjeistusta yliopistolla tapahtuvien ongelma- ja vaaratilanteiden varalle. Vastausten perusteella Turun yliopiston kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota turvallisuuskoulutusten ajantasaisuuteen ja konkreettisuuteen. Koulutuksia tulee järjestää työntekijöiden aidossa työskentely-ympäristössä. Myös hätäpoistumisteihin ja työhuoneiden sijainteihin tulisi kiinnittää huomiota. Myös yksinäisiin työtiloihin ja myöhäisiin aikoihin työskentelyyn tulee kiinnittää huomiota. Lisäksi vahtimestarien näkyvämpään olemassaoloon jokaisessa tiedekuntarakennuksessa kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota, se luo työyhteisöön turvallisuuden tunnetta. Moni vastaaja koki tärkeäksi seikaksi hätänapin tai hälytyslaitteen saamisen omiin työtiloihin sekä luentosaleihin. Hälytysjärjestelmän - tai työkalun antaminen työntekijöille voi ehkäistä uhkaavien tilanteiden muuttumista konkreettisiksi vaaratilanteiksi.


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A large amount of fly ash is produced in power plants and a big fraction of it ends up as waste to landfills. Disposal of fly ash to landfills is expensive for power plants due to for example waste taxation. However fly ash can utilized in different applications. Possibility of utilizing fly ash can be increased by granulation which also removes the dustiness problems of ash. This Thesis deals with the prerequisites for commercialization of a new granulation technique, tube granulation. Tube granulation technique utilizes water, calcium oxide in fly ash plus carbon dioxide and heat from flue gas. This Thesis determines the necessary auxiliary equipment for tube granulation, approaches for process dimensioning and implementation of the granulation process into a continuous power plant process. In addition, the economic benefits of tube granulation are examined from the user’s perspective. A continuous tube granulation process requires the following auxiliary systems to function: ash system, water feed system and flue gas system. Implementation of tube granulation system into a power plant process depends on the specific power plant but a general principle is that fly ash should be obtained to the granulator as fresh as possible and flue gas should be taken from the pressure side of a flue gas fan. Dimensioning of the process can be examined for example in terms of degree of filling and residence time in the granulator or in terms of granule drying. Determining the optimal dimensioning parameters requires pilot tests with the granulator.