Salted lamb meat blanket of Petrolina-Pernambuco, Brazil: process and quality

Autoria(s): Pedrosa,Nely de Almeida; Madruga,Marta Suely; Costa,Roberto Germano; Medeiros,Geovergue Rodrigues; Duarte,Terezinha Fernandes; Voltolini,Tadeu Vinhas; Martins,Silvana Souza



Salted lamb meat blanket, originated from boning, salting, and drying of whole lamb carcass, was studied aiming at obtaining information that support the search for guarantees of origin for this typical regional product from the city of Petrolina-Pernambuco-Brazil. Data from three processing units were obtained, where it was observed the use of a traditional local technology that uses salting, an ancient preservation method; however, with a peculiar boning technique, resulting in a meat product with great potential for exploitation in the form of meat blanket. Based on the values of pH (6.22 ± 0.22), water activity (0.97 ± 0.02), and moisture (69.86 ± 2.26) lamb meat blanket is considered a perishable product, and consequently it requires the use of other preservation methods combined with salt, which along with the results of the microbiological analyses (absence of Salmonella sp, score <10 MPN/g of halophilic bacteria, total coliforms between 6.7 × 10³ and 5.2 × 10(6) FUC/g, and Staphylococcus from 8.1 × 10³ CFU/g at uncountable) reinforce the need of hygienic practices to ensure product safety. These results, together with the product notoriety and the organization of the sector are important factors in achieving Geographical Indication of the Salted lamb Meat blanket of Petrolina.







Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos


Food Science and Technology (Campinas) v.34 n.1 2014

Palavras-Chave #good practices #geographical indication #microbiology

journal article