992 resultados para Organized irresponsibility
We compute families of symmetric periodic horseshoe orbits in the restricted three-body problem. Both the planar and three-dimensional cases are considered and several families are found.We describe how these families are organized as well as the behavior along and among the families of parameters such as the Jacobi constant or the eccentricity. We also determine the stability properties of individual orbits along the families. Interestingly, we find stable horseshoe-shaped orbit up to the quite high inclination of 17◦
The scale of research and development (R&D), and other technological activities, and the way in which the available resources are managed and organized at the enterprise and national level contribute to the rate of technological change in a country. A well organized national innovation system can be a powerful engine of progress, whereas a lack of interaction between institutions results in the slowing down of technological change, thereby diminishing its contribution to economic growth and welfare. The research object of this thesis is Australia’s national innovation system and the state of R&D in Australia. In order to establish an overall picture of the situation and to be able to make recommendations for future development, the general level of R&D activity and the main performers and funders of R&D within the system are analyzed. The framework policies supporting R&D and prevalent dynamics between different actors and sectors are of specific interest of the research. The findings reveal that the Australian culture is not a culture of research and innovation and that the main challenge is building a coherent system with strong domestic and international linkages.
The thesis examines System Integration and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) channel in the St. Petersburg drives market. The aim of the study was to increase understanding the relationship between OEM and SI and producers, problems and ongoing trends. The collected data was analyzed in order to find out which features of a power electronic drive product exercise a significant influence for the Russian companies decision. An essential part of this study was interviews as primary information sources, organized with SI and OEM companies which represented the basic SPb industry segments. The wholesalers and end users are left out from the analysis. The collected data was analyzed in order to find out which features of a power electronic drive product exercise a significant influence for the Russian companies decision.
This work describes an overview of the use of chemicals in several commercial applications along the XXth century. The use of chemicals by men was largely empirical for many centuries, since there was no organized chemical and toxicological knowledge. During the XIXth century the chemical industry gained a crucial role in the development of technology, as evidenced by the extraordinary increase of new products and their incorporation into everyday life. Chemistry was considered a science capable of solving any problem, little regard being paid to the consequences of the widespread use of new chemicals. Efficiency was more important than safety and consumer information. From tragedies and the development of knowledge on toxicology men adopted more careful protocols before a new chemical was proposed for use. Modern life could not exist without the large-scale employment of a variety of chemicals but information on their responsible and conscious use is now essential. Products that were once considered the "last word in technology" have eventually proven dangerous to humans and the environment in the short or long time range. Previous knowledge on the toxicological dangers and the properties of a given substance or product before commercialization is necessary for safe handling.
El artículo presenta el estudio de un área arquitectónicamente compleja, integrada dentro del denominado Foro Provincial de Tarraco . El análisis de la estratigrafía arquitectónica y de los procesos de construcción, ha representado un instrumento fundamental para la interpretación de un área caracterizada por una compleja evolución urbanística, poniendo en evidencia el desarrollo del proyecto constructivo de una obra de gran envergadura como la del Foro Provincial. Desafortunadamente, la ausencia de datos procedentes de las excavaciones arqueológicas, ha limitado la definición de una cronología absoluta exacta. El proceso de monumentalización de la cima de la colina tarraconense iniciado, según las fuentes históricas y numismáticas, en época julio-claudia, culminó en época Flavia con la finalización del complejo monumental distribuido en tres terrazas. El sector que se examina, situado junto al circo, se encuadra dentro de un sistema de substructiones que a menudo caracterizan los conjuntos forense y sacro organizados en terrazas.
Chirality deeply impacts the macroscopic properties on all scales of the universe from elemental particles through biological structures up to astronomic systems. Specifically, chiral liquid crystals give rise to self-organized macrostructures with unparalleled properties. Here we present easy experiments with a special class of chiral liquid crystals that show temperature-induced selective reflection of light (thermochromic effect). Understanding this thermochromic effect allows undergraduate students better realize important properties of super and supramolecular systems.
En aquests últims anys, són moltes les empreses que han optat per la utilització de sistemes de gestió normalitzats, per a garantir la rendibilitat i fiabilitat dels resultats de la implantació del sistema de gestió en qüestió. A la dècada dels 90 va ser quan la implantació de sistemes de gestió va començar a ser important en la majoria de sectors econòmics. L’evolució en els sistemes de gestió a trets generals va iniciar-se primerament en l’àmbit de la qualitat, seguidament en la gestió ambiental i en última instància en la prevenció de riscos laborals. Aquests tres tipus de sistemes de gestió, en els últims anys s’han anat integrant, de manera que s’han reduït els recursos i els esforços emprats en la gestió, millorant significativament l’eficàcia i l’eficiència d’aquests sistemes. L’objectiu principal que persegueix aquest projecte, és definir un sistema de gestió que permeti a l’empresa conduir les seves activitats de forma simplificada i ordenada, i que alhora faciliti la informació necessària per a corregir i millorar les activitats. Un altre objectiu que pretén aconseguir aquest projecte, és el de dissenyar un SGI que aprofiti les sinèrgies generades en els diferents àmbits de la pròpia empresa i fomenti les interaccions entre els diferents nivells de l’organització. En conseqüència, millorarà de forma important els fluxos d’informació dins de l’empresa minimitzant els esforços i la pèrdua d’informació. El mètode escollit per a la implantació del SGI, ha estat la Gestió per Processos, la qual es basa en la definició i seguiment dels processos de l’empresa, partint de les necessitats del client i acabant quan aquestes estan satisfetes. En conclusió, a la finalització del present projecte s’obtindrà un SGI, amb tots els processos de l’empresa definits i implantats, que doni compliment a les normes UNEEN-ISO 9001:00, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:04 i OHSAS 18001:07. Aquest SGI, que s’ha realitzat des d’un punt de vista documental i teòric, suposarà una millora de l’eficàcia operativa dels processos i una important millora competitiva de l’empresa.
L’objectiu del present TFM és explorar les possibilitats del programa matemàtic MATLAB i la seva eina Entorn de Disseny d’Interfícies Gràfiques d’Usuari (GUIDE), desenvolupant un programa d’anàlisi d’imatges de provetes metal·logràfiques que es pugui utilitzar per a realitzar pràctiques de laboratori de l’assignatura Tecnologia de Materials de la titulació de Grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica que s’imparteix a la Universitat de Vic. Les àrees d’interès del treball són la Instrumentació Virtual, la programació MATLAB i les tècniques d’anàlisi d’imatges metal·logràfiques. En la memòria es posa un èmfasi especial en el disseny de la interfície i dels procediments per a efectuar les mesures. El resultat final és un programa que satisfà tots els requeriments que s’havien imposat en la proposta inicial. La interfície del programa és clara i neta, destinant molt espai a la imatge que s’analitza. L’estructura i disposició dels menús i dels comandaments ajuda a que la utilització del programa sigui fàcil i intuïtiva. El programa s’ha estructurat de manera que sigui fàcilment ampliable amb altres rutines de mesura, o amb l’automatització de les rutines existents. Al tractar-se d’un programa que funciona com un instrument de mesura, es dedica un capítol sencer de la memòria a mostrar el procediment de càlcul dels errors que s’ocasionen durant la seva utilització, amb la finalitat de conèixer el seu ordre de magnitud, i de saber-los calcular de nou en cas que variïn les condicions d’utilització. Pel que fa referència a la programació, malgrat que MATLAB no sigui un entorn de programació clàssic, sí que incorpora eines que permeten fer aplicacions no massa complexes, i orientades bàsicament a gràfics o a imatges. L’eina GUIDE simplifica la realització de la interfície d’usuari, malgrat que presenta problemes per tractar dissenys una mica complexos. Per altra banda, el codi generat per GUIDE no és accessible, cosa que no permet modificar manualment la interfície en aquells casos en els que GUIDE té problemes. Malgrat aquests petits problemes, la potència de càlcul de MATLAB compensa sobradament aquestes deficiències.
Tavoitteena oli selvittää pohjoissuomalaisen teollisuuden suunnittelu- ja konsultointipalvelujen hankintaa ja valintaa ohjaavia kriteereitä. Kriteerien tunteminen antaa palveluntarjoajille paremmat lähtökohdat oman toiminnan ohjaamisessa. Samalla työssä tutkittiin palveluntarjoajien tietämystä asiakkaidensa hankintatoimen taustalla vaikuttavista seikoista. Työn tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää palvelun-tarjoajien, työn tilaajan ja teollisuuden asiakkaiden toiminnassa. Työ aloitettiin tutustumalla asiantuntijapalveluiden markkinoinnin ja hankinnan teoriaan. Teoriassa tutustuttiin myös teknisen suunnittelun- ja konsultoinnin toimi-alaan. Tämän jälkeen haastateltiin kymmenen teollisuuden asiakasyritystä ja viisi palveluntarjoajayritystä. Näiden haastatteluiden perusteella voitiin tarkentaa suunnittelu- ja konsultoinnin erikoispiirteitä ja asiantuntijapalveluiden markkinoinnin ja hankintatoimen teoriaa. Tulosten perusteella asiantuntijapalveluiden hankintatoimi on hyvin organisoitua isoimpien yritysten tai yksiköiden kohdalla. Pienempien yritysten resurssit, vuosittainen tarve ja kokemus ohjaavat hankintatoimintaa. Myös kriteerit ovat yrityksen kokoon nähden muuttuvat. Isommat hankkijat arvostavat henkilöstöä, heidän referenssejään ja osaamistaan. Pienemmät arvostavat edellisten lisäksi vastuunottoa, sitoutumista ja riskienhallintaa. Henkilökohtainen myyntityö nähtiin tärkeänä. Suunnittelutoimistojen tietämys hankintatoimesta ja valintakriteereistä oli vaihtelevaa, mutta pääasiassa keskinkertaista.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaiset ovat controllereiden työtehtävät ja controllereilta vaadittavat ominaisuudet tänä päivänä. Teoreettisena taustana tutkimuksessa oli johdon laskentatoimen kehitys 1980-luvulta tähän päivään. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisin menetelmin analysoimalla tänä vuonna julkaistuja suomalaisia ja ruotsalaisia controller-rekrytointi-ilmoituksia ja haastattelemalla henkilökohtaisesti controllerin työtehtävissä työskenteleviä henkilöitä useilta toimialoilta. Tutkimuksen keskeisimpänä tuloksena havaittiin, että yrityksen työpaikkailmoituksissa vaadittavissa ominaisuuksissa on eroavaisuuksia suhteessa haastattelussa painotettuihin ominaisuuksiin. Ilmoituksissa mainitut controllereiden työtehtävät olivat enemmän linjassa todellisten työtehtävien kanssa. Sekä työpaikkailmoituksissa että haastatteluissa kävi ilmi, että controllerin työtehtävä sisältää useasti edelleen ulkoiseen laskentaan liittyviä työtehtäviä. Tämä viittaa siihen, että controller-nimikkeen käyttö ei ole vielä vakiintunut vastaamaan johdon laskentatoimen tehtäviä. Controllereiden haastatteluissa nousi esiin useita controller-toiminnon kehityskohteita. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että controllerin työtehtävien ja ominaisuuksien kehittämiseen ovat vaikuttaneet johdon laskentatoimen tietojärjestelmien kehitys, uudet laskentainnovaatiot ja controllerin roolinmuutos kohti strategista liiketoiminnan tukijaa. Yritysten controller-toimintoa ei ole haastatteluiden perusteella kuitenkaan vielä organisoitu vastaamaan tätä roolinmuutosta, joten controllerit kokivat, että heillä ei ole riittävästi aikaa analysointityöhön. Lisäksi controllereiden yhteistyötä kollegojen ja sidosryhmien kanssa pitäisi lisätä ja controller-toiminto tulisi tuoda lähemmäs liiketoimintaa.
Although several chemical elements were not known by end of the 18th century, Mendeleyev came up with an astonishing achievement: the periodic table of elements. He was not only able to predict the existence of (then) new elements but also to provide accurate estimates of their chemical and physical properties. This is certainly a relevant example of the human intelligence. Here, we intend to shed some light on the following question: Can an artificial intelligence system yield a classification of the elements that resembles, in some sense, the periodic table? To achieve our goal, we have fed a self-organized map (SOM) with information available at Mendeleyev's time. Our results show that similar elements tend to form individual clusters. Thus, SOM generates clusters of halogens, alkaline metals and transition metals that show a similarity with the periodic table of elements.
Since chemical residues management must be seriously considered at institutions of higher education and due to the relevance of this subject for students, this work proposes the involvement of the scientific community in the establishment of a program for management of chemical residues at universities, starting with a committee, to coordinate the process. The program should integrate the entire scientific community in an organized effort. The program involves legislative, educational and environmental management aspects, with environmental education as an important tool to integrate all the administrative areas of a chemistry department.
Mathematics has formed part of all our daily lives since the most remote origins of our civilization, although on too many occasions schools have done little for this functional view of mathematics reclaiming the formal role of this discipline in detriment of its more practical and applied element. From this perspective the curriculum organized by competence arises due to the need to fill this vacuum and allow our students to function better in the constant elements of real situations which they are going to have to resolve throughout their lives. The specifying of this general view of mathematic competence in the numeric competence should allow all our students to progressively acquire numeric sense, that is, that they have the capacity to apply good quantitative ideas in real situations
An optimization tool has been developed to help companies to optimize their production cycles and thus improve their overall supply chain management processes. The application combines the functionality that traditional APS (Advanced Planning System) and ARP (Automatic Replenishment Program) systems provide into one optimization run. A qualitative study was organized to investigate opportunities to expand the product’s market base. Twelve personal interviews were conducted and the results were collected in industry specific production planning analyses. Five process industries were analyzed to identify the product’s suitability to each industry sector and the most important product development areas. Based on the research the paper and the plastic film industries remain the most potential industry sectors at this point. To be successful in other industry sectors some product enhancements would be required, including capabilities to optimize multiple sequential and parallel production cycles, handle sequencing of complex finishing operations and to include master planning capabilities to support overall supply chain optimization. In product sales and marketing processes the key to success is to find and reach the people who are involved directly with the problems that the optimization tool can help to solve.
In this work was made an investigation about bulk and surface models (at maximum 20 layers) of the TiO2 material in the (001) direction. TiO2 commercial sample was feature using XDR technique to determine phase and crystallites average size. Bulk and (001) surface models were simulated for TiO2 material using DFT/B3LYP and its results were used for calculating energy surface, electronic levels, superficial atomic displacement and charge maps. Atoms of the first and second layers of the slab model showed electronic densities very well organized in the form of chains or wires.